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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-We go from here, " she said in a barely audible.

-Go, — quieter I said, and overcoming stupor, took her hand. I felt like that you can't stay here longer and see something.

When we walked away from the stables metres twenty five-thirty in the forest, I looked around. Windows continued to glow ghostly greenish-violet-blue.

"You didn't pay attention to what happened to the wolf? — Suddenly asked Alain, and from this question to me was strange anxiety.

"He disappeared, " I said, finally realizing that I have not seen, and it was actually. And Alena saw it too. — And what?

-No, nothing, " girl, apparently, gradually recover. — I just have the feeling that someone is lurking...

I immediately turned around, but in the pitch darkness, already in the distance were visible only ghostly shimmering window stables.

-No, Alena, this is for you I thought I hurried to reassure not so much a girl, but to himself.

-Well, if so...

We emerged from the forest. And only when almost had reached the bridge, crossing the swamp, little by little began to return to the presence of the spirit and the ability to adequately perceive the reality.

-Oh boy you got going on! — I was surprised.

-It is really the case?! "She finally Alena. — The so — dealings.

-Oh, my little business! This is hell!

-Can be hell... Only you know, lice infest from dirt, and this " — she nodded back, — starts from boredom, Yes anguish.

-In General, enchanting! — Suddenly, unexpectedly for myself I have made the assessment. — Worse than any show will be. But you're such a nonsense't do, but you are too dull and dreary!

-And what? Going Alena. — Very well could. Simply, I probably still wouldn't have grown...

She suddenly paused and then made the following observation:

-And the wolf I had never seen before...

-And all the rest?

-Everything else saw, maybe not that way. And the glow that never was. Yes and I was afraid to go look. I, occasionally, with one eye, when it was unbearable...Quiet!

Alena suddenly started to listen not even breathing. I, too, held his breath, stress вслушавшись in impenetrable darkness. Somewhere in the back had heard some subtle sounds. As if someone pillow slapped on a dusty road. "Wolf!" — for some reason, I thought.

"Come on! "I cried suddenly, seized the girl by the arm, and dragged her over to the village.

It seemed to me that I am born like a wind, and Alena a heavy load behind prevent my running and even limited by, trying to stop me. We hit the bridge, and the only place I allowed myself to stop and turn around. Heart furiously колотившееся chest, all muffled sounds, and so I heard, I felt it a subtle vibration of the earth from four about her paws. I realized that we don't run away. We had to defend himself, but what?

I searched and tried to tear the first pole handrails, then Board the bridge deck. She did, and I caught up with her in his arms like something dropped on me, pounding feet in the chest, knocking down and enveloped by the warm smelly breath. Falling on his back under the weight of attacking me mascara (and doubt I now was, that is the wolf), I heard, as if from afar frightened yelp Alena and gasped her last strength:


Board was still in my hand, and I fall in впихнул her miraculously into the mouth of a predator, while holding that have the strength. But the wolf began to advance upon, and I could feel my strength quickly pose, and that would last me quite long.

Begi, Alena, run! I shouted again, feeling that for more than't say nothing. Light my squished attacking mass so that it was impossible to breathe and gram air.

But Alena didn't run away. She was somewhere close by in the darkness, and through growl and ... " another croak brute, through the sounds of a struggle, I heard the rustle of steps somewhere close by in the darkness.

I fought as best they could. From the jaws of a wolf at me breathed warm and смрадное breath, and I'm stronger and stronger feeling recent strength is leaving me. In the minds clearly there was only one thought, that this is the end...

Suddenly the wolf as the donkey on his hind legs, like a little set me free. There was a dull blow, before which, apparently, was another. Then blows, the same deaf and the great fell one after another until the carcass of the beast, will not lay down with me somewhere in the side.

Whether from large nervous tension, or even why, but I suddenly felt that I was losing consciousness, and only managed to sweet-joy to think: "Saved!.."

Chapter 5.

Gladyshev worked under me. I also tried to rise, suffocating in the smoke. But we interfere with each other until раскатились in hand.

Standing up, I felt the wall, and began moving it, feeling through the acrid haze of smoke hot flames. I felt the jamb of the door, got out the door and slamming it behind him.

