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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Then to go to an empty barrack on the sharp heated stones tormenting barefoot children's legs. In the first hour broke naked soles in blood, and pain was as if from the coal brazier which is moved up closely. To skin not an oblezla only because one of workmates slaves mercifully allowed to be greased with protective cream. He even whispered to him:

— You are too weak, for a stelzan, probably your race such subdued as well as our. And external similarity with mean the aggressor a jeer of whimsical mother evolution.

Vladimir sadly nodded:

— Yes the nature, or God joked of us if of course Gods did not commit suicide because of pangs of conscience, for so badly the operated universe yet.

It was necessary to sleep on naked plank beds when all body hoots after the electroshock categories put with the heartless robot, and a row beings similar cubs well-known on computer a yoke of orks doze. Only instead of wool at young inomiryan of slaves it is slippery fish scales to which from a touch the boys covered with blisters of a sole are pleasantly cooled. Despite moaning in an empty stomach: all food allowance one amino-acid tablet, in a kingdom of dreams you fail almost instantly. But the dream after difficult day is short that you do not manage to restore forces, wakening from the bent five different flowers of lightnings proceeding from a switch of a cyborg.

All this is awful! There is a wish to kill, throw a chlenistonogy monkey in a belly of the most burning quasar!

* * *

After the act of sale the police general of the fourth "X" class was in fine mood. And still he in vain relaxed.

Literally, several hours later, the group of capture rushed into an office, having twisted the two-boring attendant of the law. After recent battle the valuable trophies which are not ambiguously indicating connection of the general Vili Bokr with investigation of sinkh were taken. And the former executioner turned into the victim, having fully been influenced by what throughout centuries this torturer with such relish tried on other live entities.

Chapter 23

Really honor

not to find in the sky?

Heart is eager to sweep,

that to save the world!

After it was necessary to agree to work for Gold constellation, Lev Eraskander had a nasty mood. Though on the other hand the idea to play spies is very tempting. He had to watch movies are removed on Earth before invasion. Among them the series about Stierlitz were also quite fascinating, without watching absence, fights, battles, or animation special effects. Something is entertaining in similar intellectual games when you are masked, pretend to be at all not that whom it is actually.

Badly another, now it is attached to an annihilation detonator from all directions. Any careless movement and...

Better not to think of it. And correctly told it to the Guru: who does not risk not the fact at all that will avoid to revel to vomiting in blood, but with a guarantee will not taste some champagne!

Though the planet gangster is also laid over by starprobe vehicles from all directions, there will always be a way to get even into time of a state of siege. For similar transfer coherent sinkh ordered to use a heavy-load trailer. Usually it is the huge submarines operated by robots. They fly in hyper space on the truncated polutoravektorny collapse, it allows to save energy, but kills organic life forms. Here, however, the hyper jump will take small time. At a small distance there is a chance to survive, the truth risking it is cruel to become a cripple.

The Nasekomovidny officer continued to buzz busily over an ear:

— You will be in a camouflage special space suit, it will help at superficial scanning and will not allow to freeze in the vacuum temperature of a cargo compartment. Then, after unloading, you will pass into the place, known as the big pink lock. There you will secretly hide, waiting for Hermes. Then you will return in the legal way to Earth.

— And if kosmoport under strong protection? — Eraskander, thoughtfully looked at the hologram showing space races.

— You have to resolve these questions. — Grinned, tightening up a hobotok sinkh. — And in the pink lock there will be the reflecting wall. And gentle, passionate ladies on a stirrup.

The lion slightly strained, not too sincerely said:

— I farther do not intend to play a role of the gigolo. Will be enough, you look, maybe, and Hermes will come, having felt thirst for boys?

The insect buzzed with a shade of a chill and obvious boredom:

— You know, you primacies have customs. Here we have a stronger sex of a female, and you — often purely formally have males. And zorg at all genetic freaks.

It was senseless to argue further. Loading took place without incident. The transported freight in this case not especially valuable. Means, it is possible to bury and relax in them. The boy and made, in a special space suit comfortably to kimarit also on metal boxes with the loaded raw materials. The Almighty God of a dream Morpheus — threw a cover, having tightly switched off feelings.

