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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, please, " begged quite helpless man, feeling that I was not very strong desire.

"Don't get loose, damn it!" Thought sadly I, looking around, hoping to find Alena and to summon her to this type behind, finally, but its like the evil was nowhere to be seen.

-Well, what? Let us go? — Sounded annoying gloss over the ear.

"Okay, " I broke.

The four of us went inside, and right from the balcony in some dark and empty room, apparently, a lecture hall, complete with tables and chairs, sat at the window, the sky, through the незашторенные glass poured silver moonlight.

On the window sill of a bottle, заткнутая a folded piece of newspaper. Inside was splashing in a turbid, whitish moonshine. One of the women somewhere in the darkness with причмокиванием took out newspaper bundle, in which lay the slices of bread and bacon cut into pieces, two glasses, rubbed them the hem of the dress, дунув inside, and said:

-Well, open up!

All were silent, waiting for the glasses are filled swill, and I suddenly with a sense of disgust felt like an alcoholic, with shaking hands, and parched throat, greedy глотающим saliva at the sight poured a potion. An alcoholic among alcoholics.

The man took his glass, I have filed another. He volley knocked over two hundred, закряхтел, his eyes tightly closed so that the tears began to fall from his eyes, lifted it to his nose piece of bread, much to catch a breath of bread of the spirit, and then ate a slice adding fat.

I expected it to be some toast, but realized that was wrong. Moonshine exuded a terrible odor, which had disappeared and that drop the desire to drink, which was still. But three pairs of closely watching eye priperli me against the wall. Sipping her breath, I felt like it was stuck in my throat. It was really swipes, a пивать have ever had. The strange taste of the caused nausea.

-Well, what are you? Asked dranked man.

"I dunno, " I said, trying to vomit.

Haven't drank eh? — Asked one of the women that was ponaglee Yes понапористей

I silently put the glass.

-Never at a loss? Said the other.

-Well, okay, then at least sit — finished man.

He knocked over another glass, and brazen quiet, примостившаяся under sideways spoke again:

-Where'd you come from? I you had not seen it?

-I of Василихи.

-Yes, and there's no such.

-Yes I went to a fortune to stay.

-For a long time? "Said the man.

"Yes, very quickly.

-A vacation? Guessed the man.


And I've also on vacation. But I houses, — he slapped me панибратски on the shoulder, she bent — I, my brother, a couple of days, because the military. Major I. Me for a long time to come because as Rodney much, and vacation — time and havent!

And this is your wife? — I nodded at the woman sitting next to him, asked almost in a whisper.

-No-o, I, brother, unmarried, divorced.

He poured himself another glass to me and asked:

-Well, on the latter?

"No, I don't want to. I'm sick of your moonshine — I wondered why women do not drink, perhaps afraid that not enough men, and I asked. — Why are you arguing?

They only хмыкнули in response, and again I wished that he was in this strange campaign. The bottle was empty, and, having said goodbye, I first came in the door, a wrap-around balcony above the dance room.

Alena was nowhere to be seen. And hardly could find her now among the hurly-burly of fermentation and darkness, озаряемой colorful flashes, between those groups jerked down there.

Пошатавшись the hall, downstairs, I decided to go back in Василиху. After a drink of moonshine I felt sick, and now no what not been the case, as only lie down somewhere and скрючиться from the approaching times of spasm in the stomach, and I was relieved to think only about what is good, what is not drunk.

However, just at the thought will have to go back through the deaf thickets of the forest at night and a few hours of travel through the night cold, that has already become noticeable, not done for myself and I was ready to sleep anywhere wait until dawn and heat.

Having left the building, I went round to the club around looking for an open window, but found nothing suitable.

The club was surrounded by overgrown garden, rushed to the walls. Many Windows, especially on the back wall were boarded up rough boards, between which gaped black gaps cracks, and I at first sight it was clear that there be stored some dusty and dirty, messy stuff, not demanded from the culture of the local people.

Bypassing the building in the back, where a thick quinoa solid carpet rose almost to the waist, I about something hurt stammered, feeling that I am flying forward through something big, like a large stone or boulder, and was in time to see how clamber into росистые grass. Standing up, I started looking for, pushing the hands quinoa, your culprit fall.

