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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— And I here also do not agree with such policy, than mini-soldiers it is worse than adult individuals. In hand-to-hand fight they win at the expense of weight, and in firing we win at the expense of the size.

— Having made as it seemed to it discoveries of universal scale very happy with himself Dashingly laughed.

— It is truly noticed so we forever will remain children? — Vladimir strevozhitsya.

— There is no that only for a year or two, and if... — Caress was confused

— What if? — Boys pricked up ears.

— Achievements of our science are big... — The warrior faltered and darted around herself an uncertain glance. It is too much strangers, thousands of soldiers capable at any moment of their obedient slaves bent in bow to address in the ruthless opponent.

— Yes, and what we know? — Vladimir interrupted reflections of the little girl

— I know twenty one thousand three hundred twenty five ways of destruction of a live individual, it is a record for my age. — The warrior boasted, all impudent confidence returned to her at once.

— Better you would know at least one way to recover, after all the candidate for gods. — Reasonably Volodya noted.

— You remember the legend, our God Bog at first killed, and only then revived guilty soul. — Fruit drinks knocked a boot on a hand one of too zealous rich citizens trying to touch the goddess. The hand from blow at once turned blue having swelled up and the citizen failed on knees crying out: Gods forgive me guilty.

Tigers sighed:

— Always so! You want some bread in a mouth, and you are hit a dagger in heart!

— Philosopher! — Caress answered and added. — Who does not want to cut production to himself, does not pass to be killed by another!

Stretcher approached the duke's castle meanwhile. It was the enormous building, striking with the sizes, with the very tall hundred-meter towers covering approaches to a construction. Besides ordinary riders and knights, the lock was protected by several familiar species of tanko-tigers, and yashcherny elephants with archers. There were also fighting chariots, catapults, even launchers like katyushas with needles on springs. Here what was not so it firearms. On towers of the lock the swastika flaunted, on domes of temples it was much too. Tigers felt not comfortably especially as on a velvet carpet which was laid to dear visitors too three-colored swastikas flaunted. Dashingly maliciously made witticisms:

— Probably they pray to arthropods, look as their symbol, it is similar to a tetradactyl spider.

— In my opinion this symbol would be much more relevant to your empire. — Logically Vladimir answered.

— Sew, it is more correct to tell... You already stelzan mini-soldier. Remember once and for all — a spider not our symbol. The seven-domed dragon who is throwing up multimillion plasma is the main option of our coat of arms. And all there are seven options of the coat of arms, and the secret coat of arms of the Purple crown, the Great emperor. — Added having rolled up eyes Dashingly

— What coat of arms? — To Tigrov it became curious.

— I told secret, even my nice great-grandfather does not know it! — Razorvirov waved away.

— And mine too! — Added squinting Caress.

The very cardinal and the duke attentively watched meanwhile a procession. Probably children of the main god did not impress them.

— If silly lyud can also take the girl in the sparkling clothes for the goddess, then these are just barefoot ragamuffins. — The duke bellowed.

— Nevertheless, they overthrew lightnings, and were impregnable for arrows, even punching the most massive armor. — The prince of church objected and quietly added. — And that to clothes, gods usually go half-naked, for example Vitra, or Adstrat. Inhabitants of heaven could not care less of our prejudices.

After a pause the very cardinal it is hardly heard added.

— Demons have force too. Not simple they are people. Let's pretend to be friends so far. And I will personally notify the Very father — the chief priest of our world. Then on a feast podsyply to them to poison. Then we will write off for conspirators if it is gods to them all the same will not damage, and impostors should be killed.

— Is not present, it is my lock. Do not hurry to kill them even if it is enemies, then they are only children. Perhaps will be useful to us. Youth is naive, the old age is artful! — Logically the dignitary noticed.

— The strong fool, can bring more benefit than the weak clever man, but the end anyway one. — The very cardinal became silent. One more truth absolutely plain trap was prepared for them.

Children surely walked on a fluffy carpet when they on them rushed Tanko Tigers.

One of luchemet was already discharged, and two others worked, having on the fly cut saber-toothed predators. Only one managed to jump to children, having scratched a paw a hand to a small stelzan. On skin the blood droplet, a tiny kickshaw which nobody noticed acted. Only one Very cardinal who is attentively considering candidates of gods for a confidential telescope paid attention to it. Means all of them not gods. However, he never also believed in Gods. Time will come and it not to avoid a fire!

