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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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"Lisa, does Rachel's power make you-"

"Bisexual? Yup," said she popped the 'p'.

"I used to be straight as an arrow, before the Undersiders formed. Not so much now. Anyways, all you need to do is say yes. I'll make sure your first time is special."

The blonde fox pushed forward and opened her mouth. Her lips wrapped around one of my feathery antennae. My toes quickly curled as I screamed, "Yes!"" from the pleasure I didn't know my body was capable of.

And then they fucked. Rachel joined in too.

"So this is made from spider-silk?" said Lisa as she pranced around the building, still naked from earlier activities.

"Black widow silk to be specific," as I looked disappointingly to my now useless costume.

Her tails kept waving back and forth as Rollo pawed at them. "I've been trying to get Parian to join, she's been trying to stick it as a solo Rogue. Maybe some exclusive fabric would be enough to get another member."

The overweight dachshund tugged at the bathrobe Brain had loaned me. I started petting Rollo as I leaned back on the couch. This was a strange day of first events.

* * *

Canon-Omake: Plot to Like Farm.

As my vision cleared from Lisa's lovely assault on my new additions, she had already repositioned herself. I felt the chill of the room with my wings as they pressed against the bathroom wall.

The fur of the blonde's tails tickled my legs as she placed her head between my thighs. Her pointed ears twitched as a foxy grin appeared on her face.

"What are you-", as I was interrupted as her face disappeared and I felt the warmth of her tongue in me. Her skill with her mouth was not just talking as she played my body. The heat built as my vision clouded. As I approached the edge, she suddenly eased off. She waved Rachel over as I yearned to cum.

Rachel renewed her war with my mouth as the Thinker between my legs kept me on the edge of release. The taste of Rachel's saliva filled my mouth as she joined in Lisa's treacherous plot. My moans were silenced by the brunette's seal on my mouth. Her tongue fought valiant with mine as I continued in a haze of lust.

Satisfied with her victory, my mouth was released from her prison she moved to a new objective. Her wet lips pressed themselves against my enlarged nipple. The gentle pressure on the surface contrasted to the brutish force of her initial approach.

Finally the wonderful/horrible fox allowed me to organism, as I screamed. My vision went black as I slumped to the floor. As returned to my senses, Rachel's dripping mound was presented to me. The unfamiliar scent filled my nose, as I tried to please her. I as attempted to return the pleasure granted to me earlier, Lisa had already started a new plan.

Her soft lips kissed where my new wings connected to my back. Each touch filled me again with pleasure as if each inch was an erogenous zone in its own right. The curvy blonde knew my new body far better than I did already.

I had no clue how long this continued on as my stamina lasted far longer than that of my old body. Eventually Brain entered with a fluffy robe and draped it over my body.

sEX(P)y Worm

(Автор: Vague Wanderer)

Taylor followed awkwardly as Lisa half led, half dragged her into her room. Once she was inside, Lisa turned around, slammed the door shut, then let out a deep breath. "Ugh. I wanted to break this to you gently, you know."

"Break what? Why is Rachel out there wearing a dog collar and nothing else? Why is she trying to have sex with me when she attacked me less then 30 minutes ago?"

"Because you beat her."


"You beat her, Taylor. She attacked you, treated you like an enemy, and you thrashed her. You won the fight, and now she's trying to submit to you."

"What, so she's crazy?"

Lisa sighed. "Rachel's got...problems, but they aren't the issue here. This is a Cape thing. The things that give us powers....no one really understands them, but they're aware of what we do, even if they aren't really self-aware. And the two things they really seem to like are fighting and fucking."


"When two capes fight, and one wins big time, there's a compulsion. For the winner to dominate the loser and for the loser to submit to the one who beat them. I have theories for why— I think it has something to do with the way powers reproduce, but I don't really know enough to be sure. But if you lose— and I mean, decisively defeated, not just pulling back when you're outnumbered— you'll want to surrender. Every neuron in your body will be telling you to submit, that they are better than you, that you must please them. That they deserve it. When it wears off....well, you'll probably be unhappy, but you'll be stronger too. A little better. More powerful. The winner gets more out of it, of course, but both sides benefit. It's one of the dirty little secrets of the Cape world."

