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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Therefore, the first principle — to be a hypocrite. Second — never argue with the boss, especially if you are in the minority, and even worse — alone. Violation of this principle threatens considerable troubles. In the best case, you will be bypassed the favor of the authorities in the most basic issues that will be available to everyone around you, a more flexible.

The third principle, it follows as a consequence of a second, smaller one ambition. And, as the Americans say: "Everything will be okay".

Otherwise, while around васбудут slowly secretly do anything, you will do exhausting and unnecessary war for their personal dignity, in which lose a lot of forces and врдя whether what you achieve. In the end, you will see that the ICA walked for ten goals.

Here, perhaps, and all principle. By judging him, I was terrible a hypocrite and a coward. Maybe, but I regret only that they became too late. However, I'm probably just broke, but not wanting to myself to admit it, deceiving himself. After all, be direct — it is so hard and difficult, isn't for everyone.

I want to note that learn in school was not for me easily. I didn't waste the classroom, because my abilities quite хвтало to lead not утружденную штурмами Bastion of knowledge and life science. It is possible that if I wish, I could "pull" for "gold", but this desire did not arise. First, I did not have the character to be different from the main mass. For such a difference I bitterly paid during the times of the school childhood, and now, once burned, twice blow on the water. "Mass" not like to break off mere mortals, they hate them, and until they managed to get too far, trying to crush. Behind my back had no authority of past generations, from which we could, AK jumping go up. Not my sort scientists, writers, nor singers, нимузыкантов, nor even any party-Komsomol functionary at least on a regional scale. And therefore, I was a mere mortal, and, as never to be spoken, but is always implied. In my veins simple холопская blood. And with this blood, you can become someone, not having a fair amount of meanness. Our system cannot tolerate, if, as I begin to unfairly to break out of a closely rallied by the ranks, ranks equally non-hazardous, equally untalented and приутюженных them people called in official papers "Soviet people".

So arranged чтоесли someone выпадаетт ago, it is considered to be normal, to help him, with him Lisp, take him out on bail, if it is still not quite strayed from the hands. Slender lines may even slow down to Laggards are lost, and were "with the band". This alignment on the last, on average, for which are inconvenient and dangerous upstart that break away forward, not having the strength, patience and "consciousness" to go along with them, to pull in the past, shifting on their shoulders the burden of slow Jogging, this equalitarianism beach all, who is talented, gifted, but not recognized officially, the chain of their life, yoke, not giving a fly. So I though I knew that I could do better, but deliberately did not do it, not wanting to pull someone's strap cover someone's incompetence and laziness. I protested against this operation abilities "collective interests", "the will of the majority". Adapting themselves to the middle, I joined this "majority". This position is very convenient and is strongly encouraged.

However, I couldn't quite put out. Therefore, my energy I sent the path of a more habitual for the cadets ' environment, secret and, therefore, less возбраняемому. I became an adventurer, instead of being a straight a student and be role models. Surprisingly, the son of some "bumps" — excellent, so no surprise that I was sloven and самовольщик. And he and I are destined to our origin. For him every Sunday comes a service car, and he goes on a holiday I also falls often sit in College at the weekend, only occasionally getting in dismissal, and so for me are a common thing unauthorized withdrawal "behind the fence". And такиз, like me, art is developed to elusiveness. Of course, before we have to fill many bitter and insulting cones. When this behavior I was in his place, predefined me system, I was at ease. Otherwise I was the black sheep, to be always unpleasant.

Secondly, my restlessness and the longing for the "зазаборной" life pushed me on "feat". It took me a lot of time. In addition for your crimes, I very often was serving his service in the dress, while more усидчивые, honest, careful, sustained, heavy lifting and any others did, went to the dismissal, the word lived without any worries.

All this and were separated me with study with a calm life. I would always catch its own tail at the time when other we walked forward. This turned down me on the way, which are all cheaters. What I was different from them? Probably, the fact that they didn't care and I still ambitious claim to life. I wanted, that is, to get away with it.

All this I tell to understand the causes of all my further evil — or adventure — call your VM's will.

