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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Now I will show you! — Tannic grin full of contempt. — You will sing a soprano in church choir!

The lion shuddered, on a body there passed the spasm, the dagger was light and could cut any metal. And suddenly it was lit up by thought. When there is no a body, use reason. You can do it, once again repeat — you can! Let out as a dog from a chain, emission hatred, shift space, present a light edge in his stomach. The dagger changed the direction and so promptly pierced in the fighter's stomach that that did not even manage to react. Then the edge walked along a body, having cut the opponent on two smoking halves. In air began to smell fake meat. Other attacking ugly multi-legged creation at first stood, and then rushed, trying to escape. The laser blade pierced also a krokodilo-centipede. From arteries of a monster beat several streams of blood, because of more difficult metabolism at once, blood had several flowers depending on an artery. The Vosmiruky crab was already half-dead, and the blow finishing him became already the act of mercy rather.

— Came true!

It is hardly heard Eraskander whispered. On a body there passed the painful spasm which is breaking off veins again, and nevertheless it became more slight, he could even move hands slightly. Paralysis passed surprisingly quickly and in a minute, splashed to a multi-color exotic coloring, the boy athlete, sharply jumped on legs.

— You are just fine, my great soldier. You are worthy my love!

Right there from under a floor covering as on a magic spell, the bed appeared richly under style of the grotesque parody to Baroque style. The terrible general's wife Dina Rozalenda ran out to the hall. It was absolutely naked. By sight the young smooth woman, with beautiful regular features and a faultless figure. However, all females of Purple constellation had no physical defects and seemed young, by sight it is no more than twenty five years. And to Dina was already for four hundred, the madman for the woman age. It was even larger and higher than the average standard of Stelzanat. To human measures its muscles seemed excessively developed, and convex, not quite suitable for female, the elastic breast with scarlet nipples surprised with a perfect form. And hands with bitka blown up the mountain, thickness about a human hip, muscles as if gun kernels are rolled under dark and bronze skin. The majority of stelzan of males got used to see in females or workmates on the weapon or working horses, their big athletic shoulders with Heracles's muscles were confused nobody. From her body exciting heat proceeded, magnificent were bent by width about a beer barrel of a hip in the attracting movement. She took a step, jumped on it and right there received a knee in a solar plexus, Eraskander strong thrust her, having enclosed all the rage. But muscles not completely departed from action of a paralyzer, and the blow therefore was not deadly. However disconnected a cow weighing couple centners capitally, the consciousness glimmers, and the body cannot move.

— That, the connected boys are pleasant, you like to scoff, try it.

Having thrown heavy Rozalenda on a bed, it very roughly fastened it a wire.

— Find to yourself a scorpion centipede, it just for you.

It is unlikely on Lev's place someone would arrive differently, painfully exotic and mean partner solicited it. Though played teenage painfully unruly hormones. Leaving the combative hall, Eraskander waved a hand and shouted "Tsirtsey" at parting:

— Thousand bezdnotonn to you in a lewd well!

In spite of the fact that sliding doors were closed by means of a digital code, and difficult combinations Eraskander cracked it, acting, on subconscious level, and went along a long corridor forward. Its look was more than strange, but it is visible fighters of this starprobe vehicle perfectly knew customs of the ataman who loved sadomasochist sex. It had it, perhaps, even on the verge of madness therefore only occasionally cracked caustic jokes. Judging by the sizes it, there was a flagman starprobe vehicle, somewhere on ten kilometers in a dimeter. It can it, and would pass to the edge, but someone's tender voice called to the young man.

— The lion you already managed to forget me!

Eraskander sharply turned back. The look of the little boy was cold, and in a voice the reproach sounded.

— No, did not forget. And you consider that you arrived decently and honestly?

Ten-star ofitsersha of commercial investigation, having bashfully looked down, quietly said. In a voice there is so much grief that you will involuntarily trust:

— I had no other choice. Everything too got confused, but believe, I sincerely loved you, and I love still.

— Therefore so set up us? — Angrily muttered, having shifted eyebrows Lev.

Vener answered without superfluous a hitrinok, with bribing idle time in tone of a clear, perelivisty voice:

— Not I, so would find other performer. But now you had a real opportunity to help the planet. The Senior senator Zorg will facilitate a fate of your race.

