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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-And you were not expecting me? Yes?

Mark Ilich according nodded. His frightened eyes widened even more, and become round, like an animal.

-Yes, don't you worry, mark Ilich! Don't be afraid, we won't harm. We only want to ask you something. This time, however, require you to pay with me you don't have to, Zhora turned it from side to side, "Uzi", then moved to the door, closed it and put his that did not open the heavy crutch, standing in the corner. — The matter is that we finally went bankrupt, but not собираемсяотказываться from their intentions. But noodles on the ears in this time, I will not hang. I simply won't allow you to do this. Then I was alone and unarmed, and now...— Zhora made a significant, broad gesture. — We agree with you, do you, mark Ilich?

The old man again according nodded.

-Well, that's great!! Untie him gag... No, hands until let it be so suddenly mark Ilich заартачится, and then we will have to make on it in some not very pleasant procedure.

Mark Ilich negatively shook his head from side to side. "Fix" took him gag.

"By what right you with me do? -stuck to his guns with the go mark Ilich hardly mouth was again free.

-But on this, — Zhora raised it to his temple barrel of the gun and felt a strong desire to pull the trigger. But to do it. Yet. — On the right of the strong, my dear, on the right of the strong. A few days ago, the people of one very famous in Moscow circles human метелили us and already wanted to send it to the light, but coincidentally, our prevailed, and they followed there by themselves. And now we cannot слезеи with thee until thou not выложишь us all to the last drop that will interest us. We want to know who this man is. Everything from and to...

-But I do not know who you...

A strong blow threw Brand Ilyich together with a chair on the floor. Rage woke up in the Hippo, required that he beat on, but плюгавенький old man was more he wanted, and because he сдеражался and only rubbed зашибленный fist.

When mark Ilich очухался, "Fix" again lifted him to his chair.

"You see, Illich, I'm with you not kidding, warned him George.

But I don't know whom you mean...

-On Bondi Baume.

I have never heard about this...

He did not finish his sentence, again сваленный together with a chair on his back. This time George could not resist not to kick it a few times.

-The old man! Libro we're out of here, getting what we need, or you're dead meat. Choose! I have long not going to beat around the Bush, " said George, when mark Ilyich came back himself and was brought back to its former place.

"But what you gave up something?

Is our business, you come here, don't bother. Better put on the merits, all as is.

Mark Ilich paused, tilting his head and agreed:

-Okay, slide me to the computer.

"Fix," I kissed back, and chair заскрепел on the parquet floor.

-Untie my hands. — asked mark Ilich.

-No! — as snapped Zhora, although the "x's" was ready to fulfill the request. — No. Tell that to press. We ourselves do.

Mark Ilich began to dictate letters and buttons, and Leva incompetent, clumsy fingers began to type them on the keyboard. Zhora few minutes watched this, and then asked:

-Tell me, dear mark Ilich, your computer, and that he is connected in some network?

Face of an old man in fear winced and, apparently fearing that the visitor хорошот versed in his actions and in the computers, he shook his head:

-Yes, in the telephone network through a modem.

-Excellent. Lev, see, so that you, with such enthusiasm by clicking on the buttons, not handed to somebody something, and that there'll not come uninvited guests.

-But I didn't understand, " stunned, staring at him "Fix"

"No, you go on, go on. It's better to have this bothered to mark Ilich. By the way, has long wanted to ask, mark Ilich, to you today someone should come?

Mark Ilich said nothing, after falling silent and not to dictate Leve.

-I understand that there is. Yes? — Zhora slightly gave the handle "Uzi" Mark Ilich on клиновидному, almost bald head.

"No, " he replied, as if recollecting himself.

-Excellent, Mark Ilich. So, if as a result of your, well let our actions with this thing (because I, too, it is not good) it suddenly appears that we came here guests, someone police or thugs Bondi Bohm, the first bullet — your. She'll chop you faceted crock, mark Ilich, and I assure you that my courage to do it without delay. I will blow your head, as the clay pot. You understand me?


-Well, now keep

On the computer screen lit up with some symbols.

-Remove, be kind, with shelves at number six in a row B, floppy number forty.

George walked over to a Cabinet, made like the book, and drew specified diskette.

-Where is it now?

-To be inserted into the computer.

"What's there? — George waved diskette.