HEAD? 29

You want to bear something light to the world...

But it is difficult to punch gloomy cold weather ice!

Universal air is filled with a nightmare

And only the love will rescue our souls!

On the occasion of the phenomenon of three gods arranged a solemn feast. About two thousand guests gathered in the huge hall. Though there passed not much time, the message extended so quickly that many notable noblemen and knights managed to arrive. For new guests of honor took away special imperial boxes on the top of the long table which went down with top in a bottom. Most closer to children of the Supreme god the Very cardinal, slightly below it barbarous magnificently dressed huge as a rhinoceros the duke sat in a three-colored attire. The table dispersed in such a way that directly in the middle there was a scene, and it was possible to feast, enjoying an exotic show. Music sounded, and from above flowers with the stupefying smell fell from time to time.

Offered guests the most refined gold cups in precious pebbles filled with exotic smelling ale of violet color.

— The feast is good, but we can be poisoned. — Dashingly spoke in half-voices, at the same time watching closely the servants and servants carrying dishes.

Caress negatively rocked a multi-colored head.

— No, will not poison, I have an analyzer. Now they serve us the vitaminized drink from 37% in concentration of ethyl alcohol.

— Same reagent! — Pricked up the ears Dashingly.

— It is a little toxic, causes easy euphoria, low alcohol narcotic drink. — Unnaturally erudite little girl answered. Dashingly joyfully noted:

— I want slightly times to be coordinated, fly from a kernel, without essential loss to health.

— What damage! Here from their food, maybe, damage, it is not balanced, a large amount of heavy fats, without combination of vitamins. And as into the account of bacilli inevitable in preparation, it is not sterile here. — The small analyzer in the little girl's computer bracelet, downloaded information by method of contactless scanning, and gave it in the telepathic way.

Vladimir grinned and said:

— For their level of development rather purely, hands the washed-up soap are gold tableware. In medieval novels knights did not wash at all and ate with dirty paws, here where there were insanitary conditions. And at the same time they bent horseshoes and lived till hundred years, keeping all teeth till an old age.

— All look at us, we will drain cups to the bottom! — Whispered Dashingly.

Tigers tried to object.

— We are still too small to drink alcohol in such big concentration.

— Again stupidity. Never stelzan will tell that it is small. For the great emperor!

Dashingly devastated a cup as the first-class drunk, with a semicentennial experience.

Vladimir with amazement saw, as Caress drained the. It was necessary to drink also to it pleasant and sweet liquid, strange, but alcohol is not felt at all. The following cup was executed in the form of a muzzle of a tanko-tiger with rubies instead of eyes. Golden-yellow liquid in it slightly foamed.

— This cup yes will be drunk in honor of yellow god Kirichuli.

Yellow ale easily began to flow in a throat. Other cup had the form of the dragon framed with rubies. Liquid was obzhigayushche red.

The toast was already in honor of red god of Solo. The Very cardinal proclaimed ritual, and red pieces of glass moved on a chandelier, having lit up the room in the exotic red color.

Liquid almost equal on fortress to vodka has fooling effect. The Very cardinal with surprise observed really divine thirst of mini-alien. Dashingly the first flew up on a pulsar, jumped on a table and, swinging luchemety, shouted.

— Why we have to drink for Solo, this impostor.

The feasting noblemen have eyes, got from orbits. Many were already drunk, and saw everyone, but what one god would call the impostor of another. Characteristic drunk you make a din a verse. The very cardinal tried, will relieve the tension.

— Solo god of red was shone by the right hand of your father. You drink for them as equal for equal.

— I am equal Solo? Yes who will assimilate to me!?! — Incurred a young stelzan.

— But you suggested to drink for the emperor, and he is slightly lower than Solo. — The very cardinal felt uneasy.

— For what emperor? — Goggled not quite already thinking drugged Dashingly.

— For our Filigir 4.

— And I for our emperor of great Purple constellation. Whose empire surrounds and tramples on all Universe! — At the fellow-termintora the consciousness was stirred up and brakes refused.

— About what the speech. The Universe is the sphere surrounded with its sky rotating around. — In full according to dogmas the very cardinal blurted out.

