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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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"I'm not sure, maybe just..., bring a little hope into the world, you know?" Percy chuckled, "I guess it might sound a little arrogant, but I would like to believe that if I put my mind to it, I could help a lot of people."

Artemis smiled, "it's not arrogance Percy. Arrogance is thinking you can do things beyond your limits, this....this is well within your reach."

"Glad to hear you say that Arty," Percy leaned back as they started at the sun rising into the sky.

"So you want to be what? A vigilante?"

"I prefer the term superhero," Percy said a simple shrug, "much more representative of what I want to be."

"I can already imagine it, criminal of New York beware, Percy Jackson will find you and talk you into submission," Artemis grinned.

"Hey you know I only use my super talking power as a last resort," Percy waved his fork at her face, "besides that's not only powers. I also have the power of coolness and raw awesomeness!"

Artemis rolled her eyes, "I have seen Narcissist himself be more humble than you. The only thing you're good at is making a fool of yourself."

"Name one time."

"The first time we meet you called me sexist."

"In my defence you were shooting me with arrows," Percy pointed out, "plus you know, you were kind of sexist."

"Was not."

"Was so, you even said that the definetion of sexisim was women being subjucated by men!"

"Well it is!"

"It goes both ways you know."

"When has a man ever been subjugated by a woman?"

"How many men have you turned into a deer again?"

"...that doesn't count."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, sure."

Artemis smiled as she shook her head. The Goddess had suggested meeting up in here for their breakfast routine and Percy accepted. After all it was better here than his cabin, Thalia was after all currently snoring into his pillow cuddled up in his bed sheets.

"So how's everything?" Artemis asked sipping from her glass of milk, "Thalia, camp.... You know, everything."

"Good, good," Percy nodded, "Thalia and I are doing great. She also thinks it's pretty cool that she's dating a guy who's buddies with you."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Well if you think I'm a nice guy that means I will probably never cheat on her, at least that's her logic."

Artemis nodded, "she's not wrong. The only reason I can stand you is because you're a decent guy. Though you do have one hell of a mouth on you."

"Gee thanks," Percy rolled his eyes, "and if you think I have a mouth on me you should see Michael, dude does not stop talking."

"I cannot imagine anyone more annoying then you Percy."

"Remember that guy who shoot an arrow at you the first time we meet?" Percy asked, "you know, when you turned me into a deer and tried to kill me?"

Artemis nodded, "yes, and?"

"The guy who shot the arrow was Micheal."

Artemis formed in confusion until it hit her, "ah, the son of Apollo, I see. Well then I suppose I can understand why you would hate him."

"I don't hate him Artemis," Percy waved the idea, "he's my best friend, don't tell Grover that please. I don't judge a kid on the actions of their parent. For example Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon, my dad, and I love my dad. But I still hated that stupid cyclops, he was a horrible creature, it didn't matter even if he was my brother, Polyphemus was a dick. But Michael, though he's annoying, he is still my friend. It's Apollo who I can't stand."

"Yes and the feeling is mutual," Artemis smiled, "last time I meet him he kept going on and on about how much he wished he could turn you into burnt toast."

Percy blinked in confusion, "wow, he's still pissed about that time we had that little argument?"

"Little argument? You knocked him off of Olympus!"

"He was checking out my girl!"

"You over react Percy," Artemis rolled her eyes, "always so quick to move."

"I'm sorry this is coming from the girl who's first instinct every time she sees a man is to turn him into a deer?"

"...you may have a point," Artemis admitted. Percy started to laugh while Artemis smiled enjoying the sound of his voice.

Soon a comfortable silence feel on them as they both sat on either side of a table facing the rising sun. Percy broke the silence first, "so when do you have to go?"

"I have a few minutes," Artemis replied, "besides the Hunters can handle their own for some time, their big girls."

Percy nodded, "good to know."

"So what are you going to do today?"

"Well me and Annabeth are going to see Ed in his office. He invited us over to look over construction ideas for the Haven project I'm building."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "haven project? What's that?"

"Oh right, I haven't told you. You see the Haven project is kind of like a special pet project I thought of doing a few months ago. After I visited camp Jupiter I kind of fell in love with the idea of New Rome. A place where demigods can grow old, live, build a life and die from old age. It just seemed so amazing to me."

