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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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By the evening I went out to the place that feels like familiar to me. Square, quite busy and crowded, from what I awoke I remembered that today is Saturday led to the area on which the building stood, quite forgotten me up for lost from memory, despite the fact that I had with him was due so much stress, and it was amazing how it all about then you can forget it.

Facade of a building was, as usual, but now it was obvious that the house is enclosed by a fence, a little, what usually wall construction. From afar could not see what was happening, but I still thought that some parts of the exterior of the building lacks. And just as I came closer, I puzzled saw that from the building, in fact, remained standing, only one facade wall, which was yawning void. It seemed that the house was subjected to bombardment. Beside him stood transfixed, some construction equipment. Crane, excavator, стенобойная machine rose over the fence.

I walked up real close and looked into one of the breaches. On the fenced territory, like now on the plowed field, here and there rose a heap of broken bricks, gravel and other construction debris. In the corner stood several construction trailers which have revolved man in a sweatshirt. Next to him was running mongrel.

I decided to ask him what happened, and why they broke the house, but barely squeezed into the hole between the boards of the fence, as the dog rushed toward me, stood for a while in раздумии and watching me. She ran silently, his head tilted slightly to the side and to the ground and watching intently for my eye. These dogs do not bark in vain and to no joke. In my head already strongly swirled thought that it was time to escape and climb the fence, not to be has been bitten, when suddenly the dog stopped, окрикнутая master, and turned toward him his face.

"Scholar!" — felt on my mind.

The man walked toward me.

-What you need? he asked, approaching.

-Yes, I would like to know why this house breaking, " I replied, staring at the speaker's face.

Drizzle. It was already передумавший go, suddenly started again, showing its donors. The man looked up at the lowering sky, screwing up eyes and then asked again:

"But, why?

The dog came up to us and I began to sniff.

-Acquaintance I have worked here, and in General...


"Yeah, grandfather.

The rain intensified and the man told:

-Go in the booth. Or you hurry?

"No, actually.

-Well, let's go, let's go then. The company I keep, tea and drink.

I went after him, accompanied by rear mongrel. Rain nakrapyval stronger, and I sadly presented. As people, out for a stroll in the Saturday evening around the city, go to the Park or sit in the Park, направившиеся on attractions and rides, now forced to return home, driven by the bad weather, испортившей, maybe one of the last warm fine weekend.

We went into the cabin. The guy flipped the switch and lit up hanging on the wire without interior light bulb that is why, behind a window on the street immediately darkened.

In the midst of the booth and stood расхлябанный, begrimed, rude and powerless справленный table with the same awkward, uncouth stools around. In one corner was pealing iron couch with thrown from the top greasy mattress on which lay cotton, black driver Yes dusty blue state blanket. Next to the couch, having tilted on its side, достаивал its bleak cheap century, painted sexual paint locker for полуприкрытыми door of which hung a little old garment. At the opposite end of the booth stood electric stove and the dresser.

On the stove was bubbling and hovered aluminum, if crumpled sides kettle.

The guy took it off, took out the cabinets two glasses, aluminium bowl with pieces of black bread, and sliced slices of bacon and put it all on the table, then squinted pulled out after half a bottle blond-hazy with grey, tobacco smoke tint of moonshine and a few cloves of garlic.

We sat down opposite each other at a table. Dog and waiting hungry eyes made myself comfortable next to the host.

Man deftly peeled garlic, poured in glasses moonshine, then looked at the dog, with a cheerful anger ругнулся shook from the bowl on the table fat and bread and plesnuv a little out of the bottle and there, pulled her to the edge of the table. Dog deftly вспрыгнула, by leaning on the edge of the table, paws and began greedily drink.

"Well, come on! — raising the faceted glass, said the man. High Givet...

That "Givet" — I did not understand. We muffled were crazy, and he deftly overturned in mouth opened its first one hundred grams, and then, сморщившись and exhaling in a fist, hushed large piece of bacon with bread and took a bite of garlic.

I also drank, but it is not so cleverly. Moonshine was strong, and I nearly choked; he coughed, choking voice.

"What are you? — surprised the man.

"Well, it went something — I was justified in feeling that the lack of air.

