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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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Percy then turned to Artemis's cabin. The demigod really couldn't bring himself to destroy the building, after all Artemis was his friend. So he moved on to the Apollo cabin again. This time he made sure to level it down completely by using his Earthquake powers to cause the cabin to sink into itself.

Percy then began blowing up things one after another.




Soon the entire camp was destroyed into nothing but a smoking mess, well other than Artemis's cabin and the Arena. Percy grinned at the sight as he looked over his handy work. He never told Thalia this, but he kind of enjoyed blowing up the camp inside his ID whenever he trained. Sure he made it look like an 'accident' but he always did it one purpose. It was a way for him to work out his frustrations.


Due to constant use you have leveled up a skill!

Molecule manipulation, Lv— 2 (0%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is minimal, you can only separate the molecules not manipulate them.

Cost— 500 MP per 1,500 pounds of mass

Percy hadn't really gained much in the level up, but that was understandable, after all he just destroyed like 12 buildings or something, plus one level shouldn't really give a game breaking boost in skill anyway.

So Percy zoomed back to the Arena and found the place empty of Leo. Percy was nervous already, "Leo? Leo are you here boy?"

Percy sent out a wave of mana to try and sense the wolf hybrid out when he suddenly felt something stir behind him. Percy turned just in time to see Leo pounce on him from his own shadows pinning him down.

"I got it master!" Leo shouted as he started to lick Percy's face over and over again.

Percy laughed, "okay okay Leo stop!" Percy scratched the dog and slowly he got off of him. Percy got back up and patted himself down as he smiled at Leo, "well? Let's see it."

Leo barked and quickly ran into the nearest shadow. He came out on the other side of the Arena and ran back to Percy. He pounced again but this time Percy was ready as he caught Leo in a hug swinging the dog around laughing at his pet's success.

Percy finally put the dog down and scratched him behind the ear, "you deserve a reward boy, what do you want? Ask me anything, and I'll try my best to do it."

"I want to visit mama again!" Leo barked out, "I haven't see her in so long! I want to show her how big and strong I became!"

Percy smiled, Leo considered Sally his mom, and the poor thing hasn't seen her in months and that was like a year in doggy time.

Percy nodded, "done. After breakfast you and I'll go and visit mom. I'm sure she'll be happy to see how much you have grown Leo."

The demi wolf barked in happiness as Percy scratched him behind the ear again. Percy smiled, "so you done for the day?"

Leo nodded, "yup!"

Percy smiled, "okay, I still have some training to do, I have some new powers I want to test out, so I'll first drop you back in the real world and come back here for some time. We'll leave after breakfast, okay?"

Leo nodded, "okay!"

Percy then grabbed Leo's celestial bronze collar, which was Nina's birthday gift to Percy, and brought them back into the real world. Leo then ran away towards the Forest while Percy went back into the time dilation ID. He really wanted to keep training his tactile telekinesis powers.

Percy came back into the ID and found everything hard reset like it always did. Percy smiled and began to destroy the camp, he still a lot of issues to work out. He particularly made sure to make sure Apollo cabin was reduced to nothing more than a stain on the ground.


Due to constant use you have leveled up a skill!

Molecule manipulation, Lv— 3 (20%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is minimal, you can only separate the molecules not manipulate them.

Cost— 500 MP per 2,000 pounds of mass

Percy smiled at the agin ruined camp. There was just something primal about letting loose and destroying everything in sight. It felt so....relaxing. But now everything was broken again, so Percy had to again pop in and out of the ID for everything to reset.

Just then an idea popped into Percy's head, well more of a question really. Did he truly have a whole another world in his ID? He never really tried to explore this place. Other than the immediate area where he created the ID Percy has never really ventured too far away.

'Maybe I should give it a try,' Percy told himself, 'it would mean I didn't continually have to move in and out of an ID every time I destroy camp. Plus that would mean I have an entire city to blow up!'

