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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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A quick right punch to the thing's head, flowing into an elbow that becomes a shoulder check. It lurches back, dropping the girl and digging in the hooked claws of its feet. Turning, it lashes out at me and I dance back, catching a raking claw to my sweatshirt as I do so. The girl scrambles to her feet, panicked to the point where I expect her to flee.

Instead, she stands on trembling legs, muttering to herself as she draws ragged gasps of air. The creature roars, its inhuman face opening and unfolding into some mangled mockery of a mouth. Too many teeth, rows and rows of them, hooked and moving to devour flesh like a meat grinder. I ignore the savage terror and rush forwards, throwing a punch below the creature's open mouth, following it up with two more before kicking it back as it tried to lunge.

"For it is in passing we achieve immortality." The girl beside me mutters, picking up a jagged plank of wood from the dumpster nearby. The words resonate with me, reminding me of... Something. With a dash the girl, slight and unhealthily thin against the twisted bulk of flesh that is the monstrosity, closed in and swings with her weapon.

There's a muted boom as it connects, snapping the arm of the creature rather than the plank as I'd expected. The creature roars, stepping backwards as the girl swings the same plank with equal brutality, driving it into the knee of the beast and the heel of her foot into its crotch. The creature falls backwards with a roar as she steps forwards, bringing the jagged edge of the weapon down and nailing the aberration to the ground.

"Wow... You-" My words are cut of as she wobbles in place and begins to fall backwards. I step forwards, catching her and cradling her gently in my arms. "Easy there..." I mutter softly as she struggles briefly, her eyes widening in panic. "You're safe now."

A shuffling roar from behind me quickly proves me a liar. Two more, one short and squat, with long barbed quills coating its back, the other broad and top-heavy, with arms that taper into long hooked tentacles, shamble into the alleyway. "Right then..." I do the only thing I can, at this point. I run.

It takes almost an hour of running ,with the girl in my arms, to find somewhere safe and away from the monsters. It's way more than I could have done before, without this burning aura fueling my movements. It's amazing, and versatile, this power of mine, but I can feel it dwindle ever dimmer as I push myself away from the things that roam the streets of Brockton Bay, picking through the bodies for survivors.

I want to know where the heroes are. Or the villains, even. Where are the ones with powers, among all the horrifying abominations and the myriad bodies?

There's so many things I need, now that the world has gone dark. I need a safe place to hide, away from the lurking terror. I need warmth, a fire, more clothing will do. I need food, a desperate need that I haven't felt in years. I need safety and shelter and comfort, and the city has so little to offer.

In the end I find an old house in a poorer area of town. The last monster I saw was ten minutes back, and I don't think I'm being followed any more. Even still, I enter the house carefully, checking each room for danger, before retreating to the basement.

I don't dare light a fire, or turn the lights on. My eyes have adjusted alright to the dark, as I lay my companion down in the corner of the room. The blankets from both bedrooms are stripped down and brought to the basement, along with whatever food I could find that doesn't need to be heated.

Cold food only makes the misery hanging over the city even bleaker, but at least it's filling.

Gingerly I wake my companion, wary of how dim her aura seems even now. Reaching out, I try to push some of mine into her, and she groans softly.

It's not a groan of pain, either. I dimly remember hearing that groan once or twice in a dark movie theater, back when... It seems so long ago, like another lifetime. "Hey... Are you awake?" No matter how quiet I try to be, my voice still sounds too loud for hiding. It's rough, pinched from the stress and from my own exhaustion.

She wakes, her eyes opening wide with the faint color of red spreading across her dirt-covered cheeks. Beneath the grime her skin must be well tanned, and her hair, a short messy mass of dirty blond, clings to her forehead with sweat. "W-what-" She squeaks in surprise, her voice tiny and timid as she woozily tries to sit upright.

"Careful... You seem exhausted." I soothe, helping her sit upright on the blankets. It's getting even colder as the last warmth of the sun fades away. "We should be safe here, for the night. Eat something and we'll get some rest."

She looks down at the pile of food and her eyes widen. With trembling fingers she gently reaches out and picks up a ripe tomato. We eat in silence, me from my own exhaustion, her from the sheer reverence she treats the food with. I imagine she's gone hungry more nights than not, in the past.