Not making two steps, I came across something dark and did not sound like a trivial stone, and, bending over him quite low, frightened because not once, but considered the phantom silver light of the moon stone face of Lenin. Leader of the people lay on his back, forgotten and abandoned know, with what were the times, hiding on the outskirts of grass and half lost in the earth, holding in one hand a bronze newspaper. Lay there with a strange expression on his face looked at the silent heaven, starry dome stretches over засыпающей earth.

Bent closer to the face of the leader, I was surprised to find that bronze eyes of the statue are the weak, buttery mirror gleam inherent in the eyes of a living person. I thought it was creepy obsession, напомнившим about recent events on the verge of reality, space and time. Recoiling, I and with rapid steps walked away, leaving attempts to find a refuge for the night in this building, and even not daring to look back, to not get hit. Now nothing could make me stay here even for a moment. Sense of security had not come to me, but now my intuition was telling me that I was lurking danger, and that it was not known where to wait for her arrival, self-discipline in my mind was swinging on the edge of кручины, which was easy to hit, falling into a stunning panic.

In a few minutes I found myself on the outskirts of the village. I wanted to throw myself away, but I restrained myself argument that the danger included in me fear, apprehension, can not only go on the heels, to overtake, but be ahead, somewhere in the dark thickets of the forest, through which I had to pass ahead of me on his black wings, taking advantage of the Kingdom of darkness, which came into its own.

I tried to return, to find and pick up to Par, but not having enough spirit to do this, every way overpower the weak припугнутый instinct of self-preservation, the voice of conscience, and went, went forward, away deeper into the abyss of darkness.

The last lights still some time мелькавшие disappeared behind, and around there was only a virgin, the primordial darkness of the night, slightly dispersed Moon hanging in the sky. My feelings were exacerbated to the limit, catching and repeatedly, to fright increasing every rustle and sound, раздававшийся around. The memory came the shining eyes of statues, and imagination suddenly played a joke on me, vividly imagining how they are stronger flashing green lights bronze mouth stretched in a smile, statue stands up and begins to overtake me, and I run from it, and nobody sees this terrible chase.

When I presented all these to the how behind I heard strange sounds coming, very similar to those which could arise in the rapid run very heavy man, and not man at all...

"That's it! In horror, I thought, and heart thudded. — Could it possibly be? And why not. It was already..."

I turned. The road behind was dark, but the sound is not disappeared and became closer and more clearly. So it was not possible to doubt in his reality. Someone caught up with me, and thought that the earth is trembling with each blow.

"Nonsense!" — I tried to reason with this consciousness, however, the heart металось in feverish dancing like a Sparrow, rushing out of the trough to freedom.

Happened that I took to their heels. However, the sound became stronger and closer, and the outcome was close.

Blows were very close when suddenly through a veil of fear, I got it: it was a motorcycle. However, poorly running engine made a strange sound. I stopped short, and turned around again, only now noticing barely glowing Faro, and in order to disperse their mad horror, whether to the motorcyclist heard me, yelled bad voice.

As if frightened by my cry, motorcycle immediately stalled and, patting the tires in the sudden обвалившейся, deaf silence, подкатился to me. In the darkness it was impossible to distinguish his rider, but I spoke immediately:

-To Василихи not подбросишь?

-Sit down.

The engine roared after two unsuccessful attempts, and it seemed to me that we have woken up the whole Universe. Тарахтелка began to move, and in the ears зашумел wind. Jumping on uneven roads, ducking into ravines and flying through the mounds, she went forward, slicing through the oily dark, and had no idea how you should go on a road, and with a furious seemed to speed without seeing anything ahead. Gradually my fears, aggravated by each diving in ухабу and descent-take off the буеракам turned into a state where only have to trust in fate and the driver in the hope that he would ride in the forest and did not fit into the tree.

I clutched fingers in the jacket motorcycle, and only felt as a counter cold wind blows on my face, Yes chilling cold hands.

Suddenly the engine зачихал, then stalled, and we stopped.

-What happened? — We got off the motorcycle.

-Something with the engine.

