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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Tigrov was seated to the special chamber sphere and connected droppers, wires and scanners. Restoration process began. Included electrostimulation of fibers and dumping into blood of ultra-anabolic steroids. The latest preparations and achievements of genetic engineering were put to use. All this had to lift Tigrov's possibilities to the level of its estimated age, characteristic of stelzan. (It is necessary to tell that after all movements the boy decreased and looked is not more senior than eleven-twelve years — why a riddle, Vladimir even thought that time can stole from it two-three years of physical development as compensation of so fantastic transfer?) . Of course, it would be necessary to take an interest from where Likho has money and why he brought the ward into laboratory, on a rank seniors on a rank have to make it. But the father Likho not only was a general, he was also an oligarch, fantastically rich person and therefore to the little boy a lot of things said goodbye. Especially as they did nothing bad, only pumped up the mini-soldier of the empire. Vladimir plunged into a condition of a trance, process of strengthening demanded time.

Of course, it is tempting to rise by their level of physical potential, activization of action of stem cells at the genetic level, is already a possibility of fast and full independent regeneration. In such delightful semi-sleepiness there were hours. The consciousness sank into a deep sleep. And in the conditions of total cellular and supercellular updating, it were very pleasant dreams. The native planet, such colourful, snow-white mountains, emerald fields dreamed. And it flies over its marvelous open spaces. Around little fantastic elves, with multi-color wings, under it his hometown the capital of Moscow. The stately Kremlin with towers and the sparkling stars. What happy there was time, there its native class where he studied before transfer of the father to the Urals. Friends, girlfriends, it landed, and they friendly wave hands. There is Olympic Mishka and nearby there is already familiar marshal Polikanov who is strongly looking like a wolf from the newest hundred hours of series "Well Wait a Moment!" about action of heroes in space. Full of flowers and all are happy. Near it his friend Likho Razorvirov lands, he shakes all hands and speaks:

— We love you — our brothers on reason, we always were and we will be and we will be our friends. Let's eat candies and to drink kvass. Look at the sky.

All threw off a look. The huge colourful candy laid in a complex combination of flowers and ornaments floated on the sky. Near it on a heavenly smooth surface entertainments slid more small, they merged in seven-color scale.

Vladimir hears unpleasantly for the acquaintance, despite all melody a voice: "Forgive me people!".

The boy darts a glance down and nearly to choke with amazement. In one swimming trunks painfully familiar infernal Lira Velimara is kneeling. It inclined the head, seven-color hair are tidied up to the spit, expression of a beautiful woman's face found marvelous mildness. The furious conqueror over and over again bends a brawny back in deep bow and to pray:

— My God, help and forgive me guilty.

Marshall Polikanov whips the profligate a lash, keeping saying:

— You tell truth the daughter of an underworld, but late you repent!

To Vladimir bothers to look at it, and it turns a view of the sky again. There and really it is more and more interesting.

For example enormous mountains it is more than Everesta ice cream, utykanny berries, chocolates, butonchik of edible flowers. Or directly about a cloud striped paste, condensed milk, chocolate cocktails with sparkling as if precious stones candied fruits flows down. And cakes what — in the form of fantastic sailing vessels on which float princesses and sultans. Here the cakes decorated with animals, the curls, tags which are brightly sparkling and appetizing small fishes. Some culinary products even throw out from themselves streams of the fountains which are poured on several sun or throw out fireworks of polichromatic sparks. And still heroes various the animated film, — girls with ribbons of various American and Japanese animes fly by air. Other luscious and glamourous toons. Here for example Ponka from "Duck stories", in the place with the friend of the ninjia-mamontenokom from the Russian multi-series. They break off pieces from cakes and are thrown by them as if jugglers.

So everything at the same time is magnificent as if you got to Heaven — to what it is presented by the little children living in the full country. Where all are happy and dreams come true, to nobody even in the head can come that in principle existence of problems and a grief is possible.

