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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Trump said sincerely:

— Yes! The lady of half the universe is a worthy companion for us!

Putin is not so categorically noticed:

"Still, I wouldn't advise you to trust the mazes so much!" Yes and thus beauties, too,!

Girl-Queen answered:

— My name is on one of versions of Emmanuel! And you with me will be very pleased!

Putin grinned and rubbed his bruised chin:

— Emmanuel? This is very symbolic!

Trump threw up his hands and muttered:

That's great! The most beautiful girl in the world! And the sexiest!

Queen Emmanuel smiled and tweeted.:

— So get ready to fight for the new throne! You still have a lot to do! And you guys will be the best!

Trump jumped higher, ten times scrolled in the air, like a top and sang:

— Tomorrow will be better than yesterday! Tomorrow will be better than yesterday! Hello The Sun!

And now the girl-the Queen waved her bare foot, they were at the entrance to the gorge.

There were many colors and shades of the mountains. There are also many large trees with huge flowers. Everything is beautiful and romantic. Their tops of most mountains were beaten by roaring fountains, emitting a bunch of diamond and ruby jets.

So as a warrior should be able to fight in the collective, the trio: Emanuel, trump, Putin, pulled a special tap, which was to define the corridor to jump, and they received the green light: the path to the cave open — thundered the voice of a Goddess, went to the entrance. There were several tunnels, the guys stopped. The level of complexity they were about the same, not the smallest, however, the problem was not only artificial obstacles, but the path is easy to get lost.

Before the campaign, the young presidents and the girl Queen were thoroughly washed in a diamond fountain. Emmanuel was not at all embarrassed that her beautiful, naked body was seen by guys who even scratched her with a washcloth, rubbed her Breasts and other tender places. They are also accustomed to gender equality.

The other girls were standing around. Also almost naked and very beautiful, with precious beads and necklaces.

Cheered me up beauty bombers and issued weapons. Two swords each as long as an arm, two daggers, and an oiled torch. Now they had to do with this minimum.

Emmanuel explained to her boy presidents:

— You in another world will have many adventures and deadly battles. A weapon, even a chip or a laser knife can not drag. So...

Trump kissed the beauties in the bare knee and said:

— Of course! We for you in the fire and in water!

Putin also said:

— Yes, even in sulfuric acid!

The first step along the corridor was almost fatal, as wasps flew out of the little arrow boys-presidents and the girl-Queen barely managed to fall on the rocks. One of them scratched Emmanuel on the skin, leaving not a deep, but a long furrow.

— Snake stings. — Whispered, slightly flinching, girl-Queen.

Putin (outwardly a green teenager, but in fact sophisticated President of Russia, always want to show your mind), as if the expert offered:

— There are traps on the floor. I suggest we crawl one after the other.

Trump retorted vigorously, flashing his eyes:

"Then our journey will take a thousand years, and we don't even have water. Offer dramatically pick up the pace, running faster slip.

Emmanuel and this proposal quietly challenged the:

— And the other is unacceptable. We'll alternate between crawling and short dashes. Military tactics should be like steel, strong but flexible, which make Bulat!

And the girl-Queen with her bare foot handed out a cockroach with thorns on its back.

That's what they decided, combining three calloused hands together, in a single handshake.

Young anyway, apparently the soldiers moved forward, then they had to quickly jump, down flew the curves of hatchets, and then rose sharply lilac, sharp knives, which quickly began to move. They resembled the fins of sharks attacking a sea of lone swimmers. Only the trajectory is much more complicated, and the shape of the knives is more bizarre. Creepy! At first, the guys-presidents and the girl-Queen managed to avoid defeat, and then they still hooked, scratching the bare legs of the guys. Putin almost got his thumb cut off.

— Still cheap off. She said, shaking off Emmanuel's sweat. The girl kissed the boy-President's leg, stopping the bleeding tongue.

Trump once said, in a fierce shot from the wall of the snake. He cut it and said it, his voice full of doubt.:

— If we consider that we are only at the beginning, some are bad, we run the risk of bleed, I already limping.

Putin, despite the losses, did not lose optimism:

— We will surprise our competitors. Besides, we're all, at least in this life, boys ' bodies are virgins, so we have to live, the gods can't help but take care of that.

— Actually, even in legends, they were more often punished than pardoned. Emmanuel remarked doubtfully, waving her graceful hand, but with the knuckles knocked down.— God is like a lion: caressing, skinning, hugging-strangles, kissing-nibbles.

