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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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So walking and придуриваясь, in the end I went to the station square. Those who followed my mind, should be alert, but I did not give this reason, because I have in mind was to leave somewhere, leave the city, and who followed me, apparently calmed down, Charter watch sluggish during the processes in my brain, and to where I am now, he had no case until my thoughts remained on the same level.

Approaching the intersection, where yesterday terrible accident happened, I didn't react, but it's hard to hold back my excitement and not indulge in dangerous memories that are immediately alerted would be following my consciousness, and then all is lost.

"Well, now, now come on, have a snack in the cafe at the station, look what they got some good to eat", " I said quietly to myself, trying to really develop a simple desire to eat and a temptation to discover in the railway cafe something yummy. I even went over in the mind of yummy I would like, but in my head got another thought: "This station. With it you can leave. With a need to leave. Now immediately with him..."

I made a great effort to stifle that thought, запинать her, предательницу to mess up other, smaller, vain and marginal, but it proved quite difficult, and when the victory over it was me almost won, and I have already passed the crossroads where yesterday it happened, and on the horizon not had a single machine, my eyes suddenly I was struck by the fact that the transition no sewage hatch, the sewer hatch, which faltered the old woman, and she and pleased by the machine. It was not at all.

This discovery shocked me. I stopped short, staring at the asphalt. The fear inside me grew up in terror, to panic, whirling all nanos and bustle of sham сибаритства with the naked in his пронзительности thought: "I Must run away! Guard!"

I knew that I had already issued himself, gave a surge of fear, вырвавшим from the depths of the consciousness of my true intention, and if now to me was connected to a lie detector, then he would have made a splash on all parameters. But the fact that watched me, didn't need a detector. It was enough for him only, that I began to stroke my thinking cool Elendil broke, highlighting my true intention. Now I stood before him in all the boldness of his plan and, when to save the seemingly need to make one step, was the closest thing to failure, for which loomed the shadow of something terrible.

I could not move, as if sticking to the pavement, like a fly to a sugar bait, and suddenly saw rushing straight at me a car. He was already close and seem to have no thought braking or turning. "Where did he come from, because on the road there were no cars", — flashed in my mind a silly idea, although it was already clear: here it is payback for attempting to escape.

Without restraint rushing the car was close now, так4 that could be seen behind the windscreen two skewed whether fear, or anger person, but my legs refused to obey, becoming numb.

"Oh, my God!" involuntarily I thought, preparing for the worst, and suddenly felt that "came unstuck", took a step, but in the next second bumper of your car touched my legs, why I was thrown aside, and I felt like the wheel of a car passed on my heel.

Machine swung brakes, why it skidded and deployed. Покатившись head over heels, I was at the far sidewalk and, in fear sprang up and ran to the station, pushing counter minorities passers-by and feeling that хромаю on one leg because of a Shoe that I was staggered back heel. I don't have time to think, as it still can run. The corner of my eye I could see the two of them, a little awkwardly, jumped out of the car and went after me in pursuit.

From the platform went any train. Might I rushed after him, dropping on the go hampering running shoes and feeling small stones and debris hurt cut through the toe heels, passed last, postal, car and clung to the rail, calling out in a terrible voice, goodness knows why I have undertaken "Go away!" conductor, шарахнувшейся deep into the vestibule, and has wormed the belly of the iron checkered plate site, throwing his feet.

Breathless, I got up and asked the frightened girl:

-Where is the train?

Commuter it! "she said. — You have a ticket?

-Damn it! — escaped me.

I looked outside. The station was out of sight.

-For you for the ticket! — I offered a few crumpled pieces of paper ago decided never to come back, and walked in the car, where the bare shelves sat tiredly travelling from city to their homes, returning to their villages of the country folk.

Chapter 12.