-The dossier. A dossier on your Bondi Boma.

-And how many in here fits pages?

-Two thick volumes already, but you can make as much again.

"Looks like you often refer to it, that so wonderfully remember.

-I just constantly work with the material, make there new information.

-That, and only doing this Bondi Bohm?

-No. Not only, I have a dossier on twenty million people.

-Wow! surprised involuntarily Zhora. — While I have you, by chance, nothing?

-You said yourself: responding on the merits, " said mark Ilich. Under his left eye he formed a purple bruise. In several places bore the marks of the beatings, but the old man kept safe and not just the slightest.

Zhora involuntarily made a imbued him than-товпроде respect. Feeling this, however, was so weak that he easily suppressed.

-So where you insert the floppy?

-Let, I asked mark Ilich.

-No, — Zhora made a categorical gesture.

-You break me the computer! pleaded mark Ilich. — Let, I myself will insert a floppy disk!

-We now divide your head, you idiot, " "Fix." — Speak out, moron, where you insert the plate.

Under the direction of Mark Ilyich George pulled out of the drive was in him floppy disk and put in place their own, the number forty. Mark Ilich began to dictate the cipher key, and soon the screen was filled with the lines of some kind of document.

Well, what next? "asked George.

Depending on what you need.

-We need to all.

-I said: this two-volume case. You can in parts. First, review, and right — click and print.

-What if?

Is that all? I love mark Ilich.

-All business.

-Oh, — mark Ilich shook his head. It would take too much time.

-How much? — not appeased Zhora.

-Frankly speaking, I don't know. Never tried it. Besides, I can't say whether such a load printer. — But you have a day sitting here?!

"We're ready, " nodded Zhora.

-But then I'm not ready, — забастовал mark Ilich.

"Why not?"

-I can't stay the night in this position! Рязвяжите me, give me a little of freedom! Follow me, in the end, don't walk away from me every step!

Zhora exchanged looks with "Фиксой". In the end, he was not so terrible, that all the time to keep it in this condition, with their hands tied behind the back of the chair.

-Untie him, " said George to his friend. — Only do not give him a single step. Just that — shoot! In any case, we have a floppy.

-Nothing you can do it, " interrupted, apparently to protect themselves, mark Ilich. — To get to the information need a key code that unlocks the entrance, and you don't know him.

-Learn — for convincing "Fix" took the old man by the throat of his hand. — Can you all say.

"Okay, let him go, " said George. — And untie. Only look, mark Ilich: just that, so we're going to take you right. And plug your драндулетку: we'll wait until it will give us Nagora.

"Fix" freed the old man, and he pressed a few buttons, launched the printer. His carriage almost silently finished and it began to appear in the first line. A minute later the first leaf freaked small signs, fell on the tray листоприемника.

"Fine, " commented George. — We'll wait.

He picked up the листоприемника the printed page, and plunged into the study.

"Can I go to the toilet? — asked mark Ilich.

-Can be, not only one, " answered George, breaking away from the leaf, and jerked his head to the Left.

Until the morning printer did not stop their work. Mark Ilich hardly had time to enclose fresh порциичистой paper. Zhora dug up with him yet and copier, but multiply printed was not able to due to fatigue. Besides mark Ilich tearfully assuring him that in the copier something missing, not that of a powder not then some more stuff, and consequently to work on it quite impossible, until George himself has not refused this idea.

All night they were on duty by turns, without losing sight of the old archive rat and forcing him to work as soon as possible. So by the morning both were drained dry, and mark Ilich barely stood on their feet from exhaustion. His battered face was worse. Bruises became dark bluish colour, under the eyes grew heavy large dark bags. He barely moved his feet and the view was miserable.

Towards seven o'clock in the morning everything is finally ready. Zhora was holding a heavy stack of свежеотпечатанных pages. Mark Ilich handed him the folder:

-Here, take it, fold it neatly.

Disk I too take.

-Why? pleaded mark Ilich. — Don't ruin my archive, please! I'll better yet the one thing изготовлю, when you wish. Whether a little that can happen to her from you. And I have this information will remain secure.

"Okay, first, for all this time took pity on an old man Zhora, and thought to himself: "Good thoughtlessly".

He gave him a floppy disk.

