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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Watch it not princes, but adult pudges moreover with ugly brooms on a face! — It is disappointed the mini-soldier roared.

— Typical dwarfs, we it studied clinical anomalies in the section. — Fastidiously the girl spat captives.

The second the pudge knight rushed in attack. Caress with not a maiden force kicked in a groin. Though there was also a metal plate, the forward stopped and was double up too sensitive place and strong blow. The opponent Razorvirova was only slightly deafened and on an automatic pilot tried to pin up the impudent boy a dagger. The blow fingers in eyes, paralyzed the attacking knight. Then exact hit in a neck finally put it out of action. Caress loudly shouted.

— Do not help me, this my exercise machine.

The pudge squeaky as not adjusted violin howled.

— The small rubbish, my sword will finish off you!

The girl a butterfly of a zaporkhal on a roof, dexterously evading from a sword of the low knight. Then the mini-fighter in a skirt turned into counterattack. Its blows were similar to panther jumps. At the dwarf a helmet flew and the crunch of the broken cervical vertebras was distributed.

— Agree beautifully!

The young warrior sang;

The purple constellation of the Universe gives happiness,

it is finer to you not to find in the boundless universe!

Dashingly interrupted the girlfriend;

— We dress armor and on unicorns. They have a coat of arms, so these undersized goats, are titled!

Half an hour later children, disguised as smart armor, mini-soldiers already were in the most magnificent palace. Here extraordinary revival reigned, knights, soldiers, the armed servants scurried about everywhere. In the main throne-room also was loads and loads people — generally notable grandees. Here the Very duke de Grant, the pompous big fellow with the long fiery red beard covered with jewelry as a royal jeweler bench.

— Count left Kami and Right Tsami. I am glad you to see! I hope, you gave the troops? Chirizkhan threatens all of us.

Imitating a squeaky voice of the former owner of an armor, Caress answered:

— Of course. We declared a total appeal. What latest news from the fighting front?

— The count, where you picked up such scientific words. Not really good, there are already first essential losses, many feudal lords hesitate. — Frankly the Very duke declared.

— And we too in doubt. — Declared imitating a dwarfish opposite timbre of a voice Dashingly. — Why war began?

— Well, Alimar de Detsibel's capture only occasion. You know it, Chirizkhan wants the power over the whole world. — It is sure the Very duke declared.

— I believe, the difference between you is not big. Show us that because of whom war began. — Dashingly as well as it is peculiar to cool boys at once took occasion by the forelock.

— Why to you it is necessary? — The Very duke pricked up the ears.

Caress interfered conversation, childly having artlessly blurted out:

— Elementary curiously. Who this individual who became a contention anti-positron?

The duke suspiciously looked at guests. It did not like similar curiosity, and very scientific words. Maybe they want to find tables too? Fool by fine words, mow under fools, or the gone mad wise men. And if so, without Very father to them to read nothing.

— If you want, I will spend you to the guest. It is necessary to be careful with inquiries, but misters pledge the knightly word and an oath on a swastika — that your host to join my army. — De Grand did not give a sign that suspected guests of something.

— Then, the word of the knight costs too expensive to be scattered. I can only give a guarantee, Kami and Tsami's mobile bioplasma connections will not attack you! — Remembering the cybernetic video blurted out Dashingly.

As are miraculously expressed. Can at them, helmets jammed. It is better for those mentally ill people are not so dangerous.

In a vault of the lilac Lock, the very ducal executioner showed frank discontent. His thick hands shivered, and fists were clenched and unclenched:

— On what basis you mister cardinal took away it?

— There is an order of the Most great and most Saint Gideemmsky Very father. You see the sacred bull. — The cardinal already the third time thrust a parchment roll with the press under nose to the torturer rather stupid by sight.

— It is my victim, our right... — The face of the jockstrap executioner, fleshy with a receding forehead of a gorilla, discontentedly shivered. Small eyes expressed disappointment.

— What you grind, you are only the instrument of inquiry, know, the place if you do not want to fall a victim. — The cardinal, hudyushchy is also high like furious Don Quixote, is poisonous hissed, and made terrible faces.

— You at least notified de Grant. — The massive strapper retired to the background.

— There is no need, time is the bull and the right of an award of a fiery swastika. What for a mortar at you in hands smokes? — To the cardinal it was fastidiously wrinkled, by contradiction a smell of burning.

— I a gift prepared it for Ali, pieces of coal hot. — Bryaknul Ambal, with serious tone.

— The freak, a mentally retarded primacy, Alimar the prince of blood, and from coals remain blisters. — The cardinal outright became angry. — You it is visible you want that all saw traces of your interrogations, to create to us new problems?

— I in the business the expert, though am not able to read write. — A giant with a stomach to which it would be possible to push entirely a ram proudly said. Here besides traditional methods and traceless tortures, I invented such car. Beauty!

Rough knock at a fat door interrupted verbalizations of the professional torturer. The very duke, two pseudo-count and dozen of security guards entered the stuffy marble room. The cardinal who is looking like the mantis in a three-colored cloak of the highest deity and a swastika on a chain, seemed Dashingly very comical. Still adults would have to be large and brawny, and a goat beard the savage's atavism. The fat, immense executioner with five shivering, shchetinisty chins reminded the fighter Summo. The paunch of the torturer was covered by a red, leather apron, and hands are thicker than a thigh of a buffalo and not from one fat at all.

