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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The commander of occupational land forces two-star general Gerlok reported on the last incidents on the sponsored planet. There were small skirmishes with guerrillas though on other planets guerrilla war was not and could not be in principle. The power of stelzan became stronger, and the open form of fight practically everywhere was suppressed. The governor, having inflated, sat, his massive figure almost completely merged with a black enormous chair. The chair was decorated with jewels and towered over the hall as a royal throne.

Gerlok Shen reported ordinary tone. Even welcome lazy tone:

— They made attempt to fire at security division of robots woodcutters. Their fire slightly damaged one robot. From guerrillas five it is killed, two it is wounded and two are captured. We did not begin to pursue the others, carrying out your instruction. All attackers were in the camouflage suits protecting from an infrared clamp and on air self-made motorcycles. Firing from blasters, apparently illicit designs. In total nothing, but one shot blew up the car with penovirovay oil. It was sprayed and burned the whole echelon with svezhesrublenny trees, including, and the supervaluable wood not capable grow quickly. Losses exceeded 30 million kulaman. It beats out us from the schedule. And in other sectors everything is quiet.

Fagiram hysterically shaking a massive jaw, growled:

— Well, you allow essential damage, it vakuumno to a chernodyrnost again! In general, if we by means of equipment trace the slightest short steps of insignificant insurgents, then to silly incur such losses. Who was responsible for L-23 sector?

— Hakes Vane! — Briefly Gerlok answered.

Marshall governor already quieter, perhaps, even lazy tone added:

— To annihilate all guerrillas that participated in attack. And one thousand more from that did not participate and also to crucify on trees thirty thousand civilians, since five-year age.

— On one for one thousand kulaman? — Asked, having slightly quailed Gerlok.

Fagiram Sham will increase tone again, one of its canines even grew in sizes and sparkled a crown in the form of the spark head:

— On one for one thousand it is not enough! To beat alive to trees and to leave to die sixty thousand hostages. People of Earth as dogs, love a stick and a chain! It is the best of all to execute males, they are more aggressive, than local females.

Gerlok began to babble the most kind tone, and his forefinger automatically reaped on plazmo-computer buttons:

— Remarkable thought. Can test a new stamp of a meta-virus which will exterminate a masculine gender on the earth, and we will impregnate females of slaves by means of robots and by cards?

The canine of the governor returned to the former sizes, and a voice to sluggish tone:

— It is not necessary! Males are still necessary to us too, they are not so fat and elastic a body. Bring better several native boys more nicely to me in apartments! To them all the same not to survive!

— And if someone from slaves risks and will remove the crucified compatriot? — Gerlok bryaknut similar banality already perfectly feeling what will be the answer.

Gorilloobrazny Fagiram trukhnut the kulachishcha, the sizes about water-melons and covered with the horny, dark gray skin:

— Then we for one removed slave will crucify one thousand more, ten thousand are absent. Besides, to put twenty thousand hairless primacies on a stake. That all saw our power and ruthlessness. Let people of Earth shiver in horror.

— In your lips the ocean of wisdom, the sizes in the Universe! — Flatteringly the general bootlicker said.

Fagiram looked in the very tall carved window covered with mix of emeralds and rubies in a gold frame. Its glasses if allowed to watch under different corners repeated increase in the regal yard. On it as the execution was made: dozen of boys from twelve, till fourteen years were exposed to flogging. They were beaten with the whips soaked in acid, fluoric with impurity of a tsiamidin. It allowed to heal quicker than the torn to pieces flesh. Boys when flogging had to consider quantity of blows if tortured got off, then it began to be flogged at first.

— These are cadets of native police. Probably were guilty on trifles, so process them, without mutilations. — Explained, squinting Gerlok.

Fagiram was very pleasant to look at brown well-muscled bodies, the boys beaten by a whip. From nude bodies blood drips, here one of boys did not sustain, screamed: means, now it will be marked to death.

