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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Girls squeal with delight and confirm:

— So be it!

Falls chipped American President Orc. And his shaggy head to himself klatsat teeth. This is indeed a magnificent representative of the fauna. And Donald is chopping himself and is not going to retreat.

Next to him fighting and Vladimir Putin. Both presidents deserve each other, though turned into boys.

That is the Trump began to shoot the charming Archer. With diamond-tipped arrows fly. The us President cuts down on the fly aggressive weapons, and sings with aplomb:

— We'll fight on the ground . ,

Under the Sun and pitch darkness!

We will fight to the end,

Burn with the fire of love hearts!

What is America! And the embodiment of the American dream — Donald trump!

From most of the arrows Trump managed to Dodge. But some of them hurt him. One arrow stabbed painfully into his muscular shoulder. And it was inconvenient.

Trump pulled the arrow, and said:

— Nobody can stop us! Us no one-not wins!

And the boy-President, jumping up high, knocks the Archer down. A great warrior this Donald trump.

However, this is not the end. Now both the young President's body began fencing with each other. Both in the bodies of teenagers, muscular, very beautiful boys. Only Putin red, and Donald blond. They fight each other, very actively. And the movement rapid. Lightsabers flash like lightning. And the battle is on equal terms.

Putin whispers:

— You can't beat Russia!

Trump is much louder, says:

— And you, America! It is necessary to understand!

And the two boys of the President cross swords and begin to press each other. And light streams crack, and even sparks. Falling, red, blue, green, and yellow sparks!

Then both President-boy diverge. And the battle come the girls. Almost naked, wearing only the necklace on the hips, and ankle bracelets studded with diamonds and some unknown people, but extraordinarily beautiful and brightly sparkling stones.

Warriors shake Breasts through aloe nipples were gold rings with semi-precious stones. That Shine like the sun. Donald's fighting a girl. She is very fast, and is not inferior to the speed of the us President.

The ruler of America, who became a boy, is trying to accelerate. Very muscular teenager-the President rotates his sword. But apparently the warrior is much more experienced. And its burning lightsaber, and then burn Donald. On the smooth, bronze skin of the President, the boys appear burned.

Us President in a rage growls:

— The devil! What's wrong with you?

Girl in the answer replies:

— Training hard — easy in battle! Fight my knight!

Donald trump hissed:

— The power of America is with me! You don't understand!

I would've kept with a chuckle answered:

"We create worlds far more advanced than your planet Earth!" And than you us can surprise anyone!

Trump managed to bend, and kick the devil with a naked, boyish heel under his knee. The girl gasped and momentarily lost concentration. The lightsaber touched her powerful neck....

The warrior in the crown and jewels increased and sent a kiss to Donald:

— You're a great guy! Fight and win!

Trump asked the warrior Queen with some irritation:

— And when you say we're ready!?

The kind rationally answered:

— Every vegetable has its time! Do not forget that we will send you to another universe naked. And all hope you will have for reaction, strength, and new thinking. So you have a lot to learn before you start the mission!

Trump vexed said:

What a mess! And I want action!

Here both the President suddenly shifted, and ended up in a big city.

Not quite futuristic, more like new York in the nineties. In the hands of both boys-presidents machines.

Cars are moving in front. They go with ugly, unshaven faces and protruding trunks.

Putin and trump threw up their guns and opened fire. The bullet pierced the head-eating thugs. Fountains of crimson blood spurted. The first three cars lost control and crashed into the window at full speed.

Trump has bellowed:

They won't!

Putin threw a grenade ... Flight and one more car with gangsters turned over. Donald also launched a killer gift of death. The fifth car went to pieces. The last of the number that spun gangsters tried to turn around.

But the boys-presidents, synchronously thrust into her jets of their hand "guns", and then burst out laughing:

— They're not as tough as they look!

And winked at each other...

There was gunfire from above. Large-caliber bullets tore up the asphalt, and smashed the tiles.

Putin lupanul on the enemy and hissed:

That's cunning!

Donald, stepping to the side, roared:

— Will not go unpunished, I believe you!

Then the boy-President rolled into a somersault. He moved like a clockwork figure.

Then both warrior lupanul machine guns at the enemy. Something snapped and twitched....

