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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Voice from the darkness faded away.

-There you are! summed up the victory of Sergey. The thought here skinned dogs spoil! I'll show you!.. It was some hoodlums. Here, take this! he threw me a network, and it, revealing a flight perforated shadow, enveloped me with his head. — 'll shoot the dog, and when she gets confused — there is a special cable — tightening in the bag and put them in a box.

Выпутавшись from the network, I angrily looked at Sergei Vasilyevich., but he apparently on his understood this opinion:

Or are you afraid? Then sit down in the cabin and...

-No, I am not afraid! I volunteered, trying to make him understand my mood.

-Well, if so — let's go, its probably not hurt my words.

Zhora included a huge electric torch, and they climbed over the fence, illumined with bursts of flame.

I followed them, trying not to lag behind. I felt suddenly afraid for his health and life, one had only to think that suddenly out of the darkness flies and хватанет leg some rabid dog.

Scrap stood to the right and left dark piles, among them somewhere else догорал gasoline and burned them to the trash. Occasionally the reflections of the flame in the lantern light, who held Zhora, flashed dogs, furiously щерясь on the light and compressing tails.

Sergey Vasilyevich continually put his carbine, but do not shoot. Zhora carefully snuck up with him I followed behind.

Suddenly from behind, behind me there was a muffled roar, and a small breeze through my body. I would like to Zhora there shone the light a lantern, but he dared not out of fear to be scoffed men.

We continued to Wade deeper into the landfill, as suddenly roar sounded very close. Here I could not resist:

-George, посвети here! — I asked.

George turned to me and in light beam snatched out from the darkness, the whole flock of dogs, like dragons, кравшуюся for us hard in the dark. Ahead was a dog the size of its similar to the wolf, and only the dark band on the face and the back made her different from him.

Beam of the lamp blinded dogs, and they stopped fifteen feet away from me. The leader of them was up front paw and going, apparently, to rush forward. The rest surrounded his tight semicircle behind, waiting for what he does.

-Uh, how many of you lot! — said in surprise Sergey Vasilievich, too, turning round. My rounds on all will not suffice.

The leader stepped forward, approaching me, and I instinctively moved back stumbled on Jora. The led flashlight around and with присвистом said:

"Hey, Sergei, Yes they us surrounded.

-Well, Yes?!

-Yes see for yourself!

Sergey Vasilyevich grabbed Zhora lantern, and I was in the dark again. Terrible dog was very near, and I could do nothing more, how can you expect that every second she can throw at me.

Ray grabbed from the darkness подбирающихся from several directions among the garbage and crumpled metal, descending with наваленных piles of bodies and cabs dogs. They crawled silently, and if it was possible to believe that, I have decided that these hungry, homeless vagrants acted, conspired in advance.

-Uh, well, it smells like kerosene! -cried Sergey Vasilievich. — Look, what's done!

It seemed to me that his voice shook.

-Gasoline nothing you fired! — lamented him in response Zhora.

-Ah, damn!!! What happens here!

Feeling that the big dog very close, I again moved back.

-What is it?! -asked me Zhora.

The dog, it's so close!

-Sergei, let посвети!

Beam of the lamp slid to us, and we saw, that the leader feet from us to prepare to jump.

-Oh, you creature! — George raised his rifle and fired from his belt already, when the huge bulk, threatening roar, rather reminiscent of the roar of a wild beast off the ground.

There was a deafening screech. In the light of the lantern flashed somewhere near white belly of an animal with the crimson of the lacerated wound. We Zhora sprang in hand, a dog, flying, fell head over heels just beyond the place where I stood.

-Shoot, shoot, Serge! — I heard a voice from the darkness Zhora.

Ray danced across the earth, trying to catch метающуюся squeal dog. A shot rang out. Then once again fired Zhora. Squeals stopped. The leader stopped moving. Somewhere far fallen silent thunder of the guns.

I frenzy! — admitted Zhora and recharge rifle, rushed into the darkness. — Посвети, Serge!

To see how the dogs run from him, and those that were slow to respond, he shot straight at his feet. Sound of gunshots, howling dogs, Shine flame and silhouettes, flashing in the beam of light, mingled in one кутерьму.

-Zhora, finish! — shouted Sergey Vasilievich. — It's time to take up work.

