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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Where they at you under heart? — The lion looked on chocolate, relief as a steel grid at the little girl warrior's press.

— In an incubator, as well as all our children. — Vener began a tongue twister to explain. — The child it is forbidden and it is too dangerous to carry in itself, injuries stresses, wars. And to give birth on primitive it is sick. There in the biocomputer, a special cybernetic womb it is optimum and safe. Optimum development of a germ, and more in high gear, than it the nature would make. — In a voice of the officer of commercial investigation there was even more heat. — you Remember our last meeting, you then told that you feel as the suicide bomber and that would like to have successors of the business already in this Universe.

— How you managed to leave a fruit in an incubator to our races it is impossible to have the general children? — Eraskander generally not too dumbfounded similar news. He intuitively felt that there will be something similar. Even suspected that from it got posterity far not only fine Vener.

— At first I just wanted to bribe, but then it is unexpected it was not required. — Allamara widely and smiled enough. — During the analysis and scanning of germs it became clear that we have with you a fine genetics and outstanding abilities... Especially you have a supergreat man! These children will be geniuses in military art and strategy. We have a magnificent compatibility, even the hyper doctor was surprised, he very vividly took an interest in the identity of the father. At us you understand the main thing genetic compatibility and quality of children, and marriages convention only for distribution of property and then everything is relative. The woman who conceived from the hero herself is a heroine! I told lies that it is too famous soldier, and in order to avoid excessive questions offered in their fund, without documentation to be understood.

— They in an incubator it is visible develop much quicker? — The lion knew for a long time that stelzana are even born not in a human way, but of course details for the earthling secret behind seven seals and star systems.

— Yes, much quicker and soon will be born. — Vener shining with erudition added. — On the earth to ours of an arrival it would occupy the whole cycle, and now after improvement of your sort — a third of a cycle.

— And what's next? — Eraskander said it cold tone. He did not consider at all that invaders improved people. Though of course the period of pregnancy and incubation of a fruit was reduced — slaves work with a stomach worse, purely pragmatical approach, as well as a victory on an old age.

Vener began to explain with great feeling.

— A young lion, you know as soon as the child leaves an incubator soon becomes the mini-soldier. They will be brought up, grown up, trained according to genetic tendencies. Parents in the course of education as a rule do not participate and the majority of us even never sometimes, at all are interested in posterity and without having looked on the child. About two percent of time from all barracks cycle to fall on holiday though here differently. At descendants of oligarchs, heroes and more happens, can at desire of parents receive privileges. Well, and those which of a plebess, and such the majority — at all except barracks see nothing. — Having caught an angry eye of Lev Vener added. — But there too there are entertainment programs and fine all-round education with physical development. — Voitelnitsa-stelzanka with great feeling primolvit. — I believe, they will become great stelzana, — your children will submit and to govern the Universe.

— I meant not it, speaking about business continuation... — Gradually thawing Eraskander said. — In general in humane the twenty first centuries of our planet, philosophers told, stelzana the monsters depriving of children of the childhood, having driven from the cradle into barracks...

Vener wanted, was to object how the armor door scattered, being sawn by a graviolazer. The harpy Dina and dozen of strappers fighters uveshenny the weapon appeared in a doorway. And behind the two-three of besekipazhny boarding, ship tanks still smartly crept. The lion ironically laughed.

— I also did not expect other. What you want caress?

The angry face of Rozalenda instantly became kinder, blurred in the widest smile. Boyekostyuma instantly flew, having bared frightening delights.

— Yes my little soldier. You are cool the real Tanko tiger.

— A tiger or a lion it is better not to pull moustaches or...

The lion felt how air gets denser, and purely instinctively pushed away a barrier, having mentally presented that, pushed a force field. It worked, and gorillas-stelzany be filled up as if trees under a tornado, two large covered with a powerful force field of the tank turned over, and the third tightly stuck to a ceiling...

