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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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Buffy's jaw dropped. "Girlfriend? What? No. No. We're not even friends, honestly. We have a lot of history behind us. She's also a slayer. Long story short: we were friends, she went evil. We fought, she lost. She changed and helped me. And then we fought again. You know, it's weird, being with you here and not wanting to smash your face. I wish everything could be simple with her, but it's not."

"I see. You know, there's just a thin line separating hate and love. Maybe you two are walking that line. And maybe you just have to step in the 'love side' to make things easier."

The blonde smiled wistfully. "I have a feeling a walk on the `love side', would complicate things even more. But what about Effy? Is she your girl?"

Tru looked sad. "No, she's not. We were together a long time ago. I don't know what happened, but she said she had to go to Cleveland. I was scared, and I made her choose. She told me she couldn't go away from some duties she had, but she never told me what was going on. I just know I left her, and I let her go. Now I realize I shouldn't have made her choose. When I saw your body in the morgue yesterday, I realized I had made a big mistake. I should have gone with her."

Buffy looked at her sympathetically.

"Why don't you call her? Tell her how you feel, maybe she understands."

"After four years? I lost that train."

"You won't know if you don't try. Just saying."

They arrived at the morgue. Davis was in his office doing some paperwork. When they entered, Tru greeted him. "Hey, Davis. Look, this is my friend, Buffy."

"Hi, Tru. Nice to meet you, Buffy. What are you doing here? Your shift doesn't start until this afternoon."

"Yeah, I know. You forgot we were going to study together, didn't you?"

"Oh, no, of course not. Actually I have a case here I'd like you to see..."

"Really? Let me guess... A murder. He was poisoned. It seems he had a heroine overdose, but it's not, it was methadone. And as he was coke addict, methadone wasn't found in his blood."

Davis was shocked. After some seconds, he understood. "Oh, ok, you're having one of those days." He tried not to be so obvious in front of Buffy.

"Don't worry, Davis. She knows. Actually, she's one of the victims who asked for help. We need to find info about the other one. I'm going to use the computer to do some research, ok?"

"Yes, of course. Can I help?"

"Unless you know how to kill vampires, I'm afraid you can't."

"What??? Right, vampires. Are you serious?"

"Sadly, I am. Harrison is going to come soon. Let's find something about the other victim before he does."

They went to the computer. Tru typed in the name of the girl she was looking for and after some minutes, she found her.

"I got it! I have her address and her phone number. Now we just have to find an excuse to have her far from Central Park around sunset."

"Do you know where she works or what she does?"

Buffy was thinking. Planning excuses was one of her best skills.

"I have no idea. We will visit her. Let's go."

She went to Davis' office. "Hey, we're going. If Harrison shows up, make him wait for us here, please. We will come back soon. We are not going very far."

"I will. Are you going to tell me what's going on anytime soon? I'm pretty shocked about that vampires deal."

Buffy decided to tell him the story. "I am a vampire slayer. I was killed by some of them. I asked for help. And now we're going to kill them. Simple."

"Of course...My god, this is the weirdest story I've heard in my life."

They left Davis thinking about it. Both girls took a bus and twenty minutes later they were at Kathleen's house.

"Here we are. We don't have to explain everything, just make her go somewhere else."

They walked to the front door. There was a magazine on the floor. Tru picked it up. They rang the bell and, after waiting for a little while, the door opened.

"Hello. Kathleen Morris, right?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"Tru Davis. And she's Buffy..."

"Buffy Summers."

They both suddenly didn't know what to say.

"So how can I help you?" Kathleen tried to be gentle, but she seemed to be impatient.

"Oh, well, yeah. It's just...errr...we'd like to...err...talk to you about..."

"Please, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to go. I have to visit a client in the other part of the city and I'm already late. If you're selling anything, I'm not interested, sorry."

"Oh, no! We're not selling anything. The thing is..."

Kathleen was losing her patience. "Damn, I cannot lose another client. Do you have an idea how difficult is to find a good client these days? Apparently nobody wants a good manicure."

"Manicure. What kind of job do you have?"

"I'm a hairstylist and aesthetician. As I don't own a salon, I go to my costumer's house to do my job. It's not too bad. But I need to go. And I need to go now."

Buffy smiled and took the magazine Tru had picked up.

