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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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That weekend, though she'd still been dating Dean... she'd sought out Taylor. The thought of seeing the monstrous cape behind everyone's back -behind Dean's back— had made her excited. Made her wet. It was wrong and deceitful and made her feel wanted and sexy and strong. Looking back, it had been the first step she'd made in exploring her kinks and searching for different... experiences.

The next time she and Dean broke up, it had stayed that way. That night she had asked Taylor to be her boyfriend. She had refused the next time Dean asked her out.

They kept it hidden. Her permanent breakup with Dean was still fueling Arcadia's rumor mill. As far as anyone knew, even her family, she was simply staying out of the dating game for a while.

Of course hiding that she was in a secret, torrid love affair with no one the wiser still gave her a rush of excitement and pleasure.

It was that same want for a rush that made her bring up the same much-discussed topic.

"Damn it, Taylor, threesome. You should want this the same way I do." She gestured at herself.

Taylor stared at her. Then he snorted, closed his eyes, and repeated something he said sometimes. Often. Most days. Ok he said it a lot.

"You are a sexually deviant pervert."

Victoria could hear the amusement in her boyfriend's tone and see it in his eyes. She could also see his interest, no matter how much he denied it, in his groin. When out and about, his penis retracted into his body, nearly impossible to notice. She, however, knew exactly where it hid and how to tell its moods.

"Taylor~." She whined.

"Assuming we do... who do you want? And how would we even do it?" Taylor asked hesitantly. He would humor her whenever she brought it up, even if they would never act on it.

Victoria massaged her jaw and throat, shivering as her body gave way under her fingers in a way it really wasn't supposed to. One of the perks of Taylor's chemicals. It gave the affected increased flexibility and elasticity, down to the very bone. It was the only way she could actually take him in any one of her holes.

The monstrous cape didn't just make `lust potions'. Though those were fun. Taylor had a whole plethora of chemical mixtures, from knockout gas to sensory deprivation. Their tests with the sensory enhancement mix had been mind-blowing. Almost mind-breaking.

At Taylor's question Victoria's face fell.

"...I don't know. I don't even know how we could convince someone into a one night stand, even someone we know and trust." She mulled it over. Vista was too young, Battery was married, and all of the girls from New Wave were off the list for obvious reasons. If she made the offer to Crystal, her cousin was as straight-laced as they came. She'd never go for it.

Even if the idea of Crystal being bent over a table and losing that prim and proper attitude with a cock up her ass, her hair mussed and tongue lolling out was fucking hot. (It was not a deviant thought, they were cousins, not sisters and Victoria was fully capable of appreciating the female form regardless of who it belonged to.)

Which left Miss Militia and... Shadow Stalker.

"Miss Militia." Victoria decided.

A single golden eye opened and lazily looked at her.

"What's more American than a threesome?" Victoria joked.

"Apple pie." Taylor chimed.

Victoria blinked as she drank from a bottle of water. "Was that a sex joke? Like that movie?"

His lips curled, revealing more sharp teeth.

"Still, we could convince her. I'm sure of it." Victoria giggled and put on a deep, professional sounding voice. "Miss Militia, it is your patriotic duty to fuck these fine young citizens."

Taylor's heavy chest rumbled with suppressed laughter. "Oh yes. Yes, I'm sure that would work. We'll show up in her office at the rig, wearing nothing but an American flag and a speech about free love. She won't be able to resist."

Victoria laughed as she reached down and under the bed to pull out a package of pop tarts. The pose gave Taylor an excellent view of her smooth behind. "Well, the only other Protectorate cape is Shadow Stalker and I don't think even you could fuck the bitch out of her."

Behind her, Taylor grumbled from deep in his chest. "Shadow Stalker... maybe. Maybe."

Victoria glanced at Taylor's face. Despite the growl, his face was oddly blank. His eyes were distant and unfocused.

She tried to probe. "Did something happen between you two? Do you know each other... outside the mask?"

That thought put a queasy feeling in her gut. If someone like Shadow Stalker knew who Taylor really was before she did...

"No. Well... I know her. Her scent gave her away. Let's just say I wouldn't be above mutually responsible pseudo-para-rape."

Victoria's brow furrowed in shock and confusion.

Using the lust mix to `facilitate' a romantic encounter was one of Taylor's biggest inhibitions. Doing it to each other had first been an accident and then a kink they both enjoyed. Doing it to someone else was past what Taylor had deemed acceptable, even with her sweet-talking about how everyone would end up enjoying it. For Taylor to even suggest it...