"I...you can't possibly expect me to believe this. This can't be true. People would talk-"

"The PRT covers it up. PHO auto-filters it if you try to talk about it. In public chat, anyway. The connections part has a lot of villains connecting with their counterparts for sex. You don't fulfill the drive when the fight's over, it lingers for days, sometimes even weeks. So they'll meet up, do the deed, then part their separate ways. It's part of the unwritten rules."

"This is too much. Why would anyone even go out and fight if every Cape fight ended in rape? Why would you do that?"

"Because you think you'll win, of course. Because fighting and fucking make your powers just the tiniest bit more powerful. And because if you don't, they'd end up like you."


"You're not very happy with your appearance, are you Taylor? You've been gawky for a while, but it's gotten worse since you triggered, hasn't it?"

"What? I'm a teenager, my genes-"

"It's your powers. You've had your power for months, haven't you? And you're just going out for the first time now. Your powers are impatient, and they're punishing you for it." Her tone shifted, suddenly turning cheerful. "Though after that last fight, that won't be a problem. Lung, on your first night? If you don't go up two cup sizes by the end of the week, I'll eat my hat."

"That's absurd, I've been using my powers all the time, I've been weaving a costume-"

"And your powers don't really understand that. Not yet, at least. God knows it took a while for mine to catch on to the stuff I was doing and start rewarding me for it. But we're getting off topic. You beat Rachel, and now she wants you to dominate her. I'd suggest you not humiliate her too much, because she is going to be your teammate."

"But I don't want to dominate her! I don't want to have sex with her!"

"I can tell when you're lying Taylor. On some level, you want to, even if the idea makes you uncomfortable." Taylor fidgeted, looking at her feet. Lisa sighed. "But if you're really not comfortable with it, you can just order her to have sex with Alec. He won't mind, and it won't piss off Rachel too much— they already fuck like rabbits— though she might come back for round two later."

Lisa's Night Out

(Автор: Coruscant Knave)

Bland, overproduced music thrummed through the building, encouraging the dancers and precluding anything like actual conversation. It would be clichИ to describe it as a physical thing, she thought, except that it was actually making her a bit nauseous. She dealt with it as best she could since it was part of the plan, just like her clothes, makeup, the date and time, and the venue itself. The music kept her from accidentally hearing some of the more absurd things people in these kinds of places said.

Her seat, too, was calculated: A combination of lighting and angles meant most people would pass her by without a second thought. It also helped that she could shoot the occasional glance and winning smile up towards the window she knew to be the proprietor's office. She didn't actually know if she was in there, but did it every couple minutes just in case.

She slowly allowed her power to seep out and mirrored the steady flow of information with her drink. It was just enough give her a sense of the glaring red flags — no details on what they were, just a pass/fail that was almost universally failed. Likewise, the drink was just enough to keep her from chickening out and returning to the piles of paperwork and research she knew were still waiting for her. Who would have thought running a criminal empire would be so mundane? Well, she did, but still.

Her eyes fell on a man at the bar who wasn't setting off any alarms. She eased off on the death grip that kept her power in check and took in the results. She clamped back down after a few moments. There had been nothing even remotely unsettling and by all appearances they were compatible. She didn't bother looking deeper than that because she knew what she'd find.

It was the curse of her power. Finding people she could happily date was easy. She'd only been here for 15 minutes or so and hadn't said a word to anyone except the doorman and the bartender. Even if you didn't count her profession, though, a normal relationship was impossible. She could control her power most of the time. Sometimes her curiosity got the better of her. Other times she slipped at the wrong moment. It didn't really matter the cause. All of those little things, the tiny annoyances and petty grievances that eventually broke two people apart happened that much quicker for her. Relationships that would last other people months or years cracked for her in days or weeks. People she might only take on a few dates washed out in minutes or seconds. The mystery and allure of "is this the right one?" or "will it last?" was lost to her. She always knew or would find out soon.

