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Leodan the Son of Lion Chapters 1-7

07.01.2020 — 07.01.2020
Авторский перевод первой книги серии о Касте и Леодане
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— "Kill! Kill the orc! — voices shouted from all directions. — Finish off this scum! Casta! Casta!"

Tulkan lay without the movement and panted. The bloody pool spread under him more and more, but Casta suddenly understood that orc did not receive any vital wound in a fight. Blood from his wounds was dark and flowed slowly, though is plentiful — the Fleecer did not cut any artery. Tulkan was lucky. With such wounds they survive. Though about what luck the speech is if the brave orc is left to live only several moments?

— "Kill! — rattled in the girl's ears. — Finish off the beast!"

Suddenly Casta remembered the wife of the Shofet, the beauty Kuati. Interesting, does she demand the death of this orc too or not? She raised eyes up — Kuati continued to sit on a carved small bench and looked at them. In her huge clear eyes there was a disgust, and even the layer of powder could not hide the pallor which covered her face. Fight did not give her pleasures, abundance of blood shed on arene frightened the beauty, and the forthcoming final of a fight caused in her only fear and loathing.

Casta looked away from a tribune of the Shofet and brought a sword. Tulkan nodded her and threw back the head to open a throat.

— "The woman to win, — he told wearily. — To kill quickly".

— "No! — Casta thought only after a while that it was told by her. — Do you want his death? Never, I swear by Gavan! I am a fighter, but not the butcher. If you want, let go here and finish the wounded. He battled honestly and bravely. I do not want to kill him!"

Shouts ceased, and the silence hung over huge circus. Never before the fighter went counter to will of public. Moreover, mercy was granted not to the human — to a furious monster, an ugly creature. But Casta looked not at these people expecting a show of death and disappointed with an unclear and unexpected outcome. She translated again a view of the queen Kuati as if only her decision could save or ruin a wounded orc now.

Kuati slowly rose from a small bench. Her eyes were cold and empty. But before leaving tribune, the queen of Darnat removed a ring from a finger and threw on the arena, to Casta`s feet. The audience met this regal gesture by the triumphing roar.

— "To think long, — the orc told, and surprise flashed in his yellow eyes. — To kill!"

-" No, — Casta lifted the ring which sparkled a scarlet spark from sand and bowed in that party where the spouse of the Shofet and her suite left under a thunder of an applause. — Let someone else will have the guts for garters to you. I do not want."

— "You went balmy! — old Derak told her when she left Gate of Winners and could get drunk and wipe sweat from face at last. — Why did not you kill this creature? Organizers of games are scary dissatisfied. You will regret of your decision!"

— "Do you threaten me, the old man? "-Casta asked quietly, having scooped a new portion of water from a bucket.

— "Ah, daughter, why you don`t want to follow a wise advice! The orc had been specially brought to circus to kill him how you do not understand? Everybody wanted to see how brave Casta would finish off a monster. It was only the orc. Stupid cruel creature. They say, they eat human flesh. And you disappointed their hopes. Now the public will turn away from you. Your glory grew dim, daughter. Because of silly compassions unclear to me".

— "Silly? — Casta closed the eyes partly. — And you saw how at the beginning of fight when I lost balance and fell, this monster allowed me to get on feet? None of those dogs which I had fought on this arena did behave as nobly as this orc! By the way, let doctors hurry up to cure him. If he does not bleed profusely, then will recover and break many human heads in the arena for joy to this blood-thirsty cattle."

Old lanist did not answer the girl and left, grievously shaking the head. However Casta did not think of him any more — the assistant to the manager of the games Shabak, the young-looking person in a good silk tunic and with a gold necklace on the neck approached her.

-" You become limp, the heroine, — told Shabak with a contemptuous smile. — Earlier you killed without deliberating."

— "Earlier I was silly, now grew wiser. Have you brought my money?"

— "Here it is," — Shabak gave a sack with gold to the girl. Casta glanced in it.

— "Here are only ten sakkars. — she told, having hard look at Shabak. — We agreed on twenty five".

-" When noble Abnun signed the agreement with you,Seltonian, he expected to see Casta the Warrior, Casta the Murderer in the arena. But you have deserved the Casta-Crybaby nickname today."

— "Do you think, I will rush to beat your cute ugly face now, Shabak? -the girl told quietly though everything boiled in her soul. — Kind of not so, swine! I know that the law protects such small crud as you and your owner. But wait a moment, day will come, and you will come crawling to me, and will beg to act on this three times damned arena! For now go away from here, else I can forget about laws."

