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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The fellow, having broken from him the clothes remains, and having broken blow of an edge so because of a mouth the blood clot took off, pushed in the armor box which is specially made for especially dangerous prisoners of war.

The person of Lira began to shine. It, having shown, stared hard burning at the beaten face of the Russian marshal.

— I just would eat you. You lost, you have to recognize it. You will die long and hard in a cage of our zoo, watching how the remains of your look will become less animals, is more insignificant than cattle. I will become the queen of your pathetic galaxy, and all of you will be overthrown in an anti-space underworld!!!

— No, to it not to happen! It you, the space fury, lost and in several seconds will die. — Polikanov hiccupped on the last word, from his broken bones blood dripped.

— You bluff, a primacy! — The lira stretched lips in unnaturally wide as if at Buratino to a smile and slightly stirred up the marshal why the broken bones stuck into fragmentary meat even stronger. — I will cure you, having made the personal slave, will caress us. — The look of the fury became even more languid, the male slave a toy in hands whom they will force to carry out all the perverted sexual imaginations as it is healthy...

— No! We have an annihilation charge! — The marshal nearly fainted from pain.

— All your cybernetics is dead shchenochek! — Velimara darted an indulgent fleer at Polikanov.

— Yes, it is dead, but it is possible to blow up, having started the program manually!

* * *

The Russian soldier of death is not afraid!

The ill fate on the battlefield does not frighten!

For Russia sacred will fight with the enemy.

And even, dying, will win!

Very bright flash interrupted words of the President of Russia Gennady Polikanov. The most powerful and destructive weapon from ever made mankind worked. Gigatons of devilish energy broke loose, having absorbed also people and the intruded alien aggressors. The blast wave struck in a belly of the landed opponent's the starprobe vehicle. This time, the starprobe vehicle was not covered with a powerful force field (because of aspiration to economy of energy only the protective radiation, minimum on force was included). The escaped anti-matter waves easily stitched weak protection and swept a starprobe vehicle on the melted-off splinters. The part of the annihilation bombs which were in a belly managed to detonate — and some more brightest flashes broke out. However, at a detonation charges work in the weakened option that reduced already huge number of the victims a little. And the termokvarkovy weapon by the principle of action such is that is extremely steady against any external influences. Such rocket will not explode, even in the flaring thermonuclear Gehenna of a solar belly.

The general Gengir Volk saw action of a charge during performance of cleaning of the arfikansky continent. The lira ordered to erase negroid race from a face of the planet as the most defective. (The flattened nose and black skin, caused an ozvereniye in the fury). Against arfikanets applied Doleroma-99 supergas. Promptly seven times quicker than sound speed, this toxin, creeping away on a surface, quickly finished cleaning of the district that then completely to disappear, having decayed on safe elements.

News of Lira Velimara's death caused complex feelings. On the one hand, this whimsical star harpy bothered all, tortured the whims. On the other hand, loss of the whole starprobe vehicle of a class the cruiser leader could be recognized excessive at a gain of rather underdeveloped planet moreover without order from the center.

Kramar Razorvirov, being mischievously shown, hissed.

— Possibly, in the parallel Universe to Lear does not wait for increase in a rank. It is unlikely the great emperor will be happy! It is necessary to undertake something urgently. First of all, to finish the remains of mankind and to hide traces of crime.

Gengir Volk with disappointment hissed, eyes squinted, a wry mouth was made:

— I so wanted to test for them the new program of cybernetic tortures, speak, it yields tremendous results. In it nine million points on bodies of inogalakt are used.

Suddenly on the monitor the inscription was lit: "Due to the sharp aggravation of a situation and need of concentration of forces for decisive fight with Dean's power, the order — to stop all minor operations and to follow in sector of Amor-976 point the Dale-45-32-87 most promptly!"

The general Kramar with inspiration uttered:

— War the eternal virgin — cannot terminate without blood! War with a greedy grasp the loose woman — never gives a victory for nothing!

Gengir hoarsely (strained a voice) roared:

— Well otpulsary (we will tear claws!) from this foul place!

Stelzana born soldiers: not to discuss, and to carry out their credo, especially and so at heart even of these aggressors extremely disgustingly. Having left the half-dead, bleeding ulcers planet, starprobe vehicles went to a hyper jump.