Percy grinned and decided to do just that. He turned around and took off towards New York. Percy sighed as he ran passed under the red skye world, this place truly was amazing. There was no one else here, no cars to avoid, no need to pay attention to where he was going. And.....nothing to break.....

Percy smiled evilly, 'I don't have to hold back anymore.' And with that Percy pressed his feet hard into the ground and pushed his speed to the max.


A sonic blast blew out as Percy broke the sound barrier ripping across the road as he ran across the tar road. Everywhere his stepped cracks were left behind. Chunks of the road were ripped off as Percy ran past the countryside heading towards the city at speeds past mach 1.

Percy saw the tunnel up head and grinned as he went through it without a second thought. He reached the city on the other side of the tunnel and tried to stop. He tried to slow down, but he wasn't used to the extra momentum.

Percy tripped and slammed into the side of a building breaking through it completely and landing on the other side.

Defence — 432,902,432

Percy coughed as he pushed himself out of a pile of cement and steel. He looked around a saw himself in the middle of the road on the other side on the building. Percy groaned, "well this is fuckign new."

He got up and dusted himself off. This was unexpected. Usually when Percy crashes into something he's the one who is pushed back. Sure his marble skin defence takes most of the damage, but every time he crashed into a wall Percy was the one who was hurt. He never caused the damage....well, until now that it. He had run into and through a fucking building.

Percy groaned and thought about what was different this time around and immediately he got an idea. 'Maybe it has something to do with my telekinetic force field.' Percy thought about it and the more he did the more it made sense.

His force field basically was like tank armour. Before his defence would just absorb the blast or hit but never resisted the attack. But now that he had some sort of defence that could basically be considered as armour.

Sure it wasn't foolproof, since he clearly lost some marble skin defence points there, but maybe in time it would be.

Percy then began to look around and noticed New York city empty and quiet. As a guy who was born and raised in the city Percy would testify that this was one of the creepiest things he had ever seen.

It just didn't feel....right. It was like seeing Aslan without his mane or princess Leia wearing anything other than the golden bikin. It was sad and just plain wrong. The city felt unnatural to him like something that simply begged to be destroyed.

Percy grinned, "time to work out some more of my anger."

He walked up to the side of the building he crashed into and pressed his hand next to the side of the building.

'Let's see the average building weighs what? Let's say.....200,000 tons. That's....a....one second......carry the two, add the three...wait, why did I have a three left over? Shouldn't it be a five? Oh.....so that's why I have a three left over. Okay......there, So 445,000,000 pounds. Give or take. So 500 MP is needed to destroy 2,000 pounds of mass. That would mean I would need 11,250,000 MP to destroy this entire building. I think'

Percy sighed at the mental calculations he did, math may not be his favorite subject but he was still good at it. So obviously he couldn't destroy the whole building so maybe just some of it.

Percy reached out with his mind and began to spread his telekinetic field all across the bottom wall of the building. He reached as far as he could and then began to crush the building's structures with his powers.


Several support beams exploded as concrete and iron came flying out of the building. Percy felt the building slowly sink down into itself. Percy had spent all his mana, but it wasn't enough to destroy enough of cause the building to topple in on itself. All it did was create a huge hole in the side of the building which covered the first three floors. It didn't really do anything in terms of damage, but it did look impressive.

Percy gasped as he fell back on his behind looking at the still standing building. Sure he had destroyed half of the ground floor, if his math was right that ment he got rid of 40,000 pounds of concrete and steel. But obviously it wasn't enough.

Ironically Percy could have punched this entire building into dust with his bare fists if he wanted to. His strength seals alone would be enough for that. Add in Body Form and well that building didn't stand a chance. Percy then smiled, 'well I'm not exactly doing anything until my mana regenerates so....'

Body Form Activated: Full Body

STR— 69,120 (+20 +20) = 69,160 X 10 = 691,600

Percy unsealed all his strength restraints and felt his body slowly throb at the pressure of having two strength enchanting perks work simultaneously. Hsi muscles glowed with a blue green aura, that Percy began to identify as his own, as all his muscles grew in size. His skin also began to tighten up, they looked almost dehydrated now by the way they clung to his muscles.

