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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Suddenly it is torn as a blotter, and the shot from the blaster cuts it in half. The monster so was fond of fight with stelzany, having considered the person not costing the attention for what expensively and paid. Tigers picked up the dropped weapon and, having pulled a pocket luchemet the trigger, accurately cut an inogalaktichesky monster. Blood gushed forth, and then flashed sparkling fire and right there again went out.

The blood-stained child jumped on legs and reeled, despite a wound, he nevertheless kept balance. Now, when from the little soldier red blood dripped, and on a face bruise flaunted, his snow-white smile seemed lighter and sincere. Couple not on age of strong and large teeth was beaten out. And therefore this terrible boy seemed only the nakhuliganivshy first grader. It again, though looking around, gave a hand.

— You saved me from death as I you. From now on we are considered as brothers on the weapon. My production is your production. My trophy — your trophy.

— It is good. Then my production is your production, my trophy — your trophy. — Mowgli Vladimir answered in style.

— Now we will give to ourselves injections from the universal first-aid kit, we are regenerated and will clean up their this hole.

The pricks executed by a beam of a graviolazer from a tiny pistoletik with a folding barrel killed pain and gave forces. Going burned stupnyam on the heated sand, felt nothing Tigers as if it had artificial limbs. And here forces and speeds increased very much even considerably. Having approached the tiny fighter, it did not keep from a question.

— And why rescue of life is so appreciated at you? Unless in the parallel Universe it is not better?

— It is my personal choice. The main thing, is honor, but not life. Besides, in fights we have to care for the life value then in the new sphere we will have a full existence. When you keep the life, you keep an opportunity to destroy more enemies of your race. — Quite logically the new friend from hopelessly hostile race explained to Vladimir.

— Look! New opponents! But we have luchemeta! — The boy shining with happiness, released from captivity showed.

— Correctly, the person, but do not spend strongly many charges. This children's weapon, in it is not enough energy for real fights. — Without special enthusiasm said stelzan

— You what with them were played? — Vladimir was surprised.

— Yes, it from the training games. Everyone stelzan has to own the weapon since childhood. However be not afraid, them it it is impossible to kill a stelzan. Five mini-cycles — and we will jump into the fighter "Photon". — The little boy however, the first shot which carried attacking showed that its weapon beats not worse than the most modern aerogun of the twenty first century.

Tigers it was so excited and evil that shot at disgusting reptiles with sadistic exasperation. Justifying a surname, in it the spirit of the Bengalese man-eating tiger wakened. However, variegated natives returned fire. However, only five monsters, the rest scorched, it is visible, it was not allowed to have the weapon. Vladimir nailed very well and neatly, the vastest experience of computer games with electronic guns affected. Stelzan shot even better, and here natives did not pull even on the level of the fighter of a construction battalion. Having left the killed, other pack ran up. Howling and roaring as if the jackals singed by a flame thrower.

The shabby friends dropped in in a mini-starprobe vehicle of tactical action. The fighter "Neutrino photon" was invisible on a desert background (the camouflage covering merged with greenish-violet sand). Only onboard after take-off Vladimir guessed to ask:

— We already so much time together, rescued each other, battled against the enemy, together got wounds, and I still do not know your name.

— Yes, you are right, the brother. — Stelzan gave once again a hand. — My name is dashingly Razorvirov. And you?

— Vladimir Tigrov, and on the father Alexandrov.

— Vladimir — owning the world, and the Tiger — a war symbol. That's the spirit. — Dashingly strong tapped of the new friend on the shoulder.

Tigers fell down in chairs, but it was right there returned back by an anti-gravitational field. Scratching hurt thin plechiko the boy the answer.

— And at you too. It is dashing to break off... Dashing razryvatel...

— Well, to break off is in a savage way. It is better to cut, evaporate. The highest valor also aim lives — to ruthlessly kill enemies of the race, to serve truly and honestly to the empire. — With pathos of the poster Soviet pioneer Razorvirov said.

— Yes, I agree. But your empire — our enemy? — Blinked the eyes trying to look without fear asked Tigers.

— No, we are your elder brothers on reason. Seniors, but brothers... And if I only could, I would equal you in the rights. You are capable of a feat. And however, there is an idea! Let the word will tell the weapon!

The boy terminator exclaimed. Vladimir darted a cautious glance at a radiator that in it was from the children's, air gun, a charge judging by deep funnels, left in the desert, could proshibit as if a blotter and the latest Russian T-100 tank.

— How? Unless it did not tell? — He asked it is lost.

— No. It obeyed you, but there is one nuance. This weapon it is impossible to do serious harm to our race. If you are a soldier, then to you it is not terrible, check on a hand. — Dashingly sparkled in fighting enthusiasm teeth.

— No, on the head! — In the former young captive the demon was installed.