Artemis nodded, "yes, it truly is an amazing place. The Hunters love it, well as much as they can like any place that is filled with men anyway."

Percy nodded, "right. So I asked myself, 'why don't we Greeks have one for ourselves?' And right then and there I made up my mind, I was going to build a place for us, all of us. So....I did."

"You built it?" Artemis asked in wonder, "you actually built a place for the demigods?"

"No, not yet. But I've already gotten the land I need to build it on, and so today Annabeth and I are going to Ed's place to try and see if we can plan out how the place is going to look."

"Where is this Heaven going to be?"

"Do you know of Gardiners island?"

Artemis frowned, "isn't that the island just off the coast of Montauk?"

Percy nodded, "that's the place."

"But Percy....that's a whole island," Artemis lowered her voice, "how can you afford something like that?"

"Let's just say that the owner owed me one," Percy sighed, "fucking creepy looking dude."

"So he just gave it? Just like that?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I don't understand it either. I still think he's messing with my head, but I talked to my mom right after he told me he was giving the island to me and sure enough the entire stretch of land now belongs to me, when I turn 18 of course."

"Percy people don't just give land away. And they most certainly don't just give islands away" Artemis leaned in a held Percy's hand in her's, "he want's something Percy, something from you. You need to be careful."

"I know," Percy nodded squeezing her hand, "I'm not stupid. But for now he looks like he just wants to help, so I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth Artemis. I need the land, I know he's up to something, I promise I'll be careful."

Artemis nodded, "right," she looked down and saw how easily her hand fit in with Percy's, how warm it felt next to her skin. She blushed, 'what the hell am I doing?' Artemis quickly broke the hold and drew back her hand, "ah hm, so, ah, I know you'll be careful. Just don't die or anything."

Percy looked at Artemis wondering why she was blushing, "ah-right, yeah. Sure. Are you okay Arty? You look kind of.....well sick."

"I'm fine," Artemis cleared her throat, "just a little cough."

"I didn't know God's could get sick," Percy asked in wonder.

"Yeah, we can. It just takes a lot to put us down."

Lie detected!

Percy blinked, "yeah.....sure......"

Artemis got up, "well...I have to go. Clean up would you?"

"Right I-" Percy stopped midsentence as Artemis exploded in a burst of light teleporting herself away from him, "-I'll take care of it."

Percy sighed, he really didn't know why she was acting so weird, the only thing he could think of was because she liked him or something but would be...no....no way in Hades that's what's going on.

Percy frowned, 'but what if it is?' Percy then remembered a vision Clotho showed him, a vision of the future. He remembered kissing Artemis, him, kissing her, well more like she was kissing him. Percy shook his head, he long since believed that vision to be false, after all Clotho did say possible futures.

Besides he was with Thalia now, and he loved her with all his heart. But he still couldn't help but wonder, did Artemis like him? And if so why? He was....well, him. Annoying, goofy, possessive, talkative, very very irritating, and those were all just the things Artemis herself has called him from time to time.

It just didn't make any sense to Percy. He shook his head and pushed the trail of thought to the side, 'look it's not going to happen, you're probably overthinking this. Artemis likes you as a friend, maybe is some world she may have liked you as something else, but that boat has sailed.'

Percy got up and cleaned the breakfast set he had made in Artemis's cabin and walked out making sure nothing was left behind. He walked to the kitchens and all the way he thought about it, what if? What if Artemis and him did get together? What is they became more than friends? It was funny thing to think about, him, a hormonal handsy teenager dating a virgin Goddess. Truly a match made in Hades.

Percy put the used dishes away and sat in the Mess Hall waiting for everyone to wake up, particularly Annabeth. He took out 'A Storm of Swords' from his inventory and began to read it. This was the third book of the series and Percy was really invested in the charecters. He had come to love them all, except the Lannister, fuck them all, except Tyrion, he's cool.

But Percy especially loved the Starks, they were just so cool! Riding direwolves in battle! Taking control of other people! They were like the only good people alive in the book!

Percy loved Robb Stark especially, the guy was a badass! He kicked ass and took names! He even caught Jamie fucking Lannister! How cool is that?!

And Jon, oh, Jon. The living legend. He's only there to do two things, fuck sexy wildings and kill white walkers, and he just ran out of all his fucks.