From the population of the planet Earth in nearly twelve billion remained less than one and a half billion, including wounded and crippled. The human look was rejected for centuries ago.

So the first acquaintance between the "reasonable" worlds took place.

Chapter 5

The heavenly smooth surface sparkles over us,

The attracting heights attract us with a magnet.

We want to live and to planets to fly...

But what it is possible to make when we are broken?

After defeat of the empire of Dean and occurrence of temporary calm of a stelzana returned to Earth again. Though in that part of a galaxy where there is a planet of people, there were many planets suitable for life, all civilized worlds could be counted on fingers of one hand. Not without reason this galaxy was called a primitive zone, considered by minor object of expansion and development though suitable for life and operation of planets was not less here, than in any other sector. Therefore news about existence concerning the developed civilization moreover inhabited by beings so similar on stelzan drew a close attention of the top management of the empire. The fact that during military operations one of large starprobe vehicles was lost increased interest in this planet even more. The decision on soft option of colonization of mankind, on refusal of strategy of total destruction was made.

When from space depths even more numerous starprobe vehicles of the mightiest Universe of the star empire in this part appeared again, the mankind had any more neither forces, nor desire to show resistance. The furious blows struck during the last attack paralyzed will of people of Earth to resistance. Many wanted only one — to survive.

This time stelzana behaved more in a civilized way. Having absolutely similar origin, in too time, being much more perfect, technically more developed, than people, these sverkhantichelovek could show flexibility and cunning.

Soon on Earth the uniform puppet government was established, and gangs of local separatists of army of stelzan effortlessly sprayed on photons. Also it became already allegedly at the request of native "politsayev". Between the huge star empire and tiny Solar system trade contracts were signed. Billions and billions of kulaman were invested in the destroyed terrestrial economy.

Stelzana mastered Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and other planets of Solar system. Roads, new plants were almost immediately constructed, new cultures, types of fauna are imported, it is finished once and for all hunger and diseases. Selling politicians and newsdealers in every possible way eulogized stelzan and their concept about kindness, a debt, love and justice. Catastrophic destructions from the first contact were written off for the madwoman, sexually anxious psychopath — Lira Velimara who was posthumously degraded in ordinary by soldiers. However, with preservation of awards (that on beliefs of the empire of Purple Constellation left quite good chances of continuation of career in other Universe where dead men go!) . When finally it became clear that from all people subdued by stelzana, people of Earth have an origin, identical with aggressors, the strongest wave of love between representatives of two worlds flashed. Marriages began to consist, to be born children. It seemed that former hostility will be forgotten and before people of Earth the new world will open.

"Honeymoon" of the interstellar relations terminated suddenly. The Supreme Council of the highest wisdom (the central ruling body of Stelzanat so was called) changed the law. The order of the emperor entered military board, and the governor general was appointed for guardianship of development and saving. The flow of tourists to Earth was reduced to a minimum, and then the superrigid visa regime was introduced. All benefits from cooperation with the great star empire were unilateral.

Resources of solar system enriched only imperial treasury, and then and the oligarchs who multiplied in Stelzanat. However, the same was also on all other planets enslaved by the nation of the aggressors considering themselves as the Only Own Children of God Boga who have to subdue an infinite number of various mirozdaniye. Stelzana won in total over three thousand galaxies, having crushed and having enslaved, nearly five billion large and small civilizations. Stelzana kontrolironbsp; — War the eternal virgin — cannot terminate without blood! War with a greedy grasp the loose woman — never gives a victory for nothing!