Put tigers luchemt to a temple and shot. Dashingly moved, but did not manage to intercept a hand of Vladimir. The spark slightly singed skin of the head short-haired almost bare, the reddish burn developed. Razorvirov pulled out luchemt, then carefully returned him. The weapon having let out a malenka the hologram with the black knight armed with a pole-axe very quietly peeped: "Hit corner 87...". It well surprised the young earthling. Fighters where guns he talked already saw and not only fighters.

— You that started with mind of a slanting parabola in a hyper jump. To you could demolish the head. I joked.

— And I did not joke. Now we as equals. — The boy exclaimed and added. — If you want to be on equal good luck in force, then surpass God in courage!

— Yes, as equals, here to you two of my hands. However God by the nature in principle cannot die and disappear so your analogy is not pertinent. — Dashingly operating the vehicle by means of the joystick, small on the antenna, said. — Now we will make landing in the cruiser. And you unless thought that you flew on "Photon" to the children's car to other galaxy? — The boy cheerfully giggled. Well not so. — Here recently there were fights so we will disguise you under our brother.

— Good thought and if again check a retina? — It was frightened Tigers. Again to be given to some inomiryanin to the maniac to it as did not smile.

— And you can be from very distant sector, we have trillions of planets under control. I would talk to the father go even with the great-grandfather Gipermarshal, and he would make to you the necessary documents for absolute safety. — The voice was dashingly sure, and the look is pure.

— As I want to trust you... — Vladimir Sighed.

— Why to me to risk life? Then to betray? I do not see in it logic. I swear to you, we are brothers forever! — Dashingly for persuasiveness knocked a fist on transparent armor.

Then transferred by a negligent throw Tigrova big in the form of a nested doll, but in clothes of the punk candy. That asked for a mouth. The hungry boy about pleasure gnawed it. Taste was more sweet than honey, and it is more pleasant than some aerated chocolate. A marvelous thing which he had not to eat on the earth yet. However Vladimir swallowed a culinary product too quickly, without having managed to enjoy taste properly. It was visible candy very high-calorie as the dried-out muscles, became larger at once, and the person did not remind the prisoner of a fascist concentration camp any more.

The tiny fighter an easy butterfly flitted into a belly of the giant cruiser leader.

* * *

When Lev Eraskander regained consciousness, it seemed to him that he went crazy. Painfully ridiculous being was inclined over it. A nose carrot, three ears a fan, hands flippers, green skin in the red and yellow specks forming intricate patterns. It was as if the hero of the children's comic book. Of course, you will not surprise him with anything, but there was something special foolish in expression of a muzzle of an exotic animal. And when the being started talking, his speech was strange at all.

— So, the hairless reptile woke up. As representatives of your race — neither brains, nor force of muscles are silly. Disabled people of the crippled universe, a virus form of the spoiled matter. What it is possible to tell about a protoplasm dung — the breaking-up intelligence.

The lion literally barked:

— Yes, you who such, masked clown what you disgrace our race?

The being jumped up and showed curve violet teeth:

— I am the greatest genius in the Universe knowing all secrets of the universe and strength of mind, the managing director of matter.

— The loony you washed-up with hypertrophied doubt of an exaggerated frog. — The young man roared.

The lion tried to jump, but the heavy-duty wire strong pulled together anklebones and hands.

The small animal started giggling the very unpleasant as croaking of a desert frog, a snicker.

— Dze, dza, dza! Here you see, you have no muscular force also brains too, time was caught so dullly in our net.

The boy strained all the muscles, the thin wire prebolno crashed into skin. Multi-colored fan ears of an unclear being trembled as if wings of a butterfly.

— Well that, the little man, a primacy underdeveloped, you cannot tear even such thin spider line? Unless your addle-head will prompt nothing to you?

Rage a wave rolled on Eraskander, muscles sharply clenched, and then as a spring, were unclenched in breakthrough — it tore a wire tightly pulled together extremities. Though the wire also was thin, but on it it was possible to hang up an elephant quietly. From under skin blood scattered, and the strong the muscles which are not conceding in hardness to a wire nearly burst. In rage Lev jumped to a young of wild animal, that was so struck that did not manage to react. Having struck with a knee, young terminator brought down it on a floor and grabbed with hands by a muricated throat. Prickles could not protect a being because the trained movement the young fighter crumpled protection and closed fingers in the dead lock. The only thing that saved veeroushasty from immediate death, so is the fearful asking glance. This being looked so ridiculously, is so ridiculous and harmless that the desire to kill was gone. Choking, the small animal squeaked:

— Oh, great soldier of brilliant human race! I, was, gave not the correct assessment to you. You are such clever, strong... And in general, you the most beautiful and sexual!

The lion continued to hold it by a throat. Experience taught him not to trust flattering phrases. If to release it, then it is not clear, than all this will end.

— Speak, a reptile where I am now?

— At positive friends. — Peeped a creature.

— You for the idiot hold me? Positive friends a wire do not bind.