Donald squeaked and growled:

— We will never be stopped by America's enemies!

Dropped from a helicopter bomb. The explosion collapsed part of the building. There were moans and screams of people being killed.

Putin in annoyance noticed:

— That you speak America! What did you go to Iraq for?

Trump responded aggressively:

— And for the sake of what you have sunk into Syria! Don't talk politics.

The boy President looked up at the sky. The helicopter had four propellers, and looked like thick, titanium armor. It's a gun and not to take.

Putin looked around. There was a girl barely covered, a necklace on her hips, and a spear in her hand. She spun her weapon and squeaked.:

— Well, the valiant soldiers... some really do get out!

Donald grunted angrily.:

— Believe me, we'll get out!

Putin fired at the helicopter from the machine gun, and noticed with a grin:

— Does not take a strong armor!

Trump snapped, and noticed:

— This is you not with savages in Syria to fight! This is something new in the helicopter industry!

And the boy President took and aimed at the enemy, something lethal. Namely, a grenade launcher, which was suddenly in the hands of trump. The boy-President Putin stared, and asked in surprise:

Where's that?

Donald trump winked at his partner and replied:

— I'm a billionaire, which means I'm a resourceful person!

Then the us soldier pulled the trigger. A lethal missile struck. She drew a tail, got right in the center of the helicopter. There was a deafening explosion. And everything literally blew up.

Donald trump with a very pleased look said:

— That's what the American acumen!

Putin replied in annoyance:

— But Crimea you've been missing!

Donald snapped.:

— Crimea? Its trivial Yes, we didn't want to take! And now it will be fun!

The helicopter was torn in the air, breaking up into many parts at once.

It gushed, and threw fireworks.

Then the girl reappeared, wearing a crown studded with gems. She solemnly announced:

— You're doing well in the maze! But now you have to non-trivial test!

Trump licked his lips and growled:

— I like everything unusual! Maybe we can fight for real now.

A dozen beautiful, half-naked girls appeared. They had two teenagers on the Avenue of the big city. Around, oddly enough it was deserted. As if everything was extinct. But, despite the slow pace, the streets flowed rapidly, as if the river carried the boys and girls.

But here they were inside the Colosseum. Where many girls were swarming. Also with a minimum of clothing and almost all barefoot. But girls obviously of incredible beauty. They're so graceful. And it looks like a serious battle was brewing, with the use of weapons.

Trump replied with a piranha smile:

— Great fun to fight!

The stadium was somewhat like an ice Palace, only bigger. And sitting on chairs alone girl in jewelry.

As the girl-commentator with a seven-color hairstyle declared-fight will be paired so the boy-the President of the USA and the boy-the President of Russia will be able to feel a brotherly elbow. Trump is pleased, as he expected to be able to protect his partner Putin in time.

Not that they became friends, but the only native human in an alien world.

The rookies, as expected, went first, venerable men have majestically swim then. The arena was huge and was very thick in the foot and a half bulletproof glass. The girl in the crown explained to them that this was done in case the gladiators went into battle with firearms, and here it happened. And to be understood in addition a grid under current.

Trump and Putin met with a whistle, they did not make an impression. However, they were slightly changed, giving elastic green orange jumpsuits, but leaving bare. Boys and at the same time, the presidents looked like teenagers fourteen to a maximum of fifteen years, and no one would say that it is a formidable killers have many victims. Naturally there was a ringing, shouting-we are inflated, no one wanted to put money on teenagers, except for a few extravagant girls with amulets and gladiators themselves, who put all the money on themselves. Them in case of defeat, the money is not needed — a fight to the death!

The Deputy chief of the space police, shook his finger:

— Don't make noise kids, for you there is a lovely prison orphanage. First, you'll be showered with acid.

Trump heard it, the bulletproof glass was raised, and the voice of the tormentor was loud as the roar of a donkey. He it himself a boy is not considered. But overalls and hid powerful muscles.

The audience is delirious. The boy President whispered.

The mafia boss the warrior Empress hesitated to put — not to put! She remembered how last time I missed the profit, however, understood in not too good a view of another warrior to dispose of goods that they put up a dangerous opponent.

