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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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However, despite the fact that I am not admitted I pulled the classrooms every day before the examination, which concluded, "the госсы". Starting early in the morning, I was in somebody's office and listened to the messages and sermons that it was wrong to do, then the threats that I will go to the most severe way, what're going to send me to hell and shorebirds, but in response to repeated one and the same. I had nowhere to retreat, but because I was firm and unyielding. Usually, I'm used to it, my bypass offices began with the Chancellery of the battalion and ended in the evening at the head of the College in his the reception area. Day after day I heard one and the same. The battery commander was talking quietly, but with necessary hints to the fact that silence will not work for me the gift. Squadron leader was nervous, shouting, bathed by saliva, waving his hands in front of me, walked the floors his strange gait, which impression that he kept Bouncing on the prosthetic ходуле, suppressed my bass and hypnotic gaze success, as now, his morale officer tried to promote me on душещипательной conversation, crying to my conscience and the best feelings of the soul. The head of the College with me were quite moderate, officially and gently, coaxing, if I just knew what to say, tell about this for the sake of saving not only my friend, but cadet, five minutes officer of the armed forces.

Sometimes together with the head of school in the study attended by Chairman of the state examination Commission, who repeatedly in my presence threw the head of the school assumptions, that, probably, I don't want to be in the ranks of the officer corps, having achieved, in the end, that I'm right in the face and told him that indeed it is my long-standing desire, and then he calmed down and no longer knew how to reach me. His menacing look and fat figure, although his powers, and sent me to some confusion, but, nevertheless, could not affect me so much that I confessed to everything.

Times two or three specially invited on this case I had a conversation with the military Prosecutor, who arrived from the district. He fawned very much in front of me, then suddenly for no reason, no reason launched into a gallop and shook my head fist to squeezed in it "The criminal code of the USSR". But not helped the cause of inquiry and this procedure, I was hard to crack, surprisingly not only them, but himself.

I never told them anything has changed a single word from your version. For the most part I don was silent, following the adage: "a Word is silver, but silence is gold!"

Every day attacks against me made all the weaker, and only occasionally flare, flashed with new force. Only once, already before the state examination, when, probably, it became clear that Охромов not only will not return, but find it not be able too, when the question of where he might have gone to once again become a rib, and the last illusion the command melted as snow in the spring, second, raging, high and the last wave questioning with such a monstrous, furious force, with such a fantastic and unexpected pressure piling on me that I barely kept my legs, but still выдюжил, for he knew that behind my back looms abyss. I almost broke, but withstood all the same this time. I helped my confidence that could save me not someone, but only my own firmness and commitment of the stand to the end in.

This the latest wave of attacks came as a pity, at the beginning of the so-called "Golden week, beloved, long-awaited and fleeting time that separates last state exam, deposited in school, from graduation ceremonies: a solemn presentation of diplomas to всеучилищном building, farewell to the banner, singing, greetings, dinner dance and so on. "Gold" it was called a long time ago and probably that during her when nothing can be changed or change in their destiny, it is impossible to achieve something better, but all the bad things are behind, is relax, indulge in dreams and prepare for a new life, this bright and cheerful, as at this time it seems, without exception, all graduates.

True, it happened so that our course of the "gold" of the week it came out only four days, but they were manna from heaven. However, not all. Some people never fully recovered from the massacre, which it does, whether it is the local population arranged on the square in front of the building of the regional party Committee. Yes and I had not sweet.

