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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Here to it to Gornostayev bothered to stay in the palace surpassing the Petersburg Hermitage by luxury and magnificence for a long time. One jewels, let and synthesized, but sparkle more brightly than the real and light shades give more natural. And what entertaining drawings kamenye are recovered, mix of an anime, space battles, the most beautiful plants, medieval fights and is a lot of still. Stelzana godlessly stirred all styles from various fights, a sensuality, and it is frequent and the sadistic pornography with a set inomiryan was an invariable companion of the battle scenes which are laid out by jewelry. However tires and yes sometimes feels sick from such magnificence. There was a wish for action which real fight with race it is possible to call rather hyper animal, than sverkhchelovekam... Though of course as required there is an opportunity to do some fighting in a virtualka, or even native slaves can arrange fight.

The guru before sitting not movably, got up even slightly having hanged over a floor, having politely bowed.:

— I respect the Scripture too. Unfortunately, I have not enough time the Senior senator Zorgov and our friend Dez already on the way to us. It will be better if I meet it personally. To a conscience ugryzeniye, my companion will not be able to carry out without me teleportation.

Having cleared the throat with a voice of the Most Saint father again found force:

— Really, so it burns? I did not state the opinion long ago. Few people read the Writing, and knew and understood even less.

The guru sadly inclined the head and agreed:

— Badly, it is even very bad when there is no belief. Christianity the lightest doctrine on Earth. In it the main thing, is the principle love the enemy. Everything that is constructed on love is unique. Buddha has similar and, but at him human, and in Christianity divine.

Ermines raised the voice, having interrupted speakers.

— I did not understand a lot of things, it is the truth, but heard that your God spoke: hit on the right cheek substitute left.

The head of insurgents seeing who the patriarch was confused, began to perorate:

— We are already more than one thousand years, we hold up backs and cheeks, and what's the use? Continuous Tolstovshchina. Here goes or flies stelzan, it is ordinary history. Hit the person on a face, that did not answer. The chastener struck still, thrust under dy, got a lash and began to thrash neutrons. It tortures him, and the person does not answer. Is kneeling and asks for mercy. And what's the use, he will be beaten, not be hammered to death yet, and unless it made than whom be better! Without having received repulse the evil becomes impudent! What's the use in nonresistance of the evil to violence if any concession and connivance to, rigid the person interprets as weakness!

Andrey Pyotr hotly objected:

— By the way, the person does not hit back to a stelzan not because of Tolstoy or Jesus Christ's doctrine but because is afraid. So can just will beat and will release and if you answer, painful death in the place with relatives. And there will be opportunity, it on them would dump the preonovy rocket, without having spared also Stelzanat's children. It is the deadlock, a murder for a murder, angrily for the evil. Because the negative just grows, the evil does not destroy itself, and only generates new. Who knows, if all people behaved Christianly, then and stelzana perhaps looking at us would find spiritual purity. And that all difference, all behave as savages, only people have a tomahawk, and stelzana use the most up-to-date bomb.

The guru ran a hand by air, there was a colourful rhombus giving heat. The sensei declared with a type of a quiet regret, its voice became lower:

— Let's finish speaking a bit later brothers. When the starprobe vehicle of Zorga and its ships of fighting maintenance are included into solar system. Because transtemporary fields will change congruence of space. There can be serious problems with teleportation, we have minutes.

Impatiently muttered ermines:

— All right, I would like to read up to the end, this book, leave it to me.

The most Saint Father negatively shook the head:

— This copy is too valuable. It is one of the most ancient Bibles, having supernatural force. — The patriarch took because of a belt that like the tiny calculator. Take modern option. This pocket electronic book — in it not only Bibles, but also the church legend, and also apocryphal stories of Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and even Protestants. Prayer books of various faiths, works of a long line of theologians of all times, including those who applied for a role of prophets: Russell, Elena Whyte. — The priest applied a finger to lips here and began to nod. — It is better not to read these — heresy though too it is interesting to the general development. Then I will acquaint you with great and pure Christian belief in more detail as the church which kept From Pyotr, Pavel, Andriy, Jacob pervoapostolsky continuity correctly understands it. Yes there will arrive with us a God who created all.