— It is very good, I love when hurt, to especially human children. The fact that they are similar on stelzan does process of torture much more pleasant. With what pleasure I would torture the son, but he is a madcap, got away from me in the remote garrison, on the suburb of the boundless empire. — The sadist allocated with the absolute power over mankind growled.

— Children they are so not grateful! Any respect for parents. — Willingly confirmed, Gerlok who also had negative experience. Having stupidly stared, the general added. — It is good that functions of education of posterity were undertaken by barracks, and archaic family values remained in the Stone Age!

The enormous butterfly flew up to the mutilated fainted boy, took seat on a back. Began to bite. The round face and a relief figure were pleasant to the governor

Fagiram gave the order at stelzanov-executioners holograms on a computer bracelets were lit:

— Lock, and fish soup a radar!

The strapper in masks and shoulders on which there will be enough place to hang out linen of a big family bellowed:

— Ears on the top mister!

— How many at us cadets of native police? — Hoarse tone the marshal-governor inquired.

— Only in the capital, five hundred thousand. — Executioners answered with chorus.

— Then listen to my order, to banish all of them through a system. Let boys flog boys! And I will look. — Fagiram stuck fingers towards the young, covered with wounds body. — And as for this boy, bring him into yourself. It will be subjected to special cybernetic torture. The computer, and micro robots, will fill with suffering each cage. I will personally regulate a pain threshold.

The boy was lifted, stuck a stimulator, it opened eyes, shook a short hedgehog of a fair hair. Childly desperately began to yell:

— Spare! I will not be any more!

— Be silent, still we will add, the governor will be engaged in you now. — Threatened, in an animal way being shown and sparkling scarlet cockardes executioners.

Fagiram was happy, stroked the huge belly:

— I have a reason into the account of painful influence, especially if micro robots torment aortas and to influence directly the nervous terminations. Though on the other hand there is nothing better, than to beat such pettiness as the person with own hand.

— I agree with it! — Gerlok inflated cheeks, and took a form of comical greatness. — If you want, we can arrange big hunting, with the shelter of people.

Snout Fagirama stretched in the strongest expression of pleasure:

— Let's surely make. To other boys cut still in addition two hundred blows a prickly chain on barefoot heels and hint that I want to hear their shouts. For me groan and crying the best music.

— It will be executed and what to do with Hakes? — Gerlok gave a hand and half-naked, black from suntan, but at the same time the fair-haired servant gave it a glass of svezhesvareny local beer.

— Vane's hakes to lower in a rank and to deprive of an award in a year. I not against game in war, but I do not intend to overpay for pleasure. — Marshall governor made a pause, and already without any expression said. — It I hope the only bad news?

— So far and. But are big... — Gerlok hesitated and choked on beer, brown splashes got into a nose causing an unpleasant shchekotaniye.

— Again, but? — Fagimar at once pricked up the ears, even took several steps on a multi-colored, marble tile of a floor.

— It is rumored that the ministry of love and the truth prepares inspection. Well, and this department has not important relations with your relative, the head of Department of protection of a throne, Geller of Velimar. They will dig out on you a compromising evidence. — Gerlok obviously worried, worrying about own skin more. Stelzanat's laws are severe, and anti-troops in fact the militarized underworld.

— It is a trifle. When business concerns people of Earth, here put, especially recently, it is worse than the governor. The more than violations and abuses of the power, the probability of shift is less. Let's steal even more! You give in excess of the plan — kickback!

Fagiram stopped, rested fists against fat sides, made a theatrical pause then as if thunderously went off with a bang:

— It is the order!!! Superorgasm!

The deputy of the planet laughed loudly as the madman. The general frowned, ears were unpleasantly offended by laughter which on Earth happens only at violently mad. Having laughed before piggy squeal, the governor calmed down and started talking more seriously.

