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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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In the big hall was crowded from the audience. There were visitors from other weddings. The bride and groom disappeared, left, accompanied by staff of the institution. Somewhere, as if from another world, and then came the wedding March, then went out solemnly dressed woman with broad red ribbon imprinted in gold letters Mantilla over her shoulder and offered to go relatives and guests another pair.

Finally came and turn wedding Veronica and Hippo.

Together with others I come into a little hall with carpets, the chamber orchestra of the corner, in the middle of which a microphone with an open book in his hand stood waiting for a smartly dressed woman with a sash over his shoulder. In front of her, accompanied by witnesses stood Veronica and Behemoth. The head of the bride was hidden by a veil, but still, I could see under her hair, neck and face.

The whole ceremony took place for me in a daze, and I had not even noticed again appeared on the streets. Young sat in a tuple. I too hurried to one of the empty seats in the car, but soon I pushed. Then in the car crammed as many people that it was impossible to imagine how so many people can fit in such a small space. However, no one noticed the tightness. The guests were entertained, joked and незлобно denials.

Wedding long worn to discover the city and suburban locations. There they all were unloaded from the car. Young photographed. All drank champagne, which whenever it in abundance was taken out of nowhere, and each time at each stop will definitely ended.

Only after almost half a day tuple landed in the yard of the house where you lived before Veronica. Here at the entrance was already a crowd of onlookers and children who are eagerly waiting for, when the young would be showered candy and chips.

After the ceremony of meeting of the young at the door, when they were forced to bite the bread, drink champagne, and have broken into happiness expensive wine glasses, all went upstairs. The groom with the bride retired to rest after hours check in the city. Guests have settled for capped apartment tables. I learned that towards evening wedding move into the restaurant.

I was terribly hungry, and barely concealed hunger attacked the food. The idea to meet with Veronica as soon as possible and tell her that I love her, seemed now I do some crazy and unnecessary. Me so here were not invited. In some moment I even felt ashamed of his presence at the wedding. I ate expensive foods and drinking a good expensive wine, but me nobody knew and no one expected. Feel unbidden guest, it became increasingly difficult as my stomach was...

In the restaurant of the bride and bridegroom stand near the entrance to the hall, and now already met each guest, which gave them flowers and gifts. Next were the witnesses. In them I learned the red-haired girl of the campaign in the restaurant and the Rafter, which is so loved, so I knew Behemoth.

Standing at some distance, I watched поздравляющие give flowers bride, boldly kissed Veronica, and she dazzling smiles and talks to them with joy and happiness. Surround her some subtle glow of bliss, illuminating the surrounding garden of Eden fragrance.

All this went on for what seemed a long time, and when it's almost no one left on the area near the entrance, and next to brides, has grown the whole bed of bright colors and a mountain of gifts, Veronica looked in my direction, apparently. Drawing attention to the man, who stands in all this time and not coming closer. Maybe she finally felt my opinion, during this time intently watched her. Smile immediately disappeared, gone from her face.

Behemoth continued to receive congratulations from the last guests, but she did not react to their wishes and now looking in my direction, slightly open mouth.

Lose the more you cannot have a single minute, and I went immediately to her, not knowing what will happen in the next moment, seeing as increasingly become her eyes.

Now and Hippo saw me. The corner of my eye I saw how unspeakably he was surprised, but my eye was chained to Veronica. I was trying to read in her eyes that happens to her at that moment, but he could not do it. At the same time, those eyes told me so much in those few moments of our silent dialogue that I suddenly felt, whether from what I himself coined this dialogue, whether from the fact that it did happen.

As if from somewhere far away I heard the words of Hippo:

-Oh, well, buddy! I wouldn't expect you заявишься!

Somehow I felt sorry for him, I began to mumble something ridiculous excuse herself, feeling inside some thief to him. I took out of his pocket pretty поредевшую in the last days of my cash, divide it in half and gave one part of the Hippo:

-Here, take it and be happy!

-Well, you what?! — Hippo hesitated for a second, but still took the money and took them into the inner pocket of his dazzling expensive suit. -Well, thank you, come in, sit down at the table, help yourself, and be merry.

I wanted to kiss her, as did all that the congratulations, but I have not had this spirit. It seemed to me that all the same Hippo closely follows me, that he reads all my thoughts. And therefore only bringing lips to face stunned my appearance bride, I felt that no effort can't continue this movement.

-Why did you come? — she whispered. "Do you mean to spoil me a wedding?

-I steal you, " I replied, not knowing why.

-Hey, what are you шепчитесь? asked Behemoth.

He says that steal me, — said Veronica...

Walking into the room, I looked around. The groom is already accepting new congratulations from припозднившихся guests, and Veronica looking after me, and it was difficult to say what came over her face...

Only by the middle of the evening, when dashing toastmaster drunk to such a state that is not elm already bast, and the case by proposing a toast, and not hesitating to itself SIP a glass of champagne and a shot of vodka, I dared again to catch the eye of Veronica, but invited to dance not her, but wanted to do so, and the witness.

The idea to steal the bride now not to leave me, and I now waited, when this opportunity to introduce myself. Soon advantage of the moment when the bride turned away, turned away conversation, I grabbed Veronica remained without supervision, by the hand and in the two accounts drew her away from the hall, up the stairs. A second later we were on the floor above, at the entrance to another hall, where only two months ago I sat with Veronica in a bizarre campaign same night, that first gave it to me, and then took away suddenly. Now I hid in a corner, having absolutely no idea what to do next, and all he could say was:


"You fool! What have you done?! — boiled it.

-I DO?!I stole you... it can be...

"Idiot! Now take me back and apologize for your foolishness!

