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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— And what the master with our fallen soldiers to do? — Hardly taking breath, the assistant who is plentifully soiled blood with soot spots on an armor asked.

— As usual to burn down corpses, having done worthy honors. Families will receive compensation. What else, where son of this degenerate of the baron? — The look of the young man became even more evil.

— We look for! — The assistant shook the pole-axe shining from blood.

— You will find, do not kill at once! — The warrior angrily stuck the dying fighter, foreign army with the shod boot tempered by silver. Having forced the poor creature to calm down. — My father bought very rare Mari executioner recently, we will test his skills.

Soldiers started executing the order of the new syuzeren. On the highest stake, pumpkin the head of the prostrate baron was hitched up big as.

The viscount spat aside and ominously cried out an unstable crack:

— This lock too small therefore we also killed a little. The following city on half a million, there we will disperse, properly. The father you will be, is happy, your sort will become history as the most bloody and proud. I swear never I will say such pathetic word: I pardon!

HEAD? 31

In this mysterious world dangerous,

Keys are hidden in a gloom, happiness.

If you do not want to live so in vain

You find a sword from power!

Starprobe vehicles entered in giperdrayf. Here it is a jump in legendary hyper space, incomprehensible for ancient human physics. You will imagine a mouse, for hours going on the hose twisted in a spiral, once you gnaw through a cover, and the way is cut off in hundreds of times. Similar process comes at the time of an exit from standard three dimensions in other measurements with other physical laws. And why properties of hyper space sometimes change, movement speed repeatedly increases or falls, so far, at least, for stelzan it is unsolved secret of the universe. When billions of trained and tempered fighters, from mini-soldiers who learned to press on luchemt earlier, than to go, to veterans still of the first superwar, for fractions of a second overcome distances in light years. During a giperdrayf, especially during kollapsichesky dispersal and braking life in the ships fades, stiffening ice weight. Before lying in shock-absorbing beds Lev Eraskander read standard instructing. Fighters absolutely were called not long ago from mini-soldiers, on age is even more junior than Lev, but two of them indeed had the expressed paranormal abilities. At others only very weak inclinations. Strangely enough, even at such highest level of science and equipment, the nature of superhuman abilities was very little studied. Can during a technogenic era, their role in ultramodern wars was underestimated, or this that what could not be weighed on scales and to measure by devices.

In any case, stelzana with such opportunities a big rarity and Lev not without the bases thought that in future operation not the rear part is assigned to them. Never before the fleet of Purple Constellation, went deep so far in the biggest hyper jump. The gold constellation of sinkh will be sprayed on quarks. No, it will not become a photon, and especially to a neutrino in Quasar radiation, ahead fights, new over any imagination, and fresh taking the breath away — Superpriklyucheniya!


After the return the Very cardinal did not find "gods". Managed to persuade tigers Dashingly and Caress to leave the palace to examine vicinities. As a vehicle offered them sacred trekhrogy goats. Though goats were large like good horses and it is much more nice than terrestrial fellows, this option was, will reject, and as a type of movement, unanimously chose beautiful and fast unicorns.

The planet was not absolutely usual — palm trees and ferns, deciduous and coniferous trees were painted in yellow-red light scale and only occasionally dark blue-light blue. The city was big and rich even to modern measures, approximately in more than half a million inhabitants. It seemed that in city walls, there are no poor at all, even children were smoothed and accurate, in boots and sandals without watching warm weather.

After city walls were behind the horizon, the landscape changed. Instead of flat paved roads, cobble-stones and dust, a set of wooden houses and poorly dressed people. Specific, rather slight smell of manure, mixed up with a pleasant smell from newly-baked flat cakes and fried meat. The typical big village, rain expected to fall recently, and barefoot half-dressed children splash on pools, raising muddy splashes. In the distance on a magnificent meadow dozen of large spherical blue-red animals gradually float. Each animal on ten shaggy legs, five meters high: probably local analog of a cow. And apparently, it is very easy creatures, the fresh breeze slightly kolysht their hulks. In the middle of the village there is a temple with a gold dome and the swastika sparkling on two "sun". Vladimir and his friends who left without attendants managed to otmakhat fair distance therefore the priest who was naturally not knowing "gods" by sight bewildered stared at them. Nevertheless wanted to look at Tigers on the temple from within. There were easy twilight, a set of large multi-color candles and four main statues, on number of gods.

