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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— You were lucky, the guy! You have a cool girlfriend. You will become free soon!

"God grant! — Lev thought with grief. — But something is not believed in so easy and pleasant happiness!"

Then he suddenly felt any good waves of thoughts: "For them I am only a slave, an exotic animal".

The young man felt humiliated. Damned stelzana! When he breaks loose, he will show them, will spray how many they would not be kvintillion on photons all this nation of ghouls sadists! Here words of the Sensei were remembered: "When it is strong, seem weak. When it is weak, seem strong. When you hate, smile. When you are overflowed by anger — sing small! Let the blow will be as a lightning! Let it will see when he already managed to strike to death!"

And again cybernetic transmitters included Stelzanat's anthem. However, a little changed. But all the same, it is related pathos and aggressive option. For some reason it was this time not so opposite from the grown hateful music of ruthless invaders.

Chapter 7

If you want to achieve a victory,

You on the kind uncle do not put!

You will be able to overcome itself the troubles!

And yourself force to respect all!

Here it is the native planet of zorg. The enormous sphere, by the sizes in more than half a million kilometers in the diameter. Because of extremely low density of a kernel gravity makes only 1,2 units from terrestrial. In the planet metal hydrogen. On a surface most of all lithium, magnesium, potassium, aluminum and other metals. Except known on Earth, there is a mysterious element esentsum-4, esentsum-8 and some other the easy metal components unknown on a terrestrial surface and in the next galaxies too. Zorg have not proteinaceous structure, but difficult, metal. They consist of various lungs and very active metals, partially liquid, partially firm. Density of their bodies approximately, as H2O. The panorama of buildings is perfect in the magnificence and is peculiar. They are not similar neither on terrestrial, nor to stelzanovsky structures. Spheres, domes, cylinders, ovals are colourfully connected in huge color garlands. Spherical and cylindrical skyscrapers go to height on tens and hundreds of kilometers. Some buildings are executed in the form of exotic animals with a set of extremities, claws, feelers and still not particularly what objects. For example, the house in the form of a hybrid of four turtles and pineapples with the heads of a jaguar at the same time put, in reducing to top an order at each other. The constructions constructed allied to inogalaktama zorga are especially various, they sometimes so elaborate that modern artists avant-gardists went crazy, trying to betray improbable composition. There is a building in the form of which feelers of excavators squids, a number of eyes of mermaids with long eyelashes, drills of the flowers terminating in buds, details of an arm and the heads of pyatirogy rhinoceroses, with fish scales are mixed. It is difficult even to imagine it, and there are even more elaborate, magnificent and for other inomiryan mad. Aircraft, generally round form though some remind buds of flowers, promptly dissect uglevodorodisty, metano — hydrosulphuric hlornoidriyevuyu the atmosphere. Some most perfect cars, instantly slip through space, remaining invisible. Others neutralize friction special radiation on the nanosecond share decomposing atoms to novels (approximately the seventh degree of hyper-minipart after quarks!), and then matter automatically gathers again.

Usually by so perfect designs there go the zorg which seized secret zero transition and the kinezprostranstvo nature (what the fact that there is no matter in fact consists of!) and its versions. The atmosphere would seem to the earthling slightly rather turbid as if through kilometer of dense fog, in height colourful inflorescences of lightnings flash — there is a safe category of energy. The strange world bright and gloomy at the same time, but eyes of zorg see both in the gamma range, and in radio wave, ultra-violet and in infrared ranges of flowers. Well, and special tiny cyber-lenses give a similar opportunity to inhabitants of other worlds.

* * *

In the big dome-shaped hall with a transparent roof the senior senator Dez an imer Konoradson looked through the graviagramma sent by Lev Eraskander. From above the majestic type of space constructions, various stations and satellites of the mighty empire of Diamond Constellation opened. For example, there was the giant, ornated by an ornament hairbrush. Around its teeths which are looking like icicles, starprobe vehicles flew, at approach their form instantly changed. There was for example a spaceship a hybrid of a samovar and a bud of a gladiolus, there was a mix of a hedgehog and a camomile or transformation of a saucer with the head of a parrot and three crocodile tails, and the dump truck with wings of a swan and the head of a giraffe. Here also various entertainment centers, restaurants, a casino, houses of happiness, attractions and many other things that cannot pick up analogy were located. Here syncretism of cultures of millions of civilizations was some kind of that did a picture of the star sky, extremely motley, filled exotic of miracles when the desire to make esthetic impression surpassed rational calculation.

