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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Exact information Yarkosvyateyshy, I saw them in all details. — The very cardinal bowed below.

— And what they from god's children? — It was very interesting to the Supreme pontiff.

— Externally eleven look as children of years, twelve. Boys are half-naked olive and bronze, incredibly muskulist, are aggressive, savages savages are shorter. The girl is dressed unusually, similar to the fantastic fairy in the sparkling clothes. In hands at it a box with depiction of a seven-domed dragon, and hair of semisvet like a rainbow. — Business tone the prince of church listed.

— A dragon you speak seven-domed, and wings how many? — The very father took from a table in a gold frame, the points decorated with emeralds and began to thumb through the thick book.

— Ten about great. — Shortly the Very cardinal answered.

— It is very interesting. What abilities were shown?

— Let out from tubes in hands the striking fire and lightnings. Destroyed part of the palace, killed more than one hundred people including the Supreme priest of a cult of Solo. Real demons. — Tone of the very cardinal was such that you will not understand whether he admires, or is on the contrary full of indignation.

— Whether Verna information on their immortality? — The very father was obviously concerned.

— When they were struck by arrows, they did not die, skin became covered by porcupine thorns, but they recovered without having left defeat marks. However probably, are mortal. Blood flows from them, and fire burns skin.

Not quite surely and slightly faltering, the prince of church said.

— You know, on legends even gods cry and shed blood. Main thing it that not scars. — The very father delayed points on a tip of a long nose. — You speak or think it demons?

— Definitely not people of our world! — This time tone was sure.

The very father curtailed pancake and dexterously dipped in honey. Carelessly waved a hand, having thrown a tanko-tiger cub a tip. That opened a mouth, having caught on the fly a sweet ball.

— Even demons and monsters it is possible to tempt, deceive, tempt. — The pontiff added already more quietly. — What the gold legend speaks about?

— That our ancestors lived in heaven and were expelled by angry demons to this world. — Mechanically the Very cardinal said.

— Correctly, and any legend has real events in a basis. — Categorical tone, slowly thumbing through the book, the Very father said.

— He agrees yasnosvyateyshiya not whole, but in what degree of a legend, certainly, are capable to reflect reality. — The very cardinal already wanted to interrupt conversation and to be supported with a glass of sweet of Ale. Yesterday it also touched, the head cracks, a state nasty, despite the mug of date tincture drunk before a departure. Usually the prince of church knew when to stop to himself, but arrival of children gods spoiled him all game and capitally excited nerves. Nobody knew it and could expect.

— Our family tree of stay on this planet is limited, a little more than 1450 cycles. This city of Gidiyemm was very first. So, was, time when our ancestors lived in other world. Everything is logical. Here they are gods of a star, seem capricious and whimsical, but in reality have difficult cycles of the movement too. — Unctuous tone the Very father said, pulled a rychazhok. To the hall the serving slave in a short skirt and bare-legged ran in. Quickly put a tray with food, drinks, spice and nizenko bowed. Then the fair-haired little girl, povinuyas to a terrible look of the pontiff, left. Harmonous with an ideal figure, it seemed the angel when the conventual ran away, seductively, flashing absolutely washed stupnyam, become rough from frequent punishments a whip. The innocent face was fast and sad.

Conventuals of this world, conducted hard labor life too, but difference from former terrestrial put on like antique slaves — hardly covering breasts and hips. Besides very often attendants of a cult forced to be engaged in prostitution at temples filling up thus church treasury and pleasing these or those gods.

— Yes great, stars are subordinated. — The very cardinal said it to fill its emptiness surrounding to him. In a gold cup wine and the church grandee carefully was poured already in advance and began to absorb the drink giving meda and spices.

And the voice of the Very father became surovy:

— And people. This rebellious and haughty tribe. There is so popular in the last vremy an emperor Chirizkhan. The impudent type, does not want to pay the ninth share of the income to the Supreme god. And if to excommunicate it, can send troops on storm. He looks for a reason for war, even your duke uses cunning, and makes advances to this rebel. And present what will be if to kill these children, Chirizkhan and others will oppose us. An excellent opportunity to become the master not only according to the name!

