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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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'Okay don't panic Sarah. You can get through this. Just because your power isn't really working doesn't mean you can't figure-' However that line of thought was cut off when a body wracking orgasms flood through her system. The small part of her that didn't blank out realize she could curl her fingers and toes, and bit her lip. After a couple of minutes of heavy breathing she started to regain her ability to think.

'Okay that was good. But I need to figure out-Oh God he's starting again!" All other thoughts were forgotten in favor of squealing and writhing. Well as much as she could. After six mind blowing orgasms, did the man working her over finally cum. This set off Tattletale once again. And through the after-glow pleasure induced haze she was barely able to hear a voice. A voice she was rather familiar with.

"So I take it you had a good time too." Regent said way too cheekfully for Tattletale's taste.

"Regent!? What the hell!? You decided to fucking rape me!?" Lisa said full of as much venom as she could. Which with her ass up in the air, and riding a huge afterglow mean not that much.

"Nope!" He responded just as cheekyfully. "I fucking made love to you! I figured that you needed to unwind and I knew your powers made it so you couldn't get any release. So I figured if I did this when you were asleep your powers wouldn't fuck you over while I was fucking you over!" The sad part, to Tattletale, was that she couldn't argue against him logically. I mean sure she was raped, and even if the woman orgasms it's still rape. However after seven mind blowing, body wracking, lip bitting, tow curling orgasms she really couldn't find the energy to get upset about it. So her only response was to sigh.

"You used protection right?" She asked.

"Didn't need to. I know you got the implant and thanks to father dearest," Regent said that with a lot more venom and loathing than Tattletale thought was possible for the boy,"I'm pretty much sterile. And yes I got tested recently so no you don't have to worry about any STDs." He said as an afterthought. List snorted in annoyance as all her arguments and ways to rant at Regent were destroyed.

"Can I get up now?"

"What? And miss round 2?"

"Round 2-Oh God!"

Bonus Omake:

Aisha (Standing in the corner with a camera.): I'm going to be rich!.... Crap now I'm way too turned on.... Maybe I can ask Alec to give me a Lisa special afterwards.....


(Автор: volantredx)

So a little bit ago I updated my story Phobophobia on SB/SV. Well during the writing for that chapter I ended up cutting a scene in the end due to feeling it didn't really fit where I wanted the story to go. Still not one to destroy old writing I figured I'd put it here as a non-canon omake. Why here? Well shit gets a bit intense toward the end and I'm not really sure if it'd be allowed on the other sites.

To set the stage for those who don't read Phobophobia, Taylor, who grows stronger by feeding on the fears of others and lacks a fear response of her own has attacked Emma in the hall of Winslow and had to be pried off by Sophia. This is Sophia and Emma in the nurse's office after the attack

Phobophobia deleted scene

Emma let out a harsh hissing noise as she felt along her her jaw line. Sophia could see that bruises were already starting to form. Seeing the bluish marks against Emma's perfect skin set Sophia's teeth on edge. Where did that bitch Hebert get off attacking her betters like that? Sophia would need time to figure out what sort of punishment that stupid bitch had coming.

"Shit," Emma bit out. "I guess it's lucky I didn't have a gig this week. Still I might be able to get the worst of it hidden with a little foundation."

"Why would you want to?" Sophia questioned. "I say don't try to hide any of it. You earned those bruises. Mark of pride and all that."

"What pride? I got blindsided by fucking Hebert of all people."

"Still you held your own. Most of the bitches around here would have dropped right away or pissed themselves. You kept at it. I've been telling you for years, you're a fighter. Always have been."

Emma shot Sophia a wide grin at her words. The sight made Sophia's heart speed up. She looked like a goddess, and if she was a goddess that made Sophia like those myth heroes, slaying monsters and shit and then getting to be with the hottest chick in the world.

"Still it's not like Hebert is exactly hardcore," Emma pointed out. "Where'd that come from anyway? She's always just took it like the little crybaby that she is, why did she get crazy all the sudden?"

"Maybe it's like a horse or something?" At Emma's look Sophia explained. "Well Hebert's no fighter, she just runs and shit, but if you get her in the right situation she kicks. Like a horse."

"More like a mule." The two of them giggled at the joke before Emma let out another hiss. "Ah, man she clonked me good. My head is killing me."