-Why did you go with me? Could snatch hand — remnants of my illusions somewhere suddenly evaporated.

Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if still doubting, go down the stairs.

Now in her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what it is. Finally, when she was already a platform below and going further down the marble steps, it struck me with a piercing pain that's not enough halo charm, radiating love, pink haze окутывавшего her and forced me charmed with it, which I myself surrounded it once.

Struck suddenly with his discovery, I was mechanically down behind her...

Behemoth all also chatted with the guests, not noticing our act. All behaved calmly, like I didn't rush headlong bride from the audience.

We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:

"Well, come on, 't apologize!

Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.

-What happened?! asked Behemoth.

-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.

Such behavior Veronica I was not myself.

-I thought — I said... it is a wedding, I felt that my explanations are becoming dumber and more blushed. — In General, forgive me, please, " I added, turning even not clear to whom.

I myself was not clear at whom and for that I am sorry, and I managed to get into such a stupid situation.

-For what? — Hippo took apologize in his address, but smiled unknown what.

I don't know. In General, good-bye! — I headed for the exit.

-Oh, wait! — the cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?

-Yes, in General, no.

-Well, then stay and not invent anything, he took me by the hand and conducted to the table and sit down, he sat down on the next to his bride.

Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around eating and drinking, without paying any attention to me. And then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Напейся!"

Immediately knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste, and then have not remembered where I was, and what with me...

I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I was someone trying to extract. It was dark outside. On the sidewalk near the entrance of the house carrying on any people. Everything was a blur.

I could understand now, was that I enter in some housing, lower on something soft, like a sofa, and the circle continues holiday music blasted, jumping, and dancing people.

"Where am I?" — flagged question in my mind.





"You fool! What have you done?! — Boiled it.

-I? I stole you... in Fact you can also...

"Idiot! Now take me back! And apologize for your foolishness!

-Why have you followed me?! Might just take your hand...

Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if doubting down the stairs.

In her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what is missing. And suddenly, when she was already a platform below and was going to go even below the marble stairs, hit me with piercing toothache. The charm, easy, pink haze окутывавшего her image once in my mind, so who captured imaginations me in that distant day, was no longer in sight.

Affected by their sudden revelation, I was mechanically down behind her.

Behemoth still chatted with friends as if nothing happened.

We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:

"Well, come on, 't apologize!

Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.

-What happened?! Asked Behemoth.

-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.

-I thought — I said... After all, this is a wedding! — I felt that зарделся crimson blush. — In General, please forgive me!

-For what?! — Hippo smiled unknown what.

I don't know. In General, good-bye! — I headed for the exit.

-Oh, wait! — The cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?!

-Yes, no...

-Well, then stay here, " he took my arm and held to the table, sit down, sat down next to his bride.

Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around they drank and ate, not paying each other any attention, and then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Drink!".

Knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste. And soon I did not remember where I was, and what with me, and in my field of vision was left only a small section of the table with a glass, a plate, a snack and a bottle of vodka. It was the most simple escape from boredom...

I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I tried to somebody extract. It was dark outside. On a platform before the entrance of the house carrying on any people. But all that happens is appearing though my mind is unclear. I understood that I enter in some sort of apartment and lower on the sofa, and around goes some свистопляска under wildly screaming sounds from the speakers powerful system.

"Where am I?" — Flagged question in my mind.

Chapter 14.

After the dark stairs, where smoke and quietly talking to several people, and in the darkness were visible only red fireflies cigarettes, we were on a balcony where the sight was even more ridiculous. Then have passed to the external balcony, representative of the vast veranda, lined with marble tiles, in many places already broken and missing altogether. We came to the wide stone railing.

At the bottom of the weak glare from the window froze in timelessness dead fountain. Over us lies in the magic, frightening silence starry sky , looking at us from infinity millions of their impartial eye. From behind came the muffled roar of rock, rhythm which made involuntarily tapping his to the beat him , and out of place him somewhere behind the trees were heard vague voices:

Here is one with the mountain came down,

Probably, my dear goes,

It embroidered blouse,

It mad me freak out.

This dissonance unpleasant something that impressed me, and I just woke up from a deep sleep, feeling that I зябнуть from the cool air.

-Don't you cold? I inquired Alena.

-No, — she shrugged her shoulders and looked over his shoulder. — I got used to cool.

We stood alone , and I began to wonder how long this will go on, feeling that it is time to go to jump, to dance, to keep warm, as the balcony doors were flung open, and seemed to three: two women, both for thirty-five years, and with them the older men. Smiling, loud talking to each other, waving their arms and helping gestures in aid of facial expressions. They approached and standing in the corner of the balcony, continued noisy conversation, not paying any attention to us.

-Well, let's go! Let's go! "Cried one of the women.

"Well, you say that?! That I am with you one will do? — Отпирался man, vigorously waving his hands and brushing with yourself persistently repeating arms of the subject.

On the balcony began to people again and again, and already formed a quite groups and piles that you would think the bottom nobody left.

To Alena came some girls, talking with her, and she excused himself, was off somewhere, promising to be back soon. Not managed to trace her forgiven me Pat on the shoulder this very man that was with two women:

Boy, I see you are alone? Do not make us campaign?

-What should I do? Cautiously I asked.

-Oh, nothing special. Out of those, " he nodded over his shoulder sit fifteen minutes, drink or two miss.

I tried to refuse, but apparently anticipating my thoughts, he made a warning movement:

— Nothing more. I promise you that. To me they are themselves here, and here he made a movement in the throat vigorously полоснув the edge of his palm throat.

I was silent, not knowing what to do. Drinking is not wanted. Yes, and some women untied, vulgar, real шмары. They immediately instilled in me disgust.

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