Percy was determined to copy the stuff he found in the book. He was just waiting for the time Leo becomes big enough to ride, he could totally imagine riding the demi-wolf into battle. He also wanted to try and hatch a dragon, he kept asking Annabeth where he could find some dragon eggs, but she kept avoiding the answer. Something about him burning the camp down? Well, doesn't matter.

Percy opened the book where he last left off, it seems Robb and his army were going to a wedding or something. Percy smiled as he began to read the chapter.

A few minutes later;

"So Percy and I called Ed the other night and shared a few ideas with him," Annabeth told Thalia as the two walked towards the Mess Hall, "we decided to meet up. Figured we should probably talk to the man face to face, you know?"

Thalia nodded, "sounds good to me. So do you have a blueprint or something?"

Annabeth patted the cylindrical map case hanging off her side, "something. Percy helped me draw it up. He had a few ideas."

"Were they any good?"

"Some of them," Annabeth admitted, "he wanted to create a farming area there using the Demeter kids magical farming powers. Which is kind of cool, it would make the island self sufficient. He also however gave complete shit ideas, like this one time he wanted to hatch baby dragons so that he could use them as guardians for the island."

Thalia rolled her eyes, "I wonder where he got that idea."

Annabeth sighed, "I never should have introduced him to those books."

"You know I once caught him training Leo to charge into battle with him on top?" Thalia shuddered, "poor Leo, almost broke his back."

Annabeth rubbed her temples, "that boy is unhinged."

"Well he is currently trying to build a city in the middle of an island. It takes an unhinged mind to do that. Anyway, are you leaving right after breakfast?"

Annabeth nodded, "yeah. Figured the sooner we get to Ed's office the better."

"I'M GOING TO KILL THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" Percy's voice roared out from the Mess Hall. Thalia and Annabeth shared a look and sighed as they dashed towards the dining area wondering what happened to him now.

"LET ME GO MICHAEL!" Percy roared as Michael, Charles, Lee, Travis, Peter, Nico and Clarisse held Percy face down on his floor as the son of Poseidon tried to free himself.

"Hello no!" Michael shouted, "if I do that you might actually kill him!"

"GET OFF OF ME MAN!" Percy roared as he pushed up lifting everyone currently on top of him. He nearly managed to get free only for Leo to jump up on the dog pile causing Percy to come crashing to the ground again.

"What the Hades is going on?!" Annabeth cried, "why is Percy on the floor?"

"He's threatening to kill somebody!" Nico yelled out as he summoned shades to try and shackle Percy down only for Percy to cut them into peace using his own shadows.

"Who?!" Thalia asked in surprise.

"GEORGE R R MARTIN!" Percy roared out as he tried to move again only for Conner to push him down.

"Not again," Annabeth face planned.

"I'm sorry who is he talking about?" Thalia asked.

"His book series," Annabeth replied dryly, "it's that damn book series again. Sigh, what happened this time Percy?"


Annabeth nodded, "ah, the Red Wedding, yeah that wasn't a pleasant afternoon for me either. Cried myself to sleep that night."

"Percy this is a bit toomuch don't you think?" Thalia asked as she bent over her boyfriend.


"Percy calm down," Annabeth sighed, "your acting like an idiot."

"ROBB! I'M SO SORRY!" Percy yelled out as he slowly stopped resisting putting his head down crying as slowly one by one everyone got off of him.

"There there sweetie," Thalia said as she helped him on his feet patting his back as he snuggled next to her, "everything's going to okay."

"No"sniff, "it's not," sniff, "R-Robb's dead," Percy whimpered, "he's dead!"

Annabeth sighed, "Percy there are other Stark's you know. Like Arya, Bran, heck even Sansa."

"Fuck Sansa," Percy muttered, "but yeah....your right.....sigh, damn it George R R Martin! You are a fucking serial killer man! Making me attached to a character only to kill him off! I should find out where he lives and make him rewrite the entire series!"

Annabeth chuckled, "Percy he took 5 years to write one book, I doubt he has the time to rewrite them all."

Percy hanged his head, "yeah....but still....sigh, well at least I still have Jon."

Annabeth's eyes widened, "y-yeah, you still have Jon."

Percy picked up on the hesitation in her voice and glared at her, "Annabeth....tell me Jon's alive."

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