"We're sorry, Kathleen. We just found this magazine in our mailbox. The postman made a mistake, I guess. That's all."

Kathleen relaxed. Tru looked at Buffy confused, but the blonde kept smiling.

"Oh, thanks! Again, sorry to be rude. I have to go. Thanks!"

"By the way, do you have a card? I could always call you if I need a new hair style."

"Sure!" She searched in her pockets. "Here you are. Thanks."

"Have a nice day. Bye."

They went away. A minute later, they saw Kathleen leave the house. Tru was disappointed.

"Just great, B. We lost the chance to do something."

"We didn't, my friend. We needed an excuse and...Wait, did you just call me `B'?"

Tru shrugged. "I think so. Is that bad? Did it bother you? I don't know, it just came naturally..."

"Well, there's someone, just one person, who use that nickname. Guess who."

"Heh, Faith. Am I right?"

"You're right. And if you use that 'five by five' expression, I'll seriously freak out."

"Five by five? What's that?"

"Never mind."

They went back the morgue, where Davis and Harrison were waiting for them.

"Hey, guys! We're back. Harrison, have you got what I asked you for?"

"Hello, Tru. I got all I could. I hope it's enough."

He took a big sport bag from behind the desk and opened it. Buffy smiled.

"Wow, there are three bows. And two swords! And a lot of arrows. And an axe! I'm Buffy, by the way."

When Harrison looked at Buffy, he couldn't believe it.

"Tru! Doesn't she look like..."

"Yes, she does. It's a long story. But no, she's not Effy." She looked at Buffy. "We still have to make Kathleen go other way..."

"Oh, true, I had an idea. She was complaining about the lack of customers. We just have to make an appointment with her far away from Central Park. You could call her and distract her while I fight."

"I told you, I'm gonna fight with you. But it's a great idea. And I know who could help us."

She took out her cell phone.

"Hey, Linds"

"Hello, Tru. Don't tell me you're cancelling our breakfast tomorrow"

"No, of course not! I'm calling because I need a favor."

"Oh, ok. Go ahead"

"I need you to cut your hair. Just a little."

"What kind of favor is that?"

"Or some manicure. Pedicure maybe?"

"What's all this about?"

Tru sighed. "I cannot explain right now. I just need you to call an aesthetician and keep her busy. I will pay for it. And I promise I will tell you everything tomorrow during breakfast. I have something to tell you. I wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn't find the way. Please, do it for me and I will explain everything."

"It's ok, sweetie. Just give me the number and tell me when do you want me to meet this aesthetician. And we will talk about it tomorrow."

"You're awesome! Just meet her before dusk. I will call you when you can let her go."

Buffy handed her the card and she told Lindsay the telephone number.

"Be sure she meets you. I don't know, tell her it's very important. Tell her you have a party tonight, or a wedding, or whatever. But make her go to your place."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Thank you. I owe you big. Later, Linds."

Davis arrived with some sandwiches and sodas. They had lunch. Then, Tru and Buffy went to check the place in Central Park where the slayer's body had been found.

"Tru, we're missing something. If Kathleen is not around, they're not going to attack. I mean, I guess they attacked her and I tried to save her. Just in case, we're going to need a bait."

"I will be the bait."

"No. It's dangerous. I would be me, but I don't know if the Spike from this dimension knows me or not, and in case he does, he's too smart to attack."

"B, let me be the bait. You're going to be there. You will save me in case something goes wrong."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. We're going to beat them."

Again, in the morgue, Buffy explained to Harrison how to kill a vampire. Davis and Tru listened to her too. They trained a little and prepared the weapons. Tru had nice skills with the bow. Harrison preferred the axe.

They went to Central Park a while before sunset. Buffy wanted them to be ready. They hid behind some trees. When the sun set, Tru began walking around. Buffy was observing her close.

They didn't have to wait for so long as two vampires appeared and attacked Tru. She kicked one of them and ran, as the slayer told her. Buffy made some gestures to Harrison, telling him to wait and she approached the vampires before they could catch the brunette.

"It has to be my lucky night. Two girls in a row. A girl for the boss and a delicious blonde for me."

"But the boss will want her, too." The other vampire was more scared.

"He doesn't need to know, right?"

"Oh, don't tell me you're the bad guy. Feeling rogue today? You know, if you really want to be a badass, why don't you start firing your stylist? Those clothes are so girly, don't you think? What's with vampires and velvet?"