Emerald and violaceous eyes Vener were humidified, the pearl teardrop flew down on eyelashes.

— My precious boy, I so missed you. Listen I found a way to relieve you from...

She kept back and strong embraced Lev, softly stroking, their bays met in a kiss. As she is beautiful, her so multi-color hair soft as silk the person and space around pleasantly tickled disappeared, having failed to the abyss of the lyubostrastny hyper Universe!

Chapter 26

Time and beam of freedom will come

By the light force will light up Earth!

It is sighed, having freely dumped a chain the people,

Know the person the scope of the Universe will subdue!

Also there will be grandsons, to remember without trusting...

Really there were we under an infernal heel!

People carried in fear signs of an evil animal,

Go better in belief pure and sacred!

Ivan Gornostayev tested a certain confusion and confusion. Unexpected invasion of different races space troglotitar and strange unclear maneuvers of star fleet could puzzle anyone. On the one hand it is seemingly good. Even it is fine; in the Purple Empire crisis and civil strife, and with another not to be trapped. Though, apparently, that cannot worse be, but once you look at these muzzles, terrible claws, canines and fins, and already invaders of a stelzana seem native. From the intelligence agent of still any new data. It seems the quite good little girl extremely strong even for the man, courageous, is resolute, is even cruel, however there are into her account not small doubts. The last blow already from inogalaktichesky pack cost not one ten millions of victims. Human life depreciated, to feel awfully helpless and weak. At such moment the forthcoming meeting with the Sensei a saving outlet, from disturbing loneliness. Especially as the Guru will come not one.

As always arrival by a teleport of the Sensei or Guru was sudden. About a half a second of a weak luminescence and right there in air there were familiar silhouettes. One in a gray raincoat, another with the gray-haired head and a long, curly beard that a big rarity on present Earth. And in clothes of snow-white color. Ermines it was respectfully inclined before the head of the forbidden joint Orthodox and Catholic church. Already only for carrying ancient silver in pebbles, a cross the painful death penalty in the place with all relatives to the seventh knee relied. From all religions of the planet Earth of a stelzana most of all were afraid of Christianity. On other planets the cross as a runic or cult symbol is very widespread and who forbade it. Earth exception to the rules. Though disliked Ermines of these pacifists, but if stelzana so hate them, means something space fascists are afraid?

— I am glad to welcome you the Holy Father Pyotr Andrey the Second. What brought you, here having induced to put the head in a mouth to a tiger. — Politely the head of insurgents said.

— In a mouth, not the right remark. The space dragon swallowed all planet and a third of stars in addition, means all of us in his belly long ago. I came to tell you that hour of our atonement and disposal of sufferings is close. — Said a juicy fir bass the Holy Father.

— And how to get rid? If we even at once rise us will destroy as a look if not stelzana so other degenerates! — With great feeling and at the same time with despair said Ermines.

Pyotr Andrey politely said:

— Tell me the brother what the most forbidden of all books ever written on our planet?

— Under number to the first there is a Bible. — Shortly the head of resistance answered.

— And why it is forbidden!?

— I think because it had the biggest circulation before occupation. Stelzana thought rectilinearly as cyborgs first of all to forbid the most mass of literary works. It is logical and correct. — With confident tone of the know-it-all said Ermines.

— It is logical, but it is not correct. They forbade the Bible because this Word and revelation of the Almighty God, destroys false heretical fabrications of religion of Stelzanat. It is their most shameful column. — The priest even crossed before himself air. The sensei nodded in confirmation, but so far was silent.

Ermines naturally could not so just agree:

— You know the guru. I read this book. Perhaps I am silly, but it brushes away to fentaz more, than to a scientific picture of the universe. People as it is told from clay mold and the Sun the word is stopped.

The Holy Father spoke quietly and without unnecessary pathos in such audience:

— No, the brother you in a root not of the rights. It is impossible to take, first, everything literally, and secondly, it is the book the most scientific especially for the time. The bible teaches much, beginning from the fact that Earth round and spins around an axis, finishing that how to find immortality, having become equal to tsars. It is long possible to list the divine truth opened by the sacred book.

To Gornostayev it became curious now:

— To me it is quite lonely now. I can listen, I did not read it entirely, only a few pages for which in dust these purple little devils quite could erase the whole settlement. What is told by this Book about the future?

