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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, — I nodded his head, " just go to the bath.


"You know, I showed girl stained sleeve and side shirts, smacked by a dirty trousers — much something dust.

The girl smiled for the first time:

-Well, well, just let's hurry, you don't really exhaust.

All the terrible experiences of today backed away, gone away, and her charming smile in front of me as if flew open another world, in which there was no trace of fear. From there breathed heat and light, and the feeling was suddenly so clear that I could not tell myself that the real: this is what surrounds me swamp provincial life, which was so much horror, or something warm and bright window that suddenly plunged my second "I".

"And you with me to the bath to go? Playfully and at the same time, half hoping to consent I asked the girl.

Alyona also playfully shook her head, and we both fun and carefree laughed as забывшиеся children. That moment seemed to me incredibly dazzling and magical gift of fate, which completely wiped out all my past painful experiences and filled my heart warm, lively gratitude.

I felt like I could tell her something extraordinary, from which the soul was supposed to fly somewhere high in the bright heavens, and stay there, surrounded by white облачек-lamb...

But, see, I did not have such words, that could Express my feelings, and only in the head, as it very often happened, spinning verse snowstorm, наметая snowdrifts quatrain:

I angel fell on the white snow,

He seemed to me to be as dark as the night,

And you're beautiful of all beautiful... Negatives

Your I win that it was urine

Sought sweet tenacious honey

That enfolded me. In vain,

All worthless. And melted the ice.

And it was all around wonderful...

Chapter 11.

-Make Friends, Yura. This young man will live here! — Said Sergey Maksimovich, opening приоткрывшуюся the door wider and pushing his brother deep into the hallway.

-I hope not for long? — weak unhealthy voice inquired Yura.

-How much will! — Sergey said, throwing off her cloak and removing shoes.

-And how many have?..

Yura broke off, because brother looked up at him angry, serious eyes:

"You might at first greeted with a man.

We shook hands, and I felt his palm, cold and wet, like a toad.

-Well, okay, nurse the guest. I have Breakfast will not. All went to sleep.

We Yurii Maksimovich went into the kitchen, and Sergey another ten minutes of noise in the bathroom, and from there we could hear it quite a groan. Then everything fell silent.

Yurii Maksimovich was busy at the stove, and I with interest eyed him from head to foot, sitting like a good boy — hands on his knees at the table.

If Sergey on a patronymic name language turned with difficulty, Yuri they sure looked old man, though perhaps was almost the same age as his brother. Much старили his glasses and with strong lenses, and indistinct женоподобная, amorphous shape, making it look like a bedside table in the robe Terry robes on two skinny legs.

Yurii Maksimovich put me in front of a plate of semolina, put a piece of bread, buttered, sat down himself, and also began to eat. He didn н6е asked, looking at his plate prying eyes.

When I ate, Yurii Maksimovich still silently took my empty plate. Put a Cup of tea, and went out of the kitchen.

After Breakfast, I went through the rooms of the apartment. There was two of them. In one, sprawled on the couch, her chin up, opening his mouth "width butt", snored Sergey Maksimovich. In another, something down, slouched over the table, bowed her head, his brother.

I approached him from behind, standing behind him. Yurii Maksimovich looked over his shoulder at me, raised up his round, fat, bloated face, but didn't asking turned their records and calculations.

Next to his Desk and above it was a strange apparatus that caught my attention. Several blocks with colored lights and all kinds of scales, control knobs, toggle switches. Equipment resembled an army, was so bulky and clumsy, ill-adapted to work with it, unsympathetic and unattractive.

Some time I watched devices. It seemed to me that some of them have already met once, and if his memory, you can know.

On one device, a blinking yellow light, flailed buzzer. Yurii Maksimovich sat up in his chair and, much squinting, began to be viewed on a small scale of the instrument, on which gradually move the arrow.

"Come along, young man! — suddenly he said to me, took his cold hand on to my sleeve like a bad boy, which was to take in the kindergarten, where he does not want to go.

I did not even bother to resist, and soon we were in the basement, where Yurii Maksimovich turned on the light. Took me along the corridor between the doors with mounted locks and stopped at the end of one of them.

When he opened the door and shot the lock, opened the wooden door, it was discovered another: iron, digital safe and a large turning the handwheel in the middle.

