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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-All, but not all! — Another quite different. Your out as the time and got under the wolf!

Bat-тюшки! Piano threw up her hands Пантелеиха, trying to be frightened or to depict it on the face. Now evident became stronger, that it quite drunk. -Yes how?!

"Okay well, you panic inducing, Peter! Calm down, Pelageya, alive your guest. See — is unharmed, and the wolf there, lying around in a cart. We пришибли дубьем. Nothing bad happened! Can-Meaux only scratched a little bit, " said a conversation third.

-And on what occasion you today partying, citizen Pelageya Panteleevna? — Flirting, went to a fortune Peter twisting fingers spread some финтифлюшки.

-But, — Pelageya pulled me by the sleeve, and I let myself, went to her-that's my guest. On this occasion, and drink.

"Well?! Shrugged his shoulders Peter. -Goes — we culprit celebrations saved?!

He turned and funny rolled my eyes, feigning astonishment, and then, again glancing at Пелагею, added:

"Well, in that case, legally pour us as a native language, under the top edge of the glass!

-Peter! — Restrained him one that is already урезонивал his chatter before. "Stop clowning around!

-A che, che?! — Нахорохорившись, turned to him, Peter, in : thrusting out his chest forward, but for some reason he stopped and settled somehow, became even smaller.

Going by the inter guests all was not well, Pelageya itself joined the conversation:

-Okay, мужуки, come to the table. I have enough for everybody. There is more to drink.

Peter immediately went on into the house. For them immediately, finally, moved and two of his companions. And in the porch were only we with Alyona.

-Yeah, wow прогулочка turned out! — I whistled, shaking his head and trying to find sympathy in the eyes of the girl.

-Ah, nonsense, " said Alain so indifferently, as if it happened every day. -You are not a bit strong wolf? Oooh, healthy! And where did that come from?! — It seemed to me that Alena says last mechanically, so I replied:

-You as well as I know — where.

A thoughtful sight of the girl became suddenly a piercing prickly, but she said nothing and just turned and went out on the porch. I followed her, as if afraid for her that she can anything happen.

Alena stood on her porch and watched silently not somewhere in the edge of heaven, are not in darkness, властвующую above the ground.

I stood beside her, not knowing what to speak, but because stared there, where watched the girl.

Suddenly, in the part of the firmament from the forest began to rise something orange-red. I was frightened, and only when the crimson horn months, going to the full moon, leaned out more guessed that I see, and I calmed down.

-Look how precisely you know the place of the appearance of the moon, trying to flatter I Alena, surprised at how quickly, however, raises the heavenly body.

-Habit, " she grinned.

"You astronomers are you preparing? — I tried to make a joke.

"Yeah, astronomers, and the observers for UFO...

The irony Alena heard notes, кольнувшие bad anxiety my heart.

-What a UFO?

"But here, now you will see.

She paused, again focusing on the observation of the Moon, and I could join her, feeling uncomfortable from the feeling that not all the surprises of the evening still behind. Assumptions about the mysterious words of girls swarmed in my head, but nothing was solid ground in my guesses.

Passed a few painful minutes. Brewing desire to stop the joke.

-Let us go into the house, I suggested to'alene.


"And you?

-I'll stay.


-Well, first of all, because I'm a teenager, and me out anyway выпроводят, and secondly, I will wait for the UFO, " I said.

-Yes what a UFO?! — I retorted. -What UFO hell?! — I would put it stronger, but then felt the sharp nails of the fingers Alena dug вмою skin.

"Look, look! — She whispered in a low, but strong-willed voice, pointing the other hand somewhere in the direction of the moon.

From everything happening quite suddenly my eyes spread unexpected tear. When I wiped it, there is nothing new or unusual in the sky is not seen.

That "look"? With vexation I whispered to the girl.

-Already over, but you're on a month on month to see.

I began to examine the rising higher and becoming lighter and more yellow piece of the moon, and doubt, thinking that maybe there should be something to see. Suddenly on a background of a heavenly body to have some strange shadow, a fully its скрывшая for a split second, and then a terrible suspicion struck me, shaking feeling of reality. It was a real hoot in a mortar, рулившая downwind broom as the keel of the boat. This Eclipse, like a flash of light imprinted in my mind, and I haven minutes with a half trying to understand it, when Alena said:

-Now the wheel will.

