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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Ridiculously. I here remembered an ancient chastushka. — Ivan beautifully in demotic style started singing.

Everything on light occurs,

On TseK's command.

The sun ascends and sets,

On TseK's command.

Everything grows around,

On TseK's command.

The ships fly to space,

On TseK's command.

The field is taken by soldiers,

On TseK's command.

Pay out to us all wages,

On TseK's command.

Bombs pour, rockets,

On TseK's command.

Lift up a comet tail,

On TseK's command.

The thunder rattles, the earth shivers,

On TseK's command

Even woman... laughs,

On TseK's command!

For the first time for long time the severe commander Alpha Stelz heartily burst out laughing.

— Yes it is ridiculous and if it is serious. At us too somehow there passed doctrines on pairing of fighting units. They parted our soldiers and women too, and forced them to copulate, all in one place at once. Who does not agree, the laser cut in half. Also looked for anomalies, measured orgasm coefficients, then declared the absolute genetic superiority over mankind.

Ivan twisted a finger at a temple:

— Each to their own, and you, sometime, had sex with their females?

Igor with great feeling in a voice answered:

— Few times, of course was. They are of course devilishly attractive women and very hot, but... Very much like to mock at people, can roast, break, bite, cut off. Izgalyatsya over the small fry as soon as the imagination allows. It is good still that on a rank of service I am forbidden to copulate with them, otherwise not to avoid a mutilation or death... And in dreams it is pleasant, and, above all it is fair, especially if a stelzanka in fact cute "malpa" to connect and take a neutron switch in hand...-Here the commander of special troops paid attention: quietly the beautiful melody plays. Darted a glance at the computer bracelet which carried as in old times a wrist watch. — Possibly, we are called, the signal blinks, say quicker what this girl transferred to us?

— The fact that its starprobe vehicle is thrown in other galaxy and this its last message is visible, it will be out of reach of reception. And still she believes that her star boy Messiah is living and hopes to find for him. — Ivan warned, throwing out paste which in air turned into figures of amusing small animals from a tube.

— And you trust in it? — Igor frowned.

— I think that you are careful of the competitor in fight for a terrestrial throne. You hope that it will be lost in space. Hearts of lovers the best compass. — The brother spoke and, joking and is serious. Generally if that good will occur, the Messiah could rally mankind... Though most of people does not know about it at all. Especially, in ability of one person considerably to change everything, it is not trusted at all.

Ivan crossed two fingers.

— You know in how many time their empire major planets Earth.

— No! — Honestly Igor answered.

Ivan fingers showed a zero. Two brothers deafeningly as the elephants blowing in trunks burst out laughing.

"Lzhelabido" too cheerfully mocked, at the message that they should battle. To the modest, received religious education girl, both sadomasochist doctrines, and sexual experiments already fairly bothered. More true on the contrary physically (what shameless traitress in the bioengineering way the modified flesh) it was even pleasant more and more. When partners different or them at once a little, it is unusual and creates a unique palette of an orgasm. Here only conscience torments, it is impossible to scoff so on an animal at sacred feelings. The feeling of a sin, terrible and painful, haunts it. During short dreams the underworld where Elena, receiving cruel punishment, repents to God Bogu is dreamed. Fortunately at stelzan, it is necessary to pay tribute, perfectly organized and trained soldiers any actions reducing fighting capacity of army are forbidden so, during military operations will be much quieter. At least in respect of damned conscience!