In the room where I was, too, was a smoke. I looked at her eyes, imagining that she will be enveloped in flames. "But where Gladyshev?!" — pierced me suddenly thought. I suddenly imagined, as he burns in the fire, and opened the door again, to call him. In the person I smell the burning flame burst from there. Door from the other side already started to burn. Paint it black and запузырилась.

-Gladyshev! I shouted that it was urine. — Gladyshev!!!

"What's going on?! Was suddenly behind me indignant voice.

I turned around, slamming the door. Lancashire stood on the threshold of the room, and looked at me with wide open eyes, rounded indignation.

-There...there... There is a fire! — all he could say was I, pointing to the door.

"Why?!! suddenly screaming hysterically shouted aunt, even jumping on his thick and short legs indignation. — Kako-it-on the way-and?!

-No! 'I replied, and added, again pointing to the door. -There Gladyshev...

Most likely, it was his mother.

-What?!! — She cried. 'Help!!! Help!!! Help!!! — And rushed toward me, rather, to the door.

His feet carried me to the other side, and when the woman opened the already burning the door, her heart-rending yells, "Uh-heh-heh-heh-heh!!!" — already heard on the stairs, almost head over heels down on the rail of the apartment together with a валившим the stairwell smoke.

Jumped out, I lifted his head. Gladyshev hung on the drainpipe, bloated and look anxiously staring to the window, from which there together with the smoke behind the flames, then down to the ground, which was rather far away fly.

-Gladyshev!!! You're an asshole, you know?!! Moron!!! — What was the strength of " I shouted.

He puffed up at me with his eyes, as if seen for the first time, why his scared face till you drop comical, but has caused me, shocked occurring, only new attack клокочущей rage.

-What, goat, eyes widened?! I shouted , going on so I devoid of jargon.

Meanwhile, on the street, onlookers began to gather. Some have long attracted smoke, валивший of Windows, the others came to my cries.

Here from the neighbouring steaming window, opened it, leaned out the aunt that was in the apartment at such a bad time.

-My son! Honey, what's wrong with you?! — She cried bad voice, and the whole crowd that surrounded me, lifted her head up.

'Mama! — Only and could answer her Gladyshev.

"Bastard!" I thought, and began to squeeze through the crowd, apparently sensing that be here I no longer need or even dangerous.

-Keep, keep it up! There was a screeching at the top of her aunt.

I turned around and saw her index finger directly at me: "why?!" — flashed in my head недоуменная thought, but my feet already have accelerated the movement. — "And suddenly some ass and really decide to seize me?!!"

-Keep it?! — Kept on screaming aunt, loud coughing in the smoke (now he was already two Windows at once).

I added step, and then ran. But for me it seems that no one was chasing, and through the quarter I realized that the danger was over, and went a step.

I am so tired of all that is happening with me that now was finally defeated and depressed. Besides it was toward evening, and I didn't know now where I stay. Somewhere in the depths of my mind some half an hour ago a faint hope of being able to stay at Gladysheva. But now the way was ordered, and you yourself Гладышеву will now not sleep, and, especially, not to the guests.

Grew dark, and I was aimlessly wandering about the city, not knowing what to do now. Nothing better to do I went to the falls on the way of shops, although food from afar off long bursts. Several times I went in, and going from there, thought I'd do, if I'd not had fallen suddenly, as if from heaven, some wealth. "Not from heaven", — said to myself, I, and my heart every time sank out of awe.

Don't know how I found myself at a familiar Brasserie bar, though, and think not thought about him.

Standing in front of the doors, I felt like soda, me toe to toe gradually but quickly filled some vague presentiment. If dreams born of memories, steel like a rainbow bubbles float upwards, born from the foam of nostalgia. However, something остерегало kept me from having to go there.

People walked into the bar and come out of it. They were mostly experienced guys, but some were younger, and even met the young guys. I stood in front hesitated, watching inside struggling desire and fear of the unknown, from which посасывало stomach.

Curiosity and the subliminal sense of adventure have won in the end, and I took a step from the sidewalk.

Inside everything was like a few months ago: the same faces, the same beer, same small turn to the rack. When I finally took a beer and sausages and been able to take a loved th the table, at which we often they with Охромовым in a fun campaign, then suddenly longing came my heart, as a sudden blast, окатившая gravel during a full calm. All that is happening, all I'm doing now, it seemed meaningless, and in an instant it became empty and worthless. In the throat com, подкатившийся from somewhere in the bowels of the body, and my fork still long and aimlessly ковыряла pristine sausages.