Meanwhile hardly cargo transport left base, so in air began to smell hyper plasma. From different points fighting starprobe vehicles of Imperial fleet began to appear. Sinkh overestimated a role of bribes. They seriously believed that bribery of a number of generals guarantees the safe parking, almost in the center of a galaxy. However the system of repeated duplication of security systems, existence of parallel structures, and also meanness and unscrupulousness of already bribed officials nullified all system of masking.

Many of number participated in attack on system of the bribed generals. Unless the word pledged to reasonable insects costs something? Receive a deposit and throw, and you will tell the secret police that there was a trap which is thinly arranged to the eternal rival.

Here they are the fighting ships of Purple Constellation which one predatory round forces to tremble trillions of manned systems of the universe.

The ultramarshal Digger Violeto ordered shock attack. This cruel, cunning dignitary, having got a large bribe, at once transferred information to the superminister "Wars and victories", and also to Department of protection of a throne. It is a good way to be washed and to be enriched at the same time at the expense of arthropods of "suckers". The fleet of sinkh is huge, and the central base even since big war. It is necessary to work much to pull out this zadubevshy tumor. Dulling vigilance of insects, Digger sent a welcome graviagramma.

— Brothers, rejoice! Our starprobe vehicles arrived in order that together with you to fight for sacred business, for light ideals of democracy!

This trick gave the chance to bring closely forces and to open heavy all-destroying fire. Tens of thousands of the fighting ships were swept away in the very first seconds of fight. Stelzana strongly took an initiative. And still the result of fight was resolved not at once though the central leader superbattle ship and was destroyed, shot almost at point blank range by synchronous volleys, ordering on it it did not appear.

Using the numerical superiority, sinkh tried to adjust defense, at the same time, without neglecting counterattacks. Losses on both sides were mutually huge. The result of battle could raise serious doubts. But the cunning ultramarshal always held jokers. As cargo starprobe vehicles besides robots cope and the correcting impulses, radio engineers of Purple constellation developed the overloaded liner. Minerals which tried to send sinkh were not so simple. From these raw materials at merge to other ingredient there was a similarity of the strengthened anti-matter modification. Considering the enormous sizes of two transport submarines, at accident of similar scale there had to be an explosion equivalent on power to a termoproyenovy bomb. Preonnovy rockets still only just began to arrive on arms of army of Purple constellation. And only based on the principle of merge of preonn (that releases incomprehensibly powerful mezhpreonnovy impulse which is compactly concluded in hyper strings) the charge to a bigger regret of strategists of Purple Constellation is already used in the previous battle. Therefore in this case it was necessary to use their substitute. Sliding force fields worked in such a way that passed transport in the automatic mode. And in turmoil of fight nobody found time to reprogram the boards covering enormous kosmoport. And here the consequence, two giants faced, having released energy of hundreds of billions Hirosim. Literally swept base, having almost split the planet. Failure of powerful fortress, death of the commander, destruction of cybernetic control made the business. In a number of the escaped starprobe vehicles of Gold constellation panic began. Sinkham seemed that again terrible Preonnovy charges were applied, so, it is necessary to run from inevitable destruction. Besides, the splinter, solid in a quarter of weight, fell off the planet. It became already excessive, to see the world which is breaking up into parts huge diameter to one and a half Saturn. On a fragment surface as if the mercury spreading from the broken thermometer, ran up frightened to the inomirena. Overturned many of them a blast wave, or turned in the flaring tuft.

Memory of how such warheads work, was too fresh. Therefore rushed about on space and starprobe vehicles of sinkh got away. Panic deprived of them an opportunity to battle adequately.

Here on the battle ship three frightened insects instead of a saving capsule with shout:

— Yes there will arrive with us printseps-plasma! — Flew in a utilization chamber where to them instantly spread out to separate elementary, having sent a stream to processing of a hyper nuclear reactor.

Among perishing there were individuals more nicely. For example the officer from race Affeka reminding the head in an ermine tail, and a trunk as three Astra's buds made together. Here it running away from heat came across the sharp probe of the broken-off covering. Punched it through and the beauty as if the butterfly on a needle died hard, not in forces to leave from the special fire generated by hyper plasma. This flame in the course of exothermic reaction partially uses energy of intra nuclear and vnutrikvarkovy communications because of what, even what in principle cannot burn flares, especially in the conditions of vacuum.