The very father did not know yet that enormous army of Chirizkhan already in a campaign. Long ago the terrible Emperor saved forces, and a reason for performance, there was an artful capture of the great-grandson and lineal heir other great Emperor Detsibel. Detsibel was the real legend, and by the right of his successors could apply for considerable part of extensive church lands. The very duke Dulupula de Grant terribly rich descendant of priests, obviously wanted to please the Very father. He believed that threat of renunciation will stop invasion, but Chirizkhan was not afraid any more, he was ready to throw down a challenge to the grown fat Gideemsky throne. Its numerous troops had to be divided into twenty parts, otherwise roads would be completely filled. Besides, on special "Middle Ages tanks" Tirano-mamonty, weighing up to eighty tons, with four rotating fighting towers on scaly backs broke roads. Dreadful beings the having five rounded-off horns, capable to break gate it is similar to a ram. The army was variegated with numerous divisions. Literally flickered before eyes from uncountable flags and the coats of arms. Locals either ran up, or welcomed the marching colons. The gray lock of the baron Tukhkar became the first serious obstacle on their way. It was the real fortress, almost unapproachable with high towers and fat walls, located on the hill that complicated storm of a citadel even more. Possibly, it was more rational to avoid a construction, but the commander count Druvam de Cyrus judged that treasures of the baron cost the victims. Fortress was begun to be fired from figurative catapults. Heavier clockwork ballistas, engaged a bit later. Fiery charges, flew in the lock, alive burning inhabitants. Heavy stones broke against basalt walls, only slightly scratching a surface. It was succeeded to bring down several wall teeths, however. Some of defenders of the lock were already killed, others are hard mutilated. By means of Tirano-mamontov and Allozavrov, it was succeeded to drag up so powerful cars of destruction that their effect not much conceded to the most perfect artillery. Separate boulders weighed to a half of ton, the roar from their falling shook walls of the gray lock. Backfire of defenders including arbalests, had generally on easy groups of infantry. The sharp, turning in flight bolts broke off bodies of unlucky soldiers on part. Even metal a board were not rather reliable protection. However, need to hardly tighten four at once, and even eight a bowstring of arbalests, negatively influenced rate of fire, but increased range with a penetrative force of a charge. Having left a heap of corpses, infantrymen departed under cover from continuous all of thick boards. Meanwhile ruthless firing continued. Probably the count, Duvan fed hope to extremely exhaust the opponent, before decisive storm. Possibly, this calculation could come true, but defenders threw an unexpected joker. Kryso-letun with a solid reserve of combustible substances highly rose over the lock. Then sharply dived, and sitting, on a monster undersized, but strong, undoubtedly, very skilled fighter in a blue mask, dumped pots with fiery mix. The blow that, certainly is logical, is put on congestions of combustible materials. Wagon trains lit up, powerfully jerked, having detonated a mnogokraterny volcano. Fiery mixes were singed by both the soldier, and Tirano-mamontov with Allozavrami. Terrible animals rushed as if a fiery tornado, trampling down all who occurred in the path. Many of soldiers burned down alive, charring in the heated armor. The horse tyazhelobronirovanny army suffered most. Clumsy knights fell down from the raging animals, filled in them with violent fire, and bulky armors did not allow to rise. The dreadful painful death in a steel pan waited for the glorified fighting elite. Responsible for accident did not avoid punishment too. The flyer was as a hedgehog utykan arrows, and some of them were poisoned. Falling of a webby bird, the monster the sizes about a good bomber was colourful. Having left a smoke tail, a monster with a roar crashed into a stone ridge. The hydrogen which is in a thorax and a stomach of the flyer — the pterodactyl exploded. It seemed, the airship, the remains of the smoking meat burst got into ranks of archers, increasing the victims. However, the equestrian, managed to come off and even, using turmoil to dive into a thick of tents. Meanwhile gate of the lock opened, the perfect cavalry flew on the paniced soldiers. Ahead on an enormous unicorn there was a baron Tukhkara. Enormous in the sparkling gilded armor it was majestic and terrible. Its tempered sword, cut iron as if a cardboard. It was visible that this soldier, hurries to settle accounts with the Count Duvan. The baron was in wild rage, the splinter of a boulder killed his daughter, splits to the seven-year-old girl the head. The corpse of the child covered with blood and was always on the mind Tukhkara, increasing force of already hard blows. Cutting the steel wood, the count was surrounded by perfect knights, he nevertheless managed to break to the main opponent.

— You are the black count, you will be responsible for everything!

— You are a white corpse, you will sit down on a stake!

