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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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By now the agony was still fresh and raw, still pulsing with every heartbeat, but Taylor's own fascination at her changing body allowed her to ignore it beyond the occasional hiss of pain and some gritted teeth under wide lips that were now becoming fuller, quicker to pout or smile than frown, while her eyes seemed to shine with a clearer, brighter gleam to match the shine in her hair.

Finally, Taylor's hand slipped down to a spot she had been half-dreading to test out but before she could do more but shudder at the electric sensation of her middle finger touching her clit, a sudden and massive surge of agony ripped through her as the final changes occurred, knocking Taylor onto her new, plump, ass while her breasts swelled one last time before dipping slightly from the weight, now capped by a set of hard, fat nipples.

And with that, sitting with her legs spread slightly apart on the carpet covering her bedroom floor, Taylor was able to see her body; staring back at her in the mirror was a tanned, athletic beauty with wide, womanly hips and a pair of massive breasts that managed to work with her figure to be just unrealistic enough to be alluring. Wide, bright green eyes stared from a face with a pair of full lips that seemed to be always ready to pout or smile under a head of dark, curly hair.

For a long moment, Taylor Hebert simply stared, before her lips curled into a wide, laughing smile, "YES! IT WORKED!" Flopping onto her back, her mountainous tits bouncing and flopping with the motion, Taylor simply started laughing as she crowed to the ceiling, "Hah! I'm hotter than Emma now, and I have powers to boot!"

She rolled onto her stomach, looking back as she wiggled her new butt, "Heh, not bad at all." Reaching back, she pressed a hand into firm, but yielding ass-flesh, "Oh yeah, I'm going to have fun with this."

She began flexing her muscles, watching her butt bounce and jiggle for a few moments while giggling. Then her free hand once again traced over her clit and Taylor shivered, "Ooh, that's...different. I should make notes, maybe test my new powers, but right now..."

Taylor flipped onto her back and spread her legs, a glance through the valley of her new breasts showing her new pussy just begging to be used in some way and fact that she was looking at it just seemed to make it wetter as Taylor's fingers traced the shape before she bit her lip and plunged a finger in, letting out a shuddering gasp as the teenager felt exactly how the change had affected her down there.

"Holy shit..." Looking back at the mirror, Taylor saw the confirmation to what she was seeing, "I'm that sensitive down there?" True enough, just slipping the finger in had been enough to cause Taylor to cum, but the teenager wasn't satisfied with that as she began working her finger in and out, soft moans escaping her lips as she leaned back and simply enjoyed herself.

She didn't really manage to see how long she had been lying on the finger masturbating, but Taylor was able to still keep track of the number of orgasms she was giving herself as she panted out, "N-nine...oh god..."

Her free hand had by now started massaging one of her massive tits, fingers carefully pinching and twisting the fat nipple before with a loud moan, Taylor orgasmed hard, spraying the mirror as she squirted several times before curling into herself slightly, shuddering.

"Oh..that was...Oh god...Intense..." Sucking in a shuddering breath, Taylor shifted her head to take a look at her handiwork before smirking slightly, "Oh wow, I made a mess."

The intensity of her squirts had managed to cover most of the mirror from the angle of her bucking hips, and there was also a sizable wet spot on the carpet as Taylor shakily got back onto her feet once more and opened a window to let some fresh air in.

It was just then that she heard a soft pop and the sound of something landing on her desk, prompting Taylor to head over and find a letter with neat cursive script with her name on it. Carefully opening the envelope to pull out the message, Taylor began reading.

Dear Miss Hebert,

As of the writing of this letter, I am pleased to congratulate you on your purchase and also on being the first customer to go so far beyond the norm that our legal team has been forced to liaison with several major authorities to put into law new regulations to prevent future incidents.

In short, thank you for helping identify a hole in our own business practices that has been quickly rectified. But that is not the purpose of this letter. This letter is to inform you of the extent of the changes that were made to your body while you were being transformed, physically and meta-physically.