Gradually gave way to sadness illusion waiting, and I thought it would be very good, right in great if someone here has come from friends, even Охромов or that old man who first met me here.

At first it was a sweet and malleable, but later became empty, cold, and boring. I knew that I was deceiving himself that no one will come here. Nobody I wait here, and I'm now quite alone in the world, and nobody needs. And if happen to me today to die somewhere in the alley, then there will be nobody even to cry about me: my whole life — one loss, the people I meet on my way, but go away like shadows, never stopping for a long time, and detain any of them, make its true friend, my strength, and therefore the whole world very often illusory gains shape and flimsy, like a Mirage. And it seems then, that the soil of reality's drift away from under my feet, as if I am not on it at all, and I weigh, not having any actual weight, and opens a picture of some other, more terrible, but equally or more natural existence. The vessel that holds my life in the self, as the water will be broken, and it will spread runs out in some other, unknown to me now space, and it will be scary.

I was someone touched his shoulder. I turned around and saw aunt, that since time immemorial collected in this institution dishes and wiping tables, отираясь between tipsy and arrogant men and becoming as coarse and rough:

-Hey, you, " she relish выматерилась, if схаркнула, is going to stay here?

I didn't understand at first what she says, but turning around, I saw that the bar was empty. The tables were empty and clean worn out, and only stood on my plate with intact sausages, расковырянными fork drastically, and a mug of beer.

No sooner had I bat my eye, like an aunt, as if wiped away, removed the dishes all this and without letting say a word to me, concluded:

-Вшивайся come right now rag огрею.

I went out and immediately, barely smack behind my back the latch on the door of the bar, incipient famine and wished I had not had time to eat.

It was already dark, in the houses lit up window, somewhere on the street-lamps were lit light bulb. Air quickly began to lose heat, once again reminding that the summer is gone, and soon became cool and even more than invigorating. The rare passers-by hurrying, raising collars and запахнувшись to warm homes. And only occasionally went hurriedly walking, young, fashionably dressed for the weather pair, apparently specially taking to the streets of the city, to breathe a pleasant coolness of the beginning of autumn, Yes gawk at the shop Windows, so different from their content, and can be, to feel yourself even in the evening hours in some other, happy and carefree, prosperous world.

I wandered through the city streets aimlessly reeling already not the first kilometer. In one of the darkest places in a vacant lot adjacent to the garage cooperative, crazy fight, which involved a total of at least fifty boys and men, armed with chains and sticks, knives and electrodes, almost grabbed me in his sticky porridge, and then in my head for the first time has flown regret that I left in the dark, deaf quarters. Everything happened so fast and was first so incomprehensible that in a moment around me already chased each other with the light of spotlights from not close garages, waving and beaten with chains and sticks, kicked the fallen feet, stumbled, cursed and shouted themselves with moans toppled to the ground. I barely understood what was happening all of a sudden I immediately animal horror gripped my being, because the shock something heavy mono expect now from any side at any moment.

These breakthrough fights between gangs of youngsters and older guys, дравшихся among themselves for the territory of influence, were known to me not by hearsay since childhood. I have never participated in them because it was not in gangs. But many of my childhood friends took a direct role, and because I knew that they were fighting never stayed before, to turn in chop bystanders mi unwanted witnesses: who is not with us, that they should beat — that was the motto of such dumps.

Someone jumped me in мелькании shadows and слепящем light of spotlights and, grasping the hand, turned in the opposite direction. I have not seen, and almost guessed that I want to cover, like a human shield, and therefore immediately dodged aside. Behind me I heard a moan on the shoulder and slid Dubina. Were seen engaged for me the fingers relaxed, and I rushed away with all the legs, because that was not going at all to wait for the next hit, which was probably meant to me. Turning around, I saw that for me someone chases. Several times I bumped into someone at a мелькании shadows, but it ran, it would seem, even faster. Persecuting apparently took catch me and RUB his cudgel, and its steps difficult and scary stamped for моейц back. Towards fall "Canaries", брызгающие in the darkness flashes of blue light from the "bubbles". Apparently, they were sent to the place of fights, but none of the machines did not stop to catch the one who ran behind me.

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