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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Several piracy starprobe vehicles were late, freebooters were angry and wanted to break though on someone rage. Best of all for this role defenseless and weak inhabitants of the planet Earth approached. When the shepherd is not available, the anger is vented on sheep. Several tens small missiles were launched on the settlements of the globe, most remote from Tibet. The part of rockets was brought down from a surface by lasers, and the part nevertheless reached densely populated areas, having blazed giant fiery spheres. Not one ten millions there is nothing guilty people, it was again destroyed or crippled. It seemed that in vacuum of space the souls which are cast out by the infernal cascade groan. Shadows of people cannot find to themselves rest.

* * *

But nevertheless in vain corsairs considered that to them everything will easily escape punishment.

The tracing equipment recorded group of shooting, having written down data and having sent to the store. Despite the strict order, fighting land installations fired a reciprocal volley. Two ships were destroyed on the place, and one of starprobe vehicles, though left from a direct hit, went off-course. Having gone to a hyper jump, it flew in the center of the Sun where, having got to the multimillion temperature of a kernel, scattered on separate photons. Other space robbers managed to go to hyper space, safe for usual charges.

Flight of variegated armada to the center of a galaxy has to take only several days.

* * *

While hordes of aggressors go to galaxy heart, the young intelligence agent, without wasting gift of time, carefully studies military equipment of Purple constellation. It is still rather young that her curiosity seemed excessively suspicious, but nevertheless it is necessary to be careful. Starprobe vehicles are arranged modestly on barracks from within, but here is full of bright images. Especially stelzana like to draw pictures of star or mythical fights. It is their style. Types of arms are very various. Basic principle of action beam and hyper plasma. Of course, it is impossible to arrange production of the similar weapon in the handicraft way. Different types of guns, launchers, screen radiators, force fields, iskrivitel of vacuum...

The little girl very much wanted to learn also more about the invaders, without exciting excess suspicions ignorance of elementary things. Here she also wandered about long narrow corridors of the fighting cruiser leader. Remembered the series shot in the beginnings of the twenty first century, seen at guerrillas, the similar ships. Here it looks somehow more richly and futuristichny. Uncountable pictures us a wall of corridors move as if the video image, fighting robots have a good time games of holograms. Beautifully, interestingly, and it is frightening, it is visible, their civilization how far progressed in the technical plan. The leader was huge, crew as the population of the town. A mighty starprobe vehicle of the size of a sphere with a diameter more than three kilometers. There are practically all conveniences and entertainments. Here the risk of dullly is only very big to fail, creeping a small insect on the ship.

— Hey, you! As there you! What you hang about? — the sharp and hoarse voice interrupted disturbing thoughts.

The girl turned. No, judging by shoulder straps, it was the economic expert still absolutely the young man. It is not necessary to be afraid, but it is possible to untwist conversation.

— I am Labido Karamada.

— I see, at you it on the hologram a computer bracelet is written. But from what at you such lost look? — The guy looked rather with sympathy, than with suspicion.

— I had problems, during the last fight on this devil's planet I got under the unknown field, having lost too a lot of things from memory. — The suffering tone Elena said, for persuasiveness having crossed on a hand breast.

— So let you our biore-enactors rehabilitate. — Offered, smiling to the young man.

— It is very difficult to make it. Radiation is created by far others worlds. It is necessary to time much to recover from such injury. — Labido heaved a deep sigh, having hung the head.

Stelzan grinned. His look was kind and intelligent.

— Let's come to me, we will talk. You speak, unknown radiations, waves of other races? I work on it now.

The room where they came, reminded mix of a three-dimensional cinema hall and ultramodern laboratory. Seats and a floor are covered with mirror plastic, and the three-dimensional projection of the star empire in a traditional seven-color frame from above shines.

— Yes, it is interesting. You at this moment were closed by a force field? — The put guy fair-haired athletically asked.

— No, was not. And it unless matters? — Labido involuntarily strained.