She let her friends believe it was a problem of TMI because it was honestly easier that way. She was just as dirty as the rest, in both senses, and any sensible person knew that most had some hidden kink or gross habit. Everyone had to ignore things about the people they cared about to keep the peace; it was just a fact of life.

Her wonderful power just made that work. A lot of work. It was worth it for some, like Taylor, Brian, and Rachel. She wasn't about to stress herself out to extend a relationship with a guy she knew wouldn't last just for the physical companionship.

No, this was better for everyone, and it was why she was here tonight. She didn't want someone with no red flags; she wanted someone with a few of the right ones. Someone she could feel okay with for tonight and then have no issues leaving in the morning.

The throng of bodies on the dance floor shifted and she caught a glimpse of someone sitting alone near the far wall. He was older, much older than she would normally go for, but he had the build and face that made him look a decade younger. His face was as picturesque as his physique was statuesque, like an Olympian decided to be a news anchor just because he had the jaw for it. A wavy-yet-neat mop of brown hair completed the image.

Every single aspect of his posture and expression screamed "stay away", and the people that would have otherwise approached him picked up on it. His clothes complimented her own in that they wore them well and with the intent to appeal but most certainly preferred something else.

She studied him for a moment with her power, not letting it go free but with more give than she'd usually use. There were a lot of red flags. He was wracked with worry and guilt over being here. He was here to sate a kind of desire he didn't want to admit to and was desperate to keep secret. The consequences of his discovery here would be huge. National, even. Some kind of celebrity she didn't know? That was unlikely but possible. She barely paid attention to popular culture but absorbed most of it anyway while trawling the Web for other things.

He was in a relationship and his other half didn't know he was here. He wanted something he couldn't get at home and could never ask for. Strangely enough, her power kindly informed her that he was likely to be a gentle, submissive lover. She had to wrangle her power away from tangents several times before she figured out why that would be an issue. Well, that's fine with me.

She finished her drink quickly, picked up a replacement and something for him, then made her way over.

* * *

They bounced from wall to wall in the entranceway of the hotel room she'd reserved for just this night, the weighted door swinging shut behind them. On the second bounce, the hand she had clawing into his back was smashed painfully into the wall. This caused her to inadvertently bite down on his lip, eliciting first gasps of pain from the pair and then a round of giggle-moans as they returned to exploring each other.

Articles of carefully selected clothing flew free and they stumbled onto the bed. The lights were still off, which was a good thing because the makeup she'd been using to disguise her age would not hold up to scrutiny. He landed on top of her, shirt gone and pants tripping up his ankles. She was in a similar state except that it was her blouse caught over her head. He took advantage of the faux bondage and began a series of clumsy pecks, nibbles, and fondling. Her power eked out of her control and told her that he was forcing himself forward and having second thoughts.

Letting the power go a bit, she brought her hands over his head and hooked the restraining garment. After using his head to leverage her arms free of the tangle, he had her blouse obscuring his vision when she pulled him down to her lips. When the sloppy kiss was finished and it seemed he was swinging back her way, she snuffed her power once more.

She used a slow but firm grip on an arm and shoulder to flip them over and then slowly shimmied up his pristine body. Her bra joined the other garments on the floor and she playfully tweaked his nipples. He let out a light gasp that was more surprise than pleasure, but she wasn't deterred. She switched to a more sensual caress and continued grinding her sex against his ridiculously fit stomach. He tried to bring his hands to her chest, but she pinned them to his side with a tut and then placed her knees on either side to hold them there.

She slowly, gleefully drug her hips up his body. The heat and pressure on her loins built and throbbed eagerly. She listened carefully to his breathing for any sign of reluctance or distress but heard only anticipation. Finally reaching his face, she leaned back and softly placed her damp gash over his mouth. Measured exhalations sent lightning coursing through her nerves and she nearly lost her balance before clasping his thighs behind her.

"Eat me," she demanded. It was the first thing said since they left the club.

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