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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Enchanted I listened to the old man, but his last words протрезвили me and made me look at the clock. Oh, the devil, I found that before the end of dismissal, after which the battery will be checked, left measly half an hour, and I can greatly get stuck. Time left to spare. If I didn't want trouble, I had to immediately go way back.

-We have no time, " said the old man, and I was completely agree with him. — We have no time, " said he, making incomprehensible for me focus on this aspect, because... because tonight I'm going to die.

I again looked at the old man as abnormal.

-How do you know this?

-I know a lot from the that is not revealed to you.

"What makes you deal with these earthly Affairs? Why, if you know you're going to die, why you are not ready to die, and sit ye here whilst and chat with me about all sorts of trivial matters? And maybe you can help you to not die?

-I still have some to whom some obligations, dear boy, and not doing them I can't disappear. And help me as nothing impossible and not do that, because I don't want this.

-You want to die?

-I want to or don't want — it's not in my power.

-And in whose then?

-There were powerful forces that govern our existence. Can you believe, young man?

-I can, " I replied, however, not too confident in what he said.

-Well, then I tell you what. Believe me, the old man, who lived the life, a person, who has nothing to lose because he knows that tonight will die, but even to this event is treated with great condescension, almost indifferently. Believe me, that is both God and the Devil, and all that is written about them, maybe, not quite truthfully, but enough to understand their essence, as a phenomenon. And moreover, what is written about them, speak and do not be a mere mortal. Let he chooses how to live, how to be who you serve. It only repeat, every picture of life can and should develop, if it appeared in this world... Yes, there is God. It is not available, because't tempt, but awaits man, his servant when he comes in his Kingdom. But there is another world, he is closer to a man, closer earthly because pulling in the other direction, into the darkness of тьмущую.

The old man, прередохнув, continued:

-There are sorcerers, witches, there are wizards. There are a lot of evil spirits, not just in it faces, and who happen, will himself to her and attached. There are devils, there are vampires, and there is a Devil, the King and the Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness Several thousands. Hard to mortal resist his temptations, for whom he or its fiery eyes would get... Remember and believe that all this on the ground and above the reach of man. All walk under God and the Devil, and between them choose their own way. With the Devil easier. It offers the transaction simple and clear, earthly properties. Many seasoned his lips. God hasn't. He gave everything a person at birth. He is the Creator, he is the Creator, not the adversary. To it do not use the resulting упишься, it can only believe that he is, believe and serve him, doing good on earth, until the end path through purgatory... In this country God is weak, and the devil is mighty. In the people of this country kill the living, destroy the soul. In other countries, too, but not to such an extent, and here especially. In you kill the souls devil servants, in a great variety of staying among mortals and nothing from them indistinguishable. And, depriving the soul, you are deprived of faith, and all of you are going in the army of the Devil, without noticing it. You продаетесь him, and he was happy to success, вершащемуся on this earth... All trying to understand God. But how can a creature understand the Creator, even if it is in his image and likeness? God cannot be understood, it can only believe, and you are deprived of it. Church closed, the churches of God have been looted and farmed out to the Devil. Dying is your land, is nearing Геене Fire, to burn in together with the Damned. Don't believe you and believe not.

-Yes, but we believe in many things and often make mistakes, disappointment, " I said old man trying to break through to reality through зачаровывающщую veil of his words.

