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17.06.2024 — 22.06.2024
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Description of the trimaran —

Load capacity 3-5 people, depending on the number/weight of additional accessories.

Full trimaran size — 8 ft by 9.5 ft

The trimaran can sail either with an outboard motor (about 4-5HP — I don't remember exactly, but the motor is sufficient) and under sail.

The trimaran outer shells are made of multilayered PVC / Waterproof Tarpaulin glued together.

The assembled trimaran was transported on the roof of a minivan.

The trimaran, disassembled into three parts, fits inside a minivan with the rear seats folded down.

The side floats are partially filled with foam to ensure complete unsinkability. To ensure full displacement, each float has two additional inflatable elements.

All three trimaran housings are connected by an aluminum frame.

Trimaran has a hard plastic floor with additional, both transverse and longitudinal reinforcement.

Longitudinal reinforcement forms a V-shaped bottom.

In a trimaran, three people can stand on the floor at full height.

An inflatable Seahawk boat, which has three independent air chambers, was used to fill the central body.

The central inflatable part of the trimaran is protected from damage by Pvc Waterproof Tarpaulin, both outside and inside.

The floor has a tubular console for mounting the sail.

Semi-rigid sail, designed for storm winds, previously was used for iceboat sailing races.

To my regret, such an iceboat turned out to be unsuitable by weight and for the conditions of the Montreal winter and was dismantled.

The mast and boom of sail are producted from aluminum .

Mast length is approximately 5-6 meters.

Outboard motor is two-stroke, water-cooled, with underwater exhaust. It has approximately 4-5HP and has fully protected propeller.

On a boat, in the absence of strong wind, you can install a sun canopy on tubular posts.

Included with the boat are:

Outboard motor that has approximately 4-5HP

Hand pump;

Set of oars;

Two folding tents: one summer — for three people lying down and one winter — for 2 people sitting on chairs.

Both tents can be installed directly on the boat.

This installation was used where it was impossible to set up a camp on the shore.

A hard, double air mattress and electric gun for repairing by hot glue are included.


For a winter tent there is an additional reflective and insulating casing.

The winter tent has a heat-resistant opening for the stove pipe.

Contact: koganitskyg@gmail.com

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