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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— That you hesitate, burn down everything without the rest! — To be carried millions of spaceships.

But is not present! Flashes are not visible, and whirlwinds of photons on vacuum do not fly. All starprobe vehicles stood, stiffened in space. It seemed that time stopped.

Giler published (golosochek considerably weakened) hysterical peep:

— What for braking? The vacuum was filled in with a flypaper!

More cool Komalos did not cease to trace indications of all navigation devices.

— It is improbable, but we stiffened in vacuum too! Our starprobe vehicle and all other starprobe vehicles as if are pressed down by the most powerful force field. We not in forces to move even on width a hobotka.

— To cut the absolute hyper level of dispersal! To break the field! — Did not shout any more, and rather Giler rattled.

— Yes, it is useless. I already studied a similar phenomenon, it is only so possible to flatten out a starprobe vehicle. — Komalos desperately waved a hobotok.

— And you that? You know all novelties of stelzan? — Mistrustfully fell a cropper the ultramarshal.

The spotty moth sang: "all impossible, perhaps I know precisely and sinkh urgently" will become the Almighty God. Also was hit painful click in a nose, began to cry very quietly. Without paying attention to this imaginary hysteria the Supermarshal said:

— No! This capture was applied not by primacies. These malpa rough and cruel, they would crumple all of us long ago. Here, look, already transferred us the message. You want, I will guess who!

Giler annoyancely waved away:

— Itself already guessed! Damned zorg! It is better to be vacuumized or evaporate in plasma, than to deal with them. To be won, it is worse than the dead!

The thunderous voice interrupted antimoniya:

— The imer Konoradson speaks the Misinformation. Your war ended. Stop behaving as annihilation cannibals. More in this galaxy any life violently will not be interrupted. Cover luchemeta, observe intergalactic agreements.

— Never!

Sinkh began to squeal chorus. Giler it is hardly heard buzzed.

— Early you rejoice, a can! As soon as you depart, we will return!

Then loudly added:

— To connect all reserves, engines at full capacity. All squadron, and us millions, we have to tear a vacuum web!

Quintillions of watts of energy entered in invisible, but from it even more fierce fight in the space covered with stars. On vacuum hardly noticeable light waves dispersed.

Chapter 25

If it became close or not enough place,

Let plasma fire storm a whirlwind.

Arrive cruelly as perhaps sharply,

Only unarmed never touch!

Tigers awfully suffered. The first days were especially heavy...

Without differing in the big imagination, the chlenistonogy gorilla Giles acted with methods of the most primitive civilizations. Blows lashes and hours-long work on a starvation, before loss of consciousness. Then a bucket of ice water with impurity of the overcooled uranium. Then by order of a strekozoidny monkey decided to try a rack with a spark. Torture is primitive, but capable to finish tortured before mad squeal. Directly held apart it from pleasure that the disgusting belly was inflated as if a sphere when the little hairless rat bastard cries out as he obsessed, and then calms down in the sheer otklyuchka.

Everything is good, but after such torture ability to go and work is for a long time lost.

The boy put on a stretcher, those having flown in air brought the victim of the maniac. Singed so that the usual regenerating ointment appeared insufficiently, it was even necessary to call the doctor.

The pinkish doctor with ten hands suckers dressed in red overalls suffered from a heat. Hot air with excess oxygen burned moist gentle leather of a reasonable mollusk. That not so burned down, the doctor put on himself protective overalls.

— Look, something this young of wild animal cannot long recover.

The Giles even began to creak from rage.

The representative of a civilization Vosmirodov paid attention to the terrifying burns covering everything the torn to pieces little boy's body at once. It smacking the lips lips, told the moral and physical ugly creature to Giles:

— And that you wanted! Fire — the most terrible thing in all Universe. It has burns of the seventh level, near-critical to defeat. Plus, still severe exhaustion for hunger and excessive physical activities.

— Well, this degenerate has to pass, at my desire, all types of tortures and tortures. Here you to me also helped to diversify an arsenal. I just forgot how it is the most painful to torture primacies. — The Chlenistonogy monkey began to scratch paws the varnished table surface.

— I am a doctor, but not the executioner. Come into police department better — there you will be taught. — Having seen enough for long life of different odd fellows, the doctor understood that the most useless here to moralize. And not only useless, but also dangerous business.

— There is information, but it concerns only tortures of other races and the people. — Zadrygal eyelashes Giles.

— And you think that they have no enemies in the race? All right, you should address gangsters. I, personally, can only cure. — The doctor mollusk very clearly let know that he does not approve such methods to sweep.

