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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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When they returned to the hotel, it погрустнела, became serious, apparently, something thought for a moment. Gladyshev watched the flashing lights in the darkness outside the window of the train station.

-Back to that, " she sighed Veronica.

-We are going home, " he replied.

-No, you know where I feel like home in our city, my mother wanted to, and so that no one was to make it all is still, as of old, " she was silent for a moment. — I remember that I already married, so sick becomes... the Horror! As I did so early opportunity to get married?!

Veronica paused in thought for a moment and the next moment was distracted reading the leaflets, glued on the wall of the car.

-What do you think of нуддистам? — she asked, gesturing Гладышеву leaflet.

He looked at the text and read the first few lines of: "Society нуддизма "Dolphin and mermaid" invite everybody to сттать its members. We invite you on a weekly basis in бассен "Moscow" on Fridays and Saturdays. Нуддизм is the image of purity of thought while contemplating Nudes, what is given to man by nature. To hide the nature of the clothing is bigotry and blasphemy...", shrugged his shoulders, and for a few minutes thinking:

-As I am? On the one hand it is, of course, interesting, " he vividly imagined the picture, where wander around, as if nothing had happened, a couple of dozen naked women, naturally, slim and beautiful, because толстухи and ugly ones will hardly dare to come among other naked, though... And another man, even if I don't pay attention to them, try not to pay, you still involuntarily, подсознательноначинаешьсравнивать yourself with others, and, perhaps, the comparison is in some cases not in their favor. As a blow to the ego. Of course, the shape can be seen from the beach, among ordinary people, but loins, all the same, there are covered. And here attention will focus on their study. — Although, on the other hand, there are some "but", and, you know, quite a few of them. Maybe even more than it seems at first glance and is enough to ban it. Although I personally do not mind to go there for the sake of curiosity again, other, but not more.

-But why? "said Veronica. — It is great to see around naked, not ashamed of their nakedness people, and the showing her body...

-If it is beautiful, — Gladyshev and held up a finger. — Not all have a good figure and the young, and even deteriorate with age it most.

-So what? Let then gather there are young, beautiful, sports people. It will be their way of life, and they will try to keep fit, despite years.

-Well, I agree. And libido, libido?

-What sexual attraction? has not understood his Veronica.

-It may fail to get out of balance, develop or irrepressible passion or fade to complete indifference to the opposite sex.

-I think it is not so at all. I, on the contrary, it should уравновесиься, become more smooth and regular. When you see that all women are arranged, in principle, equally, I involuntarily begin to appreciate the one that near you?..

-Really? — Gladyshev involuntarily smiled. — I think you are very much mistaken. Of course, I'm a small connoisseur of women, but trust me, that my male чутьеподсказывает completely opposite. When all around you is not one peach, and a whole sea, you want to take a bite from each little bit, isn't it? Besides, what is between his legs, is of ancient origin, and its direct contemplation in a large number of nature makes good just unrestrained and insatiable! I can only assume that the bunch, of course, no precedents may not happen, but that's what passions arise later, when all dressed in normal clothes, becoming normal, so to speak, people will go to your homes, I can not imagine...

-And still, I think it is great! It will be necessary to return home, be sure to throw this idea Behemoth! I think she like me. He likes обнажженные woman, because he is a womanizer.

-You see! reproached her Gladyshev.

-What seest thou?

-You хчешь in achieving this goal play on his lower instincts. — Means and goal itself remains unchanged.

"Perhaps, " she agreed. "But we're not angels. I want to have in the city was such a club. This is progress!

-Progress, " nodded the Gladyshev head — only here in what direction?! After all, if we follow in his footsteps further, it can be assumed that in ten years, when нуддизм will become as natural as is now staying on the beach in bathing suits and swimming trunks, more progressive people will create a movement for sexual intercourse on the streets. The same because of course!

People in agony were few, but their conversation attracted attention, and already almost all of who rode with them, give them a look. Noticing this, Veronica pushed Gladysheva in the side with his elbow and, dropping her eyes, thick red.

-That you are pushed you? he said, outraged.

-The quieter you are, we all look, " she whispered, and Veronica.

When they went out, the посмротрев each other, not saying a word, laughed.