— Technically extermination of insurgents — business of several seconds. We, soldiers of invincible Purple Constellation, can elementary peredavit all "mosquitoes", but we will not make it. First, this planet — the real hole, and war with guerrillas — the only entertainment. Secondly, it is an opportunity everything to write off for insurgents, both losses, and shortages. Main thing, process. The fear of death long torments rats, exciting passion and attention at those who play with them. And people are similar to us that strengthens a high. — Gromila-stelzan parted more widely than a hand and began to do by movement fingers as if at distribution of a card pack. — We begin game, so we go from three aces. Peaks are Blacks, tambourines — Russians, worms — sitayets. Who clubs? Someone from the mixed races. It is time to beat out trumps! Two aces krapleny to sideline them business of several minutes.

Fagiram made a pause — the similar to a hawk flying robot gave him by means of the extended paws sticky kogotochka a glass with tincture of a poisonous-green dope, propilikav:

— Yours we love Sekeke! Who drinks much — that cheerfully lives!

The marshal the governor, holding a glass in hand, again bellowed and so sprinkled to itself a nonsense an asymmetric snout:

— Where Russians and leader Gornostayev sat down?

Gerlok it is lost began to babble:

— Calculations on the computer... So to find — it is a duck soup! It is a pity that else there are planets which are not conducted and not fixed. Therefore agents of insurgents could crack even bank last time and take away cash. At our technical superiority — it is not possible. Means, someone betrays us...

Fagiram with a roar interrupted:

— Therefore the order to calculate it as soon as possible! Forward march! Time, two left! With fever white!

The general externally similar to strongly rolled enormous inhabitant of the planet Earth, the reddish jockstrap; turned, having thrown up a hand in farewell. "Nevertheless this marshal-governor with strong shift, as well as his grandma, Lira Velimara (Though that was externally far more nice)! Perhaps therefore it was also translated with increase here?."

Deafening as a bison roar, shout tore off thoughts:

— To stand! I instruct to carry out test of the new weapon of a vacuum dengreziya. Vacuumize insurgents, certainly, act accurately. I appoint an award for the head of one million kulaman in size of Ivan Gornostayev. Will hand over it, and we will sponsor him. And still, the general, a cubism is fashionable now, especially among stelzan. Look for pictures of cubists it a space hole. They cost hundreds of millions. Pictures from this planet were always highly appreciated. In the central galaxy the mass of clients.

Gerlok perplexed exhaled:

— Yes, your above-standing! But too a lot of things were plundered to us.

Fagiram in reply, trukhnut a fist near the nose of the podchennety:

— Let slaves will draw new cloths. That who is not capable we will cut off the laser fingers, at first standing, then skalpiruy. Well, and after sophisticated mockeries, we will shatter also hands! Go!

The general left.

Sliding doors were silently closed. On them the emblem of seven-domed dlinnozubny similarity of a dragon shone. The superdragon was the real and awfully dangerous animal living in swarms of asteroids. According to the legend of this rare hyper plasma animal in decisive fight for the power the first minister of uniform Stelzanat who based the dynasty ruling nowadays killed. In a door the computer system was hidden, the small trunk of a plazmolazer ready to strike any attempting upon the governor stuck out of each mouth. Two fighting robots in the form of become on racks utykanny rockets of griffins monitored all movements near a governor's throne.

Fagiram poured to himself alcohol mix with local hashish and, having leaned back with pleasure, listened as brutally cripple boys. He started over again hysterical laughing, then pressed the button, the room was entered by several tall slaves. Unfortunate girls had to satisfy dirty lust of the maniac!

Chapter 6

Not only cruelty reigns in the sky,

There are a kindness and justice!

Means that the way is open for love,

Nobility lives in it, but not favor!

Zorg — one of the greatest civilizations of the Universe. The huge mighty power forming universal council and community of independent galaxies arose long ago, even before existence of the planet Earth. When the Sun was a protostar and a star in the ultra-violet range, and present black holes were the bright stars which were generously giving light. Already then zorg mastered a space, traded, waged wars with neighbors, gradually expanding the space. However together with scientific and technical progress the morality and morals developed. Propaganda for war and war began to be considered as dirty, immoral business, murder — a sin, infliction of harm to reasonable beings — a heinous crime against reason.