I must say that with the beginning of the "Golden week our rate allowed free and unhindered access to the city which was, undoubtedly, a great and long-awaited joy for us, otherwise what is the "Golden" week without free exit?! We released freely, but at the same time in the city increased the number of patrols, headed by officers-instructors with departments who, whether from their own zeal, whether somebody's instruction pick on us, five minutes officers, worse than the cadets for the first year students, and at the slightest пререканию dragged by the scruff of the neck, someone might grab and dragged him to the commandant, and from there on училищную guardhouse, wait there, in the silence of the issue. Guys our intoxicated with freedom, suddenly, which opened its doors on them after so many years of sitting "on the circuit", and indeed shattered in earnest. And, what is most surprising, the most numerous "violators" these days those who previously regularly sat "on the circuit", and now as the chain failed. With similar happened to a lot of misunderstandings and trouble in these happy days. Often fished out in any urban tavern in a completely inappropriate and excited state, "in Board", that is called, drunk. That's really people, how yard deflated chain кобеляки. Those who before похаживал more and less frequently in the city, visited restaurants and bars, behaved and now relatively bearable. Anyway, one of the notorious slackers and самовольщиков in town these days patrols are not detained. Now, in the old entrenched habit behaved meek and below the grass. In General, stability is a sign of mastery. They and in the form of even did not go all out of habit, on the civilian side. It was easier and handier in all senses.

Unfortunately, for me this festive "Golden week was darkened and corrupt fully, finally and irrevocably. I could not accede to any of веселившихся and буйствовавших these days campaigns. I was kept locked up in school and not allowed into the city because they suspected my attitude to the loss Охромова, but prove it could not.

The only thing left to me, this accept his fate and wait, when all end.

Охромов not appeared more Conscience my still disturbed me, but not the acute pain that I felt in the beginning, but some other, dull, aching, брезгучей, but not less adverse and weak.

Only, at least some consolation for my bad position, in which I found myself, was that I was in the money, which none of my friends did things like that, and the fact that finally got rid of contrary feeling eternal the debtor, when all charms, temptations and joy worldly seen through the prism of guilt, when you unpleasant to realize that you live, basically, at the expense of others, in debt that you yourself insolvent person. And this is a very nasty feeling that can spoil and ruin any joy.

However, I'm not all four days spent forever in school, but in addition to the endless seemingly questioning this week has been full and other unusual and strange even if I don't say that terrible events what hitherto me never happened.

Chapter 25.

As I said, I had to make a second onslaught interrogation and выпытываний. And he came exactly at the beginning of the "Golden week", which I was waiting for it than others, fellow College.

It is in those carefree days, the last days in school, the state Commission headed by its Chairman had to do a lot, hidden from us work. She was to sum up the results final state examinations, what is called "knock out the grandmother of their work, and with the results, go on a report in Moscow in the Ministry of defence. There were already making a final decision, issue an order of the Minister of defence on assignment of graduates of our school rank "Lieutenant" and the result.

Take the results of putting "госсов"to bring back the order of work in the rank of and badges with the Moscow mint was the duty of the Chairman of the state examination a fee. He descend into Moscow in a special wagon, after passing the last "госса", then, been in Moscow a day or two, came back with the head of the school held a graduation ceremony, was, so to say, representative of the centre and the Ministry of defense of us at official events, that was providing us and College certain honour from Moscow. That's so and was possible this is the "Golden week", which is so loved, knew about it and were waiting for her, all graduates of all years that passed before us.

In this time, besides, major-General Бибко to fulfill some unpleasant duties.

The first of them was that he drove to Moscow documents on комиссацию twenty people with a graduation rate and the appointment of four disability pensions. These cadets suffered and seriously in the scuffle, which became an attempt to disperse demonstration the urban population. Part of the responsibility lying, probably, and on the General-major, because this all happened during the passing of state examinations and with it, presumably, if not approval, anyway, tacit consent. It seems that it is not easy to carry this unpleasant burden and to report to the Minister of defence that failed at the last moment was excluded twenty healthy, educated, healthy and strong guys, each of which was a small particle of hope and the power of our army, dropped out at someone's frightened, indiscriminate wave of the hand, cast them to the square, the angry crowd. Whose only?

The second of the duties of the Chairman of the state examination Commission was not better than the first. He was to report about much more than disney. He drove report to the chief of the school, signed, on the dismissal from the number of cadets Охромова Gregory of the missing.

