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17.03.2018 — 17.03.2018
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"Jolly good," Arthur said, "Ron says this girl is a friend of Severus's and a neighbour of his. Or her grandmother is, I'm not sure but if we go, we don't only give young Malfoy another foot up but we also get to see Severus."

"I need a dress," Molly said immediately. "And see if Ron and Harry have received an invitation as well."


"You certainly won't go there. At least not without me," Augusta Longbottom said viciously.

"I want to. Draco isn't that bad, Harry said and he's marrying a Muggle, he said as well. He certainly changed a lot."

"I'll have to talk to Minerva before. And you won't go without me. If you go, I'll go with you."

"Alright, Gran. The invitation's for both of us in any case and I think I'll ask Hannah if she likes to come," he smiled dreamily and got up to talk on the floo.


"Yes, Dad," Ron said, kneeling in front of the fireplace, "we got an invitation and we will go. Hermione is researching ways of making sure that Ted stays in one, erm, way, and so far she's only come up with a sort of cap, but of course we're going. Harry says Aideen's really nice and she's a friend of Hermione's. You should come to."

"We will come but Ron, your mother is wondering, and I'm wondering of course, will Severus Snape will be there?"

Ron blushed. "Erm, I suppose so. He's Malfoy's godfather and I can't honestly see him letting Hermione go alone. She hasn't said much but Harry did and..."

"Why Hermione and Severus? Why should they?"

"Oh bugger," Ron muttered. "Listen Dad, I've got to go. But we're going definitely and if you want to know what they want for a present, erm, I think they're saving for a new kitchen. Hermione said."


"George, we will go, right?" Luna asked, folding the invitation into a lovely paper-dragon.

"Do you think I'd miss Malfoy getting married to some Muggle?"

"Oh, she really is a Muggle? Did Harry tell you?" she smiled beatifically.

"He did. And he invited us for dinner before the wedding whenever we have time."

"That'll be nice. I hope Hermione's there with Professor Snape. I'm really curious to see him now and before the wedding. I'm sure many people will only go because of him, and not because of Draco and, erm, Aideen," she unfolded the paper-dragon and looked at him. "It's a pretty name, don't you think?"

"Not as pretty as Luna," George almost cooed and enfolded her in his arms. "Do you think we should..."

"Get married?" asked Luna, gazing up at him happily. "I don't see why not, actually. It would be fun to be Luna Weasly. It sounds rather good, doesn't it?"

George smiled and grinned and laughed all at the same time that he managed to kiss Luna full on the mouth.


"What do you mean, Poppy, you got an invitation yourself?" Minerva asked, sitting, once more, heavily down upon one of the beds in the hospital wing.

"I did. I was wondering myself but then again, young Malfoy and me always got along fine when he wasn't putting on faces for other people. And besides, if Severus Snape is really Draco Malfoy's godson, he will be there. And it will be a chance of seeing him without actively knocking on his door which I should have done two years ago but which I didn't because...I don't know why. I'm going to this wedding. I can't image Draco having many people on his side and I'll be one of them."

Minerva nodded. "I actually rather agree with you, dear," she replied pensively. "I suppose we can go together then?"



"You are what?" shrieked Molly Weasley.

"I'm taking my boyfriend. His name is Noel. I broke the Statue of Secrecy for him and while he won't say a word, at least I hope not, I'd hate to obliviate him because the relationship is not going where I want it to go."

"You have a boyfriend? Ron, why didn't you tell us?"

Ron shrugged. "Didn't seem important and Ginny..."

"Ginny is seeing this nice young man...what's his name? Arthur, what's his name?"

"Seamus Finnigan, I believe," Arthur nodded. "So you found yourself a partner, Harry?"

"I did, Arthur," Harry smiled sweetly. "He needed a few days to grasp the entire concept of witches and wizards living amongst Muggles but I think he's alright with it now. I think Hermione helped or threatened him, I'm not sure which," his smile morphed into a grin.

"So you have a boyfriend and you'll go with him?" asked Molly.

He nodded. "Noel has met Hermione and Snape and I figure that if he knows those two, he won't have any difficulty getting to know Aideen and if she knows Aideen, she'll know Draco. And really, Aideen has changed Draco..."

"I don't think it was only Draco," argued Ron. "Didn't you say that he came here..."

