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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— This color the brightest can? — Uncertainly Labido-Elena assumed.

— Perhaps, but I have no right to show you multidimensional space. You have no admission. — The attractive face of a small animal became serious.

— I think, nobody learns. — The little girl helplessly made a helpless gesture. In virtual air something flew like an orange plantain, began to smell the wood.

— Learn if I do not erase it from memory of the store. But at more meticulous check traces will be opened. I risk much. — The small animal applied to thick cream color to sponges a shaggy finger.

— Yes, I understood, you want payment. — Elena shrugged shoulders. It is quite natural what in this universe of nothing for nothing is given.

— Regardless of emotions you will take pleasure. — The Cheburashka giggled. As if in confirmation of his word on a floor began to sprout roses. — This by itself, but is still something. You have to open the reason, give me it on scanning of information.

— Never there will be it. — Elena shook the magnificent head of hear.

— Then you will not see other measurements! — The young man spoke such tone as if he persuaded the little girl to eat a porridge spoon.

— You do not leave me the choice. — The little girl intelligence agent hung the head.

— The choice is always!

The girl slightly became thoughtful. It is visible, this stelzan suspected something, time shows similar interest in her thoughts and memory. And if informs command, then it it is total will check. The pass more than is suspicious, maybe, it is worth trying?

— You said to me that you are a scientific intellectual? Or it seemed to me? — Maliciously the little girl intelligence agent inquired.

— Yes, but not only spoke. I am the officer of the scientific and technical front. My parameters of a tekhnointellekt are big. — Before the young guerrilla there was a virtual image which is looking like a mythical monster of the Minotaur. At the same time the monster obviously sought to perebychit the Ancient Greek prototype.

— So let's be thrown in some game. I, for example, very much liked human chess. Let's play, and the winner will receive everything and will execute any desire of the partner. — Elena said, at the same time having jumped the flower leaf which instantly arose directly in air.

— You want to play pathetic games of small natives? This primitive? 64 cages and 32 figures? — The Minotaur changed a form again, having fastened on himself big points and having grown ears in the form of halberds. — I offer you our game, ancient and intellectual. It agrees, the little girl to play or will leave imaginary reality?

— I agree, only explain rules! — Elena felt more and more inconveniently.

— Let's start!

The virtual space began to whirl in a mad raznopery tuft.

* * *

Exit to the center of a galaxy took much less time, than it was supposed according to predesigns. Under some still not clear laws of physics the movement of the same starprobe vehicles on the same distance sometimes is occupied by different time, sometimes a difference between settlement and real, more than essential. This still unsolved effect of convergence of space can affect in a decisive way the result of space war.

The commander of a shock squadron of sinkh Giler Zabanna was even delighted that plunder of the central planets will take less time, and they, in this case, will manage to strike in advance planned blow to the mother country. These proteinaceous primacies — mockery at a reasonable life form. It will be interesting to devastate, exterminate the planets occupied by the hairless monkeys who got a false idea themselves gods. The official religion of sinkh — atheism with mysticism impurity — considers that the faith in gods is a destiny of mentally retarded individuals.

Recently received graviagramma reported that artful stelzana, though received money, all the same attacked, having exterminated more than two million starprobe vehicles and over five billion fighters of Gold constellation.

Directly before them the next inhabited planet lies. It is time to test on it shock power of fighting submarines. The center of a galaxy is quite rich with planets, suitable for life, but in it there were almost no reasonable life forms. Therefore the central planets are almost entirely populated with immigrants, stelzana and the enslaved races, most convenient for operation.

The enormous star, greenish with big red spots, framed with dozen of planets of different size thanks to magnificent gravioskaniruyushchy model of the review, is visible very distinctly. The system reproduced in the volume cybernetic image seems fragile and defenseless. It is the first purpose, it is necessary to be warmed properly. The most quick pirates jerked, trying first to break to production to plunder and kill.

Zabanna with everything as far as it was capable rage, squeaked:

— Rockets of the increased range action! Beat the largest planet! Start up stelzana will choke in hyper plasma vomit! — And nadsazhivayas is even stronger, added. — Will scatter photons on a galaxy.

The shy voice nevertheless tried to object.

