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31.07.2010 — 31.07.2010
Тут кое-кто из читателей (не будем показывать пальцем на Гулевара) решил начать процесс перевода Ника на английский язык. Выкладываю сюда. С вики под это дело пока облом, как получится, так сразу заведу... В данном тексте пока никакой правки нет, как прислали мне текст, так и выкладываю... Есть альтернативный перевод (самое начало) от уважаемого Zeks'а: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/s/sore_w_h/ С интересом жду развития событий и здесь (от Гулевара) и там. :-))) Редактировать текст можно на вики (оба варианта): http://wiki.nickadmin.net
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The space I could see narrowed by a few feet, analysis of the images stopped automatically. The sensitivity of the comp was enough to scan the area up to twenty feet in the dark. The image it generated made it easier to see the surrounding than the light from my glasses. Though right now I wish I had a real flash light to see with my own eyes what the body-comp was showing me.

What I saw now did not differ from what body-comp was showing. The wall is made of metal, with silver shiny surface. While in our basement the walls were made of concrete.

Not trusting it still, I toughed the wall with fingers. Nothing changed. The whole situation was quite annoying. To see the whole picture, I made the comp scan the area with the new light. Momentarily, everything became clear before my eyes and I looked around.

I was standing in the corridor. Not the corridor I entered though. Instead of dump concrete, around me was shiny metal. Metal walls, ceiling, floor. Under my feet was some dusty garbage. Dry grass, branches, and bones of some small animals.

I shattered. Don't like rats. 'Probably, — I thought, — I have a much more serious problem with the head then I estimated earlier.' I spent about a minute to reinstall the health monitor program.

Of course this program cannot replace medical equipment, but it can give an express health check up.

Looking at the results of the medical scan, I tried to figure out if I became a lunatic or started sleep walking. I got somehow to the new corridor, right? The system did not show anything strange. No sleepwalking. Just a change of an image. The results of the scan showed that I did not have any serious injuries. Only need to visit a hospital to treat the scratches on the back of my head. I could get some pain killers or relaxation therapy, but it is all optional.

I picked up my bag and carefully moved towards the exit. I mean, where the exit used to be. Here, who knows where the exit is. Not to lose my mind of fright, I decided not to analyze the happening. What can I come up with? ...

Frankly, it's hard to scare me. I am physically strong, do martial arts. I don't exercise as intensively as in college, but still am in good shape. I am mentally healthy. Though the situation like this one can drive anyone флегматика или пофигиста nuts.

Slowly walking down the corridor, I realized that the sound of dripping water is now closer and is coming from around the corner. Carefully looking around the corner I saw the same corridor, though it was перекореженный: потолок просел, both walls were punched though with some pipes. From one pipe there was waater dripping.

The paddle under was small, apparently a part of the water (was it water?) was going somewhere. Strangely, after all this mess, there was the end of the corridor. In 'my' corridor I was walking a mile.

Ok. 'Stop! — I told myself — Does it make sense to get through the pipes to look what it is in the end of a corridor?' Maybe I am better of walking back to examine the other side?

However, how long it would take I don't know. Here I got somewhere already. Alright, I will examine everything here and go back, if I don't find anything special here.

It was hard to get through the pipe debris, but, on my way, I checked the dripping liquid. It turned out to be water. Regular water. As the analysis of the water by body-comp showed, it was water with addition of some minerals, which are most likely good for health. Other than that, the comp said, that the water is good to drink. Will trust the comp this time.

A few feet after I was in a dead end. So, where the corridor leads to? Enough. Time to rest. To think. Who am I? Where am I? I set down, leaned against the wall and, as I was closing my eyes, I noticed a silverfish line between the wall and the floor. The dirt and garbage lying here covered it, so I did not notice it earlier.

Doesn't matter now... it's time to rest, I feel too tired. I went back to the place where I found water and made a few sips. Tastes like regular mineral water. Don't feel anything bad. The water is drinkable, the comp was not lying. Feel happy that I won't die from first at least. I drank more, crawled to the wall, relaxed and closed my eyes.

About an hour later, I felt surprisingly good. Even my head did not heart anymore. Feel like I want to get busy and do something. Jump around maybe? Realizing that this is not normal for my condition, I started thinking about it. Earlier I was shocked, the muscles hurt, the head hurt. Now I feel well, even don't feel the hunger. How could this happen? Too much of an effect from one hour nap.

The only thing I could think of was that I drank the water earlier. 'Live water it is! ' — I attempted to make a joke. Though did not feel like a joking at all. I will accept as a theory that the water helped. Anyway I cannot think of anything else.

Not thinking much of it anymore, I dank more water, splashed some on the back of my head — who knows, what if it'll help? — and I went along the corridor.

So, what do we have here? I set down, and for a few minutes was clearing the place where earlier I have noticed the line between the wall and the floor. After it was all clear, I mentally patted myself on the back for noticing the line.

The wall turned out to be a door. It appeared the door slides to the side and was not closed tightly. There is a small crack. I've put a tool in it and leaned with the whole body weight to move the door. Good that my tools are made of good materials and are not easily breakable. The door slowly moved to the side. I helped it by упершись в нее ногами и уцепившись руками в косяк.

As soon as the door opened, in the room which was now in front of my eyes, switched on the light. Not expecting it, I jumped back to the corridor. The light switched off.

Hell, I could get a heart attack from this. I am curious what kind of technology switches on the light? According to the layers of dust in the corridor, it is way too old. No equipment works so long.

Mentally saying a prayer, I stepped into the room. The light turned on again.

The room appeared to be large, about the size of a gym in my college, though it was of a round shape.

I was astonished by the walls. It was of a shiny metal, which was divided into sections with some inscriptions and drawings on each section.

Soft shine of the metal did not disturb the eyes. Along the walls there was some equipment and from the far end of the room along the wall there was a table. Not a table, rather a control board.

In the middle of the room, in front of the control board there was a chair, which was turned with its back to me. Looked like it was of metal too. Where the light come from, I could not tell — as if the air was shining. Not moving for a while and after, just in case, recording the way the room looked like on a camera of body-comp, I slowly walked towards the chair.

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