-As it happens. Need to breathe before drink, and swallow faster stroke.

-Yes moonshine strong. Faithful ninety. Throat itself was closed.

-Well, ninety, ninety-and-seventy-five. Well, okay, what would you want? asked the man, pouring in glasses of boiling water and сыпя there welding directly from надорванной tutu.

-Why this house is a broken — that's what!

-Well, that the city authorities справляйся. I just Keeper. I only know that to build something here gather. And your grandfather that the guard was — Vidal. Not, it seems, he died in any way.

-He died?!

-How. Commonly. He took and he died, as the older people die.

"How long ago did it happen?

-Yes it from the end of August't see... to Me someone else is saying that he died. But as for thee, what he had? Maybe I could help you?

-Yes, no, thank you. I granddaughter'm looking for. She moved somewhere.

-Ah, well this I'm not your assistant.

-And inside the house-the archive of what was or library. It wherever Delhi?

-Yes, there was nothing there.

-How was not because the old man that same guard there?

-And we have many emptiness guard.

The guard stopped and began to have a little отхлебывать заварившийся already to the latest density of tea in прикуску all with the same fat and black bread.

-And where are you from actually? Earlier could not come? finally he spoke again with me.

-Yes I am not local. I studied here once. And now travel, like old friends to visit — and anyone can not find.

-So that you and nowhere to spend the night? — sympathetically asked the man.

-Yes, it turns out that the so — lessly I agreed, without even the appearance of embarrassment and feeling like a drunken heat increasingly takes hold of my body, making it supple and naughty.

-Well, stay here for the night — tapped me on the shoulder guard. "Look, we want you to bed to sleep. Linen don't have, well, nothing. And tomorrow me go home, I live until their cases are not up to this task.

We had another hundred grams, ate bread and lard. Then the watchman lit a cigarette, suggesting to me, but I declined it, and suddenly felt a terrible, fatal fatigue, took so timely and nice offer and slumped on the couch legs. Already asleep, I heard the guard calls the dog, the creak of the door, and felt the cool, damp air burst into the streets and filled a trailer behind plywood walls of which the sad, soporific be dirty nasty autumn rain.

I woke up in the morning with an aching, heavy head, tired and uncomfortable, stiff cotton pillows. Someone was touched my shoulder, standing over the bed. It was the watchman.

"Come on, I'm going home.

I got up squeaky bed. In the trailer were already some people. They rummaged through a drawer, something from getting out, anxious and unwelcome talking to each other.

We got out of the carriage. The dog sat, bound on a long chain, licking, shows only that сожрав something, and lazily looked at the sides sleepy tired eyes. The street is also visited by people in overalls, roared, sending gray clubs, wound cars, trucks and tractors. Work started.

-And what are they? I asked the watchman making his way between the pitfalls and heaped impassable ridges and deep ruts of the earth. — Today is Sunday. What do they work?

We contract work without weekends, " replied the man.

We went out through the open front of the iron gate, made on the back of the square the side of the construction site.

-Me, by the way, Sergei Mikhailovich name, " the man said, when we were not talking, few quarters. -I with my brother live. We're together. My wife five years ago. The Kingdom rest her soul. And my brother never married and was not. Boy I like you already army дослуживает, spring return. So the place where to sit there. Yes you are and don't be shy. Boy, I see you are good, but because I live, how much do you need. I have for you and room single there. But that's my brother don't pay attention. He was a weirdo some — you'll see.

We entered the porch of the house, and after a few minutes, up to the third floor, knocked at oak, well coordinated, and a door.

-He is asleep, or what? indignantly said Sergey Maksimovich, and, turning to me, said. -We have the key with him. Actually, somewhere there is a second and even a third, but seek reluctant.

Finally, after about five minutes, the lock clicked, and the door opened. From there seemed to face with glasses, with a frightened rounded eyes behind thick marble lenses.

Chapter 10.

In the bathhouse looked Pelageya.

— And, here you are! Something you're hiding?!

— I? Yes, just... Went to watch a bathhouse. I had not seen before — And she, in General, as, fired?

— And what about? You t want to relax?

— Yes, actually, not away, I frantically inventing excuses for their behaviour.