"You know, " said Veronica, I with you today was pretty cool. I feel good so long ago.

He looked into her sparkling eyes and agreed:

-Me too.

She was still a little in silence and asked:

-What is your name, Gladyshev? Dima? You can, I'll ббуду now so call?

He shook his head and smiled.

Chapter 25. (011).

George rolled up on "Mercedes" to the entrance of the most elegant hotels, gave встретившему his porter car keys and, having tipped, asked to Park his car at the Parking lot.

Glancing slightly rounded in surprise, which was unable to hide, eyes big bill caught in his hands, silver-haired портьенизко bowed his head and said: "Thank you!"

George went on straight to reception and asked for the keys to the rooms Veronica. He's in the morning was good mood. It seems, everything started to take shape for him better than you might expect. He had long ago hung Veronica, and now went to see her with a mixture of coercion and awkwardness. Even to himself he could never admit that he could do without more visits a week or two, perhaps, till the end of all Affairs, but still forced myself to go to her today, not only because it today was "free" day, but because pause in their relationship several stran. Feelings of guilt towards his wife still not сгладилось in his soul, and therefore he felt sharper, as натагиваются strings of their relations, and further delay could lead to a scandal.

Now, you enter the lobby of the hotel, he began to tune in to a meeting with the beloved little wife, fumbling in the dark depths of his soul the desire to see her and enjoy her presence, however, was able to scrape together only last remnants, which might be sufficient to warm smile and a kiss, so passionless and cool.

Администраторша began to dig in their records, then asked the name of Veronica and, finally, скзала that worked on Jora, as a cold shower:

-You know, in this room for a few days already live foreigners. Young agreed to move in the room spouse.

-What young? — Zhora felt, as he felt his cheeks, but he remembered that he settled them here, as newlyweds. — And how they fit together in a single room? You put up there the second bed?

He also wanted to add that it is inappropriate to: settle a man and a woman in one room, but noticed that they "husband" and "wife" with its own submission.

He asked the woman smiled meaningfully and coquettishly whole body leaning forward, Breasts hung over the bar and asked in turn discouraged him completely:

-Why do the newlyweds another bed? They are quite enough and the полутокри what is there. Isn't it so?

George felt that he now becomes ill. Piercing, like lightning, guess flash flashed in his head.

-You want to say that they sleep together? slowly, with great effort, " the word, " he said.

-And what is there in this? — even more Flirty asked администраторша. — Or do you think that young sleeping on the floor?

George turned pale, then densely red in the face, became crimson, as if now burst of frenzied rush of blood to the head. Хихикающая, all whirling before him a woman suddenly calmed down, if something guessing, staggered backward and sat down in his chair.

-No, I think that the "young" not sleeping on the floor, finally could say Zhora.

-You her brother related to my mom? gently, subtly asked the woman, as if getting in the water and gently feeling the Ford and fearing ступнуть into the maelstrom.

-Yes, brother, with difficulty agreed Zhora, feeling that he was barely able to restrain myself. — Please, give me the key to their rooms.

Woman округлила eyes in surprise, then slid his foot on the table and moved away, deep into the fenced off space.

"Sorry, " she shook her head, " sorry, Mr. dear comrade, but I will not do it.

-Why, — Zhora instinctively reached for it across the counter.

-Yes, because. We highest level! Do you want to make me work fired?! Sorry. No key you're not going! Yes if the slightest complaint from customers received!

-Will not go, — Zhora stretched out his hand and made a calming gesture. — You know that I am here селил.тем more that I am the brother of the wife.

He nearly stumbled, saying the last words, and thought that he would probably shell out.

-Well, and what you would, what you brother's wife?! And maybe you do not want to see?! Everything happens. They come, and here one time, and you have them in the room! And what then? Scandal?!

"Quiet, quiet! "he Zhora. He took out his wallet and put a few notes on the reception. -Any scandal, I assure you.

Noticing manipulation respectably dressed "brother" and money in reception, администраторша came rushing back, removed from the eyes of money and immediately handed him the keys to the rooms.

-Just look! No nonsense! "she warned last.

"I promise, " he put his hand to his heart. Isn't that obvious to me that I am a very serious person?