The vampire showed his game face and charged at the blonde. She ducked and kicked him.

"Who the hell are you? Wonderwoman?" The other vampire ran away instead of helping his mate, who was shocked to be beaten by a girl.

"Not even close," Buffy said while kicking him again. He fell and rolled on the ground. She approached him and held his throat. "I'm a slayer. And you're dust."

She was going to stake him when she heard a voice.

"Slayer! Why don't you leave him and fight against the real deal here?"

She dusted the vampire.

"Spike! I was waiting for you."

The bleach blonde vampire was cocky as always.

"Have you missed me, love? What are you doing here? Weren't you in Cleveland?"

"You know, even slayers need some holidays. I wanted to travel around."

"Good for you. That's a shame, your trip ends here. Last time you ran away. Tonight you're not going to have the same good luck." He pointed around. Buffy was surrounded by more than twenty vampires.

Buffy made a sign and Harrison left his hideout. Tru started throwing arrows with the bow, and she killed two vampires.

They circled each other, ready to fight.

"You sure? I've never run away from you. Last time I saw you, actually, you were saving the day and sealing the Hellmouth in Sunnydale..."

"Me?" He snorted "Of course, saving the day and confessing my love for you. Where the bloody hell is Sunnydale?"

"Actually you were a pet, I had you at my mercy. And trust me, after this fight you're dust."

Spike was a little confused. Buffy charged at him sending some punches. One of them connected with his jaw. The bleach vampire laughed.

"Is it the best you can give me, Effy? C'mon, pet, I'm bored."

"Effy...interesting. So Effy is a slayer."

He kicked her in the stomach that made Buffy bend over and he connected his knee with her face. She fell. Harrison was fighting the best he could. He already cut some vampires' heads, but they were too many. Tru was doing great with the bow. But it wasn't enough.

Buffy stood from the ground and kept fighting against Spike. The fight was going to be tough.

Tru heard someone calling her. Davis had arrived with a weird huge backpack and a hosepipe.

"Am I late?"

"You're in time. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to help and I found the way."

He aimed at the group of vampires and opened the hose. As soon as the water touched the vampires, they stopped fighting and began to ran.

"What's that?"

"Holy water!!"

Soon all the vampires had disappeared. Spike was alone, and Buffy didn't want to lose the chance to kill him.

"It seems it's just you and me. Are you ready to go to hell, Spike?"

He kept attacking the slayer, but she was faster and stronger. Davis sprayed them with some more holy water. Spike tried to run away, but Buffy caught him. She trashed him and sat on his stomach. The blonde pinned him on the floor.

"Game over, Spike."

She punched him repeatedly in the face and then she dusted him.

Tru and Harrison celebrated the victory. Buffy was not as happy as they were. Spike had been a friend, after all, in her dimension. But she knew what she had to do.

"Davis, great idea! We wouldn't have made it without you."

Tru's boss blushed profusely. They took all the weapons. Harrison went home and Davis went back the morgue. He told Tru to take the night off.

Tru was smiling. She came closer to Buffy.

"We made it."

"Yes, we did."

"Oh, I have to call Lindsay!"

After a short call, she looked at Buffy.

"I think I have some tickets to buy..."

Buffy laughed.

"Tru, if you don't mind... I'm exhausted and I need a shower. But first I need to find a place to spend the night. Do you know of any nice motel?"

"You could sleep at my home."

"But I don't want to bother you."

"Hey, you're not bothering me! Let's go!"

They arrived at Tru's house. Buffy took a shower. The brunette lent her some clean clothes.

Tru seemed thoughtful.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm just thinking I'm going to call Effy. You were right, maybe she doesn't want to see me again, but if I don't try I won't know."

"Exactly. And now that you know her big secret, and also knowing what it is to hang with a slayer, you could understand her better."

"Yeah. I fucked things up with her."

Buffy hugged her. Suddenly, a portal started to open in one of the walls.

"Oh, man. Tru, I think i'm going to another dimension. Or maybe home."

"What? At least have some rest first!"

"It's not something I can control. The portal is opening. Take care, okay? You're a great girl. Thanks for saving me."

Tru kissed her on the lips. The next second, Buffy was sucked into the portal. Tru sighed and grabbed her cell phone.

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