. Eraskander jumped up to the general's wife. Despite two centners of weight, her waist is rather harmonous, the press stuck out batteries, and a relief professional high people body builders at peak to a form. A heavy, but sports constitution, in own way very much even the beautiful woman who exchanged the fifth century. Of course, he did not love it, it is even terrible to touch such monster, but there was a wish to revenge Allamare in own way. To force a two-stuffy ofitsersha to be jealous and suffer here, having fallen in love with Dina on her eyes. That naturally not only did not resist, but itself greedy seized it. When bludodeystvo ended, Vener was strongly excited, and joyfully giggled:

— Kvazarno! You are magnificent superhyper exchanges our kid. Now be engaged in strange love with me.

The young man spat, and, having developed, walked away.

With these stelzana it is possible to go mad as people did not coarsen, nevertheless hardly they would consider such behavior as norm. Especially Puritan times pre-war times.

— It is necessary to remove a collar of the slave from it. Such beautiful young man is worthy, to be entered in our invincible army. — The four-star general shouted.

Dina, magnificent with muscles of a buffalo cow, sparkling under bronze skin, was nasty to it. The lion wanted, was to send it far away, but unless it is possible to survive, being guided only by naked emotions. It is impossible to miss such chance.

— I proved the readiness and ability to war for a long time! — With pathos Eraskander exclaimed.

— Wonderfully, ultrazvezdno, perfectly, kvazarno! — The dyne beckoned the servant's finger. — Flomanter will release you.

Already familiar treukhy being shy approached Eraskander. It was felt that the universal genius in panic is afraid of it.

The shivering flippers Flomanter gathered a code, turned something, and removed a collar.

— That's all. — And maliciously added. — Probably you did not think, it will be so simple!

— And the watching device? — The lion pretended that he passed a hairpin.

Ears of a small animal began to clap. Peep the frightened, working wonders Eraskander arouses fear, even in the presence of the general.

— Then can be. It is very difficult...

The dyne a thunderous voice tears off it:

— Now you are a soldier of Purple constellation with a trial period, before full assimilation!

As Lev was still very young, he was defined in basic preparatory group of shock special troops. The preparatory school of fighters strenuously trained, using the most modern methods, and obstacle courses, difficult for passing, sparrings, cyber-training in various environments. Though Eraskander was presented as the aboriginal of the empire of stelzan, hearing that it only the former slave extended with the shocking speed. However, the training with it, young stelzana were afraid to touch Lev. Too menacing mighty Terrestrial terminator had a reputation. Besides in all sparrings, in fact, it showed fighting skill of the highest class. Along with mind and charm it created around it such light aura of trust and the authority that soon Lev became the informal leader of preparatory crew. It, of course, was pleasant not to all. Especially irritated that he won on any cruel fighting courses against, in any environment and it is so easy as, the Tiger of kittens. The former leader of youth Girim Phish, with the accomplices and some soldiers of more mature age decided to put the beginner into place. To arrange "dark" on a stelzanovsky harmony: to beat and humiliate. Everything was made extremely simply, thirty five fighters with the cold and beam weapon gathered in a sparring hall. There they with impatience waited for the young excellent student of combat training. When Lev entered, on him snatched at once, seeking to cripple. Despite a superiority in strength of opponents, Eraskander successfully beat off, and even carried out counter blows. On the course it constantly moved, using, bars, disks, dumbbells, throwing daggers, spring brass knuckles. At the same time he tried to avoid murder though he very much wanted to punish these silly persons. Attempt to strike Lev from a paralyzer originally was not crowned with success, on the contrary shots disconnected those who attacked it. And still cannot infinitely carry, certainly quite good soldiers who won billions inhabited the world of a stelzana. After the young man was covered by the category, they pull hard, and began to beat him. Beat, than got including heavy metal objects. The lion tortured to use cogitative force, but he has this time nothing, it did not turn out. The telekinetic spark died away, and blows grew in force. At some point Eraskander fainted. It seemed to it that his soul leaves a body, and he sees this fight, as if from outside. Here it lies blood-stained and not mobile, he is beaten by legs, beaten with signature stamps of bars. Familiar even on Earth a show when the crowd beats one not movably lying guy. The lion wants to strike or kill someone from them, but his new essence is incorporeal and fists pass through stelzan like the hologram in air. The lion strains the remains of consciousness and to it the familiar voice of Dina is heard.