— Perhaps it is better to strike selective blow, to confiscate rich production?

— No, freak! You, males, love only money. I want to get drunk blood of these mentally retarded macaques. — Peep of the ultramarshal became so shrill that the crystal wine glass that the insect hero statue held in hand, became covered by cracks, and burst as the piece of a forehead broken by a hammer. One and aide-de-camps even fell on a back for fear. Marshall Kukh nevertheless answered the hysteric woman:

— Same the planet Limakser, there live natives, Lima here. Stelzana are dispersed on satellites.

— A quasar to them under a tail. Found for whom to feel sorry. Next mokhnach! — Peeped as the plate scratched by a rusty needle the ultramarshal. Still wings and trembled. — Long ago it is time to sequester the Universe from defective types. Beat from a big distance. Perhaps, there is a cover!

From starprobe vehicles several thousands of pilotless self-directed warheads with the cybernetic program of tracking of the purpose took off. Warheads of the most remote planet as the dense network of laser beams fell upon them did not manage to orbit. On the fly rockets got nervous, breaking flight trajectories, seeking to bring down a pritselnost and concentration of light streams. In turn, stelzana started minirockets, and dense clouds of metal balls, seeking to damage mechanisms of the flying piranhas. Almost all charges were destroyed, without having reached the planet. Some from two thousand rockets could reach a surface.

Many inhabitants of this densely populated world did not even manage to be frightened. The plasma whirlwind heated by billions of degrees swept bodies on elementary particles. Those who were far away from explosion epicenter perished much more painfully. Externally harmless beings similar to chickens with hands and a trunk of six-fingered monkeys of Lima, having got under killing radiation, flashed like candles on cake. The greenish flame devoured gentle as poplar down, plumelets, forcing natives to writhe and like balls of Ping-Pong to jump up in a painful agony. At invasion of armada of Purple constellation natives did not resist therefore avoided serious destructions.

Many high many-tier with a peculiar general architecture and remained to stand. Natives hung up seven-color flags of invaders and tried to behave most obediently. However even such behavior did not rescue from murders and mockeries from aggressors. And, nevertheless, only now on the planet the Doomsday came really. Colourful polygonal skyscrapers at first flashed as the straw sheaves impregnated with gasoline then developed a shock wave, scattering huge fiery spheres on hundreds of kilometers. The military bases of stelzan closed by powerful force fields practically did not suffer, and here hundreds of millions fluffy reasonable small animals never will see marvelous dawn with unique scale of greenish-red "Sun" any more. And still the first blow did not manage to destroy all settlements therefore the become stupid commander of foul arthropods demands to repeat blow.

However here the graviogramma was transmitted through the computer. The supergovernor of a galaxy demands to clean up immediately from under control Stelzanam of sector, otherwise all striking power of star fleet will be applied.

Giler Zabanna grinned, its hobotok rose up, and the voice became stridently high.

— The bare primacy ventures to us to threaten! They have less mind, than at larvae. Vakkuumiruy their central planet with this artiodactyl gibbon. The forced throw directly in the center! Attack to the administrative planet Tsukarim! We will finish these "pussies", we desintegrate a bit later, we have tens of millions of ships, we will erase in preona all galaxy from a cloud to a kernel!

The many-sided armada directed by the incalculable forces forward. There were so many starprobe vehicles that they stretched the front volume several parsecs in height and width. Part of submarines under the leadership of pirates, having broken a system, rushed to the nearest systems. Giler and her deputy Komalos passionlessly looked at the monitor. The male was slightly lower and more dense with a short hobotok, he watched closely the enlarged three-dimensional image. Yes, females were able to fight slightly better, than males, but intelligence all the same at a male are higher. And the financial power belongs to them, and women only to shoot and are able. Here and now, in a fight Giler is torn, and it has a plan of battle? In case of serious fight it is possible to count only on fleet of Gold constellation and two-three faithful allies, the others will chaotically fight.

On the screen greenish points of alarm flash. From space come up the opponent's ships. Stelzana come to fighting positions synchronously as if in game space strategy. There is a lot of them, it is too much! Terrible armadas of the terrifying forms. How many the shining points! The computer gives figures. Oho, the account went to millions. They did not expect it, nobody expected! Nervously pulling Zabann the right wing, looked at the volume image of space:

— Vertebrata creep out of black holes. Now our fly swatters will clear away space.