Yurii Maksimovich lit formed in the vestibule of a light bulb at a low ceiling and hurriedly began to gain on the chips combination, then twisted the steering wheel, and the door began to slow, hard to open.

We went inside, and when the lights went on, I saw a rather large and well furnished room, which could, if necessary, to live. Here was a small equipped kitchen, and a strange remote with a number of buttons, switches and signal lights, and the wardrobe, sofa, and even a TV with a radio receiver.

Yurii Maksimovich shut behind us a thick metal клепаную door and walked over to the console, making some manipulation. Somewhere earned motors, there was a strong characteristic noise of the fans and of the gratings in the walls of a strong stream of air.

-What is it? Why have we come here? I inquired, as he came nearer to the panel that already was sparkling some colored appliances, jumping up and down green bars, and shaking arrow indicators.

Is?! Yurii Maksimovich switched lighting, leaving burnt with a Desk lamp on the remote. — This shelter. And we came here because at the top of the radiation.

He looked at me, studying, and in the lenses of his glasses flashed a reflection of a Desk lamp and a superiority:

-So we'll sit here until it's over.

I looked at him опешенно as the crazy:

-What is radiation? Where did it come from?

The radiation of the most ordinary, it only can be, it came from, go at it and ask.

I felt that if we don't sit down somewhere and then шлепнусь on the floor.

-Listen... Listen, Yurii Maksimovich! You're kidding me? I asked, going to the couch.

-No, in General. Why do I need an adult, who lived the life of a person, such jokes? That way, you, I and this retreat specially rebuilt to you play?

-And that you built?! -I was sincerely surprised.

-Of course, who else?

-But it's how much money we had угрохать! Where did you get them? After all, here a thousand!

-Yes, I put here a few fees, moreover, had to sell his gorgeous three bedroom apartment and move in this халупу to the brother. But life requires it. To live differently now it is impossible, at least for me.

-And what fees, if not a secret?

-For the scientific work. I am a scientist, Professor, I write scientific articles, publish, get my money.

-But what these costs? Is it so often happens radiation?

-And radiation, and any excess of the MPC...


-MPC — maximum permissible concentration. My equipment pinpoint any excess of the MPC. What only harmful products of production are known, they are scanned, and are differentiated from environmental sensors of the equipment of this refuge. I can watch the full state of the atmosphere and radioactive background of the area by means of indicators and, if anything, to take refuge here. Moreover, this haven is a reliable protection from earthquakes and withstand even the twelve points. It is made according to the technology of reinforced independent Cuba and can withstand a furious pressure shake-up.

-What are the earthquake? "I do not understand me to be his last words. It seemed to me that I've missed. — unless there are earthquakes? Maybe I have and I don't really understand, but that is not сейсмоопасный district, for sure. Or you, Yurii Maksimovich, want to say that the us soon, the atomic bomb is thrown off?

-No, the atomic bomb is not to blame, but what about earthquakes, young man, I was right. Yes, you are right that this area is considered not to be earthquake-prone. But it only is considered, and in this tragedy, because there are virtually no earthquake engineering: no housing or industrial. But the fact that I still am working on a change issues, seismicity taking into account the influence of the newest factors of geological history. And one of the most dynamic and therefore the most dangerous factors of industrial mining, and, first of all, coal, especially oil. Occur giant move the masses, the balance of the earth's crust. Our thoughtless sloppy, criminal negligence at zadelke developed wells lead to the fact that billions of cubic kilometers, the entire underground sea moved in layers that you didn't have it for millions of years, and now imagine that all this is happening. It is like a person to instruct bruises, and then lament that we have done with him bruises. We live on the earth from above, from space reminiscent of one big bruise. But the earth is revenge for what she got hurt. According to my calculations we already had to turn the clock back a year and a half ago. But God is merciful, and this has still not happened.

Last summer in July was one землетрясениеце, almost imperceptible, so three points, but happened as a result of a large accident at a chemical plant. My alarm went off well and if it is not, and I, and brother would have been on the hospital bed, if not at the cemetery.

Yurii Maksimovich fell silent and turned away again to the panel that the switching on it and looking at the glowing scale and hopping green and yellow bars.

How long are you here to stretch, if that happens? asked, digesting heard.

