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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-No money did not come without risk. If it were not so, everything would long ago have become millionaires. But, really, net, in the sense that to kill and Rob nobody will. Единствененое that may be, it is something that we ourselves can cheat.


-Those who offered it to me. But, however, said Grisha — and I was talking too much. Tell me, so you do agree with me in this business?

-You have experience of such cases?

"No, " said Grisha, a little uncomfortably, " but in life sooner or later begin, especially if like that was done.

-I do not think so.

Greg looked at me intently for a moment and said:

-Well, I, in General, and not much counting on you. Only know that I'll take it. You I suggested it's not so much what I need you, as from the fact that I wanted to help you. If you agree, we got the out of the pit. Now I'm leaving you. But, if you have a willingness to accept my proposition, come and say. But see, not long think, and then you may be late. If you come to послезавтрашнего the evening, it is considered, that this conversation was not and you don't offered.

With these words he rose and raised the collar of his jacket, emerged from the bar in the evening darkness, leaving me alone.

About five minutes I sat there, eyes downcast, thinking only that incident, but thought why not get together and went in different directions, like sheep, отбившиеся from the shepherd.

Finally, I decided that I must go. Although I was still abound, but linger in the bar one I do not like.

Only I looked up, I saw that at the table next to me sits smiling old man. Sits and stares at me.

-Do you miss, young man? he asked me, thrusting me all over and leaning over the table.

-No, actually, I said, trying to understand where it came from.

Could I make a campaign, have a drink with me a mug another beer.

"With pleasure, " I said, " but I must go now, and besides I don't have any more money to it.

-This is not a problem. Here, take it, — and the old man handed me a piece of gold — go, принисите us two cups of beer and two portions of sausages.

I looked quizzically at fun старикашку. His facial expression did not change, and he, still smiling, kept squinting at me with her mischievous small eyes.

"Well, " I said, feeling that my mood is slowly rises, be as you wish.

Standing in line at the counter, пыттаясь figure out where could take up this strange man, and could not think: "What made this old man over to join me? — I asked myself. — Did you cannot find a campaign that is more suitable than the society of young person that does not like and avoid the elderly?"

In turn had to stand for twenty minutes, by the fact that in the evening it has grown considerably. And I then became terribly frightening, wild fun was me. Разбредшиеся thoughts were not able to gather together, and I was in the wackiest of spirits, which are usually drunk, with the difference that instead of the easy indifference, I went hot and cold.

I must say that the people in the bar markedly increased. All the tables were already crammed with, and I seen my old man with enviable persistence of fury defend my empty chair from the endless attacks. Clamour in the bar already resembled the monotonous hum of the bee hive. Noise давли on the ears and comfort pubs weathered the whole, expelled all abiding people. Cigarette smoke swam under the ceiling, and filled the room evenly, like a fog, haze, and at a distance of five steps soon became nothing whatsoever.

For a moment I had a wild desire to slip out, but I struggled with them, and perhaps, decided to try his fortune. Taking all that wished my old man, I went back to the table.

Now here was closely. All the seats were occupied. Near us sat campaign of some men, loud шумевшая, гоготавшая and ругавшаяся on what light is. From them carried vodka, and now and then the sound of thunder peals of laughter that followed commonplace jokes.

Neither me, nor my new friend, apparently, did not like this neighborhood and we silently ate. Old man noticeably became sad, and his cheerful mood vanished. When we had dinner in complete silence, he nodded invited me to go out of beer , and I willingly followed him. At this time, at the next table erupted into a drunken brawl after a few strokes became a real dump. In the course went chairs, trickled glass broken glasses and porcelain колящихся тареолок, sletevshih with inverted tables. To the bar acted growing. Like a snowball lot, small. The bartender, not long thinking, immediately stopped selling beer, closed metal corrugated curtain rack, and disappeared behind her, apparently ran over by the police.

We hardly had time to exit the bar and two patrol policemen stood near the entrance and no one was allowed outside.

Old man, the floors shook off his cloak, offered me to go, and we strolled down the curve of street. He was silent, and I walked beside him quite aimlessly, not even asking where and why. I didn't care where to go, just to stand still.