— Yes mister Ultramarshal. All hyper squadron has to be constructed in a fighting order and to be ready to a hyper jump to the region of a galaxy of Diligarido, however it is such big distance.

— Your business not to argue, and to execute the order, I order this hyper-squadron. — The dry answer follows. Secunda a pause and continuation of a machine-gun tongue twister — And as for a distance, came effect of nine serial vacuum whirlwinds. It changes congruence of space, giving the chance to move one hyper jump. I should not explain advantage of such odds!

— I will give the order about reduction of my under control mighty squadron to combat readiness. — The mighty general's wife barked:

The ultramarshal dry tone porodolzhat:

— I notified all other generals. Listen, it is right that you cover the runaway slave Eraskander.

— Yes, we included it in fighting landing group it the excellent fighter... Hyper! — On the last word the Dyne increased tone and added already more quietly. — Hermes shakes the bill of sale wants to take away him.

— It too small fry. Tell that late, went to a hyper jump and are already inaccessible, and in general the way itself watches the property. — The voice of the ultramarshal became surovy.

— He too impudently stands up for the rights. The legalist is vacuum! — The general's wife clanked with teeth.

— Declare combat total readiness with mobilization even of mini-soldiers. Also try that, this slave was not killed. And Hermes if becomes impudent, then remind him: in the conditions of the martial law accidents are possible.

— I understood the order, this remarkable young man will not be killed. Hermes as required under arrest or...

The ultramarshal the barking tone interrupted:

— Carry out movement, it is time to strike punishment blow. Not to touch Hermes yet, he has influential relatives.

— Correctly the emperor told: related feelings as a rusty chain, hold down courage, poison honor, defile a debt! — Gave an aphorism a female hippopotamus.

When communication was interrupted, Lev hanged in amazement. Why became interested in the small slave in it even ultragrossmarshat. And that if to listen also to his thoughts. As it is pleasant to fly, he knew that only the highest of the guru (which on Earth practically did not remain) are capable here so easily and to move freely in a spiritual cover. When passing a covering of a leader, the boy felt only easy sparking as if slightly struck with static electricity. What majestic look opened after an exit in the dug-out space. Millions of the star ships of the most various designs and terrible forms majestically floated in space. Around the multi-colored mosaic of stars shone, it seemed to all, was, the sky in diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz and agate. But there is no time to admire and it flew in the biggest leader-grosslinkor. Starprobe vehicle titan. The Kelelvirovy hedgehog not less than 300 kilometers in the diameter. Military starprobe vehicle snashchenny in thousands of terrible tools capable in fractions of a second to burn the whole planets. In the central cabin of the ship ultragrossmarshat conducted negotiations in the gipergraviagramma mode.

— Yes about great. Everything will be made.

— Look, you are strongly tied in this case, will try to shirk also to you the end. — As if a cobra the unfamiliar, absolutely deprived of humanity voice hissed.

— I am ready for everything. — Nervous tone the dignitary declared.

— And now listen to the additional instruction...

What for the instruction Lev did not hear. The room suddenly grew dim, and it is almost instant as if the soul was soaked up by the most powerful vacuum cleaner, it appeared in fairly crippled body again. The head broke up, some ribs were broken.

When Dina pressed the button, about transition to the limit marching mode, in rooms pink sparks lit up. Fighters mechanically stopped beating. Then the biggest of them recovered to the five-star officer senior in team of torturers.

— To continue educational process, or...

— Everything will be enough, he received the. — The commander tore off.

Girim Fasch decided to squeeze the word too.

— We taught a good lesson him, capitally otpulsariv already enough. And in general he is an excellent guy, only too impudent, this is the excellent soldier. He will be a magnificent fighter. If of course does not twist a neck in a gravitational collapse.

— Yes!

The officer slightly winked.

— In it there is a potential of the great fighter. Only for the slave it too highly lifted up a chin. Also remember stelzana among themselves when do not move. At us either a training sparring, or educational process. Stick to it a stimulator, such guys very quickly come back to a system.

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