They were worthy each other. Their swords were crossed. The baron was heavier and stronger, Graf more skillful and quicker. However already the baron split with the first blow skillfully shaped board with a tanko-tiger emblem. Duvan nevertheless managed to go a unicorn to the head. The horn slightly softened blow, and still the marvelous animal reeled and began to be filled up. In rage, revenging the baron seized with one hand the count by the pain caused to his favourite and threw him down to the ground. Fight in a pedestrian system did not leave chances, and a ruthless sword, split a helmet and the opponent's head. The scattered brains zalyapat a sweaty face of Tukhkar. Seeing that their leader is prostrate, other soldiers lost already reeled spirit and were let in flight. The small, but bristled-up steel terrible group followed close fugitives. However the pleasure of men of courage was premature mighty Tirano-mamont rushed towards. The first hit the baron, one of six legs of a monster crumpled him together with armor. The part of other soldiers, was crushed, or put to flight. Archers conducted terrible fire, and part of the running-away soldiers with towers seeing that the bowl of scales shook back, turned horses and deer. Fresh forces engaged, and everything solved not valor of soldiers, but their number. The army of the count was incomparably more numerous, soon all knights who took part in a sortie were killed. After death of the count, command was undertaken by his son viscount Bohr de Cyrus. This young man, without wasting gift of time, gave a signal to immediate storm. Tirano-mamonty went to a ram. Armor gate shivered from superhard blows, and soldiers of all colors got on storm. Storming were so excited that did not pay attention, to the melted pitch, stones and arrows. Losses were huge, and all of them climbed and climbed. Crushing number, fighters took a tower behind a tower. Walls became slippery from pitch and blood. At last failed fettered by the alloyed collar steel, in the lock marauders directed. Battle developed into slaughter, the escaped defenders tried to snap. Especially furious resistance was shown at an entrance to the temple of the Supreme god Ravarr. The large, in a sports way put priests, were desperately cut, covering an entrance to a construction. Because of narrowness of a corridor forwards could not use the numerical advantage, and a heap of the chopped-up bodies increased. Seeing desperate persistence of defenders, Bohr a crack ordered.

— Incendiary charges! Fire!

The skilled voivode Azur tried to object.

— There in the temple of treasure big, fire to them will damage.

— Then beat precisely pass, and will light up stronger, we will extinguish. — The young warrior already had experience of storms, and his face shone with happiness, green eyes flared passion. Here it is romantic ecstasy fight.

Shots found effect, having abandoned the pole-axes burned and the blinded priests and monks, ran up. The part of them hoped to get lost in extensive labyrinths of a temple vault. In the most enormous lock general marauding and coercion began. Soldiers snatched on women, brutally forced, having sated, ripped up stomachs, cut off breasts and ears. Was considered as valor, to have a collection of the dried ears. To many people ran together under protection of this citadel. Babies were taken away from mothers and thrown into fire, not spared and who is more senior than those.

The viscount Bohr de Cyrus, flew into a passion; shouted and shook fists.

— Kill all of them, you spare nobody, let the soul of my father will get drunk blood before departs to heaven. Destroy all neighboring settlements, without sparing vassals of the ublyudochny baron. All district will be covered with fire and blood, even animals will not receive mercy.

Meanwhile soldiers brought the oldest daughter of the baron Elvira deafened in fight. Bohr with interest watched how soldiers broke from it the expensive, embroidered with gold clothes, shoes with pebbles, ear rings, jewelry putting everything in the general heap.

— What faultless figure at it, and a breast as ice cream with amethyst.

The young viscount jumped off from a horse, the type of the fine victim excited more abruptly, than the shed blood.

— Give pour out a water bucket to it on the head. The victim is especially fine when it trembles and resists. What gentle and smooth skin at it, the atlas in gold!

The lewd hand walked on a stomach, further having stroked above sensitive scarlet nipples of a velvet, golden and bronze breast then roughly seized the most intimate place!

After the ice falls, fell upon the head, the girl regained consciousness, and having sharply jumped, took to the heels. The skillful soldier made cutting, it fell. It seemed on the earth the fallow deer on whom the titled wolf satires from above jumped lies. The daughter of the baron and the son of count, were linked as a cat to a dog, furiously fighting, the baroness even used teeth, but the viscount was more feasible. In the face of several thousand fighters there was a disgusting action, soldiers laughed and encouraged councils. When the viscount rose, his sweated person was scratched, but at the same time with affection happy. After heavy fight language hardly turned.

— It is good, a little tigress. And you what stared! Hands off!

The last exclamation was shrill and loud.

Several officers-chiliarches hasty drew aside hands from the seductive trembling production.

— You will not get my girlfriend, at least, now. To send to my personal tent! And for you there is a work, build a paling around the lock, and on each stake to set up beheaded. Let the whole world learn with whom it deals.

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