The head of insurgents mechanically said. — Amen! — And out of place roughly added. — Your mother!

The most Saint Father probably did not understand and unctuous tone added:

— And in glory to the Prechisty Virgin in Eyelids and Eyelids of centuries!

Before messengers disappeared, too sublime tone said Ermines:

— If Purple imperets forbade this book at number 1, then not a sprosta. Means, she perhaps also preaches truth. But as I can love the enemy, it is impossible!

— However can be in it and there is real force? — Chorus the Guru and the Most Saint Father said.

Starprobe vehicles Zorgov left a hyper jump meanwhile. It is difficult to believe, but contrary to all laws of physics, they managed to drag with themselves several hundreds of millions of star ships of different civilizations and separate the flying monsters contained at themselves onboard soldiers and fighting the robot more, than all armies of the world on the Planet Earth combined! The small squadron Zorgov this time, consisted of fighting ultramodern starprobe vehicles, their fighting total power gave incomparable technical and military superiority. Attempt by force to break off force fields led to the fact that several tens of thousands of space submarines filled with ill-matched fighters were crumpled in shapeless masses. The rest had to reconcile to invisible and terribly rigid team. In this part of space there came the temporary stability maintained by a superior force. Long-awaited appointment to Earth at last took place. Even externally unperturbable zorg were slightly excited. The senior senator with interest considered the planet.

— Apparently, stelzana tried to clean a show-window. But as they are silly, it is even clear to the baby that the majority of structures are only recently constructed. I think, we are waited by serious dismantling.

— We too so believe.

Almost synchronously assistants answered and the Life Star spaceship landed.

Vladimir Tigrov surprisingly quickly found a common language with the numerous children who are scurrying about in elegant children's sector of a starprobe vehicle. Perhaps everything was because it were children. More true not everything is so simple. Externally despite genetically put aggression, mini-stelzany behaved politely and correctly. On a legend Tigrov lost memory after he was covered by the vibrofield of sinkh. It was the acceptable explanation especially as Vladimir very quickly mastered military and fantastic in a genre fighting fentaz of game stelzanit. Each boy or the girl from the moment of the birth were enrolled, only spheres of military operations, zones of application of talents differed: military front, economic, and most prestigious scientific. Physical superiority of mini-soldiers of Purple constellation became a problem of the terrestrial fellow. Because of miracles of bioengineering and ultramodern pharmacology the most ordinary children showed such results that quite could participate in the adult human Olympic Games, having taken away medals of all shapes and on all sports. Of course, here not to avoid mockeries any more.

Tigers excitedly scorched from a toy luchemet on virtual starprobe vehicles, those rushed on space actually having extinguished inertia as suddenly felt strong blow in a shoulder. When he turned back, faced him two children from him growth, but is younger. They resembled evil Love affairs, with friendly persons ideally correct superficially, in the sparkling white clothes with seven lightnings on a breast. The blow in a solar plexus and Vladimir followed fell, catching air a mouth.

— Yes you look at it unless this is the soldier. It is a mollusk, without armor, defective degenerate type. — Rang out a stelzanyata.

The little "soldier" standing on the right without ceremony set to him a leg to a stomach. The fighter standing at the left added a butt of a luchemet.

— This shame, even thirty times it could not be tightened with one small weight. My one-year-old brother and that is stronger than him. It is subject to elimination.

They wanted to continue beating, Tigers managed to dodge and kick in a groin, to excessively fond mini-chastener. That fell, the blow was exact and put towards to the opponent. The second was frightened and opened fire with a luchemet. However, from it children's modification only slightly burning light took off. In it someone strongly cut the moment to it on a hand. The purple little boy was taken aback and dropped the weapon, is lost said, having seen the informal leader of group:

— Dashingly, please, leave, ourselves will understand.

Razorvirov seized the rowdy-dowdy boy by an ear and pulled to the right, forcing to squeal from pain. If it is correct to press on nervous the termination, then you become helpless as the newborn child:

— No, I will deal with you. Why you beat the brother when we were imposed from all directions by hostile inogalaktichesky monsters.