-For two-three months. Food and water, but with gasoline worse, " said, without turning, Yurii Maksimovich.

-What is gasoline?

-From the ordinary. I have here an Autonomous power mounted. That's for her gasoline and need.

Conversation silent again, and I sat on the couch, trying to collect his thoughts, but then I suddenly like autumn:

"Listen, what about your brother?! He stayed at the top!

-Sergey still doesn't come in now — I know him. He after the shift, tired, and his tractor now not move.

-But there is a strong radiation!

-I say that it cannot be moved from the couch, he sleeps a dead sleep, Yurii Maksimovich turned to me again. The lenses of his glasses glistening in the dim twilight, and, apparently, having read something on my face, he said. "Well, young man, to me it is probably better to know her brother, but if you insist, I will call him now here over the intercom that connects the shelter of my room.

He pushed on the small cover, and under it was found out of the loudspeaker and microphone with a neatly-folded, and смотанным cord. Yurii Maksimovich flicked the switch and pressed some button. In the dynamics there was a deafening bells.

Is there in the room, Wake up call worked, " he explained to me.

Call had long about five minutes, until finally, instead of exactly взбесившегося call the speaker does not heard the angry voice of Sergey Maksimovich:

-Hey, moron, what are you doing there and climbed't you let me sleep?!

-Sergey, come over here. At the top of the radiation! "replied Yurii Maksimovich, choking back in переменившемся voice resentment and trying to be as calm as possible.

-And where is the boy? With you?!

-With me, and nodded his head Yurii Maksimovich.

-All right, — said Sergey it looked like he was going to go to sleep on.

-So you'll go down or not?! — concerned about raising his voice, asked Yurii Maksimovich.

-Yes, come thou in the swamp with his radiation — tired yawn, Sergey said, and on top of all was quiet.

"See?! — укоряющее looked at me Yurii Maksimovich, as if trying to accuse me an a brother to him offense.

"I see, " I said, involuntarily her eyes lowered.

We fell silent again for a long time. I felt guilty and could not ask a single question, although I had it in abundance. Very much now I found it interesting, and, for example, how often have a high radiation. But I sat quietly Yurii Maksimovich all went on at the console.

Finally I got tired of sitting in this concrete cube.

-Let me out of here!

Yurii Maksimovich turned to me, flashed glasses, and stared her his dark, myopic eyes.

"Why are you here you sit?" — flashed through my mind.

-Let me out of here! I repeated.

"Young man, I can't get you out. There the radiation.

-What the hell radiation?! People live, and nothing — it's OK! I don't want to sit here with you. Release me, after all!

-Well, well! Yurii Maksimovich feverishly clicked some switches turned on the overhead light, went to the door and, крутанув several times wheel on it, opened the output from the shelter. -Get out, only faster! I don't want to here and it was crap!

"Good-bye, " I said, not too slowly. If I had a hat on his head, as bullying I would not fail to remove it and take the bow in реверансе to pull the rubber and see how this unpleasant, repulsive-looking man will come jelchew in silent impatiently waiting, finally, would be to close the door behind me, and puffed on how toad.

Everybody on the street was commonly. If I never said that around radiation, he would, I hardly ever guessed that. The roads were driving cars, people were in the streets, who slowly, who simply walking, everything was as usual.

"We must драпать of here!" — visited me insight. "If someone actually control my thoughts and actions, not letting me go, then everything must be done to deceive him."

Walking through the streets of the city as would not even thinking about leaving, I nevertheless moved closer towards the station. It was a very slow, sometimes even had to return back to go in the opposite direction, that's really just to muddy the waters and confuse докапывающегося to my true intentions in the chaos of small motives and actions. I then went to a shop, cafe sat down to have a Cup of tea or a refreshing drink. In the end even I had the impression that I don't hurry anywhere and, in General, are not going to do anything to escape from this city.

For me it seems that no one was watching, and walked not on his heels, not after peeking from behind corners, but, nevertheless, someone's attention, someone's heavy hand was on my mind, perceiving all their changes, and I had to hope for flight to hide the deepest levels of thinking, bordering with the subconscious mind, what she now looked to me like a distant vain dreams impossible dreams, the implementation of which I would not have done already and step, having reconciled with their fate.

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