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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Court it is always worse than the tsar! — the father spoke. Vladimir somehow attentively read the Bible and asked the father: why Orthodox Christians contrary to a ban of God worship relics and icons? Why God in the Bible only the Saint, and the patriarch the holy! What the simple person let and allocated with a dignity, above God Tvorts of the Universe? In reply the priest bellowed: it is necessary to believe how zapovedovano ancestors, but not to look for contradictions. Or you want that you were anathematized!

The unpleasant deposit remained as a crack in armor of belief. And the conclusion received by logical reasonings is elementary: most likely, there is no God at all, there is too much evil on Earth. Here, for example, God would begin to create similar nasty thing as mosquitoes, and such large Siberian are twice more than the European. Why it should torment people so. To especially spoil women — turning them into such old women, as it is opposite to look. And diseases, and pain, fatigue which is felt even by young and healthy people? The person will stand till the end the best: he created computers and almost in any game you though small, but the god. The school and life, games and movies learn that in the world force governs. Perhaps Buddhists from ideas of evolution of spirit are right. The movement on self-improvement steps by resettlement of souls from the lowest worlds in the highest? Anyway the death is better than, forever to appear among animals with a human appearance. And if to find an entrance to some bunker and there to hide? The father told something to me about these places... It seems, somewhere there have to be confidential entrances. It is necessary to try!"

At heart at Vladimir it became a little warmer.

The general of star fleet Lira Velimara dressed in strengthened commander boyekostyum. She could not wait to head personally operation on occupation of command structure of the opponent. And, above all, the warrior of hell wanted to kill, kill here so, face to face, without knowing confusion, directly looking in the face to the victim.

Truly: the victory as the woman — attracts with gloss, but frightens off at the price of!

Here and the million-strong city of Yekaterinburg though, by the standards of the terrible empire of stelzan, it is the simple village. Any whole house... In the downtown the 20-kilometer crater in which the melted breed still bubbles and bubbles gapes. Even underground communications do not rescue from so crushing blows of termokvarkovy bombs and nitrozaryal (The charges based on process of a gap glyukonny mezhpreonny (quarks consist of preonn) communications, reactions are million times stronger on destructive force thermonuclear, but in difference of termokvarkovy merge not exceeding power in one megaton from instability of process with a big weight.). Suburbs of the city and the neighboring settlements are also destroyed, the remains of buildings are visible only here and there. Between them the crippled burned people writhe in an intolerable agony. Those who survived look even more sad and unfortunate, than the dead because their sufferings cannot be described.

The stelzana chained in the enormous boyekostyuma look is more frightening. Everyone boyekostyum is supplied antigravy, the photon engine giving the chance to fly with the whole arsenal of the beam and printseps-plasma weapon. The armor of a fighting space suit is capable to hold anti-tank shells, and powerful generators create such force fields that, being under their cover, it is possible to be afraid of nothing, even hundred megaton thermonuclear blows. The principle of work of this mighty protection — the particles bearing destruction, with a light speed having got a background with two-dimensional space, as if stop the movement, losing the mass of rest. Then they are easily rejected by the reflecting radiation exceeding photon speed, counter in one thousand. However, itself boyekostyum the force field does not generate (the equipment still too bulky) and if to come off a phalanx, then it is possible and to die.

Nevertheless, stelzana are very self-confident, and the beams which are started up from a starprobe vehicle disconnected all primitive cybernetics of the opponent therefore now the helpless enemy can be taken barehanded.

Powerful antiaircraft guns suddenly jump out of the disguised niches on a surface, trying to thrust 150-milemetrovy shells in alien aggressors. It is not electronics, and simple mechanics any more.

Stelzana react much quicker: hyper plasma impulses carry artillery and tracer fragmental and demolition gifts which were hardly in time to escape from trunks. The lira floutingly threatened with a finger:

— Silly monkeys! You are expected by a lunch from chops in own juice with hyper nuclear heating!

Gennady Polikanov prepared for the last fight. He already and itself understood that the end is close. From the very beginning it was unequal fight of incomparable resources and technologies. Mother Earth was powerless as if an ant hill under tank caterpillars. What in such situation needed to be made to the marshal? Only to die, but to die so that descendants with pride remembered death of the last president of Russia. Though, perhaps, will not remember them and to whom.