To start, your new body has been paired with a rejuvenation effect, allowing you to recover perfectly from any birthing-induced scarring and other cosmetic unsightliness incurred by the effect of the Projection Creation power.

This effect also comes with a minor healing factor; enough to recover from any serious to crippling injury, prevent disease, and induce a form of practical immortality. You won't age and you'll live forever, but you're not invulnerable and you can still be killed.

Next, the matter of the biological drones created by your Creation power, since Projection can no longer sensibly apply. To start, your drones cannot impregnate you if they are male. But both female and male drones can impregnate, or be impregnated by, other people, albeit you have control over this which is a simple as flicking a switch.

Your Creation power also comes with a safety cut-off; you cannot use your power if you become pregnant yourself until the child is born. DO NOT attempt to force the usage of the Creation power while pregnant as forced usage will result in a miscarriage.

Relate to that, your unlimited multi-tasking has been fine-tuned with a little extra to provide seamless real-time control and operation of drones and people. In fact, this seamless nature is sufficient that with practice the user can hold conversations with themselves and other people without any disruptions.

Since you are legally forbidden from contacting us for modifications, refunds or new purchases, we wish you all the best and also wish to inform you that using any form of dimensional travel to visit Head Office will be considered a breach of the Black Form and be met with serious security action.

Best Regards,

Violet Marigold, Purchasing and Control Administrator.


A small instruction pamphlet for your powers has been provided for your benefit. Also, as Thorn said, you might feel a slight electric sensation. Be aware that the experience will be more pleasurable than the conventional manner, but not overwhelmingly so.

Placing the letter back onto her desk, Taylor checked inside the envelope to indeed find a small pamphlet that had a small table of contents for each of her powers, the thickest portion being her 'Creation' power but Taylor ignored that in favor of the other powers that could be more immediately practiced as she padded over to her and flopped forward onto it, reading through the various instructions.

It was only after several minutes, as she was building a small pile of pistols and knives that Taylor realized she was completely naked and didn't feel the feelings of humiliation, shame and occasional envy she usually had with her body.

Several seconds later, Taylor shrugged and went back to practicing with her Weapon Creation as the pile of guns and blades slowly grew before she banished them in motes of bright light and started again according to the instructions.

As the hours passed, Taylor was now sensing the insects and animals along with the neighbors in her twenty-foot radius, getting used to passively sensing people and other living things along with the information she was receiving from them.

So far it was fairly manageable and when a pedestrian walking alone passed into her range, Taylor immediately received a brief amount of information from the new person, his identity revealed as a member of the Empire 88.

Feeling a little wicked, Taylor concentrated slightly and the passive flow of information turned into an active influence of her mind on his as Taylor decided to make the E88 member start dancing in the street for no discernible reason.

When she released her control and left the man to look around in confusion while doing a handstand at the edge of her range, Taylor had a fairly good idea of how effective her control was.

As she wrote down in a spare journal now given the role of storing her notes about her powers, Taylor had a brief thought, 'If I could find a way to extend the range of my Control Field, I could control a lot more people, couldn't I?"

She quickly shook her head, 'No, that would be way too tempting to abuse. Besides, twenty-feet is a good starting range. If I can't work with that, I can't be thinking of finding ways to extend my range.'

Nodding in satisfaction at her conclusion, Taylor flipped to a fresh page and began writing.

Control Emma, Madison and Sophia to get blackmail on them?

Taylor tapped her chin with her pen as she considered the question.

Certainly doable. But it needs to be something I can hold over them that could ruin them socially. What could do that?

Taylor rolled her eyes as she considered her own new desires and got the answer immediately.

Use drones to gang-bang them while they're under my control. Tapes and photos will be more than enough to put Emma in her place. Threats to send them to their parents should be enough, or at least leak the whole thing on the Net.

Rubbing her firm stomach, Taylor shivered at the thought of using her Creation power before her fingers probed her pussy and came back wet and sticky, "Huh, looks like even just thinking about it enough to get me horny." Licking off her fingers and holding the notebook again, Taylor's pen began scribbling again.