-Actually, to be seen соглсилась woman again заулыбавшись.

-I have to you will have one more request, — said George, putting on the rack several banknotes. — Do not say, when they come to the young, that I have them in the room. The fact is, that I now no waiting, apparently, and let the fact that I was, for them would be a surprise. Well?

-Well! — agreed администраторша, cleaning and money. — But they ask of me the room key.

-Tell, that there are cleaned.

"So late?! "inquired the woman.

"Oh, no, of course not. Then do so, call me in the room waiter from the restaurant. Champagne, three crystal glass, fruits and light lunch. Tell me a good tip! On the way back he'll give you the key. I think that you and the waiter're quick, and they did not have time to go back... by the Way, when do they usually come?

Администраторша jammed, shrugged:

You know, I actually, no one else so specially't follow it, but it seems to me that it is quite late.

-Well, that's good, just have time to prepare, " agreed George.

-Do you have that anniversary today? cautiously asked the woman, apparently understanding that the question of its бестактен, but not having the ability to keep from devouring her curiosity.

"Yes, " nodded Zhora. — Can you say so.

"What?.. If not a secret, of course.

-What. It is not a secret. Wedding day.

-Wedding? ...

He left alone and bewildered администраторшу and headed to the Elevator.

"Well, as it occurred to me once wedding, so the wedding. Иакая quiet, small wedding. Very small and very quiet. With the burst of pistol shooting... What am I with them, creatures, to do?" — thought to myself, Behemoth, climbing up on the ninth floor. He wanted everything to happen as soon as possible, and it seemed that time feels like rubber, and the Elevator slowed to a crawl.

He walked into the room, went over to the window, drew the deaf blackout curtains and turned on the light.

Room unfolded in a bad way. No one has to possess a special gift to immediately say that, there lived a man unassembled, sleazy, not the usual procedure. That was Gladyshev. All that was found in the room was thrown in disarray, there were jumbled. However, in the eyes Zhora immediately rushed измятая, scattered, flipped upside-down bed. A blanket was thrown near, on the floor, clumped and потоптанное.

Feeling nervous tremors throughout the body, George approached the bed, leaned over and sat on its edge, and passed his hand over простыням. They were wet, just where he had feared. He felt his breath, as засвербило somewhere in the groin, and which drew in the stomach.

He still hoped until the last moment, that all not so is terrible, that there is some mistake, that maybe Veronica strongly потратилась it had not had the money to pay for your one-room Suite, and she went away to Гладышеву. But they somehow разгородились here, found a way to co-exist, not касась each other.

Now, however, the depth of his delusion appeared with all its appalling bottomless clarity. Still linger in his heart grains быстроулетучивающейся hope forced him to drop to bed-clothes and smell it. He wanted from the wet spots smelled something different, not only prostate gland, but he recognised the peculiar smell.

Скомкав the sheet and held it to his chest, he began to roll on the floor, just having descended from the mind, whining and howling like a wounded wolf. He really was wounded. In the heart of пришолся this sneaky and sudden blow.

Suddenly George hesitated and stopped. He tried to pull himself together, but it turned out he had very bad.

As if to prove himself, that all not so is that his sense of smell is cheating on him, deceiving him, he leaned to his lips wet stain on the sheet, and touched his tongue and, пососав this place soon felt a mouth weak проивкус, reminiscent of raw egg whites.

The sense of smell has not changed him, he only wanted.

Dropping the sheet from her hands, while he sat with a stupid, meaningless expression on his face, staring stupidly at one point in space, then found the strength to get up and sat on the bed.

What I had not expected, usually not fit in my head. And now he has tried to present itself when and how it started, and how long ago continues. We would hope that this happened only once, and purely by chance, but Zhora immediately caught myself thinking that tries to at least introduce yourself in the confusion that now was like, let small, but consolation.

But he didn't want to comfort him, didn't want to regret, because there are people weak and helpless, not having the courage to look in eyes to the truth, which is always unlike forest lies, disgusting, if it somehow relates to people.

Even about his past many people inward shudder, and therefore they are all sorts of illusions appease impartial and finicky memory, or simply stun her with something like alcohol or something stronger.

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