The bath I went all the same one. With Alyona we agreed to meet on a village fence of her house on the other side of the village. It had to be done discreetly. And now, sweating in clubs hot steam and throwing wood on rdeyuschie coals, I painfully thought how best to accomplish this: whether to go along the river strangers gardens or go around through the forest, dark чащобой подступившему with the knoll to the edge of the village, making it seem that he shoves aside her in the water. And then, and another was dangerous, since it was of this nature. I was wondering why Varvara, did for me. And in the light of the strange tales of the shepherd and the last, not less mysterious events, happened with Peter seemed to me now is not accidental.

It was frightening. The smoke coming out of the bath, probably has already attracted the attention of anybody, and I was afraid, as it was not noticed Varvara. I don't give the rest of what she said, openly now, taking an opportunity, that wants to meet with me. She could come here, and because I locked both doors, propping one spear, and the other, the one that goes to the river, having strengthened to push the bracket stick handle.

Barely fear little by little began to let my troubled conscience, and I finally started to really bath, as suddenly шкрябание and attempts to open the door from the side of the house, attracted my attention. Having crept on tiptoe to the запотевшему the little window, I rubbed his palm and looked out, clinging to the glass, and with a sinking heart, trying to see up. But deep frame is prevented to do so.

The door kept scraping along, and in addition cat's sound is not heard anything. Remains calm which still warm in my soul, vanished without a trace.

"Who's there?! I asked, cautiously approaching the door.

There was no answer.

"Who's there?!

On the outside everything is silent. As the door opened went pairs. Sticking my head, I looked right, looked in the door, covered with a broom.

There was not a soul, but I felt that someone was watching me. In the tense silence that наползало stupor, I had a feeling that the whole village had died and I'm all alone naked in the bath in the middle of this lifeless silence, and from the heart зашлось in horror.

"Who's there?! — I cried, not so much to someone said, and more then to tell myself that I am still alive. It seemed to me that scream my resounded far on an empty area. In fear I slammed the door, securing it with a stick, and to bring a sense of reality, splashed a full bucket of cold water on the hot stones, why bathhouse is filled with heavy, thick, непроглядным steam, burning the skin and lungs exactly coal, and then immediately jumped out, сшибив simple constipation, on the bridge and, without hesitating a second, threw himself into the water.

Blessed saving coolness of the water hugged my burning body, and then a few seconds't want to pop up, and it was felt that body, moving slowly in the green-yellow sediment grains of sand and silt, sinking further and further into the thickening darkness turmoil.

Down at the bottom of something flashed a quick shadow, and I am, trying to keep the panic, earned his hands and feet, surfacing: it was not very pleasant to see that this fascinating немоте there is still something alive and moving, living here on the law of the host. The proximity of the swamp into which flowed the river is a very bad final movement — сгущала paint, and it would be better not to see that beneath you, a few feet below, over covered with silt driftwood floating unclear, расплывчатыеконтуры unknown creature. The feeling of free flight in a unknown silence nameless river, lost in the woods and fields, and the bestowing his vital energy with the silent, mysterious swamp, but not any more deep and strong river, which in itself was unnatural, grew in animal horror before the Majesty of small and frightened more than a bottomless depth of the ocean, which could not reach the human imagination...

Подплывая to the bridge, I could barely restrained not embark really took to their heels, and faster, than in other times, взабрался, almost jumped from the water dried feet to Shine, but the dark Board flooring.

Couples from the sauna was flying white clubs, and about to go in and close the door, there was no question. I left it open and, squinting up from the hot, humid air, got to the furnace and threw on притухшие coals few damp wood splinters, immediately задымивших white, щекочущих nostrils and першащим throat smoke. I began to cough, but with me he coughed, and someone else. Scared again had no strength, and I only thought angrily, that whoever it was, he now receives over this stupid game of hide and seek:

"Who's there?! — I thought I growled in anger.

Someone's fingers took me above the elbow, right behind the injured spot. In thinning clubs couple stood Ivan Noodles.

It's you in the door скребся?! — I was furious.-"You still just wasn't enough!"

Harass the stupid nerd getting tired of it, especially after the incident with stones, that he should kick properly.

"Listen, " he whispered instead of answering, — tonight will be the night — God forbid. Peter will die, it was the work of the barbarians. Don't it seem to the eye. I know she's our women offered: it's all lies, bullshit. She will do their dirty work, and you will attract, and there wasn missing you. You got somewhere to hide out until tomorrow morning, well, at least, four, until cock.