I would like to add that irregular and surface studies were gradually affect my character and achievement, and if on the first course I easily could answer "good" and "excellent", did not prepare for classes, using only sporadically settled in my head at the lecture, the third and fourth year I felt a significant lack of knowledge that previously required my attention to itself. The pyramid of knowledge was подгрызена mice. I tried to do, but the habit of not отягощатьсебя systematic studies has done its job. My character has lost the last crumbs of perseverance, impregnated disgust for lessons and unquenchable жадой adventure, backed by the experience of impunity and неразоблаченных adventures and loneliness, which I tried all the time to escape. I had no real friends, colleagues turned away from me, back in the days when I was trying to prove something to yourself and others, first of all commanders. However, some authority I earned. But this authority was incorrigible and successful revelers.

Chapter 2.

As I said before, the time drew issue, and interspersed with regular entertainment and проказами who occupied all of my spare time, it is time to think about the future. I, frankly, didn't want to get in some Podunk, thoroughly hole which is usually pulled out only to dismissal in stock. Not all hope left me, somewhere in the depths of my soul I was фаталистом and believe in the smile of fate, even if it was a presumptuous in my position. Without this hope...

Not RAC happened desire to lay hands on himself anguish and consciousness worthlessness of his life, and only her faint, thread kept me from fatal step. Yes, even the echoes faded хрристианского seed is sown in the souls of my ancestors, whispering and hinted to me that you have to endure, that life is a test of God to be in the Kingdom of the Lord Иисусовом, and suicide is the greatest sin and crime mortal.

If there was strong in me a belief in eternal human soul, пребывающюю here only for testing God its purity and innocence in thorns and temptations sinful earthly life! But my embodied soul, that the whole life is nurtured in an atheistic rejection "of religious delirium", cowardly antagonized the Christian covenants life and languished in squalor sinful godless existence, and therefore, probably, and there were not once thought about преркащении such a life.

Of course, they hope to get in a very warm place I never dreamt, all it took was nepotism and a pretty awesome, but get something more less decent, at least a little above the provincial, was my humble desire.

In vast Russia clamped jaws of poverty and needs as a result of senseless management and хищнечиского abuse of its land and people, "good", that is, places almost gone, and there was a sheer hedges and collapse. Carelessness seems forever settled in its place, and grey, stuffy mold, darkness fading, and the corruption is spreading through the country like a cancer. And that little ensure themselves a comfortable life, had поапасть in one of the small indigenous and rare hair on a bald head, закордонных groups of Soviet forces, almost all of ликвидироввали in the early 90s. As they say: "help from Abroad.

The dream of each was placed in one of the "friendly" countries, where our part, хротя on our warriors there watching uninvited guests. Everyone wanted to "прибарахлиться, but none confessed and envied in silence. Get it all, but were available for only "волосатикам".

Remained a big hungry Russia. But in this huge country there lived everywhere equally. There were regions where was tolerably exist, but there were places where life was on the verge of extinction, the extinction. The direction in this edge was considered a real trial, despite all the benefits that такм were officers.

Choose me was: where we — there shall send, at least for кудикину mountain. But I still hoped.

Now I was glad to dissociate itself from the reputation of the offender, a malicious violator of the order, but the label, one has stuck to me, not wanting to be outdone. Now nearing the day of reckoning, hour, when I was to hear the punishment for all my пригрешения before commanders. Not once or twice, the commander told me, calling to his office: "Well, comrade cadet, I think we'll be even with you on the issue of school".

I recently had the opportunity to make sure that he does not throw words to the wind and I don't forgotten not forgiven.

One of those adroit fellow students, who have certain artistic abilities, one of those who usually rotates in the spheres of departments училиша and teachers, resorting to the services of his talent, the one who each session is finished with some оформительной "halva", and so, one such a friend managed to get in the management of schools lists of our distribution, however, has not yet approved in the Ministry of defense. Show them he intended to secretly, and only his close friends. But some of them was not in the best of болтлив someone too violently reacted to what he saw and was not able to keep the emotions, and soon the news that the battery has a distribution lists, reached the ears of everyone. Around mount-artist formed a tight circle of fellow students requiring show them, too". The long отпирался, but then, heeding the requests and head surrendered. "Look, only I know nothing," he said, repenting, that got in touch with their ungrateful friends.