Letter described birthing as more pleasurable than normal but not overwhelmingly so. Possible that others with similar power were essentially disabled by an overload of pleasure? Scary.

It certainly felt that way; if those orgasms were any indicator than it was possible that Taylor could have run the risk of being reduced to a drooling wreck every time she made a new drone.

But now, Taylor felt a little encouraged and relieved at being told that she wasn't likely to be at risk of that. Picking up the instruction pamphlet again and leaning back without a care about her nakedness, Taylor flicked to Creation and looked back over at a section that had caught her interest.

...possible for the user to carry a small number of drone embryos and when required gestate and deploy rapidly to meet an unexpected threat or ambush an expected one.

Her eyes flicked to another part.

...as with normal Projection Creation, the drones created by this power can be re-absorbed as an energy waveform which can provide a measure of rapid recovery, boosting the effectiveness of a selected power, enhance another drone, or simply erase any evidence of their existence.

Taylor smirked, if she was going to go ahead with the gang-bang blackmail plan for those three, at least she had a way of leaving no traces. Still, if she could get one or more of them to make eye contact with her...

Taylor nodded, "Okay, try and read Emma's mind first, then see if I can fix her. And maybe fix Sophia and Madison as well, just to be safe. That way, I can save the gang-bang option as the nuclear option." She nodded again, satisfied, "Not much of a plan, but it's a better one that just waiting to see what they do next-"

The sound of a truck pulling into the driveway caught her attention and Taylor's eyes widened, "Oh shit, Dad!" Hopping off the bed, Taylor quickly rummaged in her closet to pull out some clothes that she could squeeze into; managing to find some jeans that barely managed to get past her hips and a shirt that just barely covered her huge tits.

"Okay, score another one for powers." Taylor murmured to herself as she tested her movement in the jeans while her bra-less breasts bounced in front of her, "Looks like I don't need to worry about chafing anymore."

Although, as Taylor felt the denim in her jeans rub against her, she started to feel more concerned about creating a wet spot more than anything being rubbed raw.

"Okay, just be calm, act casual and natural. If all goes right, he won't think anything is different with you." Taylor muttered to herself as she reached the living room and quickly turned on the TV, quickly putting on a bored pose as the lock in the door turned and Danny Hebert walked into the hallway, where he quickly spotted Taylor sitting at the couch.

Realizing that she had to show herself off rather than trust the assurances she had been given, Taylor turned and smiled while her breasts bounced, barely constrained by her shirt, "Hi Dad! Welcome back."

"Hey kiddo," Danny replied, smiling at Taylor before he frowned, "You're back early..." His expression dimmed, "What happened?"

Even though she wasn't really wanting to explain what had happened to her this morning, Taylor was more relieved that so far, the effect seemed to be working, so she shifted her focus on the topic at hand.


* * *

Part 4: Parental Advisory Warning

Taylor knew that she wasn't going to enjoy talking about the resumption of the bullying campaign against her, but considering it was either that or lying to her Dad, Taylor felt she was a good enough daughter to at least try to talk about this, "...and then the locker door just...popped open, I don't know how but it did and I was on the floor covered in garbage and worse. So I just...went home."

She felt tears pricking her eyes at the memory, but Taylor also felt something she hadn't felt in a long time. Anger, pure and righteous, at everything that had been done to her and it wasn't just today, it was the memories of the last few months, nearly a year, of various abuses that was now steadily making her more and more pissed off until she felt as though she was vibrating in her seat at the kitchen table.

"Taylor? What's wrong, you're shaking." Taylor blinked at Danny's words and finally just let out a hoarse, gasping sob as she finally gave voice to frustrations and anger buried under a layer of numbing misery.

"I'm just so...angry at what's been happening to me! I've tried to do everything, anything, to make it all stop but nothing works! It's just apathy and the teachers never being there to witness what happened and no-one wants to stand up to the most popular girls in school!" Taylor vented as she hugged herself, unconsciously pushing her huge breasts while folding her arms, "And I just don't know why they keep picking on me!"

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