-What? I asked, and from this question himself seemed to be a fool.

-Look, look that showed me Alena now along the street, and at that moment I began to feel like the hair on your head become erect. The feeling of unreality back to me again. It seemed to me that I am in a large attraction "House of terror".

The street in front of us, walking down the gullies and surfacing from there with the same speed, was rolling burning like drenched with resin wooden wheel of the cart. "Passion-what?" — was horrified at myself, but aloud to say anything failed.

The wheel came to a cart, обогнуло заржавшую in the animal horror horse and rolled back, straight to the house of a neighbor-"ведьмячки", had climbed on the porch, yeah, burning, and entered the house. Out of the window, immediately seemed flashes of flame. "Fire, probably, will be", — with unexplained aloofness, I thought. However, these sources in the Windows of the neighbour soon disappeared, and instead they had smooth green glow, soon also померкшее.

I looked at Alyona. I suddenly there безотчетная guess that girl is, if not an accomplice played before me macabre theatre, in any case, his grateful audience.

-How to understand all this? — I found finally the gift of speech.

"As you wish.

-But how do you know about and about it?..

I don't know... This is not the first time.

-Listen, but it's a nightmare! Really nobody cares? On everyone's mind right under the noses of hell is what's happening, and no one, if not notice!

-Can, and does not notice... do Not want to see, I guess.

-But is it possible to live?

"Why not?

But it is still pretend not to notice that you put on the head!

-So easier to live... Well, I've got.

"Where are you?


Alena said it so quietly and simply, that hardly arisen in my soul stirrings of hope for a romantic continuation of our acquaintance immediately sank.

"Come, I'll show you, yet I suggested.

-Why? — Alena stepped off the porch.

Hey, where is the wolf? — I was amazed, when, passing by a cart, felt her hand in the desire to discover the carcass of the beast. Straw bedding was empty.

"No what? — Without surprise, asked the girl.

-No, — I said, feeling the chill went down his back because emerged suddenly the feeling that wolf somewhere near and again prepares to jump.

-Well and good.

-As well? And if it is next?

-No. Or run away, or the mistress of the visor.

-What mistress?

-Oh, that, — Alena nodded to immerse yourself in the darkness of the witch house.

I was not myself, and even wince whole body, from her words. An oppressive feeling of horror firmly stuck to me.

I spent the girl to her house on the other side of the village and all the way back was afraid, and even trembling.

Guests of Pelagia not yet dispersed. There were already a lot less, than in the beginning. The three who saved me, were now almost half of those present. My absence nobody noticed. Except that Pelageya has thrown in my direction weird, half-drunk opinion.

At the table to eat the remains of food and drink up the last moonshine. I sat down next to me and immediately received an offer of a drink and a half a Cup of potions. Handed him the same Peter. He had pretty much to pump.

The drink, " he said in a hoarse bass voice. — Drink with me.

Want — I winced from the stinking smell of a hazy white liquor.

Pei, I say!" — Peter slightly hit his fist on the table, and all the dishes together jumped.

-I do not want, " I said.

-And I say — Pei puppy! The eyes of the man began to sparkle with the evil sparks and steel vylazit of orbits.

-You that, Peter, what is it?! — Затормошил his shoulder one of the satellites, the one that одергивал it still stood in the hall. He, too, was a "lukewarm".

-Go away-camping! — Peter easily led with his elbow, and осаживавший nearly flew off from the bench. -Don't touch me! I салаженком ентим drink!

-What are you-t or something, a parasite?! — Intervened Pelageya. "You don't bother him, the bear?! I now Dame салаженка...

Pelageya's so dirty выматерилась in the address пристававшего to me that he drew on her own bathed in green snake eyes and said nothing, silently knocked over a glass, then, again staring at me with silly drunken hatred, pulled far over the table in hand with a faceted glass.

On the face of Peter's time effort, исказившее it in the brutal grimace. Fingers, thick, covered with the joints of coarse black stubble, turned white. And at the same moment there was a dull crunch. The glass broke, crumbled. Peter, widely having opened his mouth, tucked there left in the hand fragments of glass and with a wild crunch began to chew it, continuing on bovine become swollen me глазюки, nalivshiesya blood.