"That was after Aideen, I think. When she was abducted by...oh, of course you know Aideen, Arthur. She was the one who was taken by Andromeda Black."

"The cute little Muggle girl? That was her? I thought...I remember. Wasn't she supposed to be speaking in front of the Wizengamot?" Arthur nodded.

"The girl you told me about?" asked Molly.

Arthur nodded again towards his wife but Harry shrugged. "She was but I haven't heard if she had to."

"This government will be our ruin," Molly muttered angrily. "She was the one who was tortured by Andromeda and she never got a chance to talk about it? Poor girl. Do you know if she talked to someone about it? It can't be easy to live with a relative of someone who's tortured you..."

Ron and Harry both rolled their eyes. It was just like Molly and if they didn't interfere, she would most likely try to get Aideen under her wing. Arthur seemed to think the same thing and reacted quicker than the two young men.

"We should try and do something about that rule of Shacklebolt's. He's overdoing it and have you heard that he brought Umbridge back? Dolores Umbridge."

"What?" Harry all but shrieked. "The toad?"

"That is her official nickname these days. She's only in charge of some paper-pushing for him but he brought her back and..."

"I swear, I'll get a job in the Muggle world as well if they continue this way," Ron said darkly.


"I should be on there. Or her parents. Not both of them inviting people. There should be parents on there otherwise it looks like it's some illicit thing. And they still haven't met with me. I don't see how I can meet with them before the wedding and I have to go. If they write 'Muggle clothing required', they will have invited other Wizards and since Snape is with that Mu...ggleborn these days, she will be there and if she's there, Potter won't be far and if he's there, all the blood traitors won't be far. The entire stupid Order won't be far and if Draco is getting married with a lot of blood traitors and Mudbloods, I have to be there to at least...if I'm not there and all those people see that I don't support him in this, I won't get far anywhere. I have to go, whether I like it or not. Happy! Get me high class Muggle clothing."


"This dress is gorgeous, Aideen," Hermione smiled dreamily and her friend twirled around happily.

"I know. It was Gran's. Aunt Kathleen had it and she sent it over. I didn't even have to have it altered. I didn't know that Gran was as tall as me when she was my age. She was my age when she got married, did you know? I'm so glad Aunt Kathleen still had it," she almost cried. She seemed to want to cry.

"I wish I had something like that of my grandmother's but...I never met either of them," Hermione shrugged. "You should consider yourself lucky."

"I do. I know she would have loved to be here with me but she is, in a way," she smiled. "And are you thinking about getting married?"

"Me? Married? No," Hermione laughed. "I'm glad that Severus and I managed at least the last two days without a fight. Not that we've seen each other much but there always seems to be something that he or I, misunderstand."

"You're both still new to this," Aideen shrugged. "But you're happy."

"Deliriously, from time to time but at s...it" target="_blank">others...it's hard work."

"It always is, luv," she laughed. "Don't think that Draco and me were simple. After I was...taken, and he ran away, it took a while. Seriously. Don't put too much weight on it. As long as you don't always fight...he does take you seriously, doesn't he?"

"Oh yes. We had a lovely fight last night about his new lab. He's getting a lab in the cellar..."

"Lab as in...?"

"Potions, sorry. He wants to make his own and he can't keep on brewing them in the kitchen so he wants to re-install his lab. I suppose it used to be there before but we fought about the way where to put the bench. He said it was better against one of the walls because...I can't even remember, and I thought it was better against the other wall because it was farther from the door. We fought about this. About this! And now the bench is where I suggested he put it. He does take me seriously and he and I are equal."

"I just thought because you're quite a lot younger..."

"Harry and Ron thought so too but I think given the fact that he is just as much inexperienced when it comes to relationships as I am," Hermione shrugged but blushed. She hadn't meant to say so much but her friend put an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Draco's told me about Severus and I asked Severus as well. I know he spent the better part of his life locked away in a castle away from all...well, suitable females. From what I heard, it was either students — and I don't mean any offence but it's different now — or old, other teachers. I would have lived celibate. Well, I would've anyway but...you know what I mean."

"I do, but Aideen, he's not the same as he was at school," she smiled. "Do you want me to help getting you out of this?"

