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Heaven_and_Hell (Worm)

07.07.2017 — 07.07.2017
Квест. Чистый фемслэш - Тейлор постепенно собирает себе гарем. У неё сила подобная Сердцееду и Душечке - изменение эмоций, но медленнее Сердцееда, но всё равно в итоге постоянное. На английском. 07.07.2017
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— Success chance: 50% 62% (12% bonus from Submission). Note that this option will always be available unless another future path is chosen for Madison at a later date, but will disappear permanently if such is chosen.

— General results: Will plant a seed of a thought in Madison's head, making her consider the idea of asking Taylor to mark her as hers. Note that this does not mean Taylor will literally own Madison; it will open up future paths for Madison in which she will act subserviently to Taylor, (e.g. cooking her meals for her, performing domestic duties without complaint), and most importantly, will get off on doing so.

— On a success: Raises Madison's maximum Submission score to 15.

— On a failure: Raises Madison's maximum Submission score to 12.

[] Down at the Boardwalk, "acquiring" some magazines of... a certain nature from the adult stores around. With not just one, but two girls about to be under your thumb, you're suddenly a lot less confident in your actual sex skills. And besides, Madison is nearly ready for you to take her. Tease her just a little bit more by, say, reading some adult magazines and playing with her, and she'll be primed for you to finally have sex with.

— Success chance: 40%

— General results: Acquires adult videos, allowing you a scene in which Taylor sexually frustrates Madison as they watch porn together. Note that this scene will open up options in which Taylor has sex with Madison in one of three locations.

— On a success: Will increase Sophia's Intrigue by 1, and raise successful recruitment rates of Sophia by 5%. Note that this does not initiate recruitment of Sophia.

— On a failure: Somewhat increases Emma's Lust, but the next two points of Loyalty gain from Emma are negated.

[] Attending Glory Girl's book club for the first time. In such a public setting, there isn't much you can do, but you can at least make yourself notable to her, and spend some time raising her loyalty to you. Maybe if you spend enough time with her, you could eventually invite her over to your house for a movie night and push things a bit further. Of course, Glory Girl is currently dating someone. Not that you mind seducing her for yourself.

— Success chance: 80%.

— General results: Raises Victoria's Loyalty by a moderate amount. Introduces Taylor to Victoria, setting the building blocks for building a relationship Taylor can use to brainwash Victoria. Provides one of two necessary visits to Victoria's book club before she can be recruited. . Encourages Victoria to willingly and knowingly cheat on Dean with Taylor. Note that this option does not lead to Gallant discovering Taylor's power, and that options that involve him discovering Taylor's influence in future will be explicitly marked such and avoidable even when pushing Victoria's relationship with Taylor to max.

— On a success: Victoria will be trying out a new outfit that is more revealing than she thinks, giving Taylor an opportunity to ogle her without offending her. Somewhat raises Victoria's Lust when she realizes what Taylor is doing.

— On a failure: Victoria will be wearing non-revealing civilian clothes, forcing Taylor to actually pay attention to the book club. How boring.


> Success chance: 80%

> Necessary roll: 20. Rolled: 86. Success.


As sexy as it had felt to go to sleep last night in the throes of your orgasm, it just feels gross when you wake up the next morning. You stumble out of bed, tiredly pulling your pants back on (not even bothering to do the buttons up, just pulling the zipper up and and wishing you hadn't taken them off so you wouldn't be so freezing this morning.

Then you shuffle your way to the bathroom and turn the shower on, taking your pants straight back off along with the rest of your clothes. Ugh.

At least the hot spray of water wakes you up some. You stand beneath it, luxuriating in the warmth radiating from your body and the feeling of stickiness washing away from your legs for long minutes before you finally feel awake enough to begin cleaning yourself.

Even after you've finished washing yourself, turned the shower off and headed back to your room, the sky outside is still dark. Glancing at the clock, you're startled to see it says it's only five thirty. You'd arrived home a bit after ten, and had definitely stayed awake for a while after that. How much sleep did you miss out on, and why were you awake now?

You shake your head, trying to shake the cobwebs out. Letting out a long sigh, you wander downstairs (closing the hallway door as you do so you don't accidentally wake Dad up) and turn the percolator on.The rich smell of coffee begins to permeate through the kitchen.