It was dashingly indifferent, this world is primitive and he could not be surprised, Vladimir and Caress on the contrary examined church with genuine interest. Especially the fact that he cried was unexpected.

— Look, same we!

And it is right, on one of pagan icons chetyrekhruky Supreme god Ravarra and three his children was represented. Two boys and the girl very similar to human cubs only hair at all three shone iridescent scale.

— Yes boys. I see myself, and you are, seemingly, impostors! — Caress exclaimed. Devochki-stelzanki to majority had at all no right to carry any other hairdress except the rainbow painted towards the color and Stelzanat's flag, and to boys it was forbidden, except cases when it is necessary for masking is painted. After dedication in yuling, rules become more free, depending on the status of a stelzan. The truth during vacation there could be some temporary indulgences, but with obligatory return after their termination to the standard.

Behind something zagromykhat. Children looked back, the fat priest fainted, having crashed down from department, broke at the same time three vessels with the stupefying substance. It was still half-troubles, several candles fell to the spilled very fragrant mix. Probably this dope on structure looked like cologne, everything flared a bright flame. Children hasty ran out from the temple, the fire began. Unicorns galloped much quicker than race horses, this time even Dashingly did not want to return to the city. Stopped, having flown by miles twenty, and matter not only in fear. The trip astride a horse, and especially on a unicorn rare happiness, and it carried away children. Plus still Dashingly wanted to compete in this exotic sport. Competition dragged on, only, when unicorns were extremely exhausted, jumps ended, and the first filled up Caress, it was heavier in the not only beautiful, but almost impenetrable clothes, and also a medical small suitcase. Decided to leave the tired-out animals, and to walk further. The road was direct, stony. Young popadanets splashed, and sharp stones pleasantly tickled elastic soles. Vladimir even purposely chose as much as possible caustic surface that massed a foot, with impenetrable skin. Children chattered, and then on the run were even thrown military-economic strategy sitting the multi-chip of radiators. Approximately through a couple of hours or can slightly longer, the large settlement appeared again. Something like the huge village, on a meadow, yellow with a mowed magnificent grass, the considerable, bare-legged band almost black from suntan, but white-headed children drove a ball, playing something similar to soccer. Was still very light-and it became it seems even hotter.

— Here, probably, other climate when we left, there was degrees, twenty five, and here all thirty. — Noticed, Stelzanata Vladimir who was already in time to get used to a little more cool temperature of starprobe vehicles.

— Truly, it became indeed hotter. — Dashingly stuck fingers up. — Look at the sky, it seems the new light point appeared.

— UFO in this world? — Was surprised though especially to be surprised Vladimir nothing.

Anything can happen. Let's go, we will drink waters and we will play with their primitive children. Let's show supernew giperdrayf. — Offered grinning Dashingly.

Game differed from usual soccer, pushes, captures and the arising dumps. Like rugby, the American soccer, on the medieval planet shoot only at the self-made goal legs. It is interesting how the planet is called by natives?

Caress lagged behind a little, collected local magnificent flowers in a difficult wreath and when they approached the field, nobody paid attention to them. A little in what they differed from local, suntanned swarty bronze too. Here not so black natives as on Earth, air temperature are usually lower, the truth bright yellow as jeweler gold conducts a background of the field to the fact that published them perceive much more dark, than they are actually.

— Hey, you are players, we want to reserve turn. — Shouted Dashingly

Boys interrupted game. Strangers were not pleasant to them.

— What it is necessary to you! We have already full set! Clean up!

— We want to slaughter a goat!

Inserted Tigers, and waved a fist.

Were heard bad squeal. A goat a sacred animal what of course popadanets did not know about.

— They blaspheme!

Dashingly got into an ambition.

— I am god and you are blasphemers, on knees contemptible!

On whom it is dashing with the friend and it was similar, can on a scarecrow, but definitely not on god. Dirty almost naked boys, even seven-color shorts became covered with dust. Not surprisingly and against rural children, they seem small bomzhika. And here any more not absolutely dense Middle Ages, rather retrograde round of development of the nation which was once plowing space open spaces. So, even rural poor people on custom and the law have to observe purity.