"Oh yes, please, I just wanted to admire myself one more time," Aideen sighed. "I can't wait. But...seriously, Draco said that he was decent enough when he was a teacher."

"I suppose he was but you heard about Harry, I think, and me having been a friend of Harry's...it was...I can't blame him. I was exhausting at school. Know-it-all, he called me. It's all behind us though and I..."

"Are you in love with him? Because if you're not...we had this talk before but...are you?"

Hermione nodded shyly. "I am. I haven't told him because...I have no idea how to tell him."

"Well, words would be nice. Or you could act it out. Sign language is very popular. Oh. Write him a letter! Or an add in the paper," she laughed and as a revenge, Hermione pulled the gorgeous dress over her head and let her be stuck inside for a moment only.

"I really shouldn't help you get out of this," she grinned. "I should tell him but I'm afraid if I do it, he will think that...gosh, it's all so new to me. I don't know how to do it."

"Go with your heart, Gran would've said. And she was usually right when it came to matters like that," Aideen, her hair wild and her eyes gleaming happily smiled gently. "No, she was always right when it came to matters like this."


"Does it look alright?" Draco asked almost innocently. "It cost me all connections to Selfridge's. And they want me to start there again, did I tell you?"

"You won't go back to retail, Draco. And yes, it looks alright," Severus mumbled.

"What do you mean, I won't go back to retail? Someone has to earn some money around here and Aideen still needs some time until she's a doctor. Who do you think will pay for food? So far, we could live off the money that her father gives her but they pay for the wedding as well and..."

"Not retail and you will go to University or to the Ministry of Magic or somewhere. I won't have you wasted away in some dead-end job," he replied viciously.

"What brought that on?" asked Draco, curiosity spiked.

"It won't help you in the long run. If you need money, ask me and I will give you some. Apparently, the Ministry of Magic still gives me money..."

"You knew about that?"

"Do you think I'm absolutely daft? Of course I knew. And I've been saving it. I haven't used it but I wouldn't hesitate giving it to you. Don't change the topic, however."

"I'm not. But what else can I do apart from my job at Selfridge's? I will have a Muggle wife. I can't..."

"I don't know but give it more thought than just Selfridge's. There is more out there and if you need a few years at either a Wizarding or a Muggle institution of learning, I will gladly pay for it. But not retail. Not like this. I won't have any of it."

"Aideen and me talked about it a little," Draco admitted slowly. "She thinks I'm good at selling things."

"Then sell things but at least have your own business."

"I'm only good at selling things because I am capable of casting a decent Confundus Charm," he blushed.

"And that matters how? Get your own business around here. But make sure it's on steady feet and make sure that you can earn yours and Aideen's and any future children's living. Make sure you can support your family. And with a job at Selfridge's...you may. Yes, you may but this is below your potential."

"Maybe it's what I want to do..."

"Then hire a tailor or two, learn the craft and get your own shop. Be a tailor if you like doing it. But don't work for someone else."

Draco shrugged. "I'll think about it but I have to think about the wedding first. Did you know that everyone said they'd come? I can't believe it. Even McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey are coming! Even the Weasleys. And my father."

"Yes, you told me about a thousand times," Severus replied, sounding bored.

"I'm just so excited! I'm marrying Aideen!"

Severus rolled his eyes.

"No, really, Uncle Severus. You're my best man, my father will be there and she will be the most beautiful woman on earth. Have you, erm, I mean you and Hermione are quite..."

"I'm not asking her to marry me tomorrow," he rolled his eyes again.

"Why not?"

"Because I never made a promise not to have sex until marriage. And because she and I haven't been...for long. It would be too soon and..."

"But you want to be with her, right?" Draco asked with a smirk. "Thank Merlin for the Silencing Charms."

Again, he rolled his eyes. "Must you be so crude?"

"I'm not the one who...anyway, you haven't answered my question."

"Yes, yes, I want to be with her otherwise I wouldn't be."

"She is nice when you get to know her," muttered Draco. "Not my type but you two..."

"I'd be grateful if you could stop talking about my private life," Severus hissed.

"Nope, I won't. I like you and I want you to be happy. As happy as I am," Draco said wisely and shrugged out of the jacket, hanging it up neatly.

"It's nice to know," he replied sarcastically. "But I'd be very much obliged if you could keep your nose out of it."

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