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Heaven_and_Hell (Worm)

07.07.2017 — 07.07.2017
Квест. Чистый фемслэш - Тейлор постепенно собирает себе гарем. У неё сила подобная Сердцееду и Душечке - изменение эмоций, но медленнее Сердцееда, но всё равно в итоге постоянное. На английском. 07.07.2017
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You stand, abruptly aware of your soaked panties and the wetness on your thighs. You squirm a little as Madison rises to her feet, trying to alleviate the feeling, but it doesn’t help much. You give up soon when you realize that you’re not going to help even if you manage to get the wetness to disappear, because you’re only going to keep getting wet during class. After all, you haven’t finished with Charlotte.

A few months ago—hell, even a few weeks ago, the thought of deliberately affecting somebody’s mind like this would have horrified you. Now, it just makes you feel uncomfortable, a feeling which is easily countered by the arousal flowing through you. Charlotte hasn’t done anything to you, didn’t bully you like Madison and Sophia did, isn’t useful to your plans like Aisha is—she’s just cute, and apparently a little bit homophobic, or at least disgusted by a little harmless play between you and Madison.

It’s not like you’re forcing her to do anything, though. All you’re doing is pulling on lust that was already there, making it stronger in her mind.

Justifications set, you move over to your seat, quickly taking Madison’s hand beneath the desk in your own. She gives you another of her wide smiles, and you stroke her hand, just feeling her presence.

It’s lucky that you’re so ahead in class, you soon find out. If you weren’t, manipulating Charlotte’s emotions like this would be a lot more difficult. You spend most of the lesson watching Madison, noting the cute way she pokes her tongue out of the corner of her mouth when the questions written on the board get more difficult, and the way her nose scrunches when she gets an answer wrong. Each time the latter happens, you calmingly squeeze her hand and lean over to murmur to her where she got the answer wrong, highlighting what she needs to do to get it right next time.

As you do this, a part of your mind is focused on Charlotte’s emotions. You’re being very careful here not to extend your emotions too far—you don’t want to feel the rest of the classroom, just Charlotte—and not to affect too great a change. Just subtle pushes and pulls, ramping up her lust and loyalty slowly and incrementally.

Eventually, the bell rings. You reluctantly let go of Madison, allowing her to trail off equally reluctantly to her next class.

At least you still have Charlotte’s emotions to keep yourself occupied with.

You’re not completely effective at keeping a headache away, but by the time you get to fourth period and have to let Charlotte head off to whatever class she has now, you’re only feeling a very light strain. Not enough to impede anything, really. You probably can’t keep up that kind of manipulation every day, but for a day or two, it’s fine.

You do make sure to let yourself just rest and recover through fourth period, though, just pretending to skim through your class textbooks so the teacher doesn’t bother you. By the time lunch comes around, even most of that light strain has gone.

You make a detour, heading off to your locker so you can grab the lunchbox full of cupcakes, before heading out to your usual spot in the courtyard. Madison is already sitting down at the tree, waiting for you. She looks up at you curiously as you come to a stop before her.

“Taylor?” she inquires curiously.

In response, you hold your hand down to her. She obediently takes it, and stands when you pull her up, although she looks puzzled. “Come on,” you say. “There are too many people around. We’re going to sit somewhere more private.”

She gives you a confused look, then turns and scans the courtyard. You’re not sure what she looks at, but eventually her gaze falls somewhere to the left, and comprehension dawns on her face. Whatever she saw, it’s not the right answer, but you’re not willing to argue the point as she obediently follows along behind you. You know you don’t need an excuse, anyway. Madison will follow you wherever you lead her.

You lead her out to the courtyard where your next target is sitting, again surrounded by her friends. It feels rather less awkward to be sitting with Madison out here, rather than sitting here alone, although to be honest you just always feel less awkward when Madison is around you.

“Right,” you say determinedly. “We have some cupcakes to test.”