But the shots continued to rumble, interrupting squeal many of game, the wounded and the dying animal, раздававшийся around in all keys.

-You hear what I tell you?!! "Yelled abnormal voice Sergey Vasilievich.

George came up to us and he has dedicated his face lantern:

-Are you crazy?

-No, in General.

-And what палишь as creepy?!

"And why are they such insolent creature!

-So, all calm down, let's work.

We began to wander around, looking for the dogs and catching their network one and whole groups. I was shown how to do it, and I did this under the supervision of Sergei Vasilievich, Zhora threw the second, the same network.

Dog now not snapped and not much tried to run away, but, once in a beam of light were nearing tails and they were pressed to the ground, terrified of what happened. Without much difficulty we managed to catch and eat their van with three dozen.

When it was nearing the end, I went into the bushes, and rose up to recover, he suddenly heard behind him quite clearly again that big roar from which cold shiver went through my body. Dumb with horror, I turned around, but in the darkness he could see nothing. Sergey and George were somewhere in the wilds of landfills are to help me with something.

Not remembering itself from terror, I rushed away, crashing through the bushes. Fueled by fear, coming to me on the heels, I made no difference, and it seemed to me that heavy breathing a huge dog relentlessly hear behind me.

He ran through the лесопосадку, I crossed the ploughed field, drowning in a fresh, soft arable land, the turning of the earth sneakers, and, stumbling and falling. Angry roar and the heavy breathing of the tinkling of bells stood in my ears.

The darkness around, bushes and off-road changed rare lights in the Windows of private houses, then ghostly lit quarters, streets and dark courtyards of the city, but I raced forward, unable to stop, feeling of fatigue or shortness of breath. Would I have to go back, but fear not allowed to do so.

Finally difficult took me to the cemetery, and I was afraid that I squirmed my way among the graves, and I'm jumping through their fences. When I realized this, the cold horror, just apt arrow shot from the darkness of night, pierced my heart, and a strange fall fascinated me. Only when it was too late, I realized that I fell in a hole.

Hit on something my head, I lost consciousness, as if I was completely cut off from the outside world, as a useless machine.

Having regained consciousness, I saw that I was lying in a ridiculous pose on the bottom of a pit. The memory is so and it's what happened to me last night, and only with difficulty climbed the steep slippery clay wall, I realized that he had fallen into свежевырытую grave, and remember how it happened.

I barely got out of the pit, and immediately discovered that the place is familiar to me. However, why it is familiar to me, the memory was to answer.

Day very quickly arrived, and I stood and stood at свежевырытой graves at the crossroads of two cemetery tracks, stood and tried, and could not remember, how did I know that place.

People around became more and more as if it was some kind of Park or garden in the city centre, not cemetery. Soon the people were so many that they began to push me, and then touching.

-Come on, get away! — she shouted from behind me, and I saw неказистого a heavyset man with a beard, who was in the colorful sweatshirt flannel shirt and a crappy dog hat, despite the quite warm even weather. A man was coming right at me, waving it in front hand.

The man was a procession, carrying wreaths and portraits, and I saw that someone is buried, and that the deceased for some reason I know very well.

-Who bury? I asked, but the guy just pushed me away with his healthy arms to the side, freeing the way to the grave.

Then I began to examine the person on the portraits that were carrying wailing, голосящие, but still continuing its move forward on the legs give way women and old women in black shawls and kerchiefs. However, consider a photo of me for a long time failed, because she disappeared behind somebody's back, jumped out, and then suddenly and completely lost visible, and I also distract other small details of what is happening.

Then quite clearly for the first I lick my Matushka. He was on the portraits, but the rubbing of the eyes of horror, I suddenly saw the face of Veronica, and then it into the face of her friend.

And then it was like lightning прошибло because I remembered how I know this place. Yes, it is here, to the grave of her dead friend brought me last summer Veronica, telling creepy and a little similar to the truth of the story of his death. But why now the tomb was empty and fresh, like as if it was only recently dug? Does it decided to rebury?

The procession approached the pit and put the red with a black coffin next to her on two stools. Were treated violently roaring women, hugging the deceased, kissing him on the forehead.

"Come, wave goodbye! — I have heard from the ear Council pronounced such familiarity and pleasant voice that I involuntarily turned to see who it might be.