Rain, fortunately, has already ended, but it was still very cool, and after нессколько minutes, cooled by the wind, I chilly through. My companion noticed it, and asked why I was lightly dressed. I answered him: "I Thought today would be warm in summer all the same. So clothed. Actually, it was not true, because I simply was not a summer coat, no jacket or something else like that. Do not wear the same лтом демичсезонное coat is the only upper warm things that I had.

From damp and cool evenings wanted somewhere to hide, at least in the entrance of the house. Penetrating неласковый, not summer wind выдулл of the last remnants of my body heat. So I was glad when the old man suggested that I look into his home. He lives not very far, and it has a big private house. Yes is he doing to a certain distance, for example, through the city, and in such weather, to a drink at the bar a couple of Beers.

I don't know, just, I have met such people, who for a mug of beer ready to jump on the edge of the world, if you feel like it.

The old man laughed and long and almost silently shook his senile laughter.

-I have, if we noticed, age is not that, " he finally said, ceasing to laugh, I even wanted to, could not at the end of the world to run out for a beer. Moreover, in this city bars enough in each district. Of course, in the centre of more...

-Not noticed, " I said somehow out of place, thinking about something.

The old man looked with sympathy at me, I looked at him and our views met.

I don't like and don't like to look people in the eye, especially old. In their depth something is heavy and sad, and the older a person is, the more he had to survive on his life, the harder this stone, hidden in the fundus. I do not know whether this heavy sediment life to someone else besides me, but I see him every. The only thing that does not have this stone, this children's eyes. They are clean and clear, free from the RAID. In the children's eyes I seemingly can look to infinity, but not in old... One moment glance at them permeates my whole being through unspeakable pain as if I looked in the poisoned, killed well and breathed his stale air. And now, when my glance penetrated into these small, surrounded by wrinkles, smiling Svyda, but such deep, bottomless sad actually, from his blurred eyes ruthless time, I was not only painful, but also scary. Bitter bile stone has emptied all my guts inside out, and I felt like vomiting.

The condition I was disgusting. Besides the fact that my body froze, now and my soul was in icy silence. Apparently, and I was unimportant, because the old man hastened to ask:

-You that, very cold? You're the heart, as цуцык.

I again looked at him, but now my glance fell on the face below his eye. I do not want. Grab the second portion of the unearthly, space cold, cold peace and coming to time and in the universe death. Confused me and touched his father's care about my being.

In the minds come from somewhere lines:

Under the sign of скопищ our дранных

People were a lot of strange.

I thought, "Whose poetry?", then I realized that, most likely, my. Sometimes I have noticed a tendency sum the individual words in a completely unimaginable, unthinkable where взявшуюся rhyme. They usually happen when good mood, or here такй stress, as it is now. My fevered mind feverishly worked goodness knows what. We go with старикомпо evening street, ventilated raw, cold winds, and in the головеу I wandered lines:

Love high star

Troubled my mind in vain

With the melancholy of the oncoming train

Flew above the ground perfectly.

Totally stupid and unclear to what my mind is made verses. He immediately threw the other way:

Misty sleep, wrapped in Royal

Already playing on top of a day,

And haze, покрывшаяся dal

Finishes his way without me.

Or I read it, or I'm schizophrenic. Nonsense, nonsense. I was cold and dreary. Body lived in and of itself, the head itself. Thoughts wandered as a stray sheep.

Chapter 5.

House of the old man was really close. Turning to some lane, we'll come out on the street, built up with private houses.

If the city still there were people, rushing somewhere on business, and then it was dark, quiet and deserted. The howling wind in the walls and the dark tops of the trees in the gardens around the houses only emphasized безлюдность and void. Behind the low wooden fences of the houses here and there where the light was on, and only dogs, awakened by the foreign smells and steps, screaming, забрехали, залаяли, Liv passers-by.

A barking dog, a wave of прокатившийся on a small street, began to quieten down and soon stopped. "You wouldn't say that in the city, " I thought, exactly in the village, in the middle of nowhere, although from the centre of the city, in five minutes of walking."

We came to the bare darkened gate, near to which the old man said: "Well, here we come."