As the percolator bubbles away, you head out to the living room and hit the power button on the computer Dad had installed there a few months ago, wincing as the machine makes a loud grating sound. You really hope that didn't wake Dad up. You've been enough of a hassle for him lately.

The dial-up modem attempts to make an even louder screech when you power it up, but you just rip your shirt off and throw it over the modem in a huff of sudden anger. Stupid machine. Why did you decide to turn it on? You should have just left it alone.

The anger passes quickly, and you have to make a regretful trudge back to your room, completely bare from the waist up, to retrieve another shirt. While you're there, you pull a thick towel out of the linens closet, and throw it over the modem instead when you return back to the living room.

While the computer loads up, you head back out to the kitchen and pour yourself a mug of coffee, adding four sugars today. You take a mouthful, then grimace; that's way too sweet. You pour it out and make yourself a new mug, this time only putting one sugar in. For a moment, you're in heaven— then, abruptly, you almost gag as the bitterness overwhelms you.

You tip it out, and this time very carefully measure in your sugar, taking tiny sips of it as you go to test if it's sweet enough.

After the fourth spoonful, it is. You glare spitefully at the mug, tempted briefly to throw it to the ground and shatter it. The urge passes in a moment, leaving you to stare into the dark liquid, looking at your bewildered expression like it could explain what's going on to you. What had Dad put in the percolator last night to mess with your head like this?

Shaking your head, you take another small sip of the coffee. It's alright, although you'd prefer a bit of cream. There's some in the fridge still (Dad must have gone shopping at some point, you note absently— you'd forgotten, but there's food in here again), so you add some to your coffee and wander back out to the computer. It's loaded up by now, and the internet browser has already loaded. The home page is set to Dad's email. Hopefully he won't mind if you use the computer this morning, although he might. You chew anxiously at your lip at the thought.

You slowly your way back to PHO, the message board for capes. Slowly, because PHO is clearly not a site built for your connection; it takes two minutes to load any given page, and you have to reload pages twice as your connection crashes. Maybe you can convince Dad to sign up to one of the new ISDN services. Probably not, they're a lot more expensive. You don't need to remind him of how little money he's making just to satisfy your fetishes.

Navigating your way to Glory Girl's thread, you settle in to read it.

There's a lot of discussion about her boyfriend in the thread. A queasy feeling settles in your stomach the more you read about their relationship— a curious mix of guilt and arousal. Are you really going to seduce her, knowing she already has a boyfriend? Encourage her to cheat on her boyfriend with you?

You already know the answer. Of course you are.

Trying your best to push the self-recriminations to the back of your head, you try your best to just focus on the thread.

The book club starts at twelve on the dot, so you make sure to be on the bus by eleven. Dad sends you off with another hug and a pocket full of change scraped from the bottom of the change jar, just enough for you to afford the subsidized bus fare.

The bookstore that Glory Girl is holding her book club at is a charming little place. Surprisingly, it's not packed to capacity— in fact, despite you arriving at barely five to twelve, there are only three other people in there besides you, and one of them is a store clerk. One of the other two is a civilian, and the fourth is the girl you've come here to see. You instinctively begin using your power, delving into her emotions to find the one you're looking for. You're pretty sure it works, because Glory Girl floats over to you as soon as you walk into the store, apparently hearing the little bell above the door ringing to announce your entrance, and gives you a wide smile. "Hello!" she says brightly, hovering half an inch above the ground. "Are you here for the book club?"

You nod your head, flushing. Glory Girl is, actually, as pretty as all her photos made her out to be. You're used to people being dolled up to make them look so fantastic, but no— she is just naturally incredibly attractive. Even in ill-fitting civilian clothes, with a long, heavy jacket on, she's prettier than anyone you've met.

"Excellent!" She seems enthused, not at all let down by your sudden shyness. Before you can react, she grabs your hand and starts pulling you towards the staircase at the back of the store. She's gentle enough that she doesn't hurt you, but her grip is firm around your wrist. You actually feel a little indignant. You don't like being led around like this.

