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Mercenary Company "Bright Heads". Prologue. The man who killed the past. (версия для иностранных читателей)

28.06.2022 — 03.07.2022
A short story, the events of which take place five centuries after the main plot. Meet one of the heroines of the Derth cycle and get ready to listen to her long story about the events that changed the world... !!!English version for foreign readers.!!! Special thanks to Sergey Elizarov (Сергей Елизаров) for editing the translation.
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— Why are your eyes white? — Leif suddenly asked, realizing that a couple more minutes, and he would not be able to muster up the courage for this question.

— Because I'm very old. — The detective looked at the inspector with a good-natured grin. — Have you ever heard how elves grow old, young man? I will not become gray and wrinkled with age, but my eyes are fading little by little. Grey, if you like. When they completely fade, I will fall asleep and not wake up. This is elven old age...

— What is your...

— You're talking to a woman, young man. — The elf narrowed her eyes slightly, but a soft smile still played on her lips. — A lot of. In that picture that the professor stole — do you remember what was depicted?

— Yes. — Leif shuddered, remembering the black and red stains on the canvas.

— I saw it myself. Do you want to listen to the tales of the old elf? About the last knight-queen of the continent and about the first queen-sorceress? About the fire in the sky and the death of dragons?

— Of course I want, Fru Veltritdotir!

— Well then, hand over the report — and take me to the Ludrian restaurant. — The elf flicked her cigarette overboard. — At your expense, of course, Inspector. Otherwise, I won't expect such a thing from your senior colleague... A drink and a portion of fried pork in sweet and sour sauce is on you, and a whole evening of entertaining stories is on me...

End of prologue. The next stop is five centuries earlier.

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