Pain in the abdomen, seemed to be forever gone, suddenly returned sharp handicapped by a spasm, and not waiting, I fell to the ground.

"What is it? "The driver asked.

I don't know, my stomach started churning.

-Get up can you? He started the engine.

I скрючило, and trying to be straightened , I moaned from the piercing pain.

-Well, I will go for help.

I don't have time to answer as motorcycle started across the floor, and in a few moments he бумкающий sound verse somewhere in the dark. I was alone and unable scarcely breathe, laying on the side of the road, on the cold ground.

Whether I dozed off, but it seemed to me that the pain is gone, and you could even stand up from straightening. Wandered somewhere without seeing the road, I went into the undergrowth, rapidly long way, getting tangled in the branches and bushes, crisp knots.

Front lights flashed fire, and I was glad that accidentally stumbled upon a tourists, who made their camp in the forest, but going into the clearing, was surprised: no fire no. Just a strange light flashing lights up the district standing trees and across the meadow dance not a shadow, not the people in rags, with long, bony hands and hooked his fingers. Any sound accompanied this event, but was felt in the movements of the dancers wild, uneven rhythm.

In the centre of the glade something was getting dark, and coming in there, I found that it was a low round the well, looked and felt lose balance and fall into its abyss.

I flew for a long time, but did not even hurt by falling on his rocky bottom, and immediately rose up, and went through the dark vaulted corridors and stairs, lit коптящими torches, looking around, when left and right, displayed a leading somewhere up the stairs. Something told me that it is necessary to go forward with nowhere to turn. Behind me moved some shade, but it was completely't care who it is.

The corridor was getting darker, and on one of the corners, where both sides descended the stairs, a voice was heard: "Beware of the spirit of a warrior with a sword, he guards the grotto!"

Barely stopped these words as a back, began a movement. I turned around and saw that the back is spinning a spinning top, and when it stops, you will see a man in a cloak and a mask with a sword in his hand, sparkling in the reflections of the torches. Shadows watched me, retreated back. Some of them began to fall on a cobblestone floor of the dungeon, and a spinning all around and spinning rapidly plunging into their mass.

I continued on, down to where it became quite dark, and where to meet moved thousands emerged from the darkness of lights. They no end in sight, but cutting edge closer, and it became apparent that some animals.

"The rat" — for some reason, I thought, but it was huge black beetles, solid avalanche moving towards me. There were millions of them, and gnashing their feet on булыжному the floor turned into a monotonous drone. I went against their movement and marveled at their huge size. Backless Zhukov reached a height of my knees. Beetles came on my feet tickled them with his mustache, and was not visible edges of their hordes.

Suddenly ahead dungeon раздвоилось on two corridors, of which went on insects, together in one thread, and I, at the junction, there was a door through which I entered.

Huge and dark room, the ceiling of which were lost in the darkness, stood before my eyes. At the far end of its walls, lit by torches, ascended the throne, he was sitting on someone, and I realized that I was waiting for, and it is to him I must go.

Approached, I saw on the throne something terrible and beyond description, and at a long table at the foot of his whether animals, or people, with champing chewing something. There was something rose up from the throne, and now there was something familiar. It was like, but at the same time, and not like the gentleman in a hat with a red moustaches and a piercing gazes from under the counter. Animals at the table turned to me with his face and snouts, having become such people.

-I waited for you, " came from all sides voice. "You came.

Nothing I could answer, and left me speechless.

I am happy that you came. My will has prevailed over you, " continued the voice speak from all sides . — You're in my realm, and you are mine now.

"No!" — I wanted to reply to me, but I was deprived of the vote.

"I see that you oppose? — Speaking as if reading my thoughts. "But nothing, you're not going. Sit at the table and eat.

The people behind the Desk smiled and their animal grins frightened me. It seemed to me that only come nearer to them, as they pounce on me and devour, not choking.

"I will not sit down! I want to leave!" — I wanted to shout at me.

"Sit down! This is I, and there is no one here who would have been stronger and stronger than me, and who could argue with me.

"No, no! I want to leave!" — I was not planning.

-Look! — The one who towered over the throne, made a movement, and one of the walls of the hall opened up to the mining him a red glow.

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