He also did not notice how light suddenly grew dim, and the terrible roar shook a starprobe vehicle. The dream instantly changed, candies turned into rockets, cakes in the fighting ships, cakes in medieval fortresses prisons, and kind elves in spiteful vampirenyshy. The friend Likho seized canines a throat, his eyes burned with an underworld flame. The Olympic bear turned into the enormous goblin with a spark mouth and a tail of a tyrannosaur. The mouth of the wild monster revealed, directly canines more similar to nuclear warheads in the eyes grew. Lira Velimara jumped from knees, in hands of the harpy legendary volsheblaster, she opens fire and the terrible marshal Polikanov addresses in... an amoeba from the smoking slime which is silly sticking out on a peak-cap.

Hyper nuclear explosions rumbled, having heated space, light stuck a burning lava into brains again. Tigers rushed and dropped out from a chamber. Vozrashcheniye in reality was dreadful.

Deafening gaps continued to sound and in reality, there was not a comic space fight, and mighty rockets got to the case of a leader. The blast wave rolled on a starprobe vehicle, and in its strongest way shook. It is visible charges detonated, the ultraplasma cloud rushed into the room. The burning particles burned skin. Tigers jumped and crashed into something soft, fiery Gehenna blazed again. Recently fire did not frighten Tigrov any more and he did not make attempt to evade or escape. Time I got to a whirlwind violent, so again I move, polymya will not kill me. The hyper plasma stream walked once again and abated. Neither pain, nor even the burning skin, in a face blew something warm, strongly smelled of tropical plants.

Tigers before narrowed eyes safely opened them. Before it there was dense yellow-golden jungle. It is not probable, it moved again, so works, incomprehensible with reason effect. Someone groaned under legs, Vladimir obviously stood on a live body. Groan seemed familiar, seemingly, to it it was lucky and now will not be lonely in this unfamiliar world.

HEAD? 27

The petal is gentle a flower

We only at the beginning of a way...

Let this world be also cruel

It is necessary to go stubborn.

The jungle was not too dense, through golden and orange petals illuminated a double star. One star red as poppy, the second blue cornflower-blue color. Stars were large, but burned down not especially strongly, light radiated by them was soft and pleasant. The prostrate fairly burned friend not without effort rose, legs gave away, and he was forced to grab a liana. Hair slightly burned, on a face blisters and bruises flaunted. Dashingly often blinked, it is visible a graviavolna strongly shook the mini-soldier. At last the boy managed to appease a shiver, and he said.

— You, too here. — Razorvirov three times quickly scrolled as if it was on screws seyuya a neck around. — Rejoice, we died and were had to the parallel mega-Universe! Broke off our starprobe vehicle also we at the new level of existence. The signal of collecting will sound soon, mini-fighters will be created in groups.

— To you I see, it cannot wait to receive again, a good charge of hyper plasma? — Tigers despite their not too clear present prospects did not keep from smiling.

— You that, here in the Universe all our, other races will be destroyed. — Resolutely said mini-soldiers. — Time you with us our brother, take the weapon and prepare for fight.

Razorvirov stretched toy luchemt. Tigers took it, having felt as the handle conveniently laid down. The weapon is an important thing though sometimes and excessively talkative. But strangely enough children's blasters of all types are most often silent, except special cases. Well it is clear, there is nothing to indulge future soldiers. The climate is quite good here, in a body is it seems full of energy. Here only a problem — where to go? The boy being puzzled said:

— I so think. Most likely, abandoned us in the desert area, it is not excluded the wild world, means better to climb up top and to examine the district.

— Good thought. — Razorvirov supported and set a leg to similarity of a terrestrial fly agaric. The fungus appeared elastic and instead of scattering jumped aside as if a ball.

To climb up top it was not such lung as at first it seemed business. Dashingly did not depart from a shock, muscles were weakened by influence of radiations, and Tigers for the present did not feel real consequences of the muscular rating made in a biochamber., It seems, in itself as if there is a lot of force, and in practice... It as spirit of the drunk person, trees is ready to be pulled up and on a hillock you stumble. Somehow it was succeeded to overcome about eighty meters to tree top. Breed is unknown, but that like a hybrid of a pine, a palm tree, and trunk bark with rare branches as the roof tiled.

From height the interesting look opened. Behind the tree mountain, enormous, and branchy as the elder brother of a baobab rustled. Somewhere in the distance the glade settled down, and on it chubby beings with a trunk of elephants and the head of dinosaurs were grazed. With it however, you will not surprise mini-soldiers, but here surprise, at the line of the horizon hardly noticeable domes of towers were seen.