And you, blasphemer! -Have fun playing a bicep, said trump. — So you waiting on the world to the eternal fate of a slave, beaten with a whip. Gods should be praised, they need to pray with fervor to compose hymns, odes, and then they will reward you handsomely. Here I read a prayer mentally, and notice, the finger only slightly cut off, and in fact could chop off entirely.

— I need a dressing. — Putin tore off a piece of a shirt and wrapped a finger. — I hope this helps.

Girl-Queen answered:

— My kiss helps better!

In addition to the arrows flew spinning disc — steel snowflake. He was moving at a broken line that is not predictable trajectory made him a very dangerous weapon. One of the guys have strayed. The next approach, such and even larger disks were tens. Then the corridor became much narrower. Because of the walls were thrown daggers, spears flew, beat chains, axes, with which young soldiers barely had time to cut or Dodge. Here they are buried in the first door, covered with thorns. Tried to spin the handle, and collapsed on top of waterfall heavy stone, young presidents has saved a phenomenal response, developed electronic lessons savage training and vast experience.

— Well, what to do now? Trump asked, showing confusion.

— Maybe we should turn back and look for another entrance. — Suggested losing optimism Putin. — Let's not poke in vain.

— No, I have an idea. Emmanuel Replied.

— What? What you got?— Vying asked the boys presidents, admiring her body.

Girl-Queen throws out a laugh:

— Pretty simple! Let's take a heavier stone and together run it into the handle.

What's that? — Trump was skeptical.

— A lot! The handle is tight, do not spin just so, so it needs to hit as hard as possible. Emmanuel for credibility, held the edge of the palm, on the forehead.

Trump reluctantly agreed:

— Sounds logical. Well, the future Jedi knights, let's try.

The three of them with difficulty raised a large flint and, staggering, breathing heavily, sharp stones pricked the boys and the girl bare feet brought to the door. On command, brought down a boulder on the handle. Blow was strong, in the answer flew arrows, and even flared fire. The boys were slightly scorched, and they ran forward, the flames flared again from behind, and then everything went quiet.

We barely survived. — Trump scratched his burned back with five fingers.

— Don't do that, you can get infected. — Warned, quickly blinking Emmanuel.

The young President reluctantly agreed:

— Yes, the fire is cruel, so unpleasant.

But we tried it. Emmanuel winced at the unpleasant memory.

True, but to get used to the embrace of the flame, in contrast to the female, it is impossible. — The guy with the huge power, smiled.

The Queen girl jumped up:

— Time works against us, we must hurry.

The corridor was deadly, so he suddenly fell, and the boy-President with the girl, the Queen, the knights, going ahead, barely managed to jump back. Trump, however, fell, caught on the edge, broke his nose, and pulled his hands.

— I'm not too heavy, friends? He asked, once on solid ground.

— You can't get fat on vegetables and fruits. — Answered, giggling Emmanuel.

Down the thorny way, they had difficulty to squeeze through the wall in the dark with a weak glare of the torch, and sinister shadows. And then they were waiting for traps, Emmanuel burned with molten metal, Putin was seriously wounded, a retractable dagger in the stomach, and a steel baton fell on trump's short-haired, light head. He barely managed to soften the blow. A few seconds however, was the grog.

Gradually the corridor became wider, but it was no safer. In addition to various striking objects of copper, steel, fire, needles scattered and falling, they were waiting for large spiders. They covered the surface with a solid carpet, covering the entire corridor. Guys stood up:

— They can be poisonous. — Putin said with concern. His young face turned red.

— Sure, but remember what we were taught. — Uttered in a whisper, Emmanuel.

The boy-President whispered:

What is it?

The Queen girl spoke slowly.:

— If you move smoothly, without stepping, caterpillar step, the spiders do not sting.

— Right, I guess you're right, but allow to touch such filth. The boy President's face twisted.

— And what to do, I have not seen the branches and alternatives. So you need to pass the spiders. I am a girl, and I will go first, so that you men are not afraid of anything. The Queen girl shook her head. Resolutely stepping barefoot, long-suffering legs.

Three brave guys, being careful not to tear the foot, entered the wooly swamp. It was painless, but very ticklish, the spiders moving their legs, scratching between their fingers, tickling their bare feet. They gradually sank, first ankle-deep, then knee-deep, after a layer of spiders reached the waist. Then Putin paused and muttered scared:

I'm not going any further!