— Of course, what is called a force field changed strategy of wars for all Universe. Once in the ancient time there were two ways of protection, armor and counter interception of blow. I do not remember sequence, but the created thermonuclear rockets rumpled everything. They also led to creation of the uniform planet-wide empire. Force fields were created in parallel with the first annihilation charges. However we inherited part of knowledge from other races, including a termokvarkovy bomb. For protection against shells of the quarks based on process of merge, that is millions times stronger nuclear it was necessary to create essentially new types of protection. — Stelzan blurted out a tongue twister and threw to himself into a mouth a piece of the chewing gum executed in the form of the racing car.

— And how they work? — To the intelligence agent it became rather curious.

— If it is simpler to speak, then in vacuum there is a set of fields, one in a passive state, others are active, depending on a condition of vacuum. Naturally, fields pierce matter, and reaction influences properties of this field. When bombing by certain types of radiations a number of passive fields becomes active, changing property of matter. After a series of researches it was succeeded to pick up rather optimum proportions of power influence. But, of course, power protection is not ideal. In particular the energy stream is more active, the it is more difficult to neutralize it. The graviolazer became especially complex problem. Its principle a combination of destructiveness and an inclusiveness of gravitation with where with a bigger force of ten from the fortieth degree of times of extent of electromagnetic interactions made the similar weapon... — The fellow choked on a chewing gum and became silent.

— Yes, of course, starprobe vehicles force down. — Labido to the shame not really understood that the electronic worm explained to her.

— Of course, shells are improved too, we, in particular, worked on rockets which send the counter radiation punching protection. We stelzana to space measures are still too young, because not everything turns out — the Young man became already quieter, probably he more than once had to stir about it.

— Yes, I understood. But all of us won against other races and empires with their multimillion history. — Elena innocently smiled as if the main merit in Stelzanat's victories belonged it.

— Yes. Won. But zorg own a secret of an impenetrable force field, it even call transtemporary. Its principles are a riddle for our scientists, but I have the assumption. Instead of standard to six or even to twelve in our newest developments, zorg use all thirty six measurements. I heard, they even managed to get into the parallel Universes. — The technician made a helpless gesture.

— All of them are equally silly creations not capable it is correct to make use of experience of billions of years of evolution. But we, stelzan, have a great emperor, and he will destroy them! — Labido gave herself a furious look and shook fists.

— Yes, emperor, will and soon wonderful equipment. Our cybernetic devices calculated that in an interval from 100 to 1000 years we will technologically overtake these three-hollow metalworkers, we will spray them on preona and we will feed all Universe. — The young man shook a fist too. Pair of robots cut in star strategy was interrupted and having repaid holograms stood at attention.

— To wait long! — The intelligence agent even defiantly yawned.

— Why long? Even in this Universe we will be young and strong and if we die, then in the following sphere it will be far more interesting. I, personally, hardly can present everyday life in 12 or 36 measurements, and there they will go on the increasing complexity. — Green eyes of the technician-stelzana heatedly shone.

— But we can get confused, lost in so multidimensional world. — Labido-Elena sighed.

— Be not afraid, once and we had vakuumnogolovy fools that did not trust in our opportunities to fly and conquer other worlds. There was primitive time, terrible, dense time when we lived on one planet. Being at war with each other bludgeons and arrows. This nightmare any more will never repeat, all infinite Universes will be ours! — The young man exclaimed with enthusiasm having crossed over the hand head to the developed palms.

— And what in the present? — Cold asked Labido.

Talking interesting couple approached to not absolutely usual statue, the guy made strange gesture and in air twisted two remotely similar on motorcycle a helmet.

— And in the present I will show you a small novelty, what is allowed to see not to everyone biped. Let's dress ourselves in "plazmo-computer", let's put on virtual helmets and we will plunge into the new world.

With great feeling expressively looking at the little girl, the young man said.

— Helmets? They will cover only the face! — The intelligence agent exclaimed, with lateness having understood that nonsense bryaknut.

— No, you, I see, was fairly irradiated, the brain, and a body will not feel a difference. Give on a signal. Time, two, three!