-" Silly whore! — Shabak smiled, but there was a fear in his eyes. — Beware, kind of your mad speeches may be transfer upward, to the House of the Sun."

-" Today the Sun from the House of the Sun was on representation, and in her eyes I read a request to be merciful, — Casta answered, — though a bunch of jackals similar to you demanded blood of this poor creature. I know what gods to pray. Fifteen sakkars remain as your debt, Shabak, and as a debt of fat belly toad by the name of Abnun. Once I will come to demand them back."

— "You will come ah! — Shabak made the averting gesture towards Casta. — Rather a sky will fall to the ground, or you will kiss your barbaric arse. The road to circus is closed for you now, a pathetic Seltonian. Forever. "

It is a lot of cities on the Universe tray, and immortal gods love each of them, but there is no city more rich and more perfect, than the Capital of Seven Seas, the Sacred city of Ygerabal, nice Darnat!

Young Shofet Ras Navan, the Keeper of the Sun, looked from a balcony of the palace at the huge bay of Darnat, and his heart was filled by pride. Which another city of the world has such port? High-speed trirema and enormous five-deck trade heptareses from the Gold Mountain seemed as the toys clamped in Ygerabal's Palm — so the Darnatians called the bay. All these vessels are within his power. And also all this city where temples, palaces and gardens are so awesome, that even crude barbarians fade with delight, getting on Darnat's streets. To services of the Shofet are fifty-thousand army from mercenaries and the huge fleet in one thousand ships, ready to break any enemy. There is nothing impossible for the Shofet. One word — and Darnat merchants will throw to his legs the infinite treasures which are saved up by many generations. One hint — and secret murderers will save him from the enemy even if they should go for his head at the end of the earth. One expressed desire — and court magicians will manage to awaken the secret and non-called forces to execute will of the Shofet. Truly, only the electee by the Highest forces can possess such great power in incomplete twenty years! However why is his heart broken and why sad thoughts often come to him? Why all gods are with him , and only one whimsical goddess bypasses him with her favor?

One and only goddess. The fine Kua granting love to the mortals.

-" Lukkar!" — quietly called Shofet.

One of two magnificently dressed up court, entered rest several moments ago and indecisively stiffened behind the back of the governor, shuddered, crept with small hasty short steps to Shofet, fell to his feet.

— "Did you deliver my gifts?" — asked Shofet.

— "Yes, the Shine of Shur!"

— "Did Shemmer-Ta-Nat accept them?"

— "She did not meet me, the Shine of Shur. I gave your presents to the housekeeper of Uzmay, and he swore that incomparable Shemmer-Ta-Nat would estimate their wealth and beauty that day."

— "Did you tell her about my invitation?"

— "Of course, the Shine of Shur. The housekeeper assured me that everything would be transfered to madam."

— "Well, Lukkar, I am happy with you". — Shofet gave a hand for a kiss, and Lukkar nestled lips to it right there.

— "Do you want to tell something, Gavaor? " — asked Shofet the second court, without turning around.

— "My lord, your uncle, the Supreme priest of Shat-Tsebu has arrived. He told that the master had appointed to him an audience to midday."

— "Truly, I absolutely forgot about it ... Invite him, Gavaor. And both of you may go."

Court, bowing and pressed down a marble floor by the very broad sleeves, slipped out rest. Shofet put a view on the bay. Water in the light of the sun seemed to be transparent-green, and only over the deep places became blue. His wife Kuati has green eyes. And Shemmer has blue ones. And for some reason recently he began to give preference to blue colour...

The visit of the Supreme priest Ras Navan apprehended with enthusiasm. Lord Ashran was only man at the court, except for Lukkar and Gavaor who knew about Shofet`s secret passion. To Shofet`s surprise Ashran regarded a confession of the young governor with favor. And, maybe, today Ras Navan will hear a practical advice from the head of priestly board of Shat-Tsebu. The loving uncle always has a good idea for the beloved nephew.

The priest who was magnificently dressed and smelling sweet as expensive aromas entered slow and important gait — his power is almost equal in Darnat to the power of the Shofet so it is not necessary to burden the meeting of relatives with unnecessary ceremonies. Having exchanged kiss with shofet, — the only requirement of court etiquette which lord Ashran always observed, — the priest sat on the bench. Ras Navan continued to stand.