You ignore Madison’s slightly forlorn look that she sends at her sandwich as she places it gently back in her lunchbox, especially as it’s gone and replaced by a slight look of anticipation as you open the lunchbox containing the cupcakes.

“Let’s start with the chocolate chip muffin,” you decide.

You don’t feed it to her this time. It’s one thing to do that in front of Charlotte in an otherwise empty school hall. The risk of being caught always sends a thrill through you, but you have no desire to do it where you know for a fact that people who won’t approve of it can see and punish you for doing it.

As you break the first muffin in half and pass the bigger half to Madison, you quietly extend your power out, settling it over your target. She’s wearing those trashy clothes again, you notice. A frown steals over your face as you see one of the boys at her table looking hungrily at her while she’s not looking. No—no, he’s not allowed to do that. Nobody can look at your girls unless you want them to.

You can’t do anything about it, though, so you’re forced to sit there and stew in your annoyance at the boy.

None of your frustration shows in your face as you consider the muffin. It’s actually really nice— soft and chewy despite not still being warm from the oven. The chocolate chips are too hard, though.

Your power settles over the trashy girl’s emotions. Immediately, you’re confronted with a low wall of what feels like… muted frustration, kind of. You’re not sure what she’s frustrated with, though. Behind that wall bubbles away a merry pot of humour, sharp fumes rising above—as you watch, she directs some of it at one of the other girls sitting at the table, a barbed comment that leaves the girl blinking in mild offense and the rest of the table clutching their sides laughing.

The faint threads of her loyalty are buried away again. It takes a couple of minutes of effort to dig through her emotions and find them, then a few minutes more to begin tugging on them and bringing them high enough that you can sense them properly without having to specifically search for them.

Her lust is harder to handle. For a moment, you consider contenting yourself with just manipulating her loyalty—that’s all you technically need from her in order to get the information you need about Rune, after all. But as you contemplate it, you can feel denial rising in your gut. Giving away a perfectly pretty girl, when you’re already manipulating her? Well, maybe, but not this one. You like this one, even if you’re not sure why.

Finding her lust is actually hard. It’s buried, and buried deep. You have to burrow your way through a lot of emotions in order to find it. Sharp shards of anger press in around you, quickly dissipating and replaced by sheet after sheet of dull apathy, which in turn warps and disappears into frustrated longing, and then— there. Buried deep in her, you finally find her lust, or at least the bits of her lust you can aim towards yourself.

This is going to be harder than you thought. You’ve never encountered someone with their lust hidden so far down in them before. Bringing it up is going to be... challenging.

All the while, you’re still splitting your attention between that and your cupcake-testing session with Madison. After sampling all five of the remaining cupcakes, the two of you sit there for a few minutes, contemplating them.

Finally, you speak first. “I actually really liked the orange and poppyseed one,” you admit. “I thought I was going to like the chocolate one best, but it was better.”

She tilts her head. “I liked the chocolate one better, but I’m a big chocolate fan,” she admits. “Do you want me to make you some more? I can if you want me to!”

You drum your fingers on the table the two of you are sitting at. “Yes,” you decide finally, “but only if you make yourself some chocolate ones, too, okay?”

“Okay!” She seems very pleased by that.

You can feel the strain in your head beginning to build ever so slightly again, so after lunch, you retreat your power into yourself, carefully monitoring it to make sure it doesn’t slip out of your control. The strain fades slowly but surely, but you make sure to keep a tight hold of it.

When you wake up the next morning, you’re glad you did, because you wake up with a completely clear head— ready to do it all over again.

Well, not quite the same way. The bus isn’t early today, so you can’t manage to play around with Madison in the halls as you did yesterday. Luckily, you still have your morning classes with Charlotte, and Madison doesn’t question your decision to move your lunch out to the courtyard again.

Today, at least, you feel like you made a bit more progress with each of your new girls. Charlotte’s disgust has largely faded, and you’ve made some solid progress in bringing her lust to the forefront of her mind—she can’t look at you without blushing, now, which makes you want to grin fiercely. Your trashy girl, too, is coming easier—although easy for her is rather complex for anyone else. Her lust is buried, and buried deep. Progress just means that you can find her lust in less than half an hour. It doesn’t give you much time to actually play around with it.