"Well it was good I got there when I did. Hebert's more like horse than you'd think, I've had grown ass banggers go down easier than her. Who knows what would have happened."

"My hero, seems like you're always there to save me when I really need it."

Sophia could feel her cheeks heat up at Emma's praise. She may not have needed anyone's approval, but it was nice to see at least someone thought she was a hero.

"I only wish I could do something in exchange." Emma said, pulling Sophia out of her thoughts.


"Well you do all this stuff for me, saving my life, teaching me what it means to be strong. I never get to do enough for you."

"You do plenty," Sophia told her, but in the back of her mind old fantasies started to come to life. This was her chance to make good on them. "But if you're so dead set on giving something back I might have an idea."


"Well," Sophia drew the word out as she moved closer up the bed to where Emma was. "There's usual something the person the hero saves gives them, especially when it's a pretty girl."

Emma's gave her a weak smile, "I don't get what you're talking about."

"Sure you do, the hero slays the dragon and the princess falls into his arms."

"Come on Sophia, this isn't funny."

"It's not a joke," with that Sophia moved her face inches from Emma's, whose smile slowly slid off her face.

"Hey listen I'm not...that way."

"You don't have to be," Sophia told her as she moved in for the kiss. As first kisses go it was hardly something to light Sophia's world up. Emma was clearly overwhelmed with everything, so she did little than sit back and let Sophia do all the work. Still it was Emma and that was enough for Sophia, they'd have plenty of time to improve anyhow. Pulling back she took in the stunned face of her..girlfriend Sophia guessed. They'd have to make it official later. "See, we can be so good together."

"Sophia, I-"

"Shh," Sophia hushed her new girlfriend placing her finger lightly on Emma's mouth. "You don't have to say anything. It's just what heroes should get, otherwise they might stop being people's heroes, you know?"

Emma just nodded, her eyes still wide.

Sophia got up from the bed and placed a kiss on top of Emma's head. "I'll call you after school, once I figure out our first real date. See you latter Em's."


(Автор: Ziel)

The sky overhead was bright, every star standing out against the velvet blackness. They were only a short drive outside the city, but the difference it made was unparalleled.

"Wow..." Taylor breathed. "It's beautiful."

"It is," Simone said. She was very pointedly not looking at the stars.

Taylor adjusted herself, scooting a little further up the hood of the car, her head still craned upward to watch the sky.

"You forget it's up there," Taylor said softly. "All of that, buried behind smog and light pollution."


Simone leaned in, trying to follow Taylor's gaze. She'd seen the sky enough for ten lifetimes, and could name every star up there without thought. But like this, trying to see it through Taylor's eyes added a sort of magic to it.

"Look! A shooting star!"

Taylor pointed. A pinprick of light flashed across the sky in a long arc before... suddenly veering off at an odd angle.

"That was weird," Simone remarked. She snickered inwardly. It was weird alright, unless you knew that Dragon had a satellite in that quadrant, and wanted to say, interrupt her day.

Taylor sighed before looking back down at the earth. "This was nice."

Simone slid a little closer to her. "It was. I can't think of anyone else I'd share this with."

"Yeah..." Taylor hesitated for a moment before meeting her eye. "It's funny, I'm still not used to... doing this kind of thing... with friends."

Simone's smile twitched, her face suddenly frozen. Friends. Oh no. Oh no no no. They were not doing 'friends.'

"Like, I think I did something like this when I was a kid. Me and Emma in the backyard."


Taylor looked away, her hands tightly clasped in her lap. "Yeah. And it's stupid, but... I mean, we were like sisters."

Sisters? Wait, no, she could work with that. Sisters could work. Look at Tohu and Bohu, fucking twincestuous sluts.

"I don't really have a sister," Simone said slowly. "But I can imagine what that would feel like. How I'd feel if Levi or Ben turned on me."

Taylor nodded. "We were like sisters. But... that... that was then." Her voice hitched, but redoubled, gaining force the more she spoke. "It's not my fault she turned out the way she did. And all that shit she said about me, that was her."

"I talked to her about that once," Simone interjected. "Emma. She was so worried about being strong, being invulnerable, that she couldn't recognize how strong you were. How lucky she was to have you in her life. How special-"

"Simone," Taylor said. She was blushing. "That's a little much."

"No." Simone shook her head adamantly. "It's not."