The female of three-hollow remembers the family — a male and the neutral, and so in common reproduced offsprings. What is with them — the triad failed, a grief, sufferings, death! The flower ermine with a great effort whispers:

— Forgive God Triumvirat... Did not observe all set of rituals. But it is said yes fallen to fight we love Gods Gods...

Flesh burns, and any more there are no forces to shout, whisper, the consciousness slowly leaves, soul leaving the ashes which remained from a body something like the head invisible to an eye nods at parting:

— I trust in other Universe everything will be far more fair and better!

Captured by animal horror to the inomirena perished under relentless blows of the ships of the ruthless opponent. Starprobe vehicles blew up as the burst metal bubbles, drenching space with fiery splashes. The separate melted balls of metal being attracted to each other put in a peculiar, brilliant beads and flitted then in space.

Female general from Purple Constellation it is poisonous summarized:

— We adore beauty, sinkh we turn into a beads! Jewelry at us — zapulsary the highest class!

On starprobe vehicles creatures of all colors, for example similar to webby mammoths of a mukivika rushed, trampled not enough bright sinkh in the hyper titan. Those answered them with volleys of graviolazer. Metal flared more and stronger, on it passed streams fiery waves, forcing the victims to squeal and jump up.

The little, very much it was succeeded to escape. Some managed, having gone to a hyper jump, to fly in the centers of densely scattered heavenly bodies. Having appeared in storming plasma, the ships evaporated before their owners managed to think that made a fatal flaw.

* * *

During these rough events Eraskander slept tight, without knowing the fact that his transport inevitably rushes to a killing collapse. The exhausting experiences of the last days left the mark on a dream. It dreamed a nightmare...

Here he is imprisoned in a gloomy vault of the underground bunker for especially dangerous criminals again. At first native executioners got down to business. They torture and torment clumsily. A traditional, ancient rack where with the heavy freight attached to legs hitch up upward, unscrewing hands and shoulders, pull breaking joints. Then kindle fire, roasting the boy the coarsened heels, scorching to a foot bone, cauterize the heated whip painful points on a body. It is very sick, the smell of fake meat fills the room, and on this background blows of the pointed wire dissecting skin are hardly notable. Then executioners try to stretch on a rack, twisting sheaves. Yes to him of course it is painful, but besides pain hatred and rage overflows. When torturers changed a tilt angle on a rack, Lev having dodged managed, without sparing crippled, in crimson blisters of a leg to cut to one of torturers in a jaw. The blow was good and from a stupid square mouth ten teeth took off. In rage executioners from all scope thrashed him the heated rods, broke and unscrewed all ribs. Other boy would die long ago, and he survived. Executioners continued to torment him, poured salt and pepper on wounds and burns, passed electric discharges through a body, from strong current the smoke was smoked, exhausted the heated needles under nails. Dipped into the melted oil and ice water, pricked the psychotropic drugs which are not allowing to faint, and painful serum, applied also other types of tortures well-known on Earth. Yes they hurt, but could not break, could not pull out proper words from the boy. When through continuous painful scintillating fog, words reached.

— The person tell you less microbe. Tell you the slave to stelzan, they are your gods. Tell that the body of the owners bearing annihilation is ready to kiss, and then all these torments will immediately stop.

In response to it seven-year-old Lev Eraskander spat in a face to executioners, and received counter blows. It, of course, could not suit the colonial authorities of Great Stelzanat. The son vysokopostavlenno of the official of the general of a class-4h, was so hard crippled that could lead only vegetable existence, and it is a little simple to kill the person, it is necessary also to break. The village where Lev lived, was already destroyed, all residents of the village in independence of age and a floor were subjected torture and painful execution. People were liked to be crucified on seven-final stars where they died slowly and painfully. Some thought up also more sophisticated execution dropping, in a transparent package on the Sun. Then the person slowly within several days was burned with overheating. Also different ways of punishment as slowly moving to space vacuum us special elevators were used... Terror tactics, typical for Stelzanat, to intimidate and govern having brought the subdued races to animal horror. This slave should be broken off at any cost. Here and the father of the mutilated boy with the head of department of native department of Love and the Truth. The slender large general with the spiteful and eagle person, accompanied by too healthy and even more fat head of chasteners. Looking at the torn to pieces child's body, stelzan indulgently burst out laughing.

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