The pain was almost too much but just then Percy felt his telekinetic powers activate as it slowly started to work to keep his body in check. Slowly the throbbing stopped, and Percy grinned, the body enhancement skill was really starting to paying off;

Body enhancement— Mind over matter, any stress or struggle your body feels will be suppressed until it cannot be held back anymore. This effectively improves the amount of energy your body can access allowing it to use the full range of Tactile Telekinesis powers without causing self harm.

Sure it said this power was for tactile telekinesis techniques, but that didn't mean Percy couldn't use it for other things as well.

Percy took and deep breath and let it out. He walked into the building through the giant hole he made with his attack before. He walked to the center of the building and looked around seeing all the support pillars holding the building up.

He knocked down a few of them with his previous attack. But the rest of them were still standing. Percy smiled, 'time to fix that.'

He took off at bullet like speeds as he destroyed each pillar with a wave of his mighty arms. Slowly each of them fell and the building with them. Slowly the 10 foot high lobby began to crash down on itself, but before it did Percy ran to the center of the building and put his hands up holding the entire structure above his head.

Percy groaned, "I immediately regret this decision," Percy could feel the matter in the structure above him about to give away, he couldn't let that happen. If the surface above him broke then the building would crash around him, and that was not what Percy wanted to do.

So he did the only thing he knew, he reached out with his telekinetic field, but this time instead of destroying the matter, he enforced it. He wanted it to remain as it was, intact. And slowly his power's did just that. The groaning stopped and Percy could feel the materials above him stop shaking.


You have unlocked a new ability via tactile telekinesis!

Material Enforcement, Lv— MAX

Materials you enforce with your telekinetic field will be considered unbreakable. The only way to destroy this enforcement is if you're concentrations is broken.

Percy grinned at that, that meant he could hold this up for as long as he wanted, he just had to make sure not to loose focus.

Percy dismissed the box with a mental command and turned to the task at hand. He took a deep breath and pushed the building on top of him.


The building was slowly lifted up as Percy strained to hold the building steady. Percy then lowered the building down and spoke through gritted teeth, "one."

Percy tried to ignore the fact that he was right now doing shoulder presses with a building on his back. After all he had enough strength to lift part of a mountain, this was the only way he was ever going to get a good strength workout.

Percy struggled to keep the building in check, on wrong move this way or that and it could result in a domino effect. And while destroying buildings with another building did sound cool Percy knew he needed to learn control. So there would be no building toppling today.

Percy lifted and lowered the building again, "two."

The building groaned but held on. Percy smiled, "three."

At the count of five Percy's body was covered with sweat. He could take the load and he didn't feel the pain, but that didn't mean his body had enough energy to continue on this level of training for long.

'Just five more,' Percy told himself, 'just hit the count of 10 and you can stop.'

"Six," Percy groaned out pushing the building up again.

"Seven," Percy focused on his muscles, the way the moved, the way they felt.

"Eight," Percy ignored the pain, what was the point? It wouldn't stop even if he did stop. He needed to push through.

"Nine," Percy groaned out when suddenly something gave out.


The entire first floor that Percy was carrying on his shoulder's broke as the building crashes down on top of Percy.

Defence — 432,871,332

Percy broke the ceiling with his head and now stood on the third floor. The momentum of the building falling down completely crushed the second floor, but luckily Percy's body was tough enough that he could walk out of his basically unharmed, well other than his ruined clothes.

Percy climbed out of the hole he was in and collapsed into the ground. He resealed his strength and deactivated his Body Form. He panted slowly the burning feeling in his muscles began to die out. His body was slowly recovering, he needed to rest now.

Percy started to pant, 'why did it break? Wasn't is supposed to be enforced by my tactile telekinesis? Wait....Shit! I got distracted!'

By count nine Percy's attention was whole focused on simply making sure he didn't drop a building on top of himself. Multitasking as hard when it involves a power you aren't fully sure about.

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