"I'm Ethan, by the way." She turns to glance at me, still eyeing me with a bit of caution, before her eyes drop to the tear in my clothing.

"You saved my life." She mutters, putting her food down for a moment. "I'm... Tina."

"It's nice to meet you Tina." I put on a weak smile, holding out one of the cans of Soda I procured. I think tomorrow we should probably loot some basic supplies, but for tonight this is really all we have. "I think we have the same powers."

"For it is in passing we achieve immortality." She mutters, almost by reflex, and her dim aura flares for a brief moment.

"Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all." I smile back at her.

"It's gone, now. When they hit me, I felt it weaken." She frowns, sipping gingerly at her drink.

"It's still there. It'll come back. It's recovering, slowly." That's interesting though. Does it work as some kind of force field too? What can't it do?

"So what now? We have to get out of the city, don't we?" She sighs, looking even younger than she must really be. I'm only seventeen, but I feel like an old man at this point.

"If this is like Nilbog all over again, they'll wall off the city. Escaping will be tough." I sigh, it's tough to stay optimistic like this. "Maybe there's other people with this power, though? We can look for them, as we try to find a way out."

She frowns at that. "Why? If they have power, they can look after themselves. If not, they're already dead."

"We'd be stronger, fighting as a group. More people to look after us when we need it." I point out.

"No one ever looked out for me when I needed it. Not before I got powers." She grumbles, poking at her food.

"I-" I pause, trying to think of the right words. It's true, in a bitter sort of way. "I'm sorry, for that." She looks up at me, and we lock eyes for a moment. "I can't apologize for everyone else, but I'm personally sorry. I vow, from now on, to protect you however I can."

I extend my hand, and she looks at it for a good long moment, weighing my words and my earlier actions, no doubt. She takes it, gingerly, and shakes it. "Fine. I... Don't expect me to save you, if you do something stupid though."

"I'll trust you to keep me in line." I joke. The next hour or so is spent discussing strategies for tomorrow. She knows the city better than I do, and is used to scavenging. Despite that, she overlooks a few things that I help out with. As we sit, cold and alone in the dark, a plan comes together. Weapons, food, medical supplies. A radio, to contact other possible survivors. Just knowing what tomorrow has in store gives a sort of comfort as we separate to get some sleep.

Sleep doesn't come easily. Wrapped in blankets, huddled against the cold concrete floor, the cold still finds a way to seep in. As I lay there, watching my breath fog up the air, I can't help but hear the soft shuddering breaths of Tina a few feet away.

After a few minutes I give up sleeping, instead standing and grabbing my blankets.

Tina's breathing stops the moment she hears me move. There's a brief moment of silence as I throw the blankets over her body, adding mine to hers and sliding under the covers. Her body is tense and rigid as I throw an arm around her. She's strong now, so am I, and if it came down to a fight I'm not sure who'd win.

Well. That's not true. I'm a wimp, really, and if it came to a fight I'd sit there and take it, letting her mug me for all of the blankets. But she doesn't know that.

She must be terrified of being left alone. Of being forced to flee into a night filled with monsters. It's an unfair position I've put her in, but surviving the night takes priority.

Minutes pass, and she takes short panicked breaths as we huddle together. Our combined warmth slowly fills the blankets, making things more bearable as we lay in the darkness. I close my eyes and try to ignore it, to remain still and not startle her. If I fall asleep, maybe she'll finally realize I'm harmless.

Eventually, my mind clears and all I can feel is my own soul, and hers. That little ball of light compared to her even smaller one. It grows slowly, picking up speed all the time as it grows. Larger pools refilling faster as aura creates aura. Slowly I begin to push some of mine into hers, little trickles at a time to speed her own recovery.

Like before she gives a small groan, tensing again at the feeling. "What are you doing?" She hisses, going completely rigid.

"Keeping us both warm." I reply calmly, not moving a muscle.

"Not that... That feeling. Why are you doing that?" Her voice is tense, like a taut line ready to snap.

"I'm giving you some of my aura, so you recover faster. I can't control how it feels. Sorry." I try to sound as sincere as possible, I really don't have any alternate intentions. Sure she's cute, in a way, but she's young and thin and dirty. This close, as rude as it is to say, the smell of her is unappetizing to put it lightly. I doubt I'll be much better off in a few days, though.