The thick titanic door failed, cut by beams of blasters. To the extensive hall of strategic command the pinkish ball flew. Bodyguards and generals hastily jumped for armor boards. Only the president Polikanov remained, is proud to stand, ready to accept death. Death which seemed medicine for all problems now, way to suppress intolerable mental anguish, the tormenting each particle of an emaciated body. The angry old woman with a braid got outlines of the fantastic fairy, and her ice breath reminded a tender breeze. But the iridescent poured ball continued to lie quietly, and then the melody which is bearing a faint resemblance to a children's lullaby was heard. Under melodic sounds of quiet and pure music the last act of the space tragedy was made. Aliens, ugly, in bulky boyekostyuma smoothly entered the hall. The star aggressors covered by the polytypic weapon cast ominous shadows, precisely fierce demons in the light of portable searchlights. In the brightest fiery orange furniture there was an ataman of space terrorists.

The familiar humiliating laughter broke off ominous silence:

— Here they, gallant, but pathetic fighters of the backward planet of naked primacies! And this scanty army still something tries to object our indestructible power! For you the cage in an apery is prepared.

The turned pale Polikanov began to shake for anger.

— You it is simple...

But he could not finish speaking — there were not enough words to express all the attitude towards these vile star monsters. The security officer the lieutenant general reacted quicker.

— Kill them! Dagger fire from all types of tools!

And desperate hysterical fire was opened at newcomers. Each of the shooting people was sincere in the hatred to the monsters killing all live. Shot with the submachine guns, grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns and even with experimental laser automatic machines. But all this was useless as a children's cracker against the Gladiator tank. The force field easily beat off fighting human charges. Backfire a negligent wave incinerated fighters from whom there were only burning skeletons. The favourite dog of the president Energiya (mix of a German shepherd and mastiff) jumped towards armor silhouettes. The greenish beam dispersing a wide wave charred a dog, on the reinforced concrete floor covered with plastic the turned black bone framework of once beautiful animal failed. Polikanov shot along with both hands, discharging 30-zryadny electromagnetic guns with uranium cores and a plasma rating. When cartridges ended, he rejected useless toys and crossed on a hand breast.

The lira came nearer, continuing to laugh.

— Well that, Polkan, otlayalsya? Now you, the last from the Russian generals, will go with us. The lead and a bowl with soup wait for you.

Marshall president answered with a firm voice (though this hardness also cost to it titanic efforts):

— Yes, you are strong the infernal equipment therefore you are able to afford to scoff at the one who all life served Russia, having passed hot spots from Avhan, to the Arabian deserts. Interestingly what you cost in honest fight as equals with the equal weapon?.

— It is much more, than you, a primacy, you think! Our child barehanded will strangle your general! — Velimara made by fingers "goat". — Sucker...

— If you were a man, I would force you to be responsible for the words. — The marshal clenched fists with such force that bones turned blue.

— And it does not matter. I am the space general, the commander of a star striking force. Means, I am a soldier. Well that, a primacy, you are not afraid to battle against me?

Samka-stelzan a lightning slipped out a boyekostyum. It was absolutely naked. High (growth more than two meters), the broad-shouldered and brawny figure towered over the Russian marshal. Thin and lower on growth, than a stelzanka Polikanov seemed almost a puny creature. Though on a naked relief camp Lira Velimara was not fat at all, she weighed hundred twenty seven kilograms and on force could replace not one large collective-farm horse quite. Having contemptuously nodded the head back and having stuck out a magnificent breast, Lira moved on the marshal. Polikanov passed fine school of martial arts in army special troops and on various special courses. It had a black belt — the fourth is given on karate, and hatred increased forces. The marshal, having enclosed all rage, struck blow in a solar plexus. Lira was slightly displaced. The blow had in firm tiles not in a feminine way of a powerful press of the space fury. Polikanov managed to leave from a swing right, but fast as a lightning, and heavy as a hammer, the blow a knee rejected it to spotty armor tables. The hand only slightly softened a terrible push of a bronze extremity. The star lady jumped, having wildly screamed, thrust a heavy leg in the fighter's breast. The marshal did not manage to evade therefore pair of edges broke, and the blocking hand was bent by an arch. The terrible blow from above broke to it a clavicle. All movements of a space tigress were so fast that the owner of a black belt did not manage to react in time. Besides force of blows of Velimara was as if at a mad mastodon. It is easy as child, it lifted arm-distance the 90-kilogram, immobilized Polikanov and again roared with uncontrollable laughter.