Apparently, earlier this huge мужичище performed at the table such tricks, because the incident no one was surprised. On the contrary, immediately felt should be that everyone somehow calmed down, осунулись, darkened their plates.

I'm tired of all this savagery, окружившая suffocating me tight ring on the first day of my stay in this strange village. I put the glass on the table and I said:

-Wolf was gone.

Peter immediately choked glass, turned down, began to cough. The mouth flowed abundant saliva with blood. He fell with his forehead on the edge of the table, continuing afraid to cough. One of his satellites, that was dope clapped him on the back. The second rushed to the street. He shortly went out and stood on the threshold of the room:

-Nope, havent wolf! — On the face of it was surprise.

-Sper to see someone came from behind the table, on a fur coat!

Joke, however, had no effect and drowned in the deep waters of the coming suddenly silence, among which the terrible thump, spitting blood, Peter.

Take it! "He stood at the threshold of хлопавший him on the back. -Something very bad.

Peter took the arms and led from the house. On the street there was a creaking sound of the wheels of a cart.

After departing the three guests one after the other in pairs and groups were pulled out, saying goodbye to Pelageya and thanks for the meal.

When the latter left the house Panteleevna locked the door, put it on the iron hooks in приколотке impressive timber, and then turned to me:

"Well, tell me, пострелок what happened. I saw that thou tons left. A t the wolf?! All tell the straight-t! That you're a t done?!

I briefly told the grandmother, what happened, omitting the details about the wheel, flying through the sky neighbor and witchcraft in the stable, because he did not believe this, just all that I have seen or dreamed.

-Look! — Threatened me curves with a gnarled finger Pelageya. — Do not poke your nose! You've half a month shalt and firewood наломаешь — in six months is not расхлебаем. Not you live here. Keep quiet and water, lower than grass. Get it!?

-Of course! I replied, thrown into the total dismay.

Two days passed. Everything that happened in the first day and evening somehow dimmed in memory. I even became inclined to think of this as something unreal, some myth that somebody told me, and I saw it too figuratively.

Around me flowed common life, dying villages, doomed to death have left it on to the young generation. I am not very worried, because I felt a bystander, a random person, by a whim of fate found themselves in this God-forsaken village.

Rolling yourself on a moustache words Pelagia, I decided to do something harmless. Went fishing a couple of times a day, not to meet in the evening twilight, with some evil spirits, not without fear, however, walked around the neighborhood lying forests, having found higher up the river in a little coppice goes cemetery, which likely contributed to the poisoned her juices, and therefore it is not surprising was that the fish bite bad, but, putting rakolovku I in broad daylight for a hour almost streamlet catch a dozen cancers. This worked and small kids, плескавшаяся on the river. However, before I saw the way they did it, I imagine it would be impossible, and thus could be something to catch.

The village пацанва with wild screaming раскручивала over his head tied to a rope for a dead cat tail and threw it in the middle of the river. Thirty minutes later, when all this was taken back to shore, old stagnated carcass of an animal provided обвешанной several cancers, which piled up in galvanized bucket.

Grandma Pelageya tried to send me to a quagmire for berries, saying that now is the time of harvest, but I refused since childhood testing inexplicable horror трясинами and pop-up here and there from the black water, huge бульбами" marsh gas, утробно gurgling in creeks between wetland grassy hillocks.

A few days stay in the village gave me to understand that it is extremely empty. All of the male working population employed on cereal fields. The youth after school age disappeared immediately after finishing school in Great Василихе. And schoolchildren also dispersed in all directions. In the end I felt a surge of that terrible sultry anguish, I complained several times Alena.

The girl also somewhere запропастилась. However, I avoided meeting her, because noticed all hell swirled around me, as soon as she was close. Was there any connection or not — I wasn't going to find out.

Although being in a village lost to me by this time every interest and meaning, I decided to hold on to the remaining dozen days without incident and peacefully leave the territory of these regions.

It took several more peaceful and just as boring days. The only event that a bright flash flashed on this band dismal idleness, became a meeting with ведьмячкой at the well.

Pelageya asked me to fetch water. I did not argue with the frail grandmother, which the days spent in the garden, took the yoke with empty buckets and went to the well. There already was packing water one woman. She stood back to me, and when I approached quite close, turned suddenly and asked:

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