That is why many starprobe vehicles were not a standard streamline shape, and their designers tried to express rather a spirit of the look, than to achieve the maximum road performance.

For zorg it however, already ordinary. Near the Senior parliamentarian there was his assistant senator Bernard Pangon. This zorg terribly towered the three-meter hulk, almost square body with six extremities. Senator, the deep metal voice similar to game of a contrabass spoke.

— I think that, despite externally credibility, the probability of a support cannot be excluded completely. This governor replaced 56 planets and he has an unimportant reputation. However the suspicious anonymous author did not call himself that is always doubtful. And the fact that the message was sent from other galaxy is very similar to the strange course deprived of logic. It can be collision of commercial interests, personal revenge, some long offense. It is better to send commission of professional experts there, than to fly there most, and then to become a parable on all ranges of the Metagalaxy. To you, the senior senator, did not stick to rush almost through all empire on a false call. Professionals will make better and more reliable, than we.

Misinformation an imer Konoradson carrying and the duke's title, answered with a quiet juicy voice. At this his face which is actually going to shoulders was motionless as a mask:

— In a basis I agree with you. But... First, the telegram was addressed personally to me, but not space patrol. Secondly, I wanted to look at this mysterious planet Earth long ago.

In Bernard Pangon's voice sounded the boredom mixed with contempt. But at the same time in it there was convincing force. It seemed even covered with the stones sparkling a hundred times more brightly than the diamonds flying by air small fishes vigorously wave the long fins weaved from stars as a sign of approval.

— It is the usual standard planet with oxygen, poisonous for us. Such worlds millions and billions. On Sirius there live almost the same, only more backward bisexual beings. As well as on Earth, similar vegetation. Perhaps, natives of this system were more backward technically, but more developed morally. All this one species of hairless primacies, both people, and stelzana.

The senior senator said tender tone, gradually burning in an oratorical rush:

— That's it, my friend as stelzana. The same origin, the same group, in many respects similar history, including wars in the planet. And inhabitants of Sirius not so aggressive, they from a herbivorous species of a chimpanzee developed. Unless it is not interesting to look at rare analog — stelzana in the past. We lived is too closed, being happy in the physical, mental and intellectual perfection. Forgot about what becomes around us, thinking that the reason and intelligence go quantum to quantum with high morals. That the psychology of the savage with the stone axe is not compatible to star empires, intergalactic flights, and aggressive instincts are only the atavism cast by memories of first-born hunger. Oh, is not present, not for nothing our ancient philosophers said that there is nothing more terribly than the perfect logic placed at service by low passions and the high intelligence conducted by an instinct of total destruction. When stelzana exterminated, pressing our brothers of din and other reasonable beings as if insects, and processing their corpses at factories of death. It were already not animal instincts, it was logical destruction of the types, not necessary and potentially dangerous to these bloody conquerors. The paranoia of eternal fear and psychosis connected to a cold sadism and moral marasmus. And all this was created by beings with high I.Q., the nation which became a supercivilization. It to us a double lesson on the future. Perhaps sometime and people of Earth will reach independence, having thrown off handcuffs of the elder brothers. And I would not like that they went mean and, finally, in the disastrous way. They need this trip, first of all, unripe, spiritually weak, absorbing poison of disgusting outlook of stelzan. Essence of their ideology:" you — anything, and your nation — all; before other nations you — everything, because they — anything". Everyone stelzan — an elementary particle before the emperor, each representative of other race — a smaller particle before stelzany. No, people of Earth have to understand that to what. I resolved. I go! Though it is equivalent to a convergence in an underworld! But unless the envoy of Supreme justice, is afraid to step into the land operated by the Satan!

