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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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After heavy fight and attempt, Lev Eraskander was surprisingly quickly restored. Of course, the newest technologies of regeneration have the effect, but nevertheless even for skilled doctors it was a surprise. The boy rose and with surprising ease went on spacious chamber. A floor under naked soles was warm very elastic, and on it it is possible to jump up as if on a trampoline. Walls of the chamber were painted as if a lawn where cubs of race of Liffi, the amusing heads of deer, a trunk of leopards, paws and to a tail of jerboas, only with more magnificent brush on the end froliced.

The office is here not prison, a graviovizor with the three-dimensional hologram in a corner, fresh air with a smell of herbs, a hydrobed and the nurse robot in the form of orange with spidery legs. His first thought was: "And what if to run away?" To leave chamber not a feat of Heracles to make, as well as to disconnect the cybernetic nurse, but how to get rid of a slave collar, and what is even more difficult, of the watching device tightly implanted in a backbone. If to try to escape, it will be caught right there and probably liquidated. Dealt with attempt, do not accuse it, but also did not touch Urlik, testimonies of the slave in this case have no validity. And he did not perform a task of the guerrilla group yet, did not manage to send a graviogramma to Great Zorgu. Thereby it brings companions, undermining already fragile confidence. But as he will make it if all transmitters under control, and each its step is traced by the tireless computer. The boy in disappointment jumped up, touched by a ceiling hand with the drawn sea monster it is rather however, amusing, than terrible. Then uttered:

— Stalemates do not happen, for this purpose at whom thoughts do not leave, through the back place! The joke for a while amused Lev, but then the mood fell again. Was from what to come to despair, but Fortuna is the goddess whimsical and not always is favorable. However, it is the great goddess loves young and strong which do not lose courage!

The armor door of chamber was moved apart also in cozy, become suddenly is dazzling white from streams of disinfecting radiation, the room the woman of marvelous beauty entered. She seemed to the young man the fantastic fairy. High, sports (two meters — the standard size for stelzan of females) it is also dazzling beautiful with surprisingly nice and tender face. And it was quite unusual as from stelzan always flies aggression and impudence. She put the soft gentle hand on a shoulder to the guy, having softly scratched skin is luminescent bright nails.

— My dear friend, you already got on feet! And I was afraid that this monster will leave you forever the cripple.

Her seven-color poured hair touched brawny as the put guards of a breast of the young man, and the smell of the thinnest spirits was stupefying, inspiring with passion. The lion was not a fool and at once understood that tender Tsirtsy from him it is necessary for this, but, nevertheless, asked:

— Sorry, who you are such?

She drew near closer, licked a pink uvula the boy in a smooth forehead, and softly said a ringing golosochok:

— I am Vener Allamara, the daughter of the local governor, the officer of 9 stars, department of commercial investigation. Be not afraid, I will not do you harm. Just I suggest to distract and be passed to my personal palace. Believe, he is magnificent and beautiful. I will show you much it that you never saw on the Earth forgotten by all. I call it the planet of grief.

— Why? — The lion asked mechanically, at the same time involuntarily reddening from feeling of passion of the delightful star from title race of the Great star empire.

— The Lord cries, seeing as the person fell, the blaster burned to people flesh — the century is full of suffering! — With aspiration and in a rhyme said Vener and, carefully held, the moving-back young man with a hand. — And you are so similar to us. There was a wish to check only a brute force or something else!

In Lev the teenage confusion and natural vigilance in relation to all hated to mankind to stelzana and natural call of a young, sound body fought. The voice of the boy gave confusion and strong confusion:

— It is very interesting, but on me a collar of the slave and the watching Death grip device.

Vener said contemptuous tone as if it was talked of a real trifle:

— It is not a problem. It is easy to disconnect and remove a collar when you know all its principles of work. And as for your watching device, your nominal owner Dzhover Hermes will not disturb me. — Stelzanka for greater expressiveness carried out by a palm edge on air. — My magnate father can cause it the mountain of abrupt problems.

Having made imperative gesture, she invited to follow her. That to miss such chance it would be guilty... And not only for itself that calmed conscience...