She shudders, eventually relaxing just slightly as her aura reserves begin to recover. It must make her feel safer, I suppose, despite the embarrassment and anxiety. Her breathing remains ragged, though, and I can hear the soft pants and moans as she lays just a few inches in front of me. It... Does things to me, and she scoots a bit forwards at the realization.

"Sorry... Can't help it." I mutter, feeling my own cheeks color at the sensation.

"Don't." She mutters quietly, almost pleading. "Don't put it in me." The raw helplessness in her voice actually breaks my heart to hear.

"Okay." I mutter back, pulling back a bit further now that the blankets are warmed up enough.

"O-okay?" She murmurs, caution tingeing her voice. She's almost done, her own aura reserves reaching nearly the same level as mine. I've been careful not to reduce mine too much, noting how the more aura I have the faster it recovers, so we're both in fairy good shape.

"Never, unless we both want it." I was raised with morals, after all. "I promise."

"Just like you promise to protect me?" She states with some skepticism, turning slightly in my arms.

"Just like that." I nod, feeling sleep start to claim me.

Silencio Crack (Script)

(Автор: Sol Mark-1)

I will try to writte some crack for Silencio.

For adoption if somebody else would like to make it better.

* * *

Marceau wakes up in a dark room, and notices that she is not alone, there is another person with her dressed like a Jester, and black mask with a smile, but the person looked like it tried to hard to pass as a person.

Marceau: (Where I am?)

Kidnapper: Ok now that you are here Marceau, lets try how efective you for tricking persons about your real gender.

M: (What!)

Then they disappear in a white light and appear in front of a street.

M: (Where are we!?, are you a cape?)

K: No, I used magic, space whale magic.

M: (sigh, you are one of those crazy capes.)

K: Silence would you have prefered Fairy bullshit, or space whale quantum physics bullshit; oh, here comes your target.

Then a very Campy Gay man appeared near Taylor.

CG: Oh my, what a handsome young man, you must be Marceau, that has been really popular these days in the internet, oh see the hour I am going to be late for my "class", bye.

M: (What the fuck!)

K: Mission complete, now bye.

M: (HEY! you idiot return me to Brockton Bay, this moment.)

K: Atch, You should ask nicer "boy", I should punish you.

M: (Fuck you.)

— Then Taylor disappeared in a white light, she returned to Brockton Bay, but..


Taylor was on a bathtub full of water, and heard a yell.

????: Kyaa!, uh Taylor?

Taylor recoignised that voice, turned around, and saw Amy completely naked in front of her with a blush in her face, and a smile; Taylor could not hide her blush, and her smile; then she noticed that she was also naked, meanwhile she was distracted, Amy took the oportunity to get inside of the bathtub, and kiss Taylor on her lips, Taylor returned the kiss, but then the door of the bathroom, Brandish was there, she saw the situation, and hastly closed the door, after she locked the door, Amy began to laugh, and soon Taylor also began to laugh; then Taylor began to kiss Amy again, both of them where happy with each other.

-Meanwhile somewhere in Couldron base.

Contesa acitivated PTV by instict, and told her when to shoot with her handgun, to specific place.

K: Hello how are you — —

PTV interruption: Shoot.


After Contesa got rid of the body, she felt relief she did not want to know.

Shadowing Shadow Stalker

(Автор: Cambrian)

There was a large amount of parahuman porn on the internet, if one knew what places to look in. Even larger than the supply of porn one could find for comic book characters on Earth Aleph, if only because on Earth Bet, super powers were a part of reality.

This in mind, an average looking man settling down for a session of stress relief began to browse the web looking for something new and exciting, but most certainly parahuman in nature. After several minutes of searching, he found a new video entry on one of the easier to navigate websites. Tagged with just what he wanted. Heroine, Captured, Noncon. Smiling he went ahead and got the video up, before clicking the start button.

The video opened, and he almost immediately closed it again. It was rather poor quality of an alleyway and clearly done by an amateur. Still, he always tried to give every new piece a chance, so he settled in and let the scene play out.

A man ran down the alley, panicked and scared. He sported E88 colors, and had the shaven head that so proudly showed off the white complexation of his skin. Behind him came a shadow which coalesced into the Ward known as Shadow Stalker. With an almost contemptuous ease she followed after the thug, almost looking like a predator on the hunt.

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