The last words of a great zorg, dreadfully terribly rattled heavy metal. It seemed, one hundred enormous copper pipes sound. Huge, almost round, zorg exposed six extremities with nine soft mobile fingers. Three massive legs supported in appearance clumsy, but very elastic and capable to change a form a body. Konoradson continued far more quietly. The domestic flying small fishes who from energy of the zhidkometallichesky speaker already was were swept up as molecules in boiled water also slowed down the movement, having turned into smooth dance. One more friendly animal in the form of ten strung balls cheesecakes with the head of a hamster, it was stuck to a notable zorg into a leg and began to caress catlike. Even it was possible to distinguish words: "I obedient the Sylph" And a voice of the senior senator continued to sound:

— For us it is much opened and much given. And our debt to share with those who grew blind and is deprived of evil destiny. Though we do not kill without emergency reasonable beings, even such furious and cruel types as stelzana. But ideology of the pithecanthropus in whose hands thermo-kvarkovaya, and on the way and a preonovy bomb, we have to condemn morally. Stelzana have to understand that there are still other concepts, except such as aspiration to universal domination, capture all of new territories even if by not direct, but more hidden economic wars. An essence same and they did not wage continuous wars if not our control. I will take with myself eight reasonable individuals and how many friends will depart with you?

Bernand Pangon took on hands took on hands of a hamster with a body of their ten cheesecakes. The last when stroking changed colors and took from themselves silent, but very gentle melody. One of flying small fishes took seat on a palm of the senior senator, between Konoradson's fingers there was a candy. The being with a precious scale chirped and began to pinch sweet.

Pan-rutting with sure slackness said:

— I am one step lower than you on a rank and am a hundred times younger. I will have enough two. And still I will take Tsemekel from din. He is a big specialist in Stelzanam. However after defeat from a termokvarkovy bomb it was necessary to replace his brain in a body of a cyborg. Externally it does not differ from robots, even the artificial intelligence (quantum level), also the personality is held only in remembrance. It can fine be useful to us.

The senior senator raised a palm up, and the precious small fish soared up to a chandelier in the form of planetary system. Balls of the giving planets changed the form as inviting the flyer to make landing. With badly hidden regret in a voice Konoradson thundered:

— Stelzanov, according to the contract, it is necessary to notify. It is clear, that they under any pretexts will try to detain the movement of a starprobe vehicle that will give them time for preparation for visit and concealment of traces. So the heavy exchange of beam volleys is necessary. I hope that will win not against the strongest, but the most honest. The one who governs a right cause!

* * *

Rather small space liner, later less than a day on human measurement, started with an orbit of the central planet of a great zorg. The usual starprobe vehicle without any elaborate forms, tear-shaped giving silvery outflow, seemed imperceptible against the vast objects showing design and art excesses. The huge crimson and ruby star of zorg Daramarakhadara sent a farewell beam. Near this star another burned, already artificial, the cornflower-blue and emerald star supporting due balance on the planets inhabited by zorga. Seven plentifully inhabited planets smoothly were turned around stars. Around them dense star clusters of incredibly colourful spirals of the star world with millions of high-organized planets slid. Several million stars were artificially ordered in fancy and beautiful figures. And at an entrance to a galaxy of great zorg on a black velvet canvas of boundless space large stars radiantly highlighted "Welcome to paradise!" Letters in the alphabet of zorg reminded silhouettes of kind fantastic small animals and were visible with the naked eye for hundreds of light years. It, really, struck. In different spheres of the Universe depending on radiation and structure of the atmosphere billions of flowers and a kvintilliona of shades turned out. It is impossible to describe magnificence poor human language, but having seen once, you any more will never forget a surprising picture of the world of good and light.

In the commonwealth of free and independent galaxies such concepts as pain, a grief, an illness, death, hunger, injustice disappeared. It is a natural stage of civilized development.

* * *

Space fight was in the heat.

Hundred twenty seven planes of star fleet of stelzan against hundred thirty, approximately equal on arms, the opponent's starprobe vehicles. Streamline predatory shapes of the ships of Stelzanat looked more killing, than huge and indistinct submarines of sinkh, inhabitants of Gold constellation. At first it was necessary to choose the place in space for more successful beginning of fight. Nearby there was huge on luminosity and weight in twenty five sun a star of Kishting. To win fight it is the best of all to try to press to it starprobe vehicles of the enemy.

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