* * *

Armor avtoletoplan smoothly came off a basalt covering and directed up. On Earth where from old houses there were, at best, ruins, and from new structures there were only barracks, military bases and the residence of the governor. The lion never before saw such cities. The huge skyscrapers going on kilometers to height. They it seemed the tops, tear lilac and pink clouds of this world. In height flying cars, from diskolet and tear-shaped forms of stelzan and races of humanoid type, to extremely elaborate design of those types of life rush that it and close analogy cannot be found on Earth. Kilometer billboards, giant temples to various gods and individuals. The trailing and moving around buildings gardens with the most improbable and wild plants, flowers and live minerals in a form. Practically all houses were different in color and composition. Stelzana very much loved bright colors, a complex iridescent combination of paints, game of diverse motley radiations. Even the numerous buildings built by local population to a gain of this planet were painted and decked under tastes of aggressors. Eraskander also loved sated tone and a difficult marvelous play of light, this city seemed to him fantastically beautiful. Especially, if to remember the mutilated and humiliated Earth. Meanwhile Vener Allamara nestled on him more and more closely, massing hands a naked body. The boy was almost naked, and without volition was more and stronger excited, he literally wanted to snatch on the sitting next hetera. Vener was also more and more excited, radiating desire.

Though to Lev there were even no 19 cycles (the commentator slightly overestimated his age), it not on age was high and strong. Height is nearly a meter ninety, and weight is under ninety kilograms without the slightest hint on fat. The dark bronze tan shades very relief and deep muscles, doing a figure even more attractive. It terribly strong for the age that gives it special originality in man's beauty. In what there is nothing surprising, on Earth of the girl went crazy on the mighty guy with Apollo's build, but with the young face keeping teenage rotundity and skin, gladenky without uniform volosik. Head hair at the same time dense, golden светлыnbsp; e, slightly wavy that however, because of a hairstyle, short, fashionable at stelzan, not so considerably. And what is loved by women? Beauty, force, youth and if carries also mind. It is necessary to consider that at stelzan the woman who is actively removing the man — in the nature of things then there is nothing unusual. Equality in military business extremely pulled together also mentality in the sexual relations when both the male and a female is races aggressors equally, without knowing shame, brag of the victories on the love front. The lion crookedly smiled, having seen in the form of a female, massive and athletic figure a skyscraper which dozen of enormous windows reminded full maiden breasts, shining as if asterisks in the sky nipples. Amusing designs at the nation of an aggressor. The boundless empire with a matriarchy element. It is rather surprising that the whole turn of lewd females was not built.

Ahead the highest building in the province — the Temple of the emperor towered. It was a very tall multidome construction. Domes were the most various forms and flowers which sparkled is dazzling brightly. In a sanctuary there was a hyper plasma reactor therefore when it became dark, the enormous hologram with a view of the temple or the speaker space "supertsezarya" was highlighted. Having passed the central Temple of the great emperor. They took off on Vadkoroz Street. Here and its palace — magnificent, huge, just tremendous imagination, honor with height in kilometer. The manner of a structure is very similar to drevnevostochny style, only a coloring too motley, multi-color, with the light garlands and fountains beating from domes. And from above the hologram in the form of the sparkling glow in which it is possible to distinguish contours of the breaking-up starprobe vehicle. At an entrance it is several robots security guards, dozen of police natives (mix of orthograde cats with magnificent minks). The security officer of the palace stelzan-officer friendly smiled, having stretched a wide palm.

— And you, sonny, well done! Real soldier of Great Stelzanat. Ask our madam, she will achieve, and you will become a soldier and if you cause a stir, then you will obtain citizenship and together with us will operate the Universe...

Vener interrupted with unexpectedly severe voice the officer.

— Do not climb in others affairs! You, soldiers, frankly speaking, in serene time for nothing absorb a protein while we, ecoinvestigation, always work home. Perhaps peaceful existence between the worlds, but never between economies.

And again friendly having smiled, stroked Lev on a brawny suntanned back, rumpled strong fingers, with sharp nails, an elastic breast. Tight muscles, heart fights exactly.

— What smooth skin at you, as if Samadorova cockleshell.