The circumstances of his disappearance and remained outstanding. The military Prosecutor's office of the district got on this fact criminal case but it remained unfinished because the only real and actual witness in this case I passed, cadet Yakovlev. And I haven't said has not given any testimony on the case and denied any involvement in the incident. Any materials investigators did not know. Vain were and searches of the city police, which is connected to the case. The criminal investigation has not made a single drop of clarity and found no more or less correct notes, pretexts with which to begin unraveling of the skein.

All secret becomes obvious — so the saying goes. Maybe this is true, but, apparently time to the disclosure of this case has not yet come. And it was closed.

Giving yourself a word, I and now kept until the end, although the attraction of such a reputable forces should lead me in utter awe before the power and strength of the state. But this did not happen.

While my classmates fun ватагами rejoicing as young children, were sent for the gate of the school, I sadly watched them through the Windows of the rooms where with me and talked where I questioned chiefs, members of the state Commission, the investigators of the Prosecutor's office and police and the military Prosecutor of the district. Exactly here I saw this report, speaking to the Minister of defence and signed by a team from my platoon commander and to the Chairman of the state examination Commission, with the request to dismiss a cadet Охромова of the number of students in the school, as disappeared under mysterious circumstances. I saw it on one of interrogations and knew now that such report exists, and that the defense Minister will make a decision on my unfortunate friend. One would think that he meets this report or not, depended on whether alive Охромов Grishka or will be crossed out from among the living.

A report of this as the last argument, the last hope for my prudence shook me at the last interrogation Chairman of the state Commission. And in another letter to the parents of Grisha, where regretfully reported that their son mysteriously and under mysterious circumstances missing. He in the presence of the Prosecutor and the many others who have led me on conversations and interviews made me read all this aloud to "better come down". But even after that I was standing on my and was steadfast, although it cost me a lot of suffering and effort of will. I knew that it was over and this is my last hardness test, arranged me authorities.

Of the four free days "Golden week" for two days I continued to carry the offices, to talk, violently interrogated and passionately scare, but no result.

At the end of the second day in the office of the Chairman state the Commission, in my presence, military Prosecutor closed the investigation into the disappearance of the cadet Охромова, and I have been liberated from the testimony as "непричастного to the case".

Chairman of the state Commission looked at me sadly and reproachfully when you are tired, looking small, rather turbid senile peephole and released on all four sides seems to finally resigned to their fate: to carry in Moscow sad news.

Now I was free, free to two days before graduation ceremonies. However, some problems appeared again, and it was urgent to solve, but that was a SideShow compared with the fact that I just got.

Already two days in a row from morning to our course given in stock form, and everything else that was supposed to have according to the officer clothing certificate. I had no possibility to get it all together with the rest. Now I had to make up the gap.

Night I lay alone in the empty room: my friends spent the night somewhere in the city. In the barracks only a few people who could not exercise their freedom, because they there was nowhere to go.

I too could go and spend the night at his friend with whom broken off relations were severed a few months ago oneself unilaterally, but I did not want to see it or remind yourself in vain appearance, realizing that I'll give her, in the end, it hurts. This meeting would be distasteful to me. The man always remains at the heart of any residue of guilt before the woman he cheated or took it reluctantly, and then also threw at its whim. Because women are trusting and always nourish hope for the best in relation to themselves, and even lies won't teach them, ultimately, to behave correctly with the opposite sex. They again and again into his tenacious paws and complaining about the past, hoping that with the current they will be better in a different way. But the history of relations, as заигранная, broken record, is repeated again and again until, finally, it is not осточертеет, and then влепившись in the latter, they hold on to it, why would they not worth it, creating itself the illusion of happiness and family, which is actually not, because adultery and fornication swallowed up already for a long time, to this sinful world, беснующийся pending the judgment of the Lord.

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