bring down trillions of star systems and planets — people of Earth from the very beginning had no chances to resist against such armada. And after war which was by the standards of purple imperets small tactical skirmish, it was necessary to hope only for favor of the winner. The only force in this part of the Universe which are afraid and with which proud stelzana are forced to reckon is a Universal council of justice and morals. It something on huge Superoon's similarity in which dominate and play the main violin of a zorga. Three-hollow beings, the most ancient civilization with milliardoletny history. These advanced brothers on reason do not wage wars, do not seek to subdue someone, and keep order in the Universe, and only in urgent cases can use force. Their weapon and superequipment so surpass arms of stelzan that even they: impudent and resolute do not risk to begin war against zorg. Long zorg were silent, did not interfere, perhaps, too long. But when stelzana overstepped the last bounds of a lawlessness, these basic pacifists interfered with the conflict and parted the conflicting parties. The territory occupied by this time by mighty Stelzanat was so enormous that him not one generation was necessary for assimilation for development, full conquest of the worlds. Therefore they after several unsuccessful skirmishes without special resistance accepted new rules of interstellar communication. Zorg did not prevent to operate other races, the people, but forced to observe the declaration of the rights of all reasonable beings. They tried to obtain the humane relation to any reasonable life form, independently a mollusk it, a pangolin, arthropods or even silicon, magnesian and other formations of reasonable matter. Not all beings in the Universe have proteinaceous structure, including and zorg, the variety of life forms is infinitely high, so, that nobody even knows approximate number of all types of live matter. They introduced a number of rigid restrictions in service regulations of the conquered worlds which even proud stelzana and other colonial empires were afraid to break. Among zorg there were heroes and missionaries, the priests who sought to inform of kindness, the truth, sacrifice representatives of other civilizations. Among them more than others the imer Konoradson — the most notable of elite of zorg became famous the Misinformation. It was rich and decent as the knight in medieval novels, is very skilled and extremely clever. It were afraid of Stelzana (during recent inspection in system Sirmus it opened the whole bouquet of the abuses allowed by local government and achieved resignation of the former governor and his accomplices). Therefore there was a chance that he will manage to facilitate a fate of people. Though what will give removal of one governor? Already there passed one thousand years as after occupation of the planet 29 governors were replaced, and this was, perhaps, the most dissolute and cruel, but also others were not good children too — soft stelzan do not happen! Therefore the Privy Council of a resistance movement made the decision to send to the senior senator the complaint to overexploitation of the population of the planet Earth. The young fighter of a resistance movement Lev Eraskander had to cable transfer. From a surface of the planet Earth it could not almost be made.

* * *

The majestic panorama of space and the huge three-dimensional map hologram of a galaxy decorated a throne office of the palace, enormous by the sizes. In this enormous construction the marshal-governor of solar system Fagiram Sham also stayed. Quite recently the status of the governor on this planet was considerably raised. The residence of the governor was in Tibet, and the palace was closed from all directions by huge mountains. Galactic fortress palace was walled in a mountain plateau and could be easily disguised, having become indiscernible for visual supervision, both from the Earth's surface, and from Space. Stelzany-oligarkhi loved luxury and splendor. Halls of the palace were decorated with statues of various heroes of Stelzanat. There were a lot of pictures painted by robots and images of any plants, generally unearthly origin, and also depictions of real and mythical beings of other planets.

As a rule, it is represented very colourfully in operation, separate pictures consisted of microchips and moved as to cinema. Many halls reminded the museums. There was a set of objects of the planet Earth and different types of the weapon of other worlds. Nearby there were swords and laser automatic machines, stone axes and blasters, plasma tanks and prashch, small starprobe vehicles and pies of savages. Already traditionally it was accepted to mix styles to emphasize power and an inclusiveness of the great empire Stelzanov. The governor liked to change the worlds and planets, jumping the enraged viper, the fat gibbon replaced fifty planets (on average, one in two years). This clodhopper did not suffer from presence of complexes or prejudices. He forbade inhabitants of Earth to work as the first decree at any plants and factories which are not belonging to stelzana for disobedience — death, to both workers and members of their family. That who without admission on several kilometers approached highways or military bases opened fire on defeat, and on the place of the violator there was a funnel hundred meters in the diameter. Did not pay at all slaves who work at Venus, and threw those who objected into garbage containers, spraying on separate atoms. Sometimes laughter for the sake of people with a small reserve of oxygen dumped in transparent bags on the Sun. Taya death was very slow and painful, the first eyes followed, then skin and hair charred. From the moment of emission to death sometimes there passed week or even more. As approaching the Sun heat gradually amplified, but not so quickly that the person fainted, without having tested all scale of negative experiences. For a change sometimes arrived on the contrary gradually freezing the victims. Also more sophisticated tortures prompted by the sick imagination were applied. Most of people sold for debts in slavery or in working off. System of operation rigid and aggressive, the person is humiliated to the level of a pack animal.

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