Eraskander squeezed a throat fingers, the small animal was slaughtered, hands flippers tried to unclench fingers. It is visible, the space "Veera-Cheburashki" did not have enough puny strength, the muzzle got a lilac shade. The lion slightly weakened a grasp.

— I swear, we are positive. Here on a starprobe vehicle there is your acquaintance Venus.

— What? Venus here? — Eraskander was not surprised at all, already got used to miracles.

— Yes, here, and, I think, she sees us.

— Why then I was fastened a wire?

The animal began to babble as if the frightened toon:

— Because it is not one. Here still there is her chief. She is the four-star general of commercial investigation too. This is Dina Rozalenda.

— One more lewd female? Or she is afraid of me? — Lev smiled, feeling the growing desire, young, physically perfect organism.

— Hold a uvula the greenhorn!

The thunderous voice strengthened by cybernetics and acoustics flooded the hall, having hit with a wave on ears. The lion hardly managed to open a mouth, avoiding, thus, a rupture of ear membranes. And here "Veeru-Cheburashke" was not lucky, it was visible hearing at it is excessively thin and is not calculated on similar sound blows. The small animal was disconnected, having cut down tightly, only colourful ears reflex fluttered just as wings at the butterfly got on a needle twitch.

Walls turned into mirrors, dazzling flash broke out and at once three beings jumped out from under a floor. The anthem of Purple Constellation played, polichromatic a searchlight reproduced traditional seven-color light scale. Colors mixed up, then pirouettes, battle scenes reproduced difficult figures.

— Well that little man? You see these fighters, it is your death. Everything could manage, would lie quietly, and now you will be crippled at first. — Roared golosishche.

Three strappers began to spin in wild dance. One of them bore to the brawny stelzana-jockstrap overfed with anabolic steroids karikaturno a strong resemblance. Another was similar to an enormous vosmikleshny crab, a red armor with thorns, a disgusting muzzle of a wolf. The third mix of a centipede and scorpion, the head crocodile of a mouth drips fetid acid. Even an armor floor began to smoke from it. The lion about himself noted that, perhaps, skorpiono-crocodile-sorokonoshka it is the most dangerous than other reptiles. When to you only eighteen cycles, (The cycle is much less than years on an old Matushke-Zemle), and before you large pseudo-reasonable monsters to be frightened not the sin. But for the conditionally short life the young man already visited it that he did not see the reasons for fear. Having jumped up, he got up in a fighting rack, relief muscles napryagnbsp; — No, we are your elder brothers on reason. Seniors, but brothers... And if I only could, I would equal you in the rights. You are capable of a feat. And however, there is an idea! Let the word will tell the weapon!

foxes. Under the fat-free skin, each vein was visible, muscles were rolled as the melted steel which is filling in the necessary form. The lion felt rage. Force anger and fear to work for itself, burn in an infernal bowl of hatred of the enemies. Eraskander was ready to fight and when all three opponents synchronously rushed on it, he easy jump jumped for their backs. The lion already in flight by a heel cut on the gladiator-stelzana nape. That it is visible just did not expect such speed and impudence, the direct shot plunged hulk on a floor. Two other fighters were strong and fast, but nevertheless, slightly were late with attack. From a turn Lev gave a leg strong "soldering" to a vosmiruky crab. The blow was good, the chitinous cover burst, but thorns of an armor pierced in a barefoot heel of the young man. From continuous circulation barefoot legs at the boy got stronger and coarsened like titanic rods, but it was even painful to him. Therefore Lev decided to change tactics, and just to break off claws. If the opponent was one, then it would take no more than a minute. The centipede, was quicker. A sharp jump, and it touched Eraskander, several pink acid drops burned skin. The lion evaded and carried out crown reception by a leg to a jaw. Ten teeth took off, having scattered on a covering. The Skorpionisty centipede, became soft, and Eraskander fell upon a crab. Though this monster also managed to scratch several times to him on skin, three claws were broken, the tempered fists beat not more weakly than extremities. Then Lev managed to dive under dexterously a belly of the fighter and just to throw a mollusk through himself. As a result of a throw, both monsters faced. Having jumped up Lev, hit a crab in soldering of an armor, having intuitively chosen the most weak spot and prolomat frame. At this moment it was covered by a kinezparalizator beam. The fighter of Purple constellation, whose nape swelled up from blow recovered and shot from the tiny skillfully hidden radiator throwing out a graviotok, a special kind of electricity from disconnecting all electromagnetic impulses in any body. Even the cybernetic organisms covered with protection. The young fighter ceased to feel the body, having crashed down on slippery, in multi-colored fetid blood a floor. The Skorpionovy centipede seized death grip, having begun to tear a breast to Eraskander, pieces of the blood-stained skin departed. Stelzan in turn hit with legs into a groin and on edges. It was very painful to a lion, and to hit back or even to poshevelnutsya there was no opportunity. Having pushed away the multi-legged workmate, the sadist-stelzan slowly got the knife which flashed a bright beam when pressing the button because of a plastic belt.

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