— Where prisoner? — Without excess prefaces shouted become impudent Dashingly.

The stupid ugly face of the torturer was twisted though in the principle to bend so degenerate physiognomy has no place further.

— Ate! — The foolish answer followed.

Having caught the menacing gesture, the executioner hastily recovered:

— Holy Fathers took away! Brought to the Very father to Gideemm.

— To catch up and stop, return! — Dashingly ordered so as if they also also are the real governor of the planet.

The cardinal contemptuously sniffed:

— Late. He was brought through the underpass, and put on the kryso-flyer. Quicker it nobody can fly.

— Nonsenses any imperial fighter a million times quicker than your pterodactyl. — Caress bellowed and took a step forward.

Having shaken a stomach, the executioner wrinkled the most sweet physiognomy:

— You I see scientific people, and will be able to appreciate my invention the inquiry car.

— It is unlikely will surprise us, but it is curious. Yes the duke we will go to your Very father, he will get the poor unfortunate city of Gideemm. — Grinned a leopard that however under a visor is absolutely imperceptible, so and it is deprived of sense Dashingly.

In the neighboring room smelled of blood, pepper, fake meat. Thick assistants in red loose overalls were ominously whispered. Something average between the weaving loom and a spindle — occupied the center of the room.

— Here it is simple, wool rubs, and parchment is accustomed to drinking on these balls. And then, connecting needles, and sparks pour. If to thrust two needles in language, and two more in ears and to twist the handle, then eyes will get out and will light up as bulbs. Especially beautifully glow in the dark, slezk drip, spark, tremendous feelings and any traces. Ha-HA-Ha! — The executioner guffawed as if he and really can be more ridiculous than nothing.

— The primitive stun gun, on the electrostatic principle. The friction accumulates a charge on the elementary condenser in the form of balls. — scientific Caress Inserted.

The torturer tenderly with poison in a voice said:

— Perhaps remove helmets milords bows. Here znoyno, a rack warmed quite recently

— No, to us not hot. — Roared Dashingly though actually indeed, in an armor soared as in a sauna.

The very duke approached the executioner, the stupid shaven physiognomy was suspiciously cunning and kind.

— What do you hide the executioner?

That quietly and very smoothly turned a rychazhok on a spindle.

Dashingly and Caress, suddenly felt that under them there is no floor. Force of gravitation incurred them down. It is purely reflex mini-stelzan managed to throw a short sword in a thick stomach of the executioner. The sword punched a huge paunch in that place where under an apron (it at once burst) the headdress a desyatiruky crab the patrimonial coat of arms of the very duke flaunted. The fountain of thick blood zalyapat a suit and a face of the grandee. The torturer rattled, hardly squeezing out words and crimson bubbles. The voice could be sorted with big work:

— I recognized them, guessed an instinct of the skilled investigator. These are children demons about whom you heard. It is a pity, it is not necessary to me, to look in the eyes shining and shining from pain and current, torturing such sweet chickabiddies.

Dulupula de Grad old to shout as it is possible ordered more loudly:

— You sound the alarm, a guards in the underground tunnel. Gods and demons on granite do not die of falling!

Over the lock big copper horns began to sound and the footfall of a set running knights and ratnik was heard it is simpler. The executioner quickly weakened. The cardinal, something a tongue twister muttered, the dropped torch singed a brocade toga of the Very duke, having forced to squeal heart-rendingly from wild pain the grandee. Under sounds of a dissonant song of a rank of fighters went down in a vault. It was visible that they sing rather for fear, still being afraid of unknown demons, than from surplus of fighting enthusiasm;

Wind will dispel gray fog,

The angel will split the fortress of evil clouds!

The barrow is in the field covered with military blood,

The abuse lights a pink beam.

The darling cries in grief a forehead,

Fingers spin mechanically a wreath.

There will be we, together will become light-,

To our sufferings soon end!

Light lit up our homeland,

Amicably battled fallen — live,

My God betray to us rage, forces.

We will win, we will protect the native land!

We trust to return brothers from war,

Though cost us the price expensive.

Before gods all of us are equal,

To execute a debt — before the great country!

To be continued....

Comments which it is possible to pass or laugh, at a peculiar humour;

— In the Superfilm with each series, than further, than more abruptly!

— And when I will be killed?

— You are immortal! You will live until collecting falls!

"The last hero" Arnold Schwarzenegger.


— Why the USSR broke up?

— There was no sex!

— Means, the Purple constellation has a future!

— What difference between a literary star and that that in the sky?

— That that the literary star can be extinguished a simple cobble-stone!

— What difference between the beginning writer and famous?

— The beginner wants to create the creation, best in the world, and having popularity for which pay money!

From the website of comments on Roman "Lucifer's Armageddon!"

Still only work begins, only gathers dispersal, dynamics the steepness, ahead new improbable adventures fantastic even for a fantasy. Sudden unpredictable turns of a plot. Grandiose fight will happen on all Universe and in others infinite hyper — the mega-Universes. In scales unprecedented for a human fantasy! Hurry to get continuation of series — the new novel "Underworld Master Key!" you is waited further by unique feelings!!!

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