When they entered in magnificent krapleny precious kamenye the hall, Vener could not master itself any more. Having dumped clothes, it snatched on the guy. Its magnificent as buds of scarlet roses, breasts bulked up and seductively attracted. Harmonous golden and bronze legs were crossed in the tempting movement. It was thinner also to the land, than most of women of the great empire, and at the same time is hotter in a bed. Eraskander was beyond the years strong too. To it also if to admit, there was a terrible wish to copulate...

The lion felt the sailing yacht which is torn a full speed forward, and got into a storm. Wind grows stronger, passing into a violent hurricane, and on all mighty young body as if a tsunami, waves of violent passion rush. And each new push generates even more powerful earthquake, the shaft accrues, and in each cell of a body as if drenches with precious splashes of happiness a surf of fantastic pleasure. Several hours the young man and the woman made love, having endured the whole cascade of feelings. When they sated and weakened, lay on a magnificent carpet, it was splendidly pleasant to them. Numerous multi-colored mirrors under different corners lit spacious as good stadium, the hall. When lovers furiously were blissfully happy, weaving the bodies shining the polished bronze, mirrors from all points and ranges reflected the wavy movements. Star Aphrodite with voluptuous groan turned, her face radiated happiness, calloused hands of the gladiator boy massed her fine-molded leg, ironed between long graceful fingers, tickled pink to the patch, then rose to magnificent hips. Vener flitting in pleasure clouds, with enthusiasm said:

— Incomparably! You are just a wizard! To me never and with anybody it was not so good. You such strong and gentle, and our men not such as person...

The lion too quite sincerely answered. After the next passionate kiss Vener in a breast from what young, strong heart was clogged stronger, the passion in the tempered flesh wakened with a new force. In reply the fellow attracted it for shoulders to himself, language having licked a ruby butonchik of a nipple, by the voice which is broken for nervousness quietly said:

— Also you know not such as Great Stelzanat's women, in you there is so much tenderness and kindness, remind the fantastic princess, and you want to be rescued. Excuse for a request, but I wish to give a graviogramma that my parents did not worry to Earth. After all we in other galaxy, at a distance in hundreds of thousands of light cycles years.

The warrior of commercial investigation very much wanted to thank the wonderful boy of unfairly oppressed race therefore she joyfully exclaimed:

— Perfectly! I have a strong radio station with an individual code, the privilege of governors. Tell that you want, and I will help you. Only for it tomorrow we will make love again...

The lion literally blossomed in a smile.

— In that case I agree. You are just goddess Venus.

— Who?! — Stelzana represented surprise on a face though comparison with a deity was pleasant to her.

— This is the goddess of love and happiness on our planet. — Simply and simply Eraskander answered and involuntarily looked down.

— Kvazarny expression! I will sometime arrive on your planet. And you hurry, too long absence is dangerous to you. — Vener unexpectedly cooled down, itself quite roughly raised the young man for a shoulder, having even a little torn off it from a floor.

— Kvazarnoye? It from the word "quasar"? Probably, it is the biggest star in the Universe, and I still such small, — it is playful as if without noticing roughness, Eraskander said.

— It is not necessary, Lev! I accept all your sizes! — Stelzanka began to smile stronger, once again greedy kissed the honey lips on a velvet mouth of the beloved, and having let out a sigh of a regret released, the guy.

To Eraskander it was a little awkward, he did not know who his real parents, and to tell lies already, it seems, to the beloved, somehow podlovato. Even if it and the soldier of Purple constellation, the empire in the cruelty and unscrupulousness which eclipsed all the predecessors in the Universe. Without spending time for further disputes are empty, the young man surely and quickly sent a graviagramma. It was quite simply, a simple set keys. Then accompanied by the new companion returned to the aircraft. On the way back all it seemed majestic and air. Numerous assemblies of exotic buildings were poured by joyful light, occupations by love gave brightness to paints and freshness to impressions.

* * *

In chamber it was waited by the whole enormous bush of magnificent flowers with the stupefying smell and the live trembling petals. And also marvelously smart table with exotic, even by the standards of the star empire, viands. The native hospital attendant so low bowed now that touched by the ears, long with brilliant wool, a plastic floor. And the severe doctor somehow badly winked:

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