Indeed, while the young gladiators shifted from foot to foot, a kind of music sounded, resembling the croaking of a frog, the chirping of a grasshopper and the hiss of an ASP simultaneously sounded a greeting:

— Arena out famous gladiators who found a lot of victims, the kings of murder-five-sex creatures of terror and Terror! -The voice of the announcer-beauty sounded choking with delight.

This caused an explosion of emotions and rapture, the audience applauded. Trump, not at all embarrassed, acted like a big child what he was in fact and was, despite his advanced age — showed language. This caused only laughter and shouts.

— What kindergarten, nipples want.

One diamond-crusted woman, a prestigious courtesan or rather an extremely expensive prostitute, giggled:

"Tickle me between my legs and I'll read you a story."

Trump shouted back:

— I could tear you apart! — Vladimir Putin stopped him.

The boy-President hissed:

— No, swearing is degrading, you behave like an adult.

Donald squeaked in response:

— You feel good because you're used to absolute power! I've already been tortured by Congress.

— If you kill one, you're a man. — Answered, not really understanding partner Putin. — The killer has no age.

President-boy Donald waved his fist in the air:

Perhaps you're right, it's time to break out of the cradle! Although it may be already past us the hour of death.

Huge doors parted and from them the glorified murderers-gladiators ceremoniously crept out.

"They've never left anyone alive in their entire careers!" The charming announcer announced.

Outwardly, the monsters were not particularly formidable, they resembled translucent squid, having a jelly-like body. Moved the Horror and Terror, slowly, one could see dozens of flexible tentacles, and instead of feet moving cushion. The other, they jerked, quickly reproduced the eight and stopped.

Trump realized that, despite the external slowness of these creatures are able to accelerate decently.

— Fight, it seems, will be difficult. He whispered in Putin's ear.

— I didn't expect an easy walk. -Here the boy-the President decided to play the partner. — And about the Horror and Terror were heard for a long time, neither their real names nor the name of their race or stay home planet, no one seems to know.

Trump asked with timid hope:

"Maybe the elves know."

Putin responded using the information in the box:

— I only saw them once from afar, they are very beautiful, but for men too glamorous, they on the faces or hairs like little boys, and dress up elf dress will be like a girl. In addition, they like to paint and men and women are just monkeys.

Beautiful girl in the crown announced:

— To announce a choice of weapons — machine guns class "Ochre" — 9 four pieces for two grenade launchers and a "Phalanx" — 6.

Girl boss mafia clasped her hands, firearms have his "Pets" didn't stand a chance. In addition, bullets and shell fragments passed through the jelly-like bodies without causing significant harm. It was better to fight with people, even with the famous "mad" and his girlfriend "Death". At least you can kill, and these are doomed to without a winning streak.

The weapons came down from below on the ropes, as well as a full set of ammunition. At the same time the floor began to move under him began to appear boulders, tin and wooden boxes, garbage. Apparently the organizers wanted to fight even a minute long, and teenagers would be where to hide.

Trump smiled:

In the face of death we look fierce again, the jellyfish, of course, not wrinkled, the enemy wants you to experience strength, but his goal will not achieve. — The rhyme uttered the boy, then Peredelkino the shutter, the machine was quite easy and convenient, it was supposed solid ammunition. The high initial speed of the bullet, provided a good aiming, penetrating power, and a relatively small exchange of small returns.

— There's a muzzle brake! — Putin said wincing. — He helps with the shooting and does not take the machine to the side.

— What same this help, but after all and enemy to shoot will feel more comfortable. Trump said, twisting his strong neck.

The boy-President of Russia touched the button:

— Of course, but this grenade "Phalanx" — 6, the most modern model.

Trump gave a whistle:

"It looks like the newest military warehouse has been robbed.

The boy-the President of Russia gurgled:

— The mafia is armed, there are even the latest experimental developments.

Trump is fiercely growled:

— This is to be expected, in a world of corruption ruled by the dollar. Even in the cosmic worlds!

Vladimir Putin has stamped her barefoot, a boy's leg, and growled:

— Stop ranting, let's discuss tactics. These things are too tenacious, I've seen fights with them. The only chance to kill them is to destroy the brain. But there is a separate, almost Autonomous nodes all over body. So we're gonna have to do something I don't even know! Riddled, but then they'll recover. If only we could find a flamethrower, then we could try to burn their flesh.

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