Capturing a folder, they went out onto the landing. In the entrance there was silence, only somewhere far below, on the ground floor, there were footsteps: maybe someone was in a hurry to work.

Mark Ilich escorted them to the door and stood on the threshold with a plaintive and miserable expression on his face. Жоре even wanted to tell him something to say goodbye, but he kept silent.

Whistling "Fix" skipping galloped down the stairs. Zhora descended slowly. Whistle leva "Tooth" drowned somewhere in the stairways, dissolving in his echo. "If to whistle, then we say that the money will be, thought George, — but yet they say, who discerns — responsible".

Suddenly the whistle "Fixes" is abandoned. In the same second, Zhora noticed something dark hung over his head. He instinctively, he did not yet understand what is happening, ducked. At this moment something thunder muttered the blast. From below came the cry of "Fixes", a clatter and cheers.

"Covered", — he thought George.

Chapter 15. 5 (05 -> 5).

He had no time and recover, as it заволоклив long, luxurious limousine, shining in his black mirror housing reflection of the lights of the hotel, he saw nothing through tinted glass until it is not unloaded the back of the car, but near a building.

He never gave nothing to ask, nothing to say. To make it certain that he never wants to talk pulled from the machine, he with a professional composure gave about the legs and dragged him скрюченное телокуда in the back of the building.

All the way Dima confused his thoughts and guesses, unable to understand what is happening and why, and tried in vain to rely feet on the ground. Everything happened so quickly that he could not come round to the trip itself. Then the pain from the blow looked consciousness.

As through a mist passed before his eyes the walls of the corridors and stairways, and when he began to disperse, he was pushed into the door of a huge office.

At a table on the far side of кабинетасидел, covering the palm of a person, a man. He read something. When Gladysheva entered the Cabinet, he looked up at the newcomers.

They immediately left alone. Dima in расстерянности hesitated at the door. He was disappointed with all the goings on.

A man rose from the table and pushing the chair, went to meet him. He was wearing a severe dark gray suit Troika, dazzling white shirt and a thin, black tie.

-Ah, here you are, Mr. Gladyshev! — supposed to be happy, but kept handed people. — I hope my kids were not mistaken?

-No, your guys are right! — said Dima, trying to invest in your own words his indignation and resentment. — What's the matter?! Who are you?! Why to treat me like that?!

A man took him from behind your back, as if pushing forward and inviting walk with him down the long room.

-I understand your indignation, Mr. Gladyshev! You, of course, outraged! But what to do, my people are accustomed to work! They simply impossible to remake the...

This is a real animals and butchers! — Dima cried, trying to Express his insulted dignity.

-I agree, I agree, the man nodded, continuing to lead Dima beside him руукой behind your back. — But this is already the institution where they work. Here other not hold. Otherwise, who will guard the interests of the state?!

The owner of the office stopped, letting his guest, how significant are his last words. Dima tensed involuntarily. The pain from the blow had not yet passed.

-And what is this place?

-Oh, this is a good institution: Ministry of the interior!..

"Oh, how terrible! — Dima really scared, but tried to draw his emotion into a joke.

-Yes, probably, especially if we consider that you, Mr. Gladyshev, talking with a wave of the hand which all the wheels of this mechanism begin to rotate in one direction or the other, or even stop... don't believe?!

-No, why not. I have provided the opportunity to verify, — Dima отряхивающий gesture.

-That's nice. I'm flattered by your ability to grasp everything on the fly. Love people who do not need further clarification. I hope that in future you'll be just as intelligent!

They went to the window, which was night.

-Everything is fine, " said Dima. — But what the hell to me here превезли?! I wouldn stole something or someone killed?

-Well, you don't think about the Ministry of internal Affairs, if you think that it is only a search of thieves and murderers. Besides, weren't they bring here? Nearest branch of internal Affairs of the ZCTU and all. So, you can feel a great man, Mr. Gladyshev, once it hit the wall of the Bastion Bastion of law and order. Once you are here, then you need to the state and are intended to serve his interests.

He took him by the back of the other hand, turned in the opposite direction and led to the door of the Cabinet.

"Want to proshvyrnutsya with the breeze of the night московвским streets?

-No, actually! I already прошвырнулся, thank you.

-No, you simply must agree. I'll show you absolutely wonderful place. Hardly ever удосужитесь being in a such. Especially because you are a guest of the city, right?

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