— Here also cure, restore it, make full regeneration. It is desirable, as fast as possible. — The Giles began to tap with a tail. Already arose representations in the head as it tortures this near do-good a doktorishka.

— It will be necessary to pay for regeneration speeding up much. — The mollusk did not want to miss benefits.

— Yes I will pay. You still give a preparation to me that it so quickly was not cut down, and longer fluttered in a flame. — Giles the bug monkey put the tail between the legs.

— Make fire less, not a dragon you fry. — The doctor began to scan numerous damages of the boy on a plazmo-computer. Stuck a stimulator of stem cells, and an anti-shock preparation. The robot jumped out of a case of the doctor, it began to spray blue and emerald foam.

— Not one clever council! — The Giles, began to dial number, calling the girlfriends — ladies of easy behavior. By the way strangely enough, but stelzanka are least of all unprofitable for a purse. Probably having been tired of the faultlessly handsome men, all as on selection of cast musclemen, they want cool sex with the sadist freak.

* * *

When Tigers regained consciousness, the head was clear, pain disappeared. By the time of when it was hitched up on a rack, the body was exhausted so that pain was everywhere. There were krovinka, veins not touched become total flour. Skin is ruthlessly burned by the sun even protective cream helped only partially, legs — are injured in blood. Wounds were corroded by luminescent salt which many dense clouds was lifted by winds. Everything already so became impregnated with pain and suffering that when it was captured by a rough flame, he was only glad, expecting the end of torture. Not the first time caressed it fire, piercing to bones, and every time it involved some changes...

But what is it? there is no Pain, there are no burns. It lies in a pure white bed under a soft blanket. Perhaps it is already paradise? Or perhaps it at home? And everything that occurred, just dreadful dream? As it is good when nothing hurts!. It is possible to jump easily on legs and to run out from this spacious light room. Too it is elegant: all in bright flowers. And it for some reason disturbs...

Volod'ka with speed of caress slipped out for a door. Streams of fiery light blinded eyes. Having blinked, the boy took to the heels. Heated, sparkling as the broken glass, greenish-violet sand singed barefoot heels, having forced to jump up. Without paying to it attention, Tigers gallop rushed on the desert. He understood what disturbed him. Again that persuasive seven-color scale when flowers repeat drawing of an imperial flag. Never before Volod'ka rushed at such mad speed. "What here burning sand, even in a stone quarry it was not so sick..."

The blow covered with a paralyzer the boy. It failed a stomach on the burning surface. Skin right there became covered by blisters, however, flour because of action of the paralyzing beams was hardly notable. The hilly block with a spark mouth was inclined over it.

— What, the young of wild animal, wanted to slip away? — hissed a monster, terribly distorting words.

Then the monster, having picked up the semi-insensible boy, dragged him to former figurative chamber chamber. Its long, thick as a log, the tail reserved a twisting trace. It is visible, particles of salt reacted to contact with fat skin of the terrible wanderer, and on greenish-violet sand pink specks appeared. The freak weighed not less than a ton. It inconsiderately threw the boy as if kitten then locked a door.

Tigers it could not even poshevelnutsya, it lay directly facing a wall. Besides flowers the subject, strange for hospital, was represented here.

Fine, as heruvimchik, in the brightest clothes children, boys and girls who ruthlessly thrashed from luchemet on alien beings. And a half of beings either was kneeling, or stretched face downwards. Stelzanyata smiled such kind, cheerful smiles that their persons shone with happiness as if they felt the greatest pleasure. The multi-color blood following their killed of alien beings merged in the iridescent streamlet flowing in the direction of purple-orange "Sun".

The boy felt how on a stomach painful spasms spread. Be not his stomach empty as heart of the usurer or author it a devilish picture, all floor would be zablevan. As it is necessary to become like cattle to draw such indecency. Despite paralysis, Vladimir continued to coil, pulling the mutilated singed extremities.

Elephant footfall was heard. The strapper with noise crept to the room, sharp thorns crests scratched a mirror ceiling.

— You did not calm down yet, a barytic mollusk? Receive a present!

Such blow could shatter granite. Fortunately, the animal slightly missed, and touched the little boy casually. A metal floor slightly caved in, and the guy was disconnected, having gone out in a delightful gloom.

* * *

Awakening was like a nightmare. The disgusting chlenistonogy monkey showed a snout again, and his new assistant-giant having a tail unscrewed joints, hitching up on a rack. Bones crackled, hands escaped from shoulders.