Still, if you’re making progress, eventually you’ll make enough that you can actually step forward and introduce yourself to her. One day soon.

The one and only problem is, spending so much time around Madison and manipulating Charlotte like this is leaving you turned on basically all the time. You spend some time each night attempting to relieve yourself, but when you’re coming in the next day and doing the exact same thing, it doesn’t help very much. It's not like you'll die if you don't get any— it's just uncomfortable, and you'd really like some at this point.

After you come down on Tuesday night, a towel beneath you to help absorb any excess moisture, you tiredly get out of bed and change into your pajamas, throwing the wet towel into the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom alongside your clothes for the day.

It’s been a busy two days, thanks to your efforts with Charlotte and—god, you still don’t know the other girl’s name. You can’t keep that up for much longer, however, at least not without giving yourself another painful headache.

No, tomorrow will have to be simpler. You think you will… [Pick two of the following options. Note that some may be marked as mutually exclusive with others.]

[] Get a little bit of relief with Madison. Madison has been a very good girl lately, and has been devoting herself even more to you, although you’re glad to see she’s keeping up with hobbies outside of you too. You need some relief, though— sexual relief— and your own hand just isn’t doing it for you. You’re not going to be able to get some alone time with Madison until the weekend, which is too far off. It’s a risk, but maybe you could get Madison to help you out during tutoring?

— Success chance: 90%, 60%

— General results: Madison’s Lust will increase by 1. Even considering risking herself and the public’s perception of her for the purpose of pleasing Taylor will get Madison going— not from of the risk of being caught, but from feeling how willing she is to do that kind of thing for Taylor even though she doesn’t get off on it. Will later result in a more open discussion about public sex between the two of them and going outside their comfort zones for each other.

— On a success: At 90%, Madison will agree. Should result in a scene in which Madison gets on her knees between Taylor’s legs and tries to get her off in the library. At 60%, she will even manage to do so without being horribly obvious about it and making her feel ashamed about letting the librarians know what they did.

— On a failure: Madison will gently refuse, firmly setting her boundaries against public sex.

[] Invite Victoria over to your house, ostensibly for the purpose of getting makeup tips. Mostly, though, you just want to invite her over for dinner. It’ll be awkward with Dad there, but you’re surprisingly okay with that. And it’s a thrill to know that she’s willing to stand up her boyfriend in order to come over and have dinner with you and Dad.

— Success chance: Cannot be failed.

— General results: Victoria will come over for a visit, dropping her standing date with Dean in order to do so. She will be more properly introduced to Danny, and generally be herself around Taylor. Note that this option is mutually exclusive with inviting Emma over.

[] Invite Victoria over for the night. Okay, maybe not the whole night, but… Okay, so you’re inviting Victoria over for sex. Or kissing. Or whatever she’ll let you get away with. She won’t stay the night— her parents would raise too many questions— but who knows what could happen in those couple of hours?

— Success chance: 30% (+50% from Lust 6) 80%

— General results: Taylor and Victoria will fool around in the bedroom on Victoria’s date night with Dean. Will appeal to Taylor’s fetish for getting girls to cheat on their partners with her. Note that this option is mutually exclusive with inviting Emma over.

— On a success: Victoria is willing to take things a large step forwards. She’s not ready to have sex with Taylor yet, although she’s getting there, but seeing how desperate Taylor is for some relief, she will assist Taylor through some over-the-panties action. This will be a large step forwards in encouraging Victoria to break her remaining rules.

[] Invite Alan and Emma over for dinner. Okay, you’re not really that concerned with Alan; you just want Emma to come over. Not for any sexual reason, despite how sexual you’re feeling right now— you want her over so you can test her a little more. You’ll take her up to your room while dinner is being prepared and just… hang out.

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