"Fool! Believe only in the Singular and Holy. All and the rest of the faith, as magical, all this tinsel, a substitute from his Excellency the Devil. Believe in anything, but not in God, and the Devil will be pleased. Believe whatever you like, but remember that believe in a lie. And when faith in a lie gave the fruits of joy? Believe anything except God, but you will believe in Nothing, you'll believe the Devil... Only Holiness without blemish. Only the Holy one can trust. You blind people believe not in heart and mind. And faith is the mind that is the faith of the Devil. You believe what you are told to believe, drowning out his voice of the heart. You can only portray the faith, but not to take it... In God we must believe in one's heart, he was not fooled, although in other hearts already firmly nest Wicked. If you believe in God, it means that he remembers you and not forgotten in this lost world. If you don't believe, but represent, лицедействуя, you deceive yourself, but also calling on the head of his God Karu... Sinful people try to make them believe in other integrity of these same mortals, equal before the Lord rest, to create earthly idols. Indeed they are sinners. How can a mortal be great, rise above the other? Only stewards of God has the right to rule and reign on the earth. And these came out of the Darkness. They come not from above but from below and turned everything upside down, the whole of the earth's deep-seated order. They came out of the darkness and serve the darkness. Indeed, sinful, worshipping them. I CMEWbut watch what's happening on the ground. Not among mortals true righteous, because all are the servants of God. Among them there are only worthy of the flour of the Lord. In every man fights the Divine and the Diabolical. The divine is nourished by faith, and if the soul has no faith, then it fades like deprived of water a flower. Soul unhallowed risks to be tempted of the Devil, just only will they примечена...

-Aren't you make me a believer, pious righteous? — I threw the old man, realizing that if still a little побезмолвствую, you will not get out of the enveloping me shroud of his words.

-Repent, Herod! suddenly the old man yelled at me. — Fear God, thou wretch, and pray, pray, обретай faith until it's too late to ever make! I know who to hunt for you! Not my fault and not yours, that your soul is almost dead faith. But revive her, quicken, while the voice of the Lord is still reaches her weak echo! Dried flowers are not alive, but your flower can still be saved...

The old man continued to talk, but I was already in a coma and not listening. In my mind raced with crazy прытью lines, and I enjoyed their movement. Beginning caught on with the words:

My soul is killed and the dead,

Dried flowers are not alive...

And that further on, on, on. Something beautiful and quick and elusive. And compared with that everything else so unimportant, and so ridiculous.

When it was over, I heard again the voice of the old man, who continued monologue:

-... my goal is completely different. I on the scales, but your soul can hardly save as far as I understood from our conversation. But you should know that you be after death in hell, if will not turn you to God. Unfortunately, the allotted time does not allow me to do a revivification of your soul with all my desire. I don't live on earth in this dimension, even until the morning.

His eyes gleamed in the darkness, and he continued:

-But I must have, at whatever cost to send you the keys to the secrets.

"Yes but what the hell do I need them!" — wanted to cry, I remembered what almost on the verge of collapse and that I need to and that there is a spirit race in the school.

There was a pause in the conversation of confusion. I did not know that there myself thinking the old man, but in my head thoughts spun in a disorderly cycle. The silence lasted, and the old man was not, apparently, violate. And carousel in my mind раскручиваллась faster and faster, and I did not know what to say in a minute, second, what a thought, good or rash, fall out on the line in this roulette.

-Well, I am ready to listen to you, unexpectedly for himself betrayed and I thought, "Well, tough made!" looking at the clock, I noticed with horror that was already too late, and I suddenly became still, that will be with me in school. As if it's gone somewhere in infinitely far future.

The old man watched over me all this time and, in all probability, have not escaped occurring in me change.

-You were going somewhere in a hurry? he asked carefully and with the participation.

I didn't like the volatility of its appeal to me: "you", "you". You cannot, it was impossible to determine, in fact, he treats me.

-No, no, you thought, " I decided to stay with him an official tone.

"Well, then, perhaps, I will begin, — said the master of the house, and I turned away in the dark for a few seconds. — First of all, — he continued, as he turned to me again, — I have to show you this house. I must hurry because time I only have till dawn. And one inspection and we need to crawl about three hours.

-About three hours?! — I was surprised.

-Yes, about three hours. This house a lot more than you think. What can be seen from the outside, only a small part. As the tip of the iceberg is visible only a tenth of the total. So, guys, let's go.

He took the lamp in hand, rose from the table and went to exit the room. I hurried after him. In the darkness I heard his voice, speaking to me:

-All that be in this house from the moment of my death enters your property. Think of. That you got a very good legacy and be proud of it. You'll be back here then. I think that the heir would have time and wish to get acquainted with his богатсовм closer. It very much, and we will conduct a thorough survey of you to know, that where the and where is...