Coated paper leaves sped on his hands circled, exactly in the maelstrom, hundreds of fingers reached for cherished leaves. Everyone wanted to look into the break of the RA, which strongly concealed from us until graduation. Everyone wanted to eat the forbidden fruit.

I too rushed in the deranged, одуревшую crowd and together with all the same обалдевший, got involved in a battle for the leaves. Long they jumped over my head, jumping from one to another until, finally, they were at me. My eyes eagerly overlapping them, looking for my name, but the list appeared to be another dictionary group, and had caught again, pull them from the other, until I finally saw the cell opposite my surname is empty.

Around me were heard the shouts, cries of despair and dashed hopes, resentment and frustration, and I was in perplexity, staring at the empty cage. Someone snatched the list of my hands. I turned around and saw the "Hippopotamus", which eagerly sought his name. Mechanically I again took his piece, even though I already was not needed, just wanted to make sure I'm not mistaken. I expected anything, but just not empty cells. Behemoth looked up and frowned. He was one of our "vampires", перепортивших commanders not enough blood. In the battery, even in his school were afraid of everything cadets, because, having центнером weight, he usually ршал all disputes fist.

"Come quickly, Yashka", — he said to me. He could slapped мнне затрщину, but apparently decided not to contact, knowing my stubborn character that was argument is not worse than his fists.

I followed his advice, deciding not introduces man into temptation use of force techniques conversation, and paused, puzzled by the fact that you are not mistaken, the cell was empty.

"Behemoth" tired of waiting, and he, in his impatience, snatched away from me the piece of paper, but he froze in amazement, because the cell opposite his name, too, was empty.

I must say that Behemoth was one of the first candidates who were "send" somewhere very far away, at the edge of the earth, the polar bears: so much blood he drank our commanders that they were ready with the light get rid of. It was one of the first and most famous slackers, самовольщиков and нарушителй, not afraid of any threats and not внимавший no exhortations and admonitions. He lived in College as he want. Once in the school from the military service, "Begemot", as many are the same and did not think to learn, but waited until "drip" due time, to quickly spent his two years of service. Others who came with him from the army, has long been отчислились of "артяги" on poor progress or lack of discipline, but he seemed for a snag caught and remained: they were too lazy to move. "Begemot", he Behemoth. Sometimes he often boasted to us as "халявно" served in the army and even бивал there face some "салабонам-лейтехам". He assured that in the army, everything is different and very different from what we were taught in school. Behemoth said. That he reckless and absolutely still, where we.

I remember, the "Hippopotamus" in the first year two bosom "spine", also from the soldiers, who passed the "harsh army school". The first — "Jigsaw", Sergeant Лобзов, and second, Stepan Яшковец, called by the nickname "Бацал". Лобзов high, but thin, with all its species reminded pole. Яшковец. Same, broad-shouldered big-lance-corporal, was верзилой of spindle-legs. Where before him "Behemoth". From the very beginning it was clear that these people are temporary, but not touched. While we have passed the course for young soldiers being poured on the hot August sun parade ground ядренным then, they went on hayfields and other farm in the training center, located outside the city, there vaginas village бабенок, word, cultural and rested from military service. From the very beginning they met with the commander of the battery, there is nothing to talk about a platoon, in particular, out of reach for us, yesterday's school language that is called, in her own way. In a word, they were "experienced" warriors.

"Бацал" immediately chose the lower каптерку, was in the basement of an ancient building of the school. Kept there shovels, rakes and other economic tool batteries. He came to the battalion commander, said he wanted to be in it каптинариусом, and he put it.

The soldiers, who came to enter College from different places, one from the East, the other from the West, however, quickly found a common language. Those who come to the school after school, they not admit to itself on a gun shot. I don't know why, but the officers shouted at them, as on us. And treat them almost as equals. So, in any case, it seemed.

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