Then somewhere in the end of the street alone and lonely, as if for the dead dog howled. This detail sent shudders across my soul in sensitive anticipation. I just wanted to run, to run, to run down the dark, промозглому the city to the College. But my legs became like cotton, and I could not move.

The old man opened the hissing with the gate, and we found ourselves in the darkness of the courtyard of a private house.

To touch the old man making his way in some lumber, набросанном under my feet, I asked myself: "Why did you simpleton, trudged behind him?" I was as still as if everything around was in a dream and not reality.

Soon we found ourselves in the porch of the house where the ceiling was so low that had to walk hunched over, awkwardly bent.

The old man struck a match, and soon it has lit a kerosene lamp, which is found somewhere in the darkness, rattling some железаками. In her uncertain, прыгающем light danced wall of the hallway, pasted an oilcloth.

I could see that everything around is forced some stuff: яящиками, tin boxes, pots. Among them were piled heaps of rags, ropes, Newspapers and paper — in a word, the most varied and not описуемого garbage, created the impression that this is not a residential house and a barn, which are knocked off any unnecessary junk.

The old man turned his face to me with sparkling, small, sharp eyes, in a black abyss which jumped gleams of the flame of the lamp, and, looking straight into my eyes, said:

"Undress, take off your shoes here and went.

Oh, these little scary old eyes. Again I was unbearable horror, but I contained myself not to scream.

The words were a mockery, because as far as I could see, in the porch was dusty and dirty, and I imagined what kind will be my only jacket when I put it on a pile of garbage this сарайной landfill.

Not waiting until I разденусь, the old man grunted, and turned and went inside the house, opening desperately заскрипвшую door. I followed him, after some hesitations, and soon found myself in the thick darkness.

The old man walked ahead of him, lighting his way kerosene lamp, and I trailed behind him, every time something stumbling and wondering why it does not include the electric light.

We passed two or three rooms, but I couldn't see them. In the next room the old man put his lamp on the table, standing in the middle and she lit a small circle on the red with black patterned tablecloth.

'Well, my lad, now drink with you Seagull. You get warm by and you will be quite right.

-Why don't you light the light? I asked the old man, but he had already disappeared in the darkness, but made no answer.

Circle around the table with a dark red and black cloth, barely illuminated by the light from dancing, коптящего in the lamp reed flame, it was dark, to the extent that there was no walls, no furniture or the environment in General. Besides, the old man disappeared, and I suddenly felt before terribly from this lonely standing in the thick darkness of the unknown strange house, пожирающей sounds that I immediately felt a chill of horror, covering all my цепенеющее body. I stood and was afraid to turn around, afraid to move even a finger, afraid to open my mouth to say something and hear his voice, his breathing and even beating of your own heart.

I wanted to hide from the darkness in itself, a dive into it, dissolve in it, stop breathing, and even to live, to drive away all my feelings.

This was the most common animal fear the one that is gripping man, when the eyes of death are revealed to him, and he suddenly a piercing clearly feels helpless bodily creature in the power of the mighty forces, responsible for its fate, standing at the limit beyond which there is nothing. In those few seconds I would like the cockroach, hide in a ниибудь narrow chink, to conceal there and not move, to prolong your life in this way, but did not dare to tread and half a step somewhere away from the table, did not dare to move, and even breathing now barely able to breath not even himself.

On the back wandering herd of large shivers shimmering ice haloes terrible cold. I felt someone's opinion. It seemed that from the darkness behind me watching someone attentive eyes. They sank like a death grip in my body and not want to let me go. From this awful feeling I was petrified the whole, as freezes rabbit under the gaze of a boa constrictor. I didn't know whose it is opinion, who looks at me out of the darkness, but I with all my being felt his leaden heaviness.

Will and fear fought in me. Horror, I could not go back, but felt that this is what I need to do to remove сковавшее me voltage waiting to be saved. I was afraid of. I felt that from the darkness behind me glowing bright green devilish eyes, pursuing scared my soul all my life. If I saw it, it probably would immediately on the ground died of a broken heart, or despair of horror throwed forward to dispel uncertainty and, finally, to see the eyes, at least once, even поеследний that is destined.

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