— Well, a valorous animal how to you battled against the lady? If you want to exist, lick to me a tigress. Then I guarantee you good food in a zoo.

Magnificent hips shook in the lewd movement, the coral mouth revealed, the pink uvula moved as if pinching ice cream.

The boyish, but firm voice interrupted the star hetera.

— Shut up, a beast, and release the marshal!

The mad fury was developed. The fair-haired torn-off young man directed to it the heavy assault Bear-9 submachine gun. This powerful tool of defeat thrust nine and a half thousand explosive bullets a minute, disseminating them in chessboard order. The lira studied all main types of the terrestrial weapon, and it was clear if open fire, then at it and open chances of rescue will not be nude, at all survivability of genetically improved stelzan. Having put on an angelic look, it turned to the boy, in turn, without letting out the president from not in a feminine way brawny hand.

— My dear boy, you such clear head. It is laudable that you want to rescue the president. But think why it to you, all the same its time came to an end. Join better us.

The lira as much as possible expanded a smile. Her teeth sparkled as a number of small bulbs. Even to it, the steel lady, it was heavy to hold nearly a centner of the trained muscles and beaten bones of the president on an outstretched arm therefore it pressed it to the body. The large high breast with scarlet nipples nestled on Polikanov's face. The marshal suddenly felt in himself lewd desire, such magnificent warrior, the strong body breathes passion of the reasonable predator. It was necessary to suppress treacherous call of flesh by effort of will, habitual for the professional soldier.

Vladimir Tigrov hardly held the assault automatic machine machine gun. His face was streamed down by sweat streams. Only fear to kill the marshal constrained the young man from temptation immediately to open fire.

— Release the president, rubbish!

Velimara laughed, but it is this time louder and more terrible.

— No, I am not a silly woman to release the board. And if you are so clever, then itself will lay down arms. The brave boy, you were not afraid one to get into this underground bunker. Such soldiers are necessary to us. At people you have the same the same nothing to do, you killed several people, let insignificant, but belonging to your look. That rounded eyes, I saw it in news. — Told, being shown by Velimar even more oppositely, having noticed surprise of the boy. — You became an enemy for the people of Earth on it to the planet. You are their enemy! And we appreciate such resolute fighters as you. We will include you in structure of native police.

— No, I will not betray the Homeland even if then I will be shot! Who does not lose the Homeland, that will never lose life!

Tigers this in other not so tragic situation, probably, to the seemed other vulgar persons ridiculous literally cried out pathos. Hands hesitated, he felt that he will drop the weapon soon. Polikanov noticed it and decided to come to the rescue.

— Be not afraid, nobody will shoot you. I, the President of Russia, will declare that it was self-defense. You correctly made everything, long ago it was necessary to deal with school bandits and local mafia clans. And for the fact that you destroyed the drug baron Gadyuku-Kitaychika I award the order to you "Courage".

The boy hard began to breathe, his hands and legs shivered from tension. Still slightly — and the terrible car of destruction will slip out the shivering sweaty fingers.

The lira understood it and took a step on a meeting.

— Well, give, the kid, accurately lower the weapon.

The young man did not begin to wait until "Bear" slips out hands, and, having nearly fallen, pressed the start-up button. Turns struck from the rotating trunk. Tracer bullets cut air, but were rejected, having come across a transparent wall.

— You were late! Good fellows, children, managed to close me the field.

The boy was seized right there.

— Do not kill him. Deliver to our starprobe vehicle! — The female general ordered. Pupils of the star witch became bezdonna as a black hole.

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