Boys there were about fifty, forces more than are not equal. Nevertheless, already striking the first blow of Tigers, felt animal force. Stay in a biochamber was not in vain, gene preparations and biological modifiers added force and speed. Of course, the children attacking them knew nothing, about bioengineering, mini-soldiers, about intergalactic art of hand-to-hand fight. Battle developed into beating. Moving, maneuvering, boys terminators won. It reminded the cine fighter — "Karate, against makivar". Even bones became stronger, and blows are more effective. The hand, a leg, an elbow, the head, everything to what taught, it was useful. Vladimir for the sake of mischief jumped up, two boys faced foreheads and so fell down dead.

— To you still to play rattles. — Scoffed the Tiger.

Dashingly approved:

— Cool course!

When a half of children already received the, the others scattered in all directions. There was only one ten-year-old or the boy is slightly more senior. Tigers hardly held Razorvirov, it is visible Dashingly still it did not dodratsya to full satisfaction.

— He already gave up. Be not a savage!

— Let to me kisses legs and licks fists. I am a god! — Shouted young stelzan.

— You already started, the madhouse, on you cries. The kid get up from knees nobody will offend you!

The child got up, under an eye impressive bruise flaunted.

— It you great, children of the Supreme god Ravarr. — With a shiver in a voice the boy said.

— Guessed mortal, we are envoys of heaven! — It was dashingly inflated and stuck out a breast.

— Forgive us. Just you, are so similar to runaway slaves. — The lad uttered indistinctly.

Vladimir laughed, having shown become far more largely and strong teeth.

— I also understand that a look at us not divine, but fists of demons.

— No, fists of gods, and type of demons. My name is dashing, it is better not to awake me! Death to that who dared to anger! — Young stelzan without running start by a standing jump reproduced a sevenfold somersault. It impressed especially synchronously the boy threw several cobble-stones up and having landed, stones on the fly striking split with legs.

— I agree with you. — Being kneeling the boy bowed.

— Maybe you have valuable information.

Razorvirov vyzveritsya, imitating painful interrogation. The boy scaredly squeaked:

— You, probably, came to read the sacred table. So the ancient legend says!

Though Dashingly for the first time heard about the table, showed no sign:

— Correctly, we exactly look for it where it.

— I do not know! — The child was ready to start howling for fear.

— And who knows!? — Blinked the eyes, having even changed mental the order color of an iris of the eye of an eye Razorvirov.

— It is rumored that it is known by prince Alimar, the great-grandson of great Decibel. — Readily the boy answered.

— Conduct us to it! — Barked Dashingly.

— I am afraid, it in captivity at our very duke, order to rip skin for change off me to the dignitary.

Caress crept not considerably, its face shone slyness.

— Your "Arkhi" wants to tease gods, time Alimar at it in captivity?

— But, say that war already began. — Not quite to the place the young captive blurted out.

— Correctly, and letters can read or the main gods or Ravarr's children. To mere mortals it is not given. — It is sure declared Caress.

— You read mind the great goddess? — The boy calmed down.

— Devilishly, just devilishly I am a clever girl! — Nice and at the same time terrible Caress roared. — Now it was necessary to read Alimar's thoughts.

— Let's read. Conduct us to the lock, be not afraid, we will protect you. — Razorvirov ordered so confident tone that the captured boy already without disputes moved forward. He had to run as new owners it is strengthened pushed the young conductor. Despite tender age barefoot soles of the rural, for certain tempered by severe life boy already became horny and it fearlessly flew on recently piled prickly a grafiya, not in time to be ground yet, wheels of carts and extremities of local reptiles.

The lock, and the city of the Very duke Dulupul de Granta were huge possession. And the highest tower in the city "the Nest of the Flyer", went more than on kilometer to heaven and its enormous gold fifteen-meter swastika, reminded ominous, arachnoid "Sun". Ant revival reigned and it is natural, of course the message about the beginning of war already managed to set a people at large in motion. Gate were closed, all driving and entering, carefully checked. However the part of a wall was incomplete, decided to make the way this way to the city.

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