-And what are you about me печешься? I asked, feeling the fervor dies away, and things begin to frantically warping of the mind.

-I struggle with Evil, but now I can do it by word only. I need an assistant...

"Oh no, I've had enough! "I blurted out if only been waiting for this moment.

-Yes understand you, or me, or with Varvara! — tried to convince me to shepherd, but I wasn't listening, pushing out the door.

-I no except! "I said in his face and думавшему resist, embarrassed, Ivan Noodles, and slammed the door in his face. The conversation was finished.

Some time later, at the door of the bath was empty, and, quietly домывшись dressed, I went into the house where I was waited Pelageya.

-Listen, dear, you're to go to the one удирай! Again-Baba-t came to cope on your t soul. Wanted to go to the bath, hardly stopped them-t!..

after a few minutes, around the forest, and kept looking around, I drove to the house of Alena, and then, leaving the window a few lumps of earth, fled with her that it was urine on the open road along the bog, wondering why she suddenly became an infinitely long. All further road on чащобам and fields seemed shorter this open for viewing from the middle edge of the village inch of space.

"Do you think we notice? I asked, catching his breath, the girl.

I don't know! — She shrugged her shoulders, and we went chatting about nothing in particular, but continually looking behind him.

As the village remained farther and farther, and the fear passed, I became undermine the bad thought, that disturbed, no matter how I tried to banish it away. Now I have been known to some embarrassing facts of her biography that and think something was terribly. Several times already been solved finally I ask the same question about her parents, but every time stumbled halfway and Alena then looked at me surprised and scared and carefully, not understanding what was happening to me.

Of course, to talk about it was not easy. On the one hand the direct question could hurt the girl to touch the sick and maybe break the most delicate strings of her soul. On the other danger loomed get in some jungle of someone else's fate, which is then easily, if at all possible, it would be to get out. Here it was necessary to behave cautiously and carefully, and therefore start from somewhere far in the distance, something does not seem to be related to topics of interest to me...

-And Pelagia Пантелеевны have children? I inquired suddenly, not expecting such a question.

You should know, " the girl smiled. Because they are your relatives.

-Well, — I gave, looking for that answer. Is she to me not my grandmother, and I her first time visiting. How do I know?

Ална paused again, still smiling.

-How ill you to relatives think about, if you don't know their sisters and brothers, let and cousins or троюрных, — what are they there for you fall? I'm not talking to you corresponded with them or spoke as anything else...And your people deserve to remember them. Anyway, one for sure...

She laughed softly, and I thought it was the perfect moment to talk about her parents, but then decided that happen too clearly несвязанно and right way.

-And who is this one? I continued dialogue.

-I don't know what it is you have, should be a guy, though... Maybe this is wrong.

Is that not true?

Something that was such a...

-What was it?

"I don't even know how to say about him... Tadpole he was, in General.

-As a tadpole?! I asked, having coped with a laugh.

"I have heard that shortly before the war Pelageya Panteleevna gave birth to the first child — the beginning of the story Alena, and I thought it was worth a listen. "She was still quite young, was perhaps a bit older than me. Well нагуляла baby inexperience...

The boy was born as a boy, normal, in General, little baby. Grew up, grew up, but something happened, and he began to grow one head. At first did not notice it, and then late. Yes, none of physicians and could not say what this kind of disease, but his head grew to the size of a small balloon and began to occupy almost all the cushion. And the neck was skinny such that resembled стручек, and to support the heads of the special подпорочки invented.

Everyone said that he would die, because to live with such a mind is impossible, but-headed child lived and lived his. Grow stopped, but умнеть became by leaps and bounds, and to five years already spoken as an adult, and even read books, turning over the pages of children's fingers.

And for Pelageya Пантелеевной long before the war was courted by the Director of one factory, all came by car. Maybe it from him little baby was, nobody knows, but it is too him courted Yes watching Goodies brought him books. So until the war was.

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