It was a man in an old coat, and as old hat-cylinder, from under the narrow fields which were staring at me green, prickly, brightly burning eyes. Red mustache unpleasant stood out on his pale as chalk face, and reminded the application on a child's drawing on paper.

"Come, wave goodbye! again advised me strange to horror type affably.

I followed his advice, but approaching to the coffin, with horror, I saw myself lying in it.

-Wave goodbye with the dead! — persistently pursued my hear a friendly voice.

As if hypnotized, I leaned over to the corpse, but now his face was not like mine.

-Kiss, kiss! — heard behind, and at the same moment, when my lips were now quite close to the densely-yellow skin of the dead man, I dreamed that I had lying in a coffin.

I recoiled, moved back and saw a man in a bowler hat looks at me, with a dazzling smile.

-What are you afraid of? "he asked. "Come to me, come on!

In the same second cold horror lightning through my body, because foot, retreating, got on solid ground, and I fell somewhere ago. Turning back in the fall I only had time to see that I fall into the same свежевырытую grave, that's been prepared for the departed.

Falling on his back, I hurt hit, and there came a voice from above "red whiskers:

-Let's hand.

He reached toward my hand, and she began to lengthen, reaching soon bony, thin hand to my throat. Taking it, he pulled me upward. I screamed with horror, increased from the fact that people around, completely oblivious to what is happening, continued to bury the coffin with unknown whose body.

Is your corpse! said I type with red moustaches. "Look, it is lowered into the grave!

He grabbed my shoulders and easily tossed back into the pit. I fell on the cover заколоченного coffin and felt like lumps of raw land fell from above.

-I don't want don't want to! — burst out of my throat, and I awoke from a nightmare...

It was already morning. In the pit, where I was stood still dark, but the sky above my head already has brightened.

I was surprised by the incident, but could not remember what happened last night. His head was buzzing like a brass pot.

It took me a long time to get out a two-meter pit. Around me was really cemetery, the same cemetery, where we were with Veronica, and where he was buried her boyfriend.

The place around свежевырытой graves seemed very familiar, and I felt like running back down my spine, when I learned, but the faster guessed that the pit was dug in the very place where he was buried the same Athanasius. Strange memories about coincidences, pursue me, surged suddenly, заполонив my mind, pushing out the cold forehead, large drops of sweat, and I thought I was going crazy. Nightmares of the past strange vacation would not let me, and there came on the heels, and followed me through life.

I was suddenly surprised that I still cling to and not have died or, indeed, not crazy.

Past гналось for me, взнуздав time, and when caught up from under the wheels of his залихватского тарантаса обдавало me up and down cold muck sticky, penetrating the secret depths of the soul of their wits.

Chapter 8.

Two or three days with me was something unimaginable. The temperature was jumping like crazy. I then tossed about, shivering, and scare grandma pulled out shaggy and disgusting pieces of memories.

Then suddenly everyone as оборвало. I suddenly recovered, though he had never been ill, but still afraid to leave their homes, often and long, like a hunted animal watching the neighbor's izba.

In the evening looked Alena. Grandma told me that she came every day until I was evil, and brought some grass. Pelageya initially did not dare to drink me broth from it, but yesterday gave, and already today the affliction of my hand removed.

Feeling perfectly healthy, I went to meet a girl.

"Hello, " she smiled happy, " quipped, finally?

"Quipped, " I replied shyly, with concern in the soul Recalling the shameless dreams from my delirium in which there were some orgies, I turned to a horse, a dog or a wolf and a witch Varvara and why, Alyona together and take turns playing with me in love. Hugging, stroked the coat on the sides, holding to the mane, became under me, exciting baser instincts, and scream, and some obscenity, which I, as an animal, could not understand, but which time, in spite of this, encouraged my flesh to action.

"The shame is what!" "I thought, not daring't find the strength to lift eyes on the girl. And she was standing in front of a light sundress of cotton bandanna, this elegant to dull the rural landscape, this bright and too short and open, that even I, a person familiar to them kind of clothes on urban girls, her dress seemed too out of place and calling on the background of the surrounding grey village of everyday life. My eyes involuntarily crept in over the edge of a sundress, only slightly covering her young, small, elastic and beautiful maiden chest. I caught myself at the thought, and even shook his head to drive away навязывающуюся me friends and growing lust.

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