Oh. Oh.

Victoria gave him a look even as her mind raced. What the hell had Shadow Stalker done? "She hurt you."

Taylor didn't look at her. "...maybe it's better if we avoid her."

That was as much confirmation as she needed.

"She hurt you." Her mind zeroed in on that.

Taylor's head sagged. He still didn't make eye contact. "Yes. Do you remember... do you remember when I told you I don't like how I am outside of this." He gestured at his dark skinned monster form. "I don't like my normal life. She is... one of the reasons why."

"You could snap her like a twig." Shadow Stalker and whoever else had done something that hurt Taylor so deeply that even after months, he wouldn't transform into his human self for her. Because he thought that part of him was worthless. That Victoria would leave. A sweltering hatred burned in her chest. Shadow Stalker was sharp-tongued and short-tempered. Everyone knew that. But if she had—

"I could. That's why I don't go near her in this form. Because I might."

That brought Victoria's growing anger to a screeching halt.

She lowered her head. Damn it. Damn Taylor and his weird morals about hurting the right people the right amount. What had he said after that fight with the Empire 88? The gang had brought in a new cape to the fight, Taylor quickly broke down what he could do with his powers, and proceeded to let the Wards deal with him while he focused on Hookwolf. `Don't waste energy on fights that don't matter. Don't win a battle that loses the war. Find the right target and hit them with everything. Make sure they never get back up again.'

She huffed, blowing air into a few strands of stray blonde. "Ok. Ok. Just... whenever you want tell me, whenever you want to show me... I'll be here, you know? Love you." She leaned forward, her breasts pressing up against Taylor's broad chest and planted a kiss on the tip of his snout.

Taylor stared back and made an odd whining noise at the back of his throat. "L— err. I— you..."

Victoria smiled widely at the sight of a nine foot, dark black, monstrous murder-beast that couldn't bring himself to talk about his emotions. It was adorable. Also kind of sad. But mostly adorable.

He always got flustered or quiet when his `normal life' was brought up. She knew some things. He went to Winslow. He wasn't popular. His grades fluctuated high and low depending on who was bullying him. And no staff ever got involved.

`What a shit school.' She thought. A dozen times she'd thought about tracking him down at Winslow. But he'd made her promise not to before he told her even that little. So she would support him. And wait.

A soft rumble from her stomach shifted her attention. She purposefully went back to the box of pop tarts and started munching before handing one to Taylor.

In her mind, she made a mental note that if they ever got the chance, they were going to turn Shadow Stalker into a fuck-addled cum-slut so drenched in white the Empire would get confused.

Out loud she changed the subject. "We could always seduce a villain. Love and redemption and mind-whamming and all that. Sex them to the side of good. They wouldn't say no."

Seducing a villain was a major stretch, and highly unlikely besides. But it also made her feel good. It made her feel powerful.

Taylor gladly accepted the new topic. "They couldn't say no, that's what bothers me. But villains? Are you sure? Even if it was a one-time thing, just for fun... they would use it against us."

And that was Taylor. In some ways he was just as impulsive and headstrong as she was. In others he was much more levelheaded and collected. Vicious to enemies and forgiving to allies. Sometimes to unreasonable levels.

Victoria raised a finger, hesitated, then lowered her hand. She let herself fall backwards onto Taylor. Her head came to rest on his lower abdomen. She was parallel to him, her feet hanging off the side of the bed.

"Point. It's still just an idea. And we can always fall back to mutually responsible pseudo-para-rape." She shivered again at the idea of making a villainess lose to them on every level. It was... hot. Turning one of Brockton Bay's notorious villainesses and reducing them to a pleasure wracked mess as Taylor doused them in chemicals and she flooded their senses in her aura? "I feel naughty just thinking about it."

"You look naughty thinking about it." Taylor noted.

"Flatterer. Anyway. Villains. Villainesses. Who?" She rapped her knuckles onto Taylor's abdomen. Taps hard enough to rattle concrete and they barely bothered him. She really, really wondered just what his limits were. And just how far they could take those limits in... other directions. They'd experimented some. Between her force field and his durability, with their augmented strength, they had once demolished a decent chunk of an abandoned building in the floundering manufacturing district.