— This is not our brother. It is too weak. — Peeped young stelzan, unsuccessfully trying the weakened muscles it will be exempted from a grasp Dashingly. That quite logically, quiet tone explained:

— It got under radiation and is still sick. You have to support the companion.

However boy fighter too not a bast board:

— And you are sure that he is our companion. Pay attention, you see slight scratch, he got it two days ago.

— And what? — Dashingly at once understood that his friend means, but pretended to be "case", for the purpose of more total investigation of the personality.

— It did not disappear yet. We, already through a couple of hours, would not have also trace from such trifle or even deeper section. — Declared having calmed down the friend. Dashingly released it, and the hologram of a children's luchemet showed gesture in Buratino's nose style.

— I speak to you, it is sick and injured.

— So let it, the doctor will examine, and will cure of dystrophy. — The boy having straightened took a serious form and became an accurate voice, imitating intonation of instructors robots to explain. — you Think, I do not know elementary rules. If — inform of suspicious to commanders if criminal stop itself or uvedom the administration. Here the ultrapulsarny nonsense is available. If at it function of stem cells is oppressed, it needs the real hospitalization.

— Let's solve this problem the clever man. — Gloomy answered Dashingly.

— Already solved.

Having risen Tigers, made the deceptive movement and, having caught on it the opponent, having changed cut put peep fingers to the stelzanu-boy bared on a belt in a solar plexus. The blow had end-to-end the tiles causing association with active armor of the tank of a press. The mini-fighter fell, convulsively gasping for air.

— And where your force. Strong not to be bad, of course, but have to cook balls also. — It is proud said Vladimir spitting out blood from the injured lips, several teeth were beaten out from it, on a sex of the person bruises, but a look all the same happy blurred.

— What balls? It that new weapon or muscular amplifier? — With surprise asked Dashingly and it is lost added. — It is strange that you cut down, should not be so. It much quicker you with incomparably best reaction.

— The head should be worked! — Muttered Tigers. The boy person was also surprised with the progress. In a sparring of a stelzana moved quicker than terrestrial cheetahs, and their children could cut down Tyson even in better years of this of the legendary, become a symbol world single combats of the fighter. Really from where his hands became such prompt, here even fingers of hands swelled up from blows.

— And you its not the head knocked? Do not take literally, I elementary pronounce words. — Too maintained playful tone Dashingly.

— You joke, means. — Vladimir cheerfully winked.

The boy took couple of steps and reeled, young offsprings of race of cruel, space aggressors managed to break not less than eight ribs. And a knee hurt, strongly swelled. And in a mouth soleno from blood, language imperceptibly feels splinters of the injured teeth, the jaw burst. And from a nose the yushka flows — want to sneeze, and it is terrible. Mm da finished it capitally, in its not so advanced time at least a few months of hospital would be provided. Also it seems also the kidney was beaten off, the liver as if a vacuum bomb tears. And in general such is terrible pain everywhere that it is difficult to breathe, legs give away.

Dashingly the fighter who is well trained by cybernetic programs to estimate a condition both the enemy, and fellow soldiers visually at once everything understood:

— By the way, you it does not prevent to be pumped up, having increased parameters. Let's go to laboratory, our brother soldier should not concede to others in physical force. — And seeing as it is heavy to stand to brutally hackneyed Tigrov, added. — And at the same time to cure damages.

Access to laboratory especially on a military starprobe vehicle was not so simple, but here old communications were put to use. Among mini-soldiers purely formal, especially they have an equality the juvenile commanders, let and not so authorized as at more adult companions.

Vladimir the doctor in a blue dressing gown in an environment of mini-hospital attendants and mini-nurses from among trainees accepted. Thanks to selection and hormonal preparations even children had practically no infections and other diseases, usual for people. The main task of hospitals was the forced return of soldiers to a fighting system. Naturally there was the extensive pharmacology on artificial stimulation of physical and mental capacities. The offer to treat the exhausted brother was not surprising, only pay, this fighting healing which is not caused by defeat in battles.

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