You swallow down your instinctive dislike of her actions, though, and follow her through the bookstore, up the stairs and into a cozy room. In here, there are well over a dozen people crowded around two large round tables, each holding a weathered copy of a book. The Riddle of the Sands, you vaguely remember from the PHO thread.

You take a moment to gauge her emotions. There's a lot of cheeriness in there, and a hint of naughtiness you'd like to investigate some, but you're more interested in pulling on her loyalty here. And— ah. Yes, it's running quite strong now. You actually tone yourself down a little, afraid of making what you're doing to anyone around you too obvious.

She looks consideringly around the room, searching for an empty spot. "Do you have a copy of the book?" she asks quietly.

You shake your head in response, causing her to frown. "Well," she says after a moment, "that's okay too. You can share mine." She glances at one of two empty seats on the end of the table.

Somewhere in the shop, a clock strikes twelve, a minute early by your watch. A grandfather clock, you presume; it's not soft enough to be anything else.

And then your attention is dragged away from the rest of the room when Glory Girl shrugs her heavy jacket off, revealing what she's wearing underneath, and places it on the back of her chair. Evidently, you're the only person who notices, the rest of them too absorbed opening their books and pulling notepads out from their bags to take in what she's wearing in the few seconds before she sits down.

It's like someone made a Glory Girl fetish costume, and then gave it to Glory Girl. You can definitely see where the outfit's creator took inspiration from her regular costume; it's got the same colour scheme, the same trimming, even the same style. But it's... tighter, and shorter. Instead of stretching below her belt like her regular costume, this one shamelessly bares her midriff, cutting off a bare few inches beneath her breasts and exposing her midriff to anyone who looked. The shirt's collar is cut much lower than normal, revealing an indecent view of her breasts— you're pretty sure you could rest your face within the hole of the material. And the whole shirt is just... tighter. It clings to her body, hugging and highlighting every curve and swell of her chest.

You glance back up at her face, and jerk back slightly when you see her watching you look at her. There's an amused expression on her face, but she doesn't say anything, or make any attempts to hide her body— at least from you. She's holding a large paperback version of the book upright in front of her, and her bag is sitting to her right leveled higher than her chest. Nobody but you can see what she's wearing. Suddenly worried, you pull hard on her loyalty, and watch as her eyes lid for a moment.

Without speaking, she slides her chair out a few inches and turns to the book, beginning to speak out across the room. You swallow as your mouth becomes suddenly dry.

Glory Girl's shirt wasn't the only thing altered. You'd seen a lot of pictures of her in her uniform this morning, including several that were less than decent, taken from roofs or after she'd been knocked down in a fight. So you know that Glory Girl normally wears a skirt that drapes a bit past mid-thigh, and a pair of athletic boyshorts beneath that, not giving anyone who looked a very interesting view.

The skirt she's wearing today isn't much shorter than normal, only an inch or two— you hadn't noticed earlier because the jacket had distracted you, which you now suspect was the intention. But when she'd sat down, her skirt had ridden up some, revealing not just an expanse of creamy flesh— oh, god— but also the fact that in place of her usual boyshorts, she is wearing a modest white thong.

By the smirk on her face when you look back up, you think she catches the shiver that sends through you. She does reach down and straighten her skirt, though, stopping you from getting a good glimpse of her thong again. Forbidden territory, then. Fair enough; she does still think that she's in an exclusive relationship with her boyfriend.

You try to pay attention to the discussion on the book, you honestly do. It's hard, though, when Glory Girl keeps shifting on her chair as she talks to the rest of the group, drawing your attention towards her bouncing breasts as she does so. Unlike when you looked at her panties earlier, she doesn't make any move to discourage you from looking down her shirt. In fact, you kind of suspect that she's subtly teasing you, although you can't tell why— she won't let you look at her panties, but is willing to let you look down her shirt? What kind of weird double standard is that?

She continues doing this through the entire two hour book club, and never once admonishes you for continuing to leer at her, although you know she catches you doing so at least four more times.

You're startled when the clock finally rings out twice, signalling two o'clock— the end of the book club. While everyone else is busy packing up their items and wrapping up their discussions, Glory Girl discreetly pulls her jacket off from the back of the chair she's sitting on and puts it back on, giving you a wink.

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