Andrey Pyotr having stared already in a whisper as if reporting extremely important military secret, uttered:

— That the person of a sin will be destroyed.

Ermines it is disappointed blurted out:

— The person was almost destroyed as it is. What you told it is not necessary to read in the most ancient manuscript, it is rather simple to take two steps to the highway!

The most Saint Father began to explain patiently:

— Not just the person, is meant mine you the rebellious child here. — The patriarch tried to stroke Gornostayev on the head, but that started back and looked with hatred. Then the priest continued by already quite serious tone. — Thousands years ago even the balloon was considered as miracle, and in the Bible is told. Even if you like an eagle will fly up above mountains and between stars will build your nest, then and from there I will overthrow you.

It interested Gornostayev:

— Precisely so? Where about it it is told the brother?

— Here look!

Pyotr Andrey stretched the ancient Bible, developed on a bookmark. The verse was emphasized with a red pencil and even put an exclamation mark.

Ermines gave a whistle:

— Yes, I see. Amazingly of course, but it not about stelzana.

The patriarch crafty grinned, instructively said:

— And you know, in one of our languages, namely German: Stelz means a star. It not just coincidence.

Ermines did not begin to argue. He attentively looked at the big Book on a cover decorated with pearls and gilding. Pages slightly became dusty and already podtlet. The font was large, not absolutely, it as the modern language, and from a yatyama, hard signs on the end. Probably it is one of the very first books with the Synodal Translation. Antiquity of work makes impression, apparently, that it is possible to find answers to all questions in the Scripture.

— I did not understand yet what waits for us? — Said, stroking gold, almost not grown dull over time the books of a plate of Ermines fixing cover.

The most Saint father with an indulgent look, said the wise aged man talking to the boy:

— Here read the brother Otkroveniye of Ioann and the book of prophecies of Daniil. Read thoughtfully, slowly and itself you will understand that to what, then read a prayer. — Here the patriarch recovered. — Is not present better to consider a prayer and before reading the Scripture, four times to impose on itself a sign of the cross.

Said ermines with sudden rigidity:

— I am not able to pray and I do not believe in God. As Plekhanov Bog spoke it is an invention, the harmful illusion which is holding down reason. And Lenin — religion for the people drug, only withdrawal pains clarifies consciousness!

The most Saint father with great feeling began to deliver a speech, having started as if the priest addressing fighters before fight:

— Plekhanov, Lenin and to him similar nekhrist, created the most bloody mode on Earth. Because God held down not reason, but their animal instincts, passion to lust and destructions to sadistic tortures. What pathetic attempt of the small fry to do without God Gospod, only to multiplication of sufferings led to. Illusion is an absence of God, and life according to the devil scenario. There are stelzana, think, it is accident what they are so similar to us? They reached a limit of the evil and heresy. Any real religion, did not build murder to the level of the highest virtue. Even on Earth almost all religions strove for good. And here in their Stelzanat the main thing to kill, torment, torture more and to zealously serve the empire. All Universes under them, other beings are created for destruction or in the best cases of humiliating slavery. — Andrey Pyotr was more and stronger brought, already shook fists as if the professional boxer who came for fight. — It is their arrogance, such not knowing when to stop Devilish arrogance which ruined the Devil! Here it is their coat of arms a seven-domed dragon of the Apocalypse. Seven flowers of a rainbow, seven-final star, semizhda seven. They love this symbol, remember their coat of arms, seven blasphemous heads and ten paws and wings. We can dwell upon interpretation of revelation of Ioann, or Daniil's book and even you will gain spirit of an unruliness, will be convinced that all events now, were predicted a millennium ago!

The priest choked here and began to cough... It really looked old and decrepit, making unpleasant impression on Gornostayev, the soldier who got used to see people young, healthy, full of strength. Even slightly hunched camp of the most Saint father, and a dense network of wrinkles jarred on the head of insurgents a little. Interestingly as the head of Christian church managed to avoid influence of the fighting viruses and radiations granting rejuvenation. Here he Ermines, knows that it had as early as years ten-fifteen that then suddenly to die in the blossoming of forces. If of course somehow not to change influence of the biological weapon — that in principle is possible.... Certain traitors sometimes lived centuries, but it is necessary to have the corresponding knowledge.

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