— And if these self-appointed gods lift mutiny, impudent they, very whimsical? — The very cardinal introduced own concealed idea, satisfaction noting that weight and head pain recede, and the mood is lightened.

— Children, that from them you will take, accompany them, do not anger without the reasons. Use their inexperience and peculiar to tender age sensitivity and self-conceit. Flatter them more, praise more often. It it to be pleasant to them. The governor loving sweet flattery has intelligence of a fly, and so smorkachy, the reason is not much higher. Well, indulging self-appointed gods and, it will be to you, to be exact our cult only for the good! — The very father suddenly changed the subject. Itself took a cup in hand, but drank small drinks that did not prevent it to talk at all. — All this strangely enough trifles, another concerns me. As searches of a key of Vsevysshy Gods progress.

— About great, it is very difficult to look for what we have even no idea of. Many even doubt... — The very cardinal without special enthusiasm undertook discussion of this problem.

— In what who challenges authority of sacred church? — The pontiff shifted the turning gray eyebrows.

— In hearing are afraid, but in thoughts, I believe, there is a dissonance. — The prince of church of feeling opokhmet later relaxedness bryaknut, the short speech. — And I think, it is worth spending time for what is the fairy tale. Especially now, when the opposition of church is very strong, and Chirizkhan, it is necessary to pay him tribute from among great governors. It has real chances for the first time in the history, our world to overthrow clericals!

— You want the servant, I will show you a miracle, and you will understand that scepticism is not pertinent here at all. — The quiet voice of the pontiff sounded.

The very father approached an altar and the imperceptible movement pressed several points.

The bright three measured projection flashed. From lips of the Very cardinal amazement exclamation was distributed. The holographic image was so real that it seemed to it it is possible to touch. At first floated dense clusters of stars, then the image of the shining sphere appeared. Here and this sphere is visible and from within, the truth it is very difficult to make out details. And there is a strange being, a silhouette similar to the person, but sparkling so bright seven-color scale that his faces cannot be made out. The newcomer, having turned and sparkling more and more brightly, and is brighter light streams, literally burning out eyes, by an orotund voice said.

— By force boundlessly huge...

That that it is hidden in a chasm bottomless,

Only that will be able to seize!

Who through space and time

Will become, without blinking to look!

Then it sparkled as one thousand lightnings and disappeared! As it impresses, all legends grow dim before reality. To what the silhouette in seven-color scale is dazzling, sparkling is brighter than heavenly bodies. The very cardinal it is struck looked, often blinking from patches of light in eyes (he almost saw nothing) nervously fingering the swastika edged by diamond leaves.

— What is it? — Squeezed out from itself rattle.

— It, came on a silver platter as a race car or a star. My distant ancestors found, a box and that symbol that at me on a neck. There was a barrel from metal unprecedented and a plate with signs secret there. — Melodious tone the Very father said.

— And where it is a plate? — The very cardinal shook involuntarily flowing from the tear eyes which reddened from light.

— Disappeared together with a barrel who saw it any more. — The pontiff said it the tone full of grief and a sincere regret. Took couple of careful sips from a cup.

— Whether about it, rumors went that as if at the emperor Detsibel saw the sparkling tables with signs unprecedented? — With not too big hope the very cardinal said.

— Can! Everything can be in this world, but Great Decibel the subjugator of northern and southern pagans, wanted to receive force and immortality. What left — died, without having found power, not to everyone is allowed to read written by gods and furthermore to be compared to them. — The very father even threatened with a forefinger to the colleague. That, having pretended that it takes it for a joke. And curiosity of nbsp; caused in it absolutely another:

— Strangely all this even if it has force why it just like that to give someone. Gods give nothing, gratuitously.

— I do not think that he is a god in our understanding though the legends composed by my predecessors say as if this husband said that he is capable even to create other worlds. Perhaps also invent only, we have no more certain data. My opinion is as if having quasidivine power. — The very father put a cup into place and took the wafer covered with similarity of chocolate in hand.

— At these two boys, short trousers, too iridescent where did not cover these yellow-beaked slovens a soot, and...