— "Now we can speak quietly, — told Shofet. — Nobody will prevent us."

— "Glad to see you in good health, my dear nephew. Someone is surprised that you were not at the Games today. Such inattention to circus representation was considered even for sign of your illness."

-" I did not want to look at this slaughter. But if you started talking about it, so tell — whether there was anything outstanding today on the arena?"

— "In the first part there was a lot of blood. Abnun did not deceive our expectations. Animals were magnificent."

-" And in the second part?"

— "Your favourite Casta won against an orc, however left him life though all circus demanded to kill him."

— "It is similar to Casta, — grinned Shofet. — She looks like a wild cat, she cannot be tamed. Only therefore I still did not take her in my house. I will make her the concubine, and she will kill me, ha-ha-ha! So Abnun seems to be in rage?"

— "Yes! I think, the fat man is still in fear and dripping with bloody sweat. He promised you that Casta will finish off an orc."

— "I cannot be angry on Casta. She is capricious as untrained mare, but ... is beautiful. A lot of things are allowed to the beautiful woman."

— "With your permission, the nephew, such willfulness is unacceptable. Fights in circus are not only a show, but also a gift of the victim to gods. Fights have to come to an end with the death of participants."

— "I don`t care all this. I think of another, uncle."

— "About public affairs? Or about the blue-eyed maiden from Temple Quarter?"

-" I hope, you have kept in secret our conversation. "

-" Don`t you worry, priests are able to be silent. If you want to know my opinion, you should not give vent to feelings. Your wife Kuati is charming, and I would advise you to pay more attention to her, but not to the daughter of the merchant."

— "Uncle, it is stronger than me. I`ve been trying to conquer the passion for the second week, but it inflames more and stronger."

— "It is because you are young. At your age love is similar to madness — it absorbs us entirely and forces to make silly and unclear acts. Eventually, you are the Shofet, the Embodiment of the Sun on Earth. You are free to take any woman what you wish in your bed. Take Shemmer-Ta-Nat, and nobody will dare to condemn you. "

— "And father of Kuati? You forget, uncle, that I am married only four months. This world is arranged so that my communication with Shemmer-Ta-Nat will not manage to be hidden from human eyes. Rumors and gossips scatter quicker than arrows. Tsar Zurappa will be offended if he learns that I share a bed not only with his daughter. And it seems to me that I do not love Kuati and never loved."

— "For the benefit of the state you should like to her passionate love and somewhat quicker to give birth the successor from her," — the priest seriously told.

— "I know, uncle, I know! Her father waits from me the same. It would be so good and correct. However the goddess Kua laughs over me. There is no place left for my wife in my heart."

— "Gods sometimes joke on mortals, — Ashran uttered. — Here also perceive everything as a joke. Soon the Sea holiday, and you should think how to please sea lord Ygerabal. After all, this god patronizes Darnat."

-" And it is told by you, the priest of Shat-Tsebu? I do not understand you, uncle."

— "Now you will understand, — Ashran linked fingers of hands, lifted up eyes to a painted ceiling as if he were going to read there what he will tell to the governor then. — God Shat-Tsebu is happy with you, nephew. Our situation is far better, than it was at your father and my beloved brother, may he rest in peace! Sais is not the enemy to us any more, — your marriage with beautiful Kuati made us allies, — and in the south savage tribes grew quiet. The city of Five Rivers recognized your power, and still a year ago rebels filled there. However, in the West now it is still restless, and all because of damned Sabia. Their pirates continue to attack our merchant ships."

-" So what?"

— "We need to strengthen our fleet. Of course, Darnat's fleet is powerful and invincible also now, but will never prevent to add some oil in the lamp yet even if it burns brightly."

— "Go on. So far I cannot understand where you drive".

— "The lord has to be engaged in public affairs, — the priest mysteriously told, — and what can be more pleasing for gods, than strengthening of the city loved by them? In day of the Sea you will announce to Council of Wise that conceived to construct the new ships to extend our power to all Green sea. And you will construct them — a mighty squadron which will finish with Sabian robbers and their capital of Gale, this ulcer on a forehead of the ocean. Once your father wanted to subdue to Sabia, but the serious illness prevented him. You, not him, will bring a grand design to the end. You will destroy a den of Sabian robbers and will deserve favor of gods and appreciation of the people."

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