I still was not very fun to listen to his constant arguments about the death. Even the inside cooled temptation to make a disgusting feeling of nausea. "Let you die, but how the hell all the time to remind me about it. In my opinion, a normal man досаточно one time he remembered what he was told, ' thought I, making the way for him. His continued sobbing so taken out of me that sometimes I had to compress fists and стискивать teeth, not to throw tantrums and malice, подступавших together with nausea.

So, in the dark, I passed it from one room to another and listened to his explanation interspersed with reminders of emergency his death.

The house was really more of any of my expectations. First I took a count of the room, but when the number of their early twenties, lost count. One could not say that I remember all their contents, which were mostly, as I understand it, some very rare and valuable books, manuscripts, originals of someone's diaries, as well as things that do not have, from my point of view, not only for me, but, in General, no one, absolutely of no use and that are fit only for the space under the glass Museum.

However, see more or less detail what was in the vaults of the house, was impossible in the dim light of a kerosene lamp, and most of the information I received on the hearing and the faith that told me the old man.

-Once, long time ago — then he said casually, " I had a good job, got a salary is not that good and decent, you could say. In those days I could easily contain his family, did not know any problems. It was so long ago that you thought it was not. In those times people lived well, much better than now. Here is the coffee that we've been drinking, it's natural, Brazilian coffee, what now can not be found, remained with me since those times допотоных. This is my reserve has since years. I have a few jars. Use them to health. When you need you will find it in the kitchen, in the white hanging closet. But it then...

I followed him and listened to his chatter, перемежавшуюся with указаниами about what lies where, but nothing in the condition was to remember. Perhaps the reason is that very tired. And the old man has gone before, absolutely no interest in. Сллушаю I it or not, as if it were self-evident and continued his nobody knows for whom затеянный story:

-... you probably wonder why досмтопамятное time when in the shop you can freely buy cheap sausage, easily get Brazilian coffee, and coffee in General, as such, when the shelves abounded variety of products, why I did the stocks were purchased for the future, right?

"Yes, " I answered mechanically, although similar question I was not tortured.

You could hear the old man chuckled weakly, almost began to cough, and continued:

-Only thanks to my innate instinct, instinctive Jewish instinct, my boy! That's all, plus a little наблдательности and logical thinking. In those days, I still did not possess powerful knowledge that are open to me now, and was just an ordinary man with ordinary vain concerns of ordinary human life. Now I would not do this shallow vanity, because my position frees me from this burden. And then I was a mere mortal. Now I don't need to lie.

The old man sighed, stood, and turned around, trying to look me in the eye to determine probably, if I believe him or not. But, I потупил opinion, because, as already said, could not bear to gaze in your eyes, especially if looked at me, an old man.

We again moved forward along the endless corridors and passages of the house, which seemed to have no end.

"Yes, " I heard again the voice of my companion, " I have lived a long time and seen a lot in its lifetime. It isn't hard to see, that every year to live became heavier and heavier, and more recently, you've come to the light, unbearable. In those days I was a family man, lived, that is, as all. Had a wife and son. Was the house, though not my corner, but I do not think and do not call home apartment or another place to stay. I call home some commonality of people, namely, husband, wife, their children, their links, the feelings they have for each other, relations between them, in a word, it is quite clear what I mean by the word "house". Now, I had a personal house. Yes, we had to knock about different corners, so, probably, this house was to be scattered, having no time to recuperate. Wife left me. Yes, she lived close, but the body belonged not only to me, and soul at all did not belong to anyone and even to itself. Poor woman. She allowed herself to ruin свитое her nest. It all хотелосьвстряхнуть me. But it was not in me. Simply everyone is earthly path, where there are intersections and bifurcation. And then a strong spirit chooses one way rather weak and tired, broken destiny, walking to the other, leading to the abyss and drags into the abyss of his companions, идущиx with him, speaking the language of climbers, in one bundle.

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