For it was already dashing too, and the enraged boy guided luchemt on mentally defective heretic in a three-colored cloak. So okoset tigers that having stared in a ceiling, looked at the chandelier making revolutions. Such big lamps moreover in the form of a swastika he never saw. It seemed to it that not candles burn, and strides colon of fakelshchikov-attack planes. Enemies! Fingers it is reflex pressed the button. The shot from a luchemet brought down a chandelier, having collapsed down, it punched a table, and oil, having spilled, flashed more brightly than gasoline. The dump, and panic began: many superstitious misters took it for anger of gods. The mini-soldier of Purple constellation seized the Very cardinal by a neck meanwhile, and having sharply stirred up, dragged out on the middle of a table.

— Speak the swine who the main god, and that I will kill.

Force in fingers of the little boy was terrible.

— You, of course, about great and wise.

— Yes I and still my friends of Tigers and Caress! — Dashingly one hand lifted over itself hulk weight for a tseytner.

Tigers sharply jumped on a table and managed to thrust a kick in the head of one of personal bodyguards of the vicar apostolic, the Very cardinal. It is visible pharmacology was not in vain force terribly grew, and the vertebra of a neck broke. The duke Dizon de Pardie even smacked the lips from delight.

— Divinely, this fighter.

Why he so told, something telepathic is visible jammed brains. Caress at which rivets were fairly softened too provereshchat.

— I am a sovereign of all Universes and the highest worlds rule, all to thrash each other. Directly at us.

The similar statement caused shock. Though will of gods law. Having laughed, the duke ordered, invite heteras. Relax great gods. From threefold ale of rattling explosive mix of drugs with Tigrov's alcohol felt sick also it, having left the feasting hall, vomited in a gold tray. When returned, there the devilry was already created. Dashingly it is visible did not reach a level of development when lewdly rush on women, and just beat with legs of those who turned up in the heat of the moment. Women were tormented, on naked legs poured pieces of coal, broke nippers fingers. To it it was very cheerful.

— Watch the Tiger as torture animals. Ha-HA-Ha superbaldezh or as speak are adult Gipertrakh!

The large busty chippy flopped before the live embodiment of a deity. Sodragayas from a laughter Dashingly jumped on cake, crushed it bare feet, having smeared with cream, ran up to the woman.

— You want entertainment. You know what is magic bioplasma of the master of the Universe. — It widely placed hands. — I am the strongest! I am the cleverest! I am the highest god!

— It agrees the greatest! — Her hands stretched to star-spangled from drinks and culinary products to legs. Dashingly knocked a lash on the head. Its seductively moving language reminded a sting of a cobra. It concerned densely greased with a fruit candy and cream of heels of living god. Dashingly continued to beat her, unstitching a lash a tunic, that kissed legs, each finger of the boy and spoke:

— Yes there will arrive on me the God's grace! Magic flesh will make me younger.

Caress, seemingly, too is ready to play a role of the little executioner. She thrashed also women and men, sending them by means of a torch. All were soiled in cream, fat, gravy, sauces. Dashingly began to throw, forks seeking to cause as much as possible pain.

— The soldier Stelzanata blows terrible march, brutal payment human forcemeat! — Sang young stelzan, having banged the girl the person in a dish with brown caviar. To the sobered-up Vladimir suddenly it became opposite and terrible. Well there should not be it, it is worse than cattle, even animals so do not behave. To speak it is useless, only one exit.

— Everything will be enough people, you passed all limits. Piety feeling intimate and sacred stop beating each other not slowly!

The shot from a luchemet punched a ceiling, marble cobble-stones fell down. Tigers scorched in all power of the category, the terrible laser beam cut out enormous holes, bringing down ton plates on the become like cattle people. The orgy was interrupted, buried many directly at a convivial table. Fine death, just you at pleasure top, catching whirlwinds of collective madness, and suddenly heavy granite crumbles a skull. The gilded statues of gods, nymphs, soldiers, naked maidens standing on a roof, fail, down having collapsed, destroying iron and flesh. The part of knights ran up, the part was tumbled down on knees and asked for mercy. Many hurt, but there were not many killed. Dashingly and Caress managed to jump aside, stones porazbivat vessels from wine, the poured oil flashed, tables from an ebony lit up. Mini-soldiers of Purple constellation were dumbfounded, stood, having looked down, obviously without thinking how to react, on a similar turn of events. Dashingly all shone from the spilled oil, he probably managed to face a barrel where the transparent liquid symbolizing the Supreme god Ravvara was stored. The duke kept Spartan calm.

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