The new galactic community which entered only on a voluntary basis was gradually created. Other civilizations could remain independent. They waged still from time to time among themselves star wars. Even if in the look and there is a ruthless competitive fight, what to speak about the races which do not have even the general cellular structure. But now, as a rule, the conflicts had local character, and business reached serious space war seldom though certain space empires continued to extend gradually.

The sudden exit to a universal orbit of a new civilization of stelzan changed the habitual course of things. Applying the newest types of arms, bringing together allies in the coalition, and then betraying them. Working where cunning where insidiousness, stelzana promptly increased the influence, inflating, like a snowball. Crushing under itself all new and new worlds, the empire became more and more huge and greedy. During star battles humanoids perished at first in billions, and in process of growth of scales and gains — trillions, quadrillions. Many millions of space rockets, star planes, intergalactic starprobe vehicles were at war with each other. The whole planets blew up and dissipated in space, galaxies were literally devastated by an uncontrollable stream of annihilation expansion. By means of intrigues, spies, traitors of a stelzana the conflicts and wars in other regions of the Universe sowed. Employed mercenaries, formed the coalitions and continued to extend, incorporating all new worlds. Especially cruelly and furiously stelzana in relation to the star republic of Dean behaved. Dynes, as well as zorg, were three-hollow beings, and in the metabolism did not use oxygen. Though oxygen and nitrogenous and oxygen and gel atmosphere was the most widespread in the Universe. Such atmosphere for zorg and din was too active, and without space suits they just were oxidized, dying in Wednesday, poisonous for them, hard. Stelzana waged destructive total war on elimination of din, without sparing even children and germs. Dinov almost completely destroyed as a look. And here zorg interfered. Overwhelming technical superiority and couple of strong lessons of war returned stelzan to reality, having stopped destruction of a civilization. Zorg wakened from hibernation and began to interfere more actively with wars, with bloody and photonew dismantling between civilizations. Dinov about eighty five quadrillion (Wild figure, it is difficult to imagine such quantity), it disregarding the multitrillionth population under control the worlds were destroyed. Certainly, gains of Purple Constellation — the most cruel of all intergalactic star wars in the history of the Universe. Fights gradually abated, though expansion continued after that. Stelzana occupied over three and a half thousand galaxies, having become the mightiest of star empires, having conquered about twenty million huge star states, nearly five billion civilizations, having taken more than fourteen trillion suitable for life of the worlds, and a bigger number of planets, not suitable for life, but suitable for operation. How many at the same time died reasonable beings, does not give in to calculation. The empire of stelzan — Great Stelzanat — became the most extensive of all intergalactic empires. Because of active intervention of Universal council of justice of war there were practically only small boundary strikes. The main center of intergalactic fight was displaced to the sphere of economy, an intense competition and aggressive industrial and commercial espionage. Not the hyper laser, and kulaman began to submit new star systems (monetary currency). Again won colonies ruthlessly were operated, the main goal — to squeeze out more than money and resources. However Universal council of justice as a lump in a throat, established tough service regulations of the conquered planets, restriction in use of force, harmony of the right of humanoids. Because of enormous technical superiority of a stelzana and other star empires did not decide to enter war with community of independent galaxies and, having gritted teeth, were forced to play by rules. Here therefore audits of Universal council they were afraid much more, than inspections of the authorities. The relations between Universal council of justice and other worlds were regulated by various contracts that allowed relative stability in this part of the Universe. A misinformation an imer Konoradson — the senior senator and the highest inspector of the general congress was famous for the analytical mind, the phenomenal intuition and tenacity, incomprehensible decency and giant erudition. Age the Misinformation Konoradson's imer made nearly one million terrestrial years. Experience of many millennia in one reason. For so long term it is possible to learn to distinguish traps, to see cunning lie, to open sophisticated deception. Naturally, it created mighty aura of trust around Konoradson. Believed in him how in the Messiah, and prayed on it, as on God.

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