— You should not hurry. The opponent, apparently, is stronger, than we thought. It is necessary to be reconstructed urgently if it strikes on weak polytypic the kornost failed, having scattered on splinters. Terrible virtual monsters literally in the eyes shrank and went out. Covered it with the gloom wave from time to time dissected by fiery sparkles. Then he regained consciousness. Faces of executioners were lost, repeatedly duplicated computer completely failed as if inside the small thermocharge blew up or probushevat a superpowerful virus. But Eraskander already then understood that this his rage burned all chips and photonew cascade reflectors of virtual hell, so, it is possible to kill not only a body. It seems that the Sensei knew it and not really wanted to train him in magic mental art.

ablyam other civilizations, we can get to a trap bubble. — With deliberate laziness in a voice the supermarshal Komalos said.

— All the same it is more of us! And we have to attack immediately! — Did not wish to listen Giler.

— No, if to consider only our starprobe vehicles, then it is already no more, and the arms at primacies are more perfect than ours. — In Komalos's tone alarm notes already began to appear.

— If we strike the first, then and other creeping satellites will join attack. — The whimsical female-sinkh objected.

— It not absolute action. On the contrary, will hang and look. As we exterminate each other. Start up stelzana the first will strike blow. They will fall upon the flanks consisting of inogalaktichesky divisions, other empires thereby will force to battle. — The supermarshal is as usual logical, and the timbre of a voice is serene. Small the sizes from a parrot the spotty moth sat down on Komalos's shoulder having chirped: "Seven chernodyrny fight, pulsarnorazumny rejoices!".

— Then, maybe, it is better to recede, let themselves will be interrupted by intellectual protoplazmnik. — The ultramarshal twisted a hobotok to steering-wheels.

— Better slightly we will lag behind, and that they will take to the heels at the first blow of hairless gorillas. Somehow there is a lot of them, our experts miscalculated with an assessment of fighting potential. — The supermarshal stroked a moth with the head of a burro. That gave out again: "Who considers much and hits into a muzzle a little, the income which is eternally not counted at it"

— Do not frighten! — Otrygnula Giler.

Really, even in this minor office of the empire works on preparation for total interstellar war did not stop. On all immense multigalactic power the fighting ships were under construction and constructed, technologies were improved, divisions and cases were formed. Practically on each planet there were productions, plants working for war.

Starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation were reconstructed on the fly, strengthening flanks, gathering, having overturned the opponent, to clamp fleet of sinkh in a vice. The part of submarines, especially piracy, obviously, reduced speed. It was visible that the aggressive spirit of space freebooters exhausted at the sight of so terrible armada. Tens of millions of starprobe vehicles inevitably approach billions of fighters. Guns and charges are ready to cut to pieces and exterminate all live. Stelzana the first open fire on defeat, several thousands of the light ships with dazzling flashes and a divergence beating ears gravivovoln are sprayed on quarks. Each volley of an incalculable star swarm throws up the energy capable to blow up the Sun. As always starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation are prompt and resolute, the movements are exact, carefully fulfilled in numerous options. That against them the numerous, but badly organized crowd collected from all parts of a galactic supercongestion.

Fight was not started yet, and they already mixed up, having destroyed coordination, interfering with each other to conduct effective fire. And now classics of space fights! A simultaneous exit practically of all ships on a distance of defeat and the greatest possible eruption of particles of unrestrained energy, it is total evaporating matter. A second more — and billions of reasonable beings will interrupt existence in this Universe.

Hobotok of the ultramarshal Giler Zabanny was blown up from excitement, poisonous-pink saliva dug. Blood... As it is sweet as it excites! Indescribable feeling when emptiness is filled in by streams of blood and a dazzling flame of mnogokvintilliony hyper plasma. Once long ago their ancestors were easier and less. They flew without the aid of anti-gravitational belts. Ate meat and loved blood, without it children could not be born. Live, eternally winged sinkh! All other animal parasites let will die, let all defective live will die.

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