She scooted closer, close enough that their thighs were touching. Close enough to smell the hint of perfume Taylor had put on, a rose scent that Simone knew had belonged to Taylor's mother.

"Listen, I said there was no one else I'd share this with, and I meant it," Simone said. "And if I have to beat it into your head that you're a beautiful, wonderful, goddamn special human being, then that's tough. And that's why I lov-"

Her cellphone rang.


"Ignore that."

Someone was dead. Someone was going to be so fucking dead for ruining her moment. Someone—

"Maybe you should just get it?" Taylor suggested, when the phone rang for the twelfth time.

Simone dug her phone out of her purse. The caller ID read simply, "Levi." The reason she hadn't say, used her precognition to look at it, might have been because she wanted to conserve every possible bit of psychic power for FUCKING LEVI SIDEWAYS BECAUSE HE RUINED HER DATE AND NO ONE GOT A SECOND DATE WITH TAYLOR HEBERT, AND EVEN IF TAYLOR DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A DATE, DIDN'T MEAN IT STILL WASN'T A DATE—

"I'll be back in just a second."

She slipped off the hood of the car and rushed off into the woods. Only when she was a safe distance from Taylor did she answer.

"I'm gonna fucking murder you, Levi." Canary, who could literally talk people to death, could not have injected more murderous intent into her voice.

"Oh. Uh... hey," Levi stammered. "I was just calling because-"

"That gay swimming boys anime you like?" Simone growled. "None of them fuck. None of them will ever fuck. Not even in Season 2."

"Wha— AHH CMON!" Levi cried. "Why would you-"

"Listen closely," she said, her voice barely more than a hiss gritted through teeth. "Finish this call within the next five seconds or I'll personally spoil the plots of every show you watch from now until the sun explodes. And that's my warm up."

There were two seconds of silence — she counted, and Levi mumbled, "I'm supposed to attack and-"


"But what if Dadversary shows up? Shouldn't I-"


She did not just hang up. She reached out across the city, found Levi's phone and crushed it into a ball the size of a flea. Then she hung up her end of the call and walked back to Taylor.

The other girl was looking up at the sky again. She stopped when Simone came back to the car.

"Everything okay?"

"Just Levi being a dumbass," Simone said airily. "Boys."

She hopped back onto the hood of the car. But... now what? The mood was broken. Irreparably broken, and Taylor would never want another date because she'd killed the mood so badly and— Fuck. She was gonna kill Levi.

"Where was I?" Simone whispered. Why bother? Taylor had the romantic density of a neutron star. You had to lay it on thick or she'd never catch on.

"I believe," Taylor said softly. "You were just telling me that you love me."

Simone gaped at her. But Taylor was meeting her gaze now, and she was smiling.

"I've never had anyone say that to me."

"Wha.. wha..." Simone couldn't manage real words. Her brain was having a critical meltdown. She didn't use precog on Taylor, but this— this was unprecedented— unbelievable in the extreme!

"I think you're right. There's no one else I'd rather share this night with," Taylor said.

And then she leaned in and— and— AND—

Soft lips brushed hers. Taylor had on peach lip gloss, and her breath was warm, the barest brush across Simone's lips, and then Taylor was pulling away and—

Simone toppled backwards off the hood. She hit the dirt and didn't even feel it.

Taylor had— Taylor kissed her.

She stared up at the sky. Another shooting star ricocheted off Dragon's satellite and she barely noticed.

A shape moved in front of the sky. Taylor was leaning off the car, peering down at her.

"Are you okay?!"

Simone managed a delirious smile. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

* * *


"You said Spain! I went to Spain!"

Simone glared at Levi. The hydrokinetic scowled back.

"Madrid. I said Spain, and you went to Madrid."

"It is in Spain," Ben supplied. He was sitting a safe distance away. Or so he thought.

"Coastal Spain! Levi attacks coastal targets! How— gaahh!" Simone shook her head. God, the stupid. He was just so stupid. "How did you even get there!?"

Levi shrugged. "There's a river. I surfed."

Simone's eye twitched. "You know that basketball anime you just started?"

"Kuroko no— wait Simone don't!"

"They aren't ever going to fuck. Not now, not ever, and that I have to keep telling this just speaks to how fucking insane you are for thinking a show aimed at teenage boys is going to have gay fucking in it!"

Levi groaned and ran from the room, hands clamped over his ears. Simone dashed after him.

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