— What, the macaque, flippers burns down? You will know how to play a game of tag.

Multi-color fire singed skin, began to smell fake meat. Distressful childish a foot, again they are licked by a cruel flame. The Giles even licked lips, his doubled snake uvula touched the boy's skin covered with biserinka.

— It is good! From you the fine chop will turn out. You sometime ate alive? I will eat you a piece behind a piece, without allowing consciousness to be disconnected...

Wild shout itself escaped from a breast. By some miracle, maybe, thanks to hatred, the guy managed to stop it. Jaws clenched so that tooth enamel nearly burst. "Why all torturers so love fire?."

Lack of shouts infuriated a nasekomoobrazny monkey. Having published wild squeal, he grabbed the heated rod, stuck to Vladimir between lean, sharp as hatchets shovels. Tigers felt a large sting, and with despair of fateful spat in reply. The rod lit up stronger, flaring is even hotter. And here as if in a kind, cowboy's western, the lightning blazed. The accurate shot from a luchemet scattered orange-green brains hairy hitinskogo an animal. Other shot knocked down a hilly dinosaur. Already falling, by inertia, the Giles managed to walk the rod heated by an eletrichestvo on edges, having left a furrow on skin.

In the opinion of Volodya grew dull from pain. Everything was as if in yellow fog, but Tigers managed to make out the deliverer. The fair-haired boy with angelic features, in sparkling as gold, a suit reminded the angry Cupid. Its small luchemt seemed toy and harmless. Having let out several short streams of light from the beam weapon, it burned a thick wire. Vladimir fell a back to a big flame, however, having somersaulted through the head, right there took off from it.

The boy who arrived to help helped to be exempted from the clips which held down extremities. Despite flour, the slave Tigrov covered with blisters recognized the savior. Yes, strangely enough, it was that boy-stelzan whom they met in the capital of the Galaxy.

— A devil's angel, I am simply struck, you — as if "A white raincoat". — Vladimir was expressed.

Heruvimchik with luchemety rang out with silvery laughter.

— You mean Gudri, the hero savior, the winner of evil spirits of anti-matter? So it in horseshoes does not suit me. It is time to go to a camouflage, otherwise here the whole abyss of hairy ants will run together!

Tigers jumped on legs, inhuman pain pierced all body. Only pride and unwillingness to show weakness in the face of the representative of occupational race forced to keep standing. Sometimes the stress suppresses the strongest torture. Having taken couple of steps and by miracle having kept balance, the rescued boy gave a hand to the elfopodobny savior. That reaped it, and made it naturally as the simple terrestrial person.

— Strange... You shake hands as a token of friendship and trust too? — Vladimir asked, with the greatest work keeping balance

Young stelzan answered:

— Yes, person. If the hand is open — it without weapon. And two hands are a sign of big trust. You are covered with blisters, but do not complain from pain, so you are the real soldier!

The boy from race warriors sang:

The star soldier from pain does not groan,

Even torture does not frighten him!

It also will not roll in a black hole,

In plasma of stars its spirit will not burn down!

The boy gave both hands, having crossed a cross. They connected palms as a sign of eternal friendship and fidelity.

At this moment the hilly rock lying not movably suddenly recovered. The monster shot by the laser dodged in a wild jump. Already on the fly its mouth revealed, having bared not only several rows of the sharpest teeth, but also four canines (suddenly grown sabers of bloody color). Enormous hulk brought down friends from legs, having scattered in the parties just as the pig-iron sphere scatters size. Conditionally reasonable monster started finishing the child-stelzana, including him the most dangerous.

The little soldier of Purple constellation managed to jump aside aside. Canines of the monster punched a covering from heavy-duty plastic, and the sharp-clawed paw slightly walked on edges. Though it were only scratches, but the belt with the weapon burst and was quickly enough lifted by the strapper. Having developed, the animal with dexterity, incomprehensible for such ink, rubanut canines again (they already grew to the sizes of tusks of an imperial mastodon). Stelzan was dexterous as he a monkey, and left from blows, but good luck turned away from him, and the sharpest semi-diamond tusks punched the child's leg, having tightly nailed to a floor. The monster sadanut a sharp-clawed paw, having nearly unstitched the boy a stomach, only sharp breakthrough allowed to avoid death aside. Still the blow breaking bones! Here the mouth already revealed... It is huge... This hippopotamus can zaglotnut the boy entirely. The enormous mouth exudes with fetid saliva...

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