— Yes you see, on a box the dragon is represented, only the heads of it ten. — The Very father interrupted.

— Means these children and this sparkling from one people! — It is unclear to what the Very cardinal was delighted.

— No, hardly, you that did not notice that this god has six extremities, and much longer head. No, it is another inhuman vinbsp; — What it will give, they on doctrines already got used to extreme difference of temperatures and will not surprise them with current. All of them tried, even radioactive painful radiation with the alternating phase.

d, but these children were from other world too, and can help us to find a key to mastering boundless force. There are documents available only to us, I know that people can move between the worlds and one movement of a hand to incinerate the cities and mountains. — The very father even stood up from enthusiasm.

— I guessed it, about the Great most Saint father too! — The very cardinal stood up, having bowed to the master. Expression of eyes of the pontiff suddenly began to become cold, it is a strong indication that the audience is ended and you should not abuse time, the most influential and honourable master of the planet.

— I will personally accept them, do them honors of gods. Believe, providence exists!

Having bowed with an obligatory contact with a floor fist once again, the Very cardinal left specularly magnificent hall, before eyes seven-color patches of light still painfully sparkled.


The commander of native group Alpha Stelz, Igor Rodionov, accepted meanwhile and reported the next encryption received from the intelligence agent by nickname "Protein".

Igor considered this nickname unsuccessful.

— It is better to call her a cat, I suspected long ago that she is the finished whore. — Roughly said, having fluently examined the cryptographed message the member of spetsnaz who just received epaulets of the colonial general.

The officer Ivan standing nearby looked at the brother with reproach.

— It is easy for you to speak. And you know that if the girl at these cat's primacies refuses sex, it is considered an aberration. Means either pink, or the patient, it is impossible to fail because of cave prejudices of so valuable agent.

— And what's the use, in this spy. Transfers nothing concrete, did not get the weapon, and even sent the cryptographed message after arrival to an orbit. — Igor frowned

— The intelligence agent is necessary always. We, for example, thanks to secret spies, could blow up Fagiram's palace and survive. Sooner or later she, will get access to the latest technologies and then... — Ivan made the gesture meaning — to you curtains!

— What then, all of us equally realize nothing. — Hopelessly the commander of elite special troops waved a hand. This Konoradson three-hollow, will depart, and everything will return into place, at most will issue hundred million, final Zorgovsky warning. There will be no Phage, there will arrive the Gaiter. As in prison to a chamber how many do not rearrange a bed, the chamber will become wider not.

— But I think, you will not fail to arrange a bed far away from a parasha! — I will flash wit externally rural fellow Ivan.

— There are no you you my brother, I... — Enormous Igor also really looked frightening, especially if was not near stelzan.

— That me. — Ivan widely began to smile. At present, when on the planet with inspection Great Zorg moreover small, but technologically overwhelming squadron of maintenance any shadowing them became absolutely impossible and brothers is sure talked at the top of the voice. — Between other, we are very close to independence. Uncountable millions of the inogalaktichesky ships just like that suspect picnic, here to have a good time arrived. The empire is close to disintegration, it just about will fail. Then to be necessary for nobody our suburban planet. Until tigers bite off each other tails, the hare will make legs. Thousands of years we developed independently, without elder brothers on madness. Again we will become, are independent and free, let everything will return into place.

— To dream a useless waste of time. And still, even if we will find independence who will operate the planet — the insignificant president Daklinton? — Igor was twisted.

— No! Insurgents led by Ermine. — It is sure Ivan said.

— Devil's Parsec! Daklinton has a colonial army and mountains of the weapon, and Gornostayev has only a handful of supporters, it will be crushed as manure flat cake. — Look of the commander of steel rather furious.

— If you come over to the side of insurgents, then and other parts will follow you! — Ivan from reliable looked at the brother.

— Truly, I have the strongest part of Native army, and to me to be a new leader of the planet! — Firmly the head of special troops said. Having caught in the brother's look the reproach added. — No, I will not be a usurper, or to create the monarchy. We will create the Central Committee under my control and the best people, including Ermines will enter there — will collectively govern. All of us together will pull up trees and we will roll the sky in a tubule.

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