— It is good that you go to a bathhouse wanted. Only now, one-t bath not hodjut. Need more t call. You're to go, firewood наруби yet, but I'll men poklichu. Who in the village now.

Pelageya disappeared outside. And half a minute I could see she was climbing the overgrown high Swan path leading along the slope of a small slides from the bathhouse to the house.

The soul felt fright was over, I looked out the door leading to the river, in the hope that the shepherd is still there. But it didn't happen.

Pelageya walked through the village, and I began to prepare firewood bath. Soon she was back, I was carrying an armful pinned into small chips of wood to the bath, and her face was distorted, and his eyes rounded with terror.

-What happened? I inquired, pausing.

-Peter medvedikha lifted her! Gasped in horror, said grandmother.

She put her hand to the right side where the heart was, and so stood in the middle of the yard, unable to catch his breath.

I rushed to the street, with the earth chips, and ran, not presenting even really where lives Peter. Near one of the houses for low жердянником gathered village grandmother, and I shall not hesitate, went there.

In the house of the people was even more than on the street, and I thought, where did so much in such a small village. Making his way through the dense humming, голосящую crowd, I was near the low of the bed under the blanket lying through his teeth smiling Peter. It was clear: he is bad. Eyes were wet and налившимися blood, he was sweating, and coal-black hair, wet from sweat and blood, лохмами sticking out in different directions. The cheek was a deep, ragged, soaked with the blood trail from the claws of wild animal. Peter breathed heavily and closed his eyes, as he rolled them in подлобье.

Seeing me, he hardly said:

-Oh, you're a... you See, saved you, and he... was no one to help...

I lifted the blanket. Outerwear and underwear were torn to shreds, the skin on the chest and shoulders was and is cut into strips by rags was floating on the dripping with the blood of meat. Broken ribs, frighteningly, unnatural sticking out of the sides of the snow-white fragments. The sight was terrible.

Seeing what was left of Peter, standing near Baba started to cry even more, from what I come in indescribable fury. I just wanted to grab something heavier and bash this dumb Indian, helplessly standing and watching, as a man gives ends.

"Well you're not bandaged, fools?! Unexpectedly for himself loudly, with anguish that had the power I shouted, trying to cover голосящих.

The crowd slightly grew silent, and I shouted again to cheer myself:

-Bandages let's rags tear, sheets!

Soon my hands pulled with bandages and bands нарванной sheets, and I came, I could rewind искрошенное, frightening his бесформенностью and compliances the body of Peter. Joined me and began to help.

Lifting her torso over Peter juicy soaked with the blood of the sheets, I realized that in several places he had broken spine. Body unnatural прогибалось, and the fingers can feel the sharp corners on the spinal column, which skin ran down my spine.

Lifeless soft body was heavy and bulky, but they helped me. It was necessary to remind, to treat careful. I asked a couple of planks, and they were handed over through the crowd that surrounded. They planted under her back and примотали rags.

Перебинтовывая affected, I tried how badly injured his skin, and every time its flaps can be easily separated from oozing lymph subcutaneous layer. It remained only to wonder how this, he managed to survive after such a passionate embrace bear.

When we started перебинтовывать Peter, he apparently lost consciousness and was unconscious. So you would think he was already dead. Put your ear to the chest or feel the pulse of the broken hands or temples there was no way, and only offering to приоткрытому mouth a small mirror, you could detect the easy fogging mirror barely теплящееся breath.

The bandage was finished, and I asked everyone to leave the house because the patient is not enough oxygen, while in the rear, where gathered the men, not invented anything better to take, Yes smoke.

When the latter came down from the porch and out into the yard, I turned to the crowd below:

-An urgent need to bring Peter to the hospital, otherwise tomorrow he should be buried.

-And are you a doctor? "I heard someone's stinging question.

-I'm not a doctor. But then any fool could see that he was dying. On it the living and left not a broken spine. Besides, he was bleeding.

The crowd rose terrible noise, and it was impossible to understand what people want. In the house suddenly I heard some thunder, and I rushed there.

A woman knows how the rest of the house, dropped on the floor basin of water, and now wiping rag puddle.

-How you came to be here? — I was amazed.

"I'm the wife of Peter, and what? "Replied светлорусая with a long, thick oblique woman.

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