Vladimir nearly fell down from krone:

— You see, this world is inhabited, there is intelligent life. — It is pleased the boy exclaimed.

Young stelzan without hiding triumph now, answered!

— I see — Ultrakvazarno! And Giperzvezdno! Most likely, it is one of native colonies under our control in the parallel Giga-Universe.

— It is unlikely. It is rather however another, we did not die and it is our former Universe. — Not quite surely assumed Vladimir.

— As did not die. It is impossible to escape at such explosion, it contrary to physical laws. Time we means here, are already dead. Death in fight honor and glory, I love you Stelz — the Superpower! — Sang excited with the imminent adventures Dashingly.

— Between other you forgot something. In the new Universe there have to be six or twelve measurements, and them here only when only three. — Vladimir even stuck fingers into the sky as if it was so more convincing.

— It only at our level of perception, we simply do not feel a difference. The brain and a body, thinks that three though them already six. Watch what opportunities it will give us. — Dashingly pomorshchit a forehead, tried to strain muscles. Discontentedly as the tiger cub who missed production roared. — The very demon from tear apart, something to move bolnovato.

— Still so would popalit! — Vladimir itself also felt gradually weakening itch in a body. Similar on what arises when you intensively train after a long break. The boy suddenly will loudly shout, vigorously specifying by a hand and sticking with a forefinger — Here look the shepherd there!

— Where? — Dashingly blinked the eyes, its acute eyesight after it the giperpryshka from Gehenna was not restored yet.

Really on an animal remotely similar to a unicorn the herdboy, the young man of years of fifteen sat. The most interesting that he surprisingly reminded a stelzan and it is dressed for the shepherd quite decently. Something in its shape was familiar. Tried to remember tigers.

— Yes it is the cowboy — the Yankee. Look we as if in a temporary hole failed. — The human boy-podanets gave out.

— Do not talk rubbish. This is our guy it is visible other fashion here. — Objected it stelzan.

— And where luchemt it? — Vladimir grinned.

— Sinkh were devoured. — The mini-soldier was sharply stirred up, played press muscles, touched the naked blisters covered with pieces of chalk and a soot by heels of the nape. — All right, I went to it.

Having felt far more vigorously Razorvirov, dexterously jumped off, swinging hands so that falling was slightly more slowly. Landed lovchy the paratrooper and run rushed off to herd. Tigers repeated after it, almost without having felt at a shake-up landing. Its force promptly increased, the boy-popadanets did not lag behind, to him it was curious too. When they ran out on a glade, the herdboy first did not pay on them special attention. And when Dashingly seized a unicorn by reins, even haughty shouted.

— Leave, ragamuffins, behind alms go to the city, there the holiday can be that be, will give.

The mini-soldier of Purple constellation did not differ in mild temper, the phrase offended it. However, both boys indeed had a type of bosyatsskiya and from not washed away soot dirty as if draw. Rage gave force, and Dashingly literally dumped the young man on the earth. That crashed down, but probably having combative experience did not become puzzled and having jumped, tried to get a dagger. Dashingly at first sight slightly struck with a finger it in a nose bridge, and Tigers broke a hand. The guy became soft, dug blood and began to babble something.

— Speak more distinctly. What weakling, rotten muscles. No, you are not our soldier! — Razorvirov bellowed and made the terrible person.

— Do not kill me. I will give you, steam of pennies. — Choking the captivated shepherd said.

— We do not need your money moreover such small. Speak you who! — Razorvirov made fingers a fork, and nearly stuck with it into eyes.

— I am an elite shepherd, and my tanko-tigress runs here. Release me or it will break off you.

The semi-legendary tanko-tigress jumped out on a glade. It was the animal the sizes from a tyrannosaur. An enormous Tiger in striped scaly armor, with two-meter canines with six paws ladles. And to fall with seven rows of teeth just overland cachalot.

And it is dashing and Tigers shot at the same time, purely instinctively. Already shooting, both boys transferred luchemeta almost to the maximum power. The striped dinosaur failed, having published an agonal roar. The roar was such that from trees cones and fruit fell down. The young shepherd jumped, and storm gallop having incurred, away.

Mini-stelzan stopped having grabbed by a hand of rushed, was in after Tigrov.

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