Why is that?! Emmanuel began to get angry, she stamped her bare foot on the sharp stones.

The boy-President turned pale:

— I can't. If they touch my face, they'll vomit, guts will crawl out.

The Queen girl snorted contemptuously.:

— What are you going to stand until the flesh does not turn to stone. Be a man! You think I'm pleased!

Putin, who was more brave in words than in deeds, timidly asked:

What if I come back?

— We're not holding you, come back, but only one. Emmanuel waved her hand in disdain . you're free!

The prospect of being alone in the treacherous maze seemed more terrible than spiders. The boy President took a decisive step forward. Sweat trickled down his round pale face.

The boys and the girl continued to dive, first on the chest then on the neck. Here even experienced Emmanuel hesitated slightly, but then, deciding two deaths will not happen, one can not pass moved on. Spiders clung to his face, they were too large to climb into the nostrils or ears, but to breathe under such a cover was much more difficult. The heads of the guys were bald shaved, then the hair can grow is still very fast, and shuffling feet resembled easy get a massage.

Emmanuel thought it felt like she was being pulled by a scythe. After all, clean off the hair only the youngest, and then as they grow older, girls with braided hair needle and blade, turning the hair into a murder weapon.

Guys-the presidents kept the other for another, trying not to stray. Emmanuel felt Putin's fingers trembling. The partner, being still a boy President, was extremely embarrassed, holding her by the muscular shoulders. Scared to go under this cover, however inside is quite light, spiders are not especially brightly shone, maybe phosphorus or something else, that's just the torches had to be put out. To talk of course passing the test of warriors and the warrior could not, and time stretched like rubber, which was an additional moral flour, even the heart seemed to have slowed, like water dripping on the brain.

But all bad also has an end, and the guys got out of the living jelly. At first it seemed the head, then shoulders, a living wave receded, though a couple of spiders left hanging in the face of Putin. One of the insects put its paws in the boy's nose. He was attached because of all the forces, but eating the limit, face contorted, but as sneezed... Spiders flew from his face, and the rest buzzed. Their rumble was loud, like the roar of a large, wounded elephant. The frightened children stopped, heart was beating so hard that it seemed, here-here will burst the chest. Finally a terrible noise slowly, like a storm at sea verse, and the young warriors moved on.

Trump said in a clear voice:

— Well, you almost got us killed.

The boy-President said upset:

— What was left to do? If I had grabbed him, he would have bitten me, and then it was unbearable.

Trump snorted contemptuously:

— Anyway, look how they buzzed.

Emmanuel cut them off.:

— No need to argue, we're a team that's still alive, very lucky.

— Then, have a good trip. The young President smiled.

We should light the torches. — Suggested barefoot Emmanuel. — It's dark now, even if you poke your eye out.

Friction managed to make quickly, especially as the wall consists mostly of silicon.

Then again trap, attacks copies of. One of them Emmanuel cut off, it turned out a very decent long dreck.

— Why do you need it, come on! Trump said sharply.

Emmanuel objected:

— No, I think we'll need it soon.

Indeed, it soon became worse. A new door appeared, a seemingly insurmountable barrier. There wasn't one, and sticking out round the valve.

— You see, and do not come! Emmanuel said happily.

The girl-Queen stuck a stick in, the door sparkled, tiny lightning flashed over the wreckage.

Even Emmanuel's hand felt the shaking.

— Wow, there's magic.

— But what surprised the members of the race in the universe, succeeded in magic. — Calmly said trump.

— It is certainly not surprising, but we the magic use is forbidden, and against the poor students, please! — The girl was indignant Queen, scratching his itchy palm.

— The world is not full of justice. Of these, the most not fair life itself, because it is given only once and it can not be lent — Philosophically said, wishing to show himself clever Putin.

Twist the valve had a long time, suddenly there was a gap in front of them, it appeared instantly and the guys almost fell into it. Trump looked down, there were waves of red-hot magma.

— Wow, hell woke up and pulls us greedy tentacles.

— No terrible spiders that will make the bridge move as if on dry land. — Emmanuel was calm, continuing rotation, although was spinning progress has been slow. The girl rested her bare, chiseled legs and was so beautiful, in her tension of graceful muscles.

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