She still had a newspaper article pinned to her vanity: Battle Between Supervillains Levels Warehouse

If only they knew.

"No Merchants." Taylor prompted.

"Agreed." Victoria grimaced in disgust. Squealer might have huge tits and a name with interesting connotations, but there was no way in hell they were willing to risk getting... whatever she might have. Maybe if Amy flushed her system and cured her of the bajillion STDs she probably had. Maybe.

"There aren't any girls in the ABB. The Empire? Maybe we could say you're getting in touch with your blonde haired, blue eyed, dark side." Taylor chuckled.

"Ha. Ha. Rune, Purity, Fenja and Menja. The twins might be too much to handle." Victoria mentally crossed them off the list. Twins were great. Twins the size of buildings weren't.

Taylor hummed. "Rune or Purity then?"

"Maybe. Purity does have the MILF thing going for her. But a Nazi on a monster dick?" Victoria tapped her chin as her face scrunched. "There's a joke in there somewhere."

"You are a perverted deviant and I should leave you before you corrupt me." Taylor deadpanned. Again.

"Too late." The blonde teased.

"How exactly are we going to justify this again?"

Victoria knew that Taylor wasn't quite taking the conversation seriously. Usually they talked about a threesome in jest. Sometime they would talk dirty about it, vividly describing what the two of them would do to the other person and each other. Yet each time it just... fell apart. Neither was brave enough to actually try and convince the person.

But she really did want to. But the question loomed: who and how?

She had a not so serious answer for the second part, at least.

"Mutually responsible pseudo-para-rape." Victoria explained. Her voice took on a lecturing, playful `I've-done-nothing' tone. "You see officer, Manticore and I were doing some heavy flirting and ready to get down to business. You know, dosing each other with drugs and aura. Weird and kinky, sure, but that's our thing. Then this stupid villain walks by and, being a stupid villain, got caught up in it. Neither of us were exactly coherent, being doped with Love Potion 69 and all, and well... one thing led to another. But no one is pregnant, she had a great time, and we even arrested her and brought her in! Mind the white on the outfit."

For a long, silent moment, Taylor stared at the blonde lying next to him.

Victoria nodded decisively even as she struggled to keep a straight face. "My explanation is foolproof. Undeniable in its genius. Sex and justice for all."

"...your mother is a lawyer, right?" The flesh at the back of Taylor's maw -what passed for cheeks in this form— pulled upwards in a smile.

Victoria punched him in the gut before flopping back down and returning to her previous position. Her head was back in his lap with her legs sprawled outward.

Taylor laughed. His sharp teeth glinted in the sunlight. "Who knows. Maybe someone will just... agree. I'm not sure who else there is to consider."

It took all of four seconds for Victoria to remember another group of villains. "The Undersiders. The smug bitch. Tattletale."

Taylor blinked and tried to place the names. The Undersiders were barely known. He raised an eyebrow. "The blonde Thinker? Why?"

"They did a smash and grab a few days ago. Some pawn shop. I found them as they were clearing out and tried to chase them but she... she... ugh." Victoria let loose a sigh before she could work herself up. She turned her head to look a Taylor's face. "I am upbeat. I am playful. I am impulsive. I am not dumb."

"I know you're not." Taylor rested a heavy hand on Victoria's stomach. The blonde smiled and put a hand on top of his. Her other hand moved up and started tracing random lines on his muscular chest and abs.

The heroine sighed again. She closed her eyes for a moment and imagined the scene. Tattletale would be on her knees with both hands behind her back, chained in handcuffs. She'd still be in her skintight lavender costume. It would be caked -caked— in a layer of Manticore's thick jizz. It would cling to her whole body. Fresh seed trailing from her mouth and dripping down from the curve of her breasts to a stomach bloated from load after massive, steaming load sent straight down her abused throat. Her mask would still be on even with all the spit and sweat and cum that was slathered on her face. No mocking stare and no smug smile.

The villainesses' head would be held in Manticore's vicelike grip: a single massive, taloned hand palming her whole scalp. With each movement of his arm he'd force that fuck-starved, cum stained face back and forth over his length. Glory Girl would be behind her with one hand on Tattletale's neck, savoring the motion of a cock far too big for any human to handle being crammed into her tight throat. With each stroke in, her neck would bulge. Glory Girl's other hand would be down low, fingering the powerless villain in her wet, needy cunt. Tattletale would desperately search for release and be denied every single time.

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