Having fastened a helmet, Labido felt that she fails in lilac fog of a bottomless well. The body became weightless and floated in mirror space, dense bouquets of multi-colored stars began to sparkle around. It seemed that each section of an organism is dissolved in boundless virtual space. She, as if from outside, watched the corporal cover, and her body collapsed. Each part inflated as a giant bubble and blew up in thousands of multi-color rockets. Mad glow mixed up with dense garlands of stars, closing visibility. It seemed that all body was transformed, subatomic communications failed, having broken off reality borders. Kaleidoscopical shift of a range merged in continuous glow, and instead of stars and ardent flashes mountains of the burning and blowing up bank notes, kulaman, dirinar, grok, etc. fell down. Bank notes struck, scraps fell on the head and continued to blow up, ominous sparks walked on long iridescent hair. Then notes turned into vile disgusting snakes. The whole ocean of slizky and suffocating fetid reptiles filled interstellar space. Having blocked up all parties of the review, having pressed down viscous weight, suffocating breath. To the girl on the present it became terrible what creatures, ugly with disgusting curve teeth, squealed and hissed from all directions. The dripping poison burned gentle skin, and the stench literally broke off interiors. The sudden ray of light cut space, the fiery ball arose near her face. The melodious female voice said:

— You should make a choice of the weapon!

Emergence of a ball helped Lzhekaramada to recover, and she cried in anger.

— I do not play these foolish games. Perhaps from a day nursery you will find clients, let will come crawling here to be indulged with worms!

— Well, you give! Some strange terms at you! You use an original slang? It is only the first stage of game, option of self-training of fighters of shock guard. At each level there is a fight and change of opponents. Pain is not real, be not afraid. — Vigorously as if a voice of morning radio sounded from a ball.

— At you all games on death are constructed? To shoot? To blow up? To dissolve? To Vakkumirovat? To Zafotonit! — The intelligence agent was so excited that forgot about care.

— And you want not a military subject? Then choose: economy, logic, science. — The voice of the passionless robot became even more tender.

— I want the promised multidimensional peace. Where your twelve measurements? — Roared, shaking by cams Elena.

— It is, but only in the most top levels. — This time a ball, having changed a form to a triangle, spoke the young man's by voice. — You do not know how to move in three-dimensional virtual space, and the multidimensional universe is similar to thousands of the most difficult labyrinths connected in one point.

— If you are a gentleman, then take me by hand and carry out on the multidimensional world. — The little girl confused, and at the same time movable by curiosity insisted.

— I will try, but will break off you at the slightest deviation. Here besides not the real multidimensional space, and only reflection of our theoretical representations as all this has to look in the twelve-measured Universe. — The triangle was extended and having begun to look as if the jet fighter of the end of the twentieth century.

— I am quite ready. — Elena even threw up a hand in pioneer salute.

— Well! We begin!

Dragons were scattered on the smallest silvery balls which suddenly evaporated as snowflakes on the heated frying pan. And it appeared on the transparent platform with the small squares similar to chessboard cages. The ridiculous fluffy small animal similar to mix of a squirrel and the yellow Cheburashka arose literally from nothing. Leaned out of its nice muzzle, the hobotok cleaned up. The Cheburashka having a tail softly touched with the hobotok a tender face of the girl. This touch was innocent and pleasant. Labido ran a hand over soft hair of a young of wild animal.

— What you amusing, pretty girl! You are much more pleasant than these cannibals and reptiles who captivated space.

— Yes, I agree! Really, I am more nice, than the derivative garbage of the universe filling all Universe.

The voice was a little thinner, but, undoubtedly, it was the same researcher-stelzan. Labido even it did not know a name.

Having hardly restrained, the little girl pushed away a small animal.

— I guessed that you are a pervert, but already even...

Words got stuck in language.

— What perversion can be here? We are persons of opposite sexes. And that is natural, is not criminal! — The small animal roared and added. — Sex a life torch, a coma love not to a lamp!

— Stop! Calm the virtual interest! — Whined Labido and tried to push away an animal a palm.

— All right, what you see, is only the illusion created by your brain. The image is very typical, it reminds the ancient children's hero. Only why it at you entirely yellow with a